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originally posted by: VeeTNA
a reply to: cognizant420
it's not possible for a president to be held in contempt of Congress
It's "obstruction of Congress" - as in, not complying with reasonable and legal requests
This is a lie.
If what you said was true, then having illegals enter the country would be a boon to local and state economies.
they are a drain on local and state economies and are putting the burden on legal citizens who have to shell out even more in taxes.
originally posted by: merka
Oh I like how you instantly assume I am "left" and got "my" frontrunner when I'm neither democrat or republican or have any stake whatsoever in the American election - I just find it hilarious to watch the cults of a two party system.
But yes, in theory EVERY President could be impeached. Thats whats in the constitution, thats what the senate has been empowered with.
Or are you implying there is a President that should be immune?
I dont doubt that he'll win the next election either. There's no democrat choice that come anywhere near his showmanship that so amuses the American masses. Well, assuming the impeachment doesnt stick.
originally posted by: musicismagic
I don't live in the States, so I don't have a first hand feel that is what really is going on. Silently, many leaders of their countries are saying this mother fker really has the balls to tell the general public what is really happening and yet the media is slamming him for the truth and even this is overseas.
originally posted by: bastion
The upcoming Middle East 'Peace' plan is reason to throw him out of office if Israeli media, Trumps comments and leaks are to be believed.
It's meant to be a 'take it or leave it' offer where Israel gets complete takeover and permanent control of Palestinian territories and illegal Israeli settlements with Palestinians given a minor say and human rights in some areas but under tight Israeli-US controls. The concentration camp style approach of denying Palestinians most human rights and protections will be further increased with the majority of the people losing their lands, houses and livelyhoods.
Kushner is a complete psychopathic moron with no knowledge or human rights, international law, geo politics if true and would be committing major crimes against humanity if the plan is true.
originally posted by: JoseGarcia
a reply to: dfnj2015
WRONG. His opponents are the ones trashing the Constitution. They have little to no respect for law nor the Constitution, nor our foundational values nor the survival of the USA.
A huge % of them are horrifically arrogant corruptocrats drunk on their power-mongering, greed, pride, smugness, rebellion, treason etc.
Mercifully, God engineered Trump to sabotage that deadly plan from hell.
This is a war of SURVIVAL and Trump is our only human hope--indeed--the only human hope for the whole planet to give us a years long intermission in that shove down the greased chute to globalist oligarchy hell.
Anyone failing to support POTUS TRUMP & his patriotic honorable, honest, compassionate, responsible, efforts will be shown to have been working or at least aiding the worst evils to afflict the planet in recorded history.
I suggest you do better research with a more fair-minded approach.
With the hope of calming him down, then–chief of staff Reince Priebus and then–press secretary Sean Spicer began a subtle campaign. “It got to the point that they were just like, ‘We need to get him off these channels and onto Fox & Friends or else we’re going to be chasing down this crazy-train bull# from MSNBC and CNN all day,’ ” one former White House official said.Like all other ideas, this had the highest chance of implementation if Trump believed he’d thought of it on his own. Priebus and Spicer worked talking points about the network’s high ratings and importance to his base of supporters into conversation until, eventually, it stuck, so that the president’s television consumption is today what the current White House official called “mainly a complete dosage of Fox.” The former official added, “Trump’s someone who loves praise more than he likes hate-watching Morning Joe.”
originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: UKTruth
I'm from the UK and don't support the US democrats. It's not a peace talk or negotion it's an ultimatum where Palestinians are given the choice of being denied human rights an Israel taking the majority of Palestinian land or complete destruction of Palestine. It's been written by Kushner who was only put in the position because he's related to Trump and has no experience or knowledge whatsoeverof basic international law, human rights, diplomacy and the alleged plan is the biggest threat to world peace in decades.
I thought despotism was against the US constitution? Breaking international law, human rights and emulating early Nazi Party treatment of Jews via criminal incompetence and ignorance is more grounds for impeachment than the current bull# that's going on in my books.
