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Our Suns Binary and Spiritual Second Sun (Coverup)

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posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: fluff007
Augustus are you sirius? Do you really need to be told how to 'research' something?

You can't research something that doesn't exist.

If you can't add anything to this thread then you know where to go. So far nothing has happened apart from facetious, condescending replies and constant derailment from certain posters.

You don't like my replies? Report them. Otherwise suck it up.

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Going to bring you up to date with the Dog stuff in Kemet from my perspective because you seem to have a very different view. You say there is nothing in common with the Mayan and Kemet culutures. I think that is not the case and can simply be demonstrated with the sun disc image they both share.

Now back to Anubis and

Here is our friend xolotl

Xolotl ("The Animal, The Dog") is the god of fire and lighting, the underworld, sickness and deformities. He guarded the sun when it went through the underworld at night

Here is our friend Anubis (aka Anpu or Inpu)

Anubis - God of the dead and ruler of the underworld. Anubis is a God of the dead and ruler of the underworld. Anubis is normally seen as a jackal or dog or in jackal-headed human form. He is normally depicted in blac

Both these cultures depict a Dog god that carries our souls to the underworld. In mine and others opinions these are both representative of Sirius B

Now I highly doubt that the Anubis God was actually a jacekel. Have you seen the Egyptian jackel.

Here it is. Does it look anything like Anubis. How did peeps come to this conclusion?

Now here is where is gets in interesting. In Mexico and the surrounds there is a hairless dog called a Xoloitzcuintli. This dog looks far more like the Anubis.

There is more too it than that too.
This dog is held in high esteem because as legend has it. This is the dog that can help you cross the river to the dead.

Whilst we are on the subject I would like to mention the Sphinx. We are both aware the Kemets were excellent at sculpture. Do you really think the biggest sculpture in the world was made on purpose with a pimple sized head. There is plenty of evidence that the head was recarved and the entire body was in water. Why else is the biggest temple in the world in a pit! It was not a pit it was a moat with water around it.

Have you come across jackel island on your AE study of should I say Anubis Island.


posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Lol someone is feeling sore are they not. This thread is trying to understand the grit of the symbolism not the watered down masonic version you and others have been brainwashed to share. Honestly your having rings rung around you in this thread.

Trying to denounce the work of Pike for your own benefits here is in my opinion ludicrous. The man had a mountain of knowledge to share. Tell me have you even read any of his books or our your opinions of him based on your imagination.?

oops did it again. blazing star of sirius..

Please if there are any informed masons on here please come and comment.


posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

You can't research something that doesn't exist.

Bold dude, bold...

Please prove to me this doesn't exist. Go right ahead I'll wait...

I don't like or dislike your replies. You're entitled to your opinion. However I think they're incredibly useless and I know what you're doing. Not interested in reporting you Aug the more you refute the better, means the binary theory gets stronger.

Keep going dude. I got a lifetime!

These peoples and their culture are talking rubbish then are they? You know more about it then they do, do you?

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: freebornman
Ita reply to: purplemer This, this subject, this puzzle, I think is why we are here, and our purpose is to comprehend it's nature, and act accordinly with our GOD-given concience. Did you see the pyramid? 13 courses of masonry and the eye capstone? With the star-map on it too? Little by little, stone by stone, etc.
I'm sure it said 15000 or so new articles since last login, Great job of a Great thread, like the mafia guy said, I tried to get out, but they pulled me back in.

Hello back I agree. I think there is a puzzle here to work out and ignoring the Mainstream narrative the peieces are beginning to fall into place and thank you very much I am enjoying looking into this subject very much. :-)

I have seen that pryamid before I had completly forgotton about it. 27cm eh. Very much reminds me of the 72 degrees mentioned earlier.

For those that dont know. This pryamid maybe about 15k years old. It has script on the bottom that is a pre sanskrit language which is believed to mean:

The Sun of the Creator Comes. Adds a small amount of credence to this thread possibly and it also has a constallation marked on it. The constellation of Orion.

