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We are not from this planet, possibly from Mars&Nibiru???

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posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 04:49 PM
As for the gravity, it has been shown that human feet, ankles, and buttocks were developed to help us to run. Our ankles and feet are springy and out butts are big (bigger than apes) to counterbalance our strides. This is all so that we can run while hunting and being hunted.

We would not have developed this way if we were designed under different gravity levels.

Combine this with the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever that we are extraterrestrials and I think this theory and others like it can be considered "case closed." No need for all of the other good arguments on this thread.


posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 01:57 PM
Well, this is how it hapens, with gravity influenceon living organs, bones and sceleton. All astronauts have this great problem when in zero gravity their bones goes into week state without solid and firm structure, we living on earth are like football players under constant working out, and training with additional heavy lifts, this is why our heart is so constantly going week, but in the other hand it is in even weaker condition without training, again why, proof V or VI, another one, our heart goes very week after lying in the bed for some time, especialy after bones breaking (again problems with bones).
There are dozens of risk factors for heart disease. Those cited most often by medical orthodoxy include high blood cholesterol, smoking, lack of exercise, stress and overweight.
When we analise this short list, here is what is predominant: overweight, hmm it reminds me of gravity, then lack of exercise, where organism goes back to preprogramed values. If these values are for the gravity half of ours, then it provoke heart disease because every weight is overweight.
Back to astronauts, what is hapenning to the bones in less gravity, they lose calcium, so there is no proof enough how we can walk and run, but about acceleration of gravity which is bigger then we can stand. It is not always bone breaking, but other kind of injuries, too. All these is proof how we are mainly from Mars, and no kidding.

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 10:37 PM
Just to add this link:
My short story Nibiru wars

Everything is a little more clear written here in the short story, this in the story are not real characters and any similarity to real events and characters is purely coincidental. However some of the names and planets mentioned are real, and especialy some of the characteristics of the civilizations and their behavior is related to some realy existing in the future and in the past, too. I do hope this story will connect some things written here in last couple of months.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:16 AM
I was intrigued by the Earth has 24hr and Mars has 25hr days, and our bodies are apparently 'tuned' to the 25hr cycle. I had never heard of this and found some things which may help contribute.

We have found an empirical law for the variation of the length of the day with geologic time. The predication of law has been found to be in agreement with the hitherto known data. This law requires the age of the Universe to be $11\times 10^9$ year old. The day increases at a present rate of 0.002 sec/century. The length of the day is found to be 6 hours when the earth formed.Link
so apparently it can be calculated (the math is beyond me).

Also as I have learned MANY factors contribute to the length of a day, including weather, tides, etc....

the Moon:

The derived mean rate of lunar retreat of 2.16 cm/year since 620 Ma averts a close approach of the Moon at least since 3 Ga and a lower rate of retreat seems likely during the Proterozoic Link

Means, as I understand it, the moon moves farther and farther away from Earth, our spin is affected and thus the length of day is changed.

So to assume we are not in 'rhythm' with the Earth. IMO, is assuming many things not clearly evident...How can we know when and under what circumstaces these 'rhythms' were set?

Or in other words, couldn't we have been in rhythm with the Earth, and the Earth day has simply changed.

The fact that an Earth day is about 24hr and a Mars day is about 24.7hr isn't all that big a difference considering the length of day changes continually.....statistically wouldn't they be virtually identical?

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 05:19 PM
very interesting data you found, and here is even more proof for not being from Earth. You said Earth's day is going to become longer in the future, so we will be tuned to Earth in that far future, but we exactly are tuned onto Martian day, and if it is 25 hours, more logical that we WERE tuned to Mars day from the past. More logical then to assume we were tuned to some 6 hours, or 12 and half hours day. Human on Earth appeared not so long ago and it would be a little less then 24 hours day if tuned to this planet, and we simply are not. I gave more data like brain normal frequency tuned to Mars diameter in less then 1% error exactly 14 Hz is the frequency of the wave going around red planet, and this means and will and must be admitted and proved when we reach that planet.
On Earth we are tuned only if we reach Alpha frequency which is not normal brain frequency, but some going into sleep frequency. But people don't want the proof they just want to stick to what they have learned and most logical, yes most logical but a little percentage of people live in the city where their parents where born, it could easily be for the planet, too.
It would be same as we were naturaly adapted to London or Paris or Moscow, because we survive in those cities, that is no proof for we are from Earth. It is something we made. Earth could be easily something we made, and not adapted too much to.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:15 AM
Martian day isnt 25 hours.

it is 24 hours and 40 minutes.

therefore we cant come from Mars either!

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
So, let's see if the membership of ATS can debate this topic without resorting to insults. Looking forward to the outcome.

You dont sound too confident that this will happen... dont blame you though... although i believe there is a chance we could have evolved elsewhere... i think arguments like the ones in this post make theory less credible...