When he hugs his daughter, he's accused by utterly insane idiots of having sex with her, FFS
I find it baffling that youi would include such BS in a thread about reasons why the President should be removed from office.
President Donald Trump's decision to kill Iran's top general was primarily about optics and looking tough to his base, even at the expense of placing US troops and interests in danger, experts and former officials believe.
"He strikes me as someone who makes decisions based entirely on how he thinks something is going to look to his base on a 12-hour news cycle, if not less," Hussein Ibish, a senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, told Insider.
"This operation wasn't a strategic or even a tactical maneuver; it was in large part a political act disguised as a military operation," Ned Price, a former National Security Council official under the Obama administration, told Insider.
President Donald Trump is obsessed with hunting down big name terrorist targets for "immediate gratification" and tends to ignore "substance, impact, and consequences," Douglas London, a former senior CIA counterterrorism officer, wrote in Just Security.
During Trump's presidency, a number of high-profile terrorist targets like Hamza bin Laden, the son of Osama bin Laden; Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS; and Qassem Soleimani, Iran's most powerful military officer, have been killed.
London wrote that Trump opted to eliminate some of those targets even though US intelligence showed other individuals posed "greater dangers" in an attempt to grab headlines.
"President Donald Trump likes big names," former CIA officer Douglas London, who served in the agency for decades, wrote Wednesday in an op-ed for Just Security. "It's this focus on celebrity, headlines, and immediate gratification — versus substance, impact, and consequences — that so often motivates him."
"As a senior CIA counterterrorist manager, my team and I often struggled in persuading the president to recognize the most important threats," added London, who retired in late 2018 as a senior CIA operations officer after 34 years in the CIA's clandestine service.
"Trump's obsession in focusing resources against Osama bin Laden's son Hamza is one example of the president's preference for a 'celebrity' targeted killing versus prioritizing options that could prove better for US security," London wrote.
Trump announced that the US killed Hamza bin Laden last September, saying that "the loss of Hamza bin Laden not only deprives al-Qa'ida of important leadership skills and the symbolic connection to his father, but undermines important operational activities of the group."
London downplayed Hamza's significance compared to Ayman Zawahiri, who succeeded Osama bin Laden, or his lieutenants. The president, he explained, opted to go after Hamza despite intelligence indicating that other targets posed "greater dangers."
"He was dismissive of our prioritization," London said, adding that Trump "regularly demanded updates on Hamza and insisted we accelerate our efforts to go after him."
London revealed that Trump was obsessed with removing the ISIS leader and had shown less interest in operations targeting other leaders, no matter how dangerous those other individuals were.
The president, formerly a real estate mogul and boisterous television celebrity, has a penchant for treating sensitive military operations like televised events.
Shortly after reports surfaced that an operation targeting al-Baghdadi had been carried out, Trump tweeted, "Something very big has just happened!"
London argued that Soleimani's killing "appears to have been more about Trump, and the potential for headlines, rather than the intelligence."
originally posted by: UKTruth
originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: UKTruth
I'm from the UK and don't support the US democrats. It's not a peace talk or negotion it's an ultimatum where Palestinians are given the choice of being denied human rights an Israel taking the majority of Palestinian land or complete destruction of Palestine. It's been written by Kushner who was only put in the position because he's related to Trump and has no experience or knowledge whatsoeverof basic international law, human rights, diplomacy and the alleged plan is the biggest threat to world peace in decades.
I thought despotism was against the US constitution? Breaking international law, human rights and emulating early Nazi Party treatment of Jews via criminal incompetence and ignorance is more grounds for impeachment than the current bull# that's going on in my books.
Palestine gave up their rights when they became terrorist run lands , fully supported by the people there.
I guess the Israel / Palestine decades long conflict and stand off in your mind might be Trump's fault and reason to remove him, but not in any sane persons mind.
As for the rest of your dramatic predictions - I guess you;'ve been taking lessons from Schiff.
he video of Michelle Obama denigrating the U.S. Flag was disgusting to me