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: purplemer

From Vedic culture... There is much much more to be found there. I think we may need to live a few lifetimes to sift the vast amount of info there is on the Sirius Star System...

Intriguing as the Vedas also describe Rudra (Sirius) as the stormy one / bringer of rain / rain star etc. The celestial movement of the star was used to mark or predict events on Earth... Same as the Kemets saw Sirius too.

The story of star Sirius
The oldest book of the Vedas

There is an interesting story in aiterya brahmna tha has much astronomical symbolism

One of the first major Gods of creation is Prajapati, is also the constellation Orion. prajapati brahma felt love towards his own creation daughter rohini some say the dawn, having become a stag he approched her in the form of doe. The Gods saw him a deed unknown prajapati now does, they saought someone to punish him, they could not find anyone among them to do this, .They enlisted the God of storms and thunder, so they brought their most terrible forms together in one being To him (Rudra) the gods said the prajapti has done a deed unknown so pierce him”.


In maha bharatha , Sirius is sometimes known as the God Dharma takes the formof Svana, the dog of Prince Yudhistira. The prince and his four brothers, along with Svana, set out on a long and arduous journey to find the kingdom of heaven. However, one by one the brothers all abandoned the search until only Yudhistira and Svana were left. At long last they came to the gates of heaven. The gatekeeper, Lord Indra, welcomed the prince but denied Svana entrance. Yudhistira was aghast and told Lord Indra that he could not forsake his good and faithful servant and friend. His brothers, Yudhistira told the Lord, had abandoned the journey to heaven to follow their hearts’ desires. But Svana, who had given his heart freely, chose to follow none but Yudhistira. The prince told the Lord that without his dog, he would forsake even heaven. This is what Lord Indra had wanted to hear, and then he welcomed both the prince and the dog through the gates of heaven.

Rudra is a very old God first mentioned in the Vedic scriptures and many believe that Lord Shiva developped out of Rudra and is a somewhat “tamer” form of this wild force of nature. At the end of a cycle God plays the role of Rudra, when He descends into creation to replace the old world with a new one.

Also here's another interesting link...

The celebrated Kant thought that Sirius was the central sun of the Milky Way; and, eighteen centuries before him, the poet Manilius said that it was "a distant sun to illuminate remote bodies," showing that even at that early day some had knowledge of the true character and office of the stars.

edit on 19-1-2020 by fluff007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: Byrd

ou're aware that scholars disagree with your interpretaion? And that the hieroglyphs on the wall dispute your version? This site has a full catalog of the Dendera ceiling

Yes and your interpration of the Dendera calander appears to me to incorrect. The PLeides is at the centre of the calander because this is the sun (sol/soul) that Sirius goes around with the Dog next to it. (That represents our two central suns.)

Have you got any explanation as to why these two are central to the calendar.

Because all this makes sense if you look at the mythology. If you look at this stuff and are really intresting I suggest you understand the stars and constallations that these represent. When you do it tells a very intreseting story and one that lines up with the narrative of this thread.

I mean surely you can see a possible connection between Osirus and Orion. There is plenty of evidence for that its the same for the bull and taurus too.

Now the seven stars that are going around that bull and the bulls missing leg tell astro theological story too and it makes sense when you look at the skies. The pleaides is the star ser that has moved up the bull in time and is no longer at the leg. Hence the 'leg of the bull'

and here below I shared this image. I noted the 23 degree tilt of the Djed representing the stabilising of the earth by ISIS and her sister. (with a little help from Saturn)
You where correct to point to Set at the bottom of the image but offered no explanation to what it might mean. Set from my perspective is rerpesentive of the planet Saturn and Amen so you know jupiter.

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: fluff007

Thank you for comment. Yes the Vedics and the Kemets share the same stories and ancestory. Pattini was representive of Sirius.

“She created an ambrosia pond,
Wetted the [veil] with its water,
Placed a hand on Palanga’s head,
And told him to get up. As if lying in a bed,
Deep in cool sleep, By the influence of Pattini,
The Prince rose joyous.”

Here she is

Of further note is the circle in here hand.