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 09:25 PM
I made a post on another thread, but it really is more for this one, someone made interesting question and here is the answer, wild guess in fact.
Tzunami december 2004 maybe is related to possible incoming of Nibiru, and in that case it is aligned with the sun position in december, so it has to be somewhere around sagitarius so in the centre of the galaxy, it is the line from where it is coming, in that case it is not related to Sirius system but somewhere further, in that case it is not exactly the planet but much faster object, in case it is related to this we should expect similar vibrational field in L points being february 27th, June 27th, october 27th and again in december, well object of that size should be visible within one year, and I know it is part of theory which wasn't proved by now, but who knows?

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by MankoW
I made a post on another thread, but it really is more for this one, someone made interesting question and here is the answer, wild guess in fact.
Tzunami december 2004 maybe is related to possible incoming of Nibiru, and in that case it is aligned with the sun position in december, so it has to be somewhere around sagitarius so in the centre of the galaxy, it is the line from where it is coming, in that case it is not related to Sirius system but somewhere further, in that case it is not exactly the planet but much faster object, in case it is related to this we should expect similar vibrational field in L points being february 27th, June 27th, october 27th and again in december, well object of that size should be visible within one year, and I know it is part of theory which wasn't proved by now, but who knows?

Let me introduce you to the vibrational field known as the "inverse square law." It works for magnetics, gravitational influence, light, and everything else.

It says that "the power of a magnet/light/etc two inches away from a source is FOUR times WEAKER than if it's one inch away.

So we've got like this horribly big planet, right? Say... oh... Jupiter. It's gravitational tug will keep the moons orbiting around it, and might cause a slight wobble in the other planets (Uranus) near it.

Taken from here: a table of how much pull the planets have on the Earth compared to the Moon.

Planet Gravity Pull
Mercury 0.00008
Venus 0.006
Mars 0.0002
Jupite 0.01
Saturn 0.0007
Uranus 0.00002
Neptune 0.00001
Pluto 0.0000000006

The Moon's gravitational pull is "1" just for comparison.

Now, the last time (April 6,2000) that people got into hysterics, the Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter were aligned and the gravitational pull was a whopping 1.0109 of the pull of the Moon. Far less than two Moons' worth.

Now, if someone stands next to you, their gravitational pull on you is about 100 times that of the moon.

Now... if this Alarmingly Great Planet was running amok, it'd be a constant force, right? But here you've got it bounding around, playing "peekaboo -- Disaster on YOU" and then hiding.

Now, I may not be the greatest cosmologist in the world (or even the state or even in my town), but I *do* know that planets don't just leap out of some cosmic rift and yell "BOO!!!" and then leap back into the cosmic rift. If the tsunami was caused by the Moon in the 7th house and Jupiter aligning with Mars (or whatever) then I beg to inform you that the Moon shows up in the 7th house every month and Jupiter and Mars align for at least several months.

So howcome that spot and other spots on the planet aren't going constantly hysterical... the tinfoil hat brigade?

And if the planet is coming in from "wayyy outside the solar system" and it has THAT much power, howcome it hasn't sucked up Pluto already and Charon and Sedna and so forth in its incredibly powerful (far stronger than the moon) gravitational field?

Does it have a Picky Gravity? Does it only glom onto Terran Tectonic Plates? Why does it grab tectonic plates and not, say, Subarus or Hummers? Why hasn't it set off the volcanos on the other worlds -- particularly the worlds with dormant volcanos (like Mars)?

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by MankoW
this is it:

if you carefuly watch this and normal brain wave frequency is then beta:
14 Hz guess what
Little exact numbers easy to calculate c light speed in vacuum or air
6800km as diameter of Mars
c/(d Pi)=300000/6800*3.14 = 14.04Hz

let's see this alpha state of brain
c/(d Erth Pi)=300000/12600*3.14= 7.09Hz

This is how many times light or brain wave goes around the planet, and it is similar to radio transmission, if you are on Earthbest frequency is 7Hz, if you are on Mars BEST frequency for brain is 14Hz, and what a coincidence this is normal brain activity betha state.

That is easy to conclude that on Mars we could be easily having paranormal abilities, because our brain is tuned to planet size.
Alpha state which is often realated to paranormal abilities are no wonder match for Earth planet size.

I gave more data like brain normal frequency tuned to Mars diameter in less then 1% error exactly 14 Hz is the frequency of the wave going around red planet, and this means and will and must be admitted and proved when we reach that planet.

I would like to delve a little deeper into this idea of our brainwaves being "tuned" to the planet. What exactly are you getting at here? I mean, these "frequencies" you have calculated only give us the number of times a photon would circumscribe the surface of Mars (or the Earth) in one second. Are you of the opinion that light circles these planets, and if so, circles them right along the surface? How is it that the Earth or Mars can force light or any other electromagnetic phenomenon to propagate in a manner different than the natural spherical propagation?

How is the number of times light circles a planet similar to a radiowave frequency? Yes, light can be considered a wave, but any frequency of light would circle these planets the same number of times each second. I don't see how you are making a connection between the idea of brainwaves and the idea of light circling a planet. The two things have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Let's throw out all of these questions then, for I am sure you have no non-gibberish answers for them, and lets just look at brainwaves.