The Egyptian Goddess Isis, Found in India

The revealing of the goddess Isis in Indian culture is the combined work of several eminent scholars. Initially it was the identification of Pattini as a veiled goddess, the only one in Hindu mythology, that led scholars such as Dr Richard Fynes to hypothesize a Near Eastern connection. Actually Isis was not veiled throughout most of her history but she was when her cult was transferred to India.

The late Professor Kamil Zvelebil also revealed much about the maritime trade between the ancient Near East and South India. My research for Isis, Goddess of Egypt & India , further exposed the similarities between the classical mystery cult and the mythology of the Buddhist/Jaina goddess Pattini.

Happy days :-)

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

oops did it again :-)

It is well known and profoundly explicated by great authors, that aside from being the one Initiatic Order that has endured and survived until the present time, Freemasonry is the purest inheritor of the Metaphysics and Symbology of the Hermetic Tradidtion.

So where does that leave us.. Just here!

There is a persistent belief in alchemaic and hermetic tradition in the existence of two suns: a hidden one of pure "philosophical gold," consisting of the essential Fire conjoined with aether, and the apparent one of profane "material gold." The "dark, consuming fire" of the material sun leads it to be called the "Dark" or "Black Sun."According to the Book of the Holy Trinity, after Adam's fall, tainted by Original Sin, man is made "from the black sun's fire."

This is interesting stuff would you not agree. Worth a thread in its own accord even.


posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

Have you seen the Nazi black sun. Used by SS in the war.

Known as the Obergruppenführersaal in German, or the Hall of Supreme Generals in English, this room on the ground floor of the North tower was designed with 12 pillars arranged in a circle like Stonehenge in England. It was designed to be used as a ceremonial hall for the top 12 generals in the Schutzstaffel or SS, the elite army of Germany in World War II.

The word SS had more than one meaning. The black sun (German: Schwarze Sonne) It is of note that the Nazi code name for the H bomb project was Sirius.

The image above is very similar to the image found on the floor of the hoover dam. If you have not looked check out the esoteric (isateric) imaginary there.

(the star of the dead)

and the fallen angels

and btw the hoover dam has a black dog buried on site.

All just coincidence though.

Happy days :-)

edit on 19-1-2020 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: Grenade

originally posted by: freebornman
I think when you get Phage and Aug. Mas. trying to refute you, it means you really are on to something.

I find that unfair. I've been on this board a long time and always found Phage to be a very well informed member who always backs his opinions with research and references.

That's not to say i always agree with him but he certainly doesn't exhibit some kind of ulterior motive or agenda, he is consistent with his opinions which is refreshing.

AugustusMasonicus seems a little less diplomatic but again seems a very well informed poster.

I hate the way this forum seems to degenerate into arguments on every thread, we need to show each other a little more respect, it's supposed to be a discussion community.

I'm divided on this particular subject, there does appear to be ancient astronomical significance attributed to Sirius, throw that in with theology, secret societies and mythology and you have one hell of a thread. We should enjoy it while we can, ATS has essentially become predominantly a political mud-pit and threads of this nature should be cherished.

Were as Phage USED to be like that. NOW he defends false data for the climate from the Liars who have been caught red handed and they had sued the Scientist (they lost) who proved the IPCC FUDGED THE DATA. No more is that one WORTHY of our adoration IMO! Further will not acknowledge the IPCC members who say the UN lied and said they had agreed to the consensus when they absolutely did not!

That is why we have no respect for that one ANYMORE. Doesn't matter who sends the data, that one want accept the facts. That ones MO is to belittle people with his false facts. And make use of the past glory of accuracy and honesty.
edit on 19-1-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

You make some good points here. The rift with Augustus here seems to be about how that history was implemented in the Freemason temples today

Freemasonary today is very different to how it was a hundred years ago or so. The same can be said for science and history too. Today information is kept behind what I call a information wall. It is sanitised and checked. It has to maintain a particular narrative.

This is done in my opinion. to keep the truth from us.