I myself am absolutely certain that you are aware that the frequency of the brainwaves we call "beta" waves varies from 14Hz to 30Hz. For confirmation, click here. How convenient for your brain-dead theory that you forgot to mention this little thing. Beta waves are more properly described as 22 Hz than 14 Hz, at the very least they should be described as 22Hz +/- 8Hz.

Similarly, Alpha waves range from 8Hz to 13 Hz (uh oh! dangerously close to the martian frequency, no?)

You, sir, are a charlatan attempting to foist bogus science on a not-so-unsuspecting audience. You are welcome to any opinion you wish to hold. Please refrain from any further manufacturing of your own "evidence" and limit any future claims of "proof" to actual proof, or at least, actual evidence.


posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 05:12 PM
This is very encouraging to read you were interested in this, but not all of your making my theory week is strong evidence.
This theory of suare distance means something, and it says Gravitational force of far away planet can not move the Earth from its orbit, but can change tectonic plate movement if they are alreay to move, or quake, it can make that.
It is one drop that spills the water over the glass top.

I was pretty sure that 7 Hz and 14 Hz were those frequencies and these variations were not to common range in brain function.
I will check it on couple of sites anyway.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by MankoW
IIII - Sun radiation is far too strong for us to survive.

Well bugger me like a queer. :|

If that's the case I best go write my will, just so you all know I want "I'm going deeper underground" played, encase I die before I finish it.

Seriously - where did you think this up? Were you smoking something?

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 05:32 PM
Sun radiation really is strong, what do you think why you can't go outside during the summer days between 9 AM and 5 PM, because of the Sun radiation.
On Mars in similar conditions you wouldn't have that problem.
All sort of diseases and sunburn at the first place is one more proof for that!

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by MankoW
Sun radiation really is strong, what do you think why you can't go outside during the summer days between 9 AM and 5 PM, because of the Sun radiation.

A) How does that proove we did not evolve on Earth? We might not have evolved to a high enough level to stop this radiation yet?

B) I have been to Spain, during their Summer and I was able to go outside in the sun at 1pm, the hottest time of the day - no problem. I didn't even get sun-burn, nor have I ever had it and I go outside in the summer all the time in some very hot Nations.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 08:04 PM
I am with you 100% my brother. Annanaki were the descendents and are the inhabitants of Nibiru (or Sedna) but watch out there are the descendents of the outcast race of SATAN! Annanaki and draconians rule that system and they are on their way.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 09:02 AM
So wait, did we evolve on another planet and then come to Earth or were we created by God and then the children of Satan moved to this other planet?

Also by children of Satan I assume to mean the children of Caine and Lilith, while they were in the land of Nod.?

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 06:06 PM
Wow, you seem to be at least two steps ahead of me, I was only presenting the theory we are not from this planet, because there are plethora of evidence the human body is in trouble on Earth.

Who married who and created who I can not know. But it is just very bad to leave us here not strong enough, except for the mental stability, hopufully.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 07:59 PM
But the sun has not killed me like you said it would.

By chance, are you wrong?

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 12:04 PM
Let me jump back a bit here and address the last post of yours with specific claims other than "Man is not of this world!™"

Originally posted by MankoW
[ I'm deleting the first paragraph, not because I'm unwilling to consider what you say there, but because I'm having a hard time parsing it. ]

There are dozens of risk factors for heart disease. Those cited most often by medical orthodoxy include high blood cholesterol, smoking, lack of exercise, stress and overweight.

Yes, one of the vulnerable systems for humans is our hearts. It's a pretty major organ, and one that doesn't have all of the flaws worked out of it yet. Evolution's a bitch, neh?
But just because you can find fault in one of our systems, doesn't mean we're of extraterrestrial origin. Cats have notoriously problematic stomachs, kidneys, and bladders. That doesn't mean that they're automatically from Saturn [1]

When we analise this short list, here is what is predominant: overweight, hmm it reminds me of gravity,

And the tendency for Americans to add sugar and/or fat to everything we eat. Our heart problems aren't due to an immense gravity pulling our cardiovascular system down, it has to do with small particles of cholesterol building up in the veins around the heart. When the blood flow is restricted enough due to this blockage, our hearts suffer damage. This would be true in lesser, micro-, or zero-gravity.

then lack of exercise, where organism goes back to preprogramed values.

It's not so much "going back to preprogramed values" as your body making use of tissue that's no longer needed for support or movement. The body likes to be as efficient as possible, and to save as much energy as possible. So, if you're not using a muscle for long enough, your body will start to cannibalize the cells making up that muscle. This saves the body energy by reducing its total volume and by making nutrients that would have been taken up keeping an unneeded cell alive available to other systems. The same holds true of our bones: we will keep as many cells as we need in the current situation, but no more. Astronauts have to use a lot of tricks in space to keep their physical fitness level approaching