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: freebornman

This, this subject, this puzzle, I think is why we are here, and our purpose is to comprehend it's nature, and act accordinly with our GOD-given concience.

To me this is of the greatest importance. I beleive our history about who we are is being kept hidden from us. If you do not know who you really are and where you came from you do not know how to act correctly.
I think the most of us are kept in the dark for this very reason and its really up to us to wake up because no one else is going to do if for us.

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Why is Set portrayed as a bull ? Horus is defeating his objective self ! Thus obtaining the Sun Gate ?

What does this mean?

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
Lol someone is feeling sore are they not.

Sore? Your thread is one ignorant comment after another. That's not cause for soreness, it's cause for pity.

Not my fault you don't understand Masonry, hell, you can't even spell it correctly.

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: fluff007
Please prove to me this doesn't exist.

How do you prove a negative? It's the Original Poster's job, and yours if you want to pick up that gauntlet as well, to prove that the sun is in a binary orbit with Sirius.

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
oops did it again :-)

Not sure what you did other than post another link that doesn't mention Sirius in regards Masonry.

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

But what are ‘facts’, really? Aren’t facts just a collection of information that we choose to believe as true? Think about all the facts that you accept as truth that you have never physically verified for yourself. We’ve been taught about ‘outer space’, ‘planets’, ‘the universe’, etc…but have you ever been to another planet or verified any of this for yourself? I haven’t.

So it seems to me that much of what we accept as ‘fact’ is based more on trust than on actual evidence. And who have we entrusted to depart these facts to the masses? Authority figures---governments, religions, science, educational institutions. It’s mainly secondhand knowledge handed down to us by those we’ve invested our trust. Therefore, ‘facts’ appear to be subjective.

Theoretical Physisist, James Gates has discovered binary code ‘writ into the fabric of the cosmos’. Actual computer code (0s, 1s, 2s). If this is true, it means that anyone with access to the script can edit it to change the scenery (reality). Just like a webpage or video game. The question is, ‘who is the programmer?’ I believe we are. This realm of reality is made up of sentient particles of consciousness that are programmed to take commands from our own consciousness. We use code (geometric wave patterns) to interface with each other.

This is going to be a pretty simplistic explanation for my elementary understanding of this reality. I see ‘consciousness’ as a light projector (similar to a movie theater). Linear time is the reel of film…so our consciousness ‘moves through time’ by projecting light on the sequence of scenes to create a moving picture. But here’s the thing—most of us can only shed enough light to visualize that one reel of film but if you can expand your perception, you’ll find that there are infinite more reels running parallel to that one you’ve been focused on. If you want to know how many other ‘reels’ you have access to, all you have to realize is that you are only limited by your own imagination. Whatever you can imagine, you can create in a parallel timeline. You can envision something you want to experience in your future reality and that creates a ‘placeholder’ and then you jump through various parallel timelines(movie reels) to get there by trusting and following your own intuition. But since most people can’t conceive this idea, we don’t believe it. We only believe in the facts that are provided to us. And those ‘facts’ have made most excessively closed minded. When the facts don’t change, reality doesn’t change and we remain stuck in a timeloop of just one or a few reels (timelines) that play over and over, again.

Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
He was right. Imagination will lead us to places that facts never ever will.

You and I both know that the authority figures on this planet have lied to us and continue to lie. The question is how much have they lied and what have they lied about? IMO, it’s time to take back the trust that we have misplaced in them and reinvest it into ourselves. It’s time to stand up and reclaim our true power over this place

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: purplemer
Indeed. Remember these are the same people who tell us the pyramids are tombs.

posted on Jan, 19 2020 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

That is a lot to digest.

TO answer that question about authority figures, I have reason to believe nothing and anything from them.

Nothing that the lies helped and anything at all to stay in power.

I can only hope it was for something otherworldly or this doesn't speak well for the human mentality many believe we are to be exhibiting.

It does seem the time is here to reclaim these things as you say. I can see some of it is real so far. A lot on the table of not solved for me. Truly caring for those we interact with is our best bet for true powers. Hating and hurting just for spite are not our true powers.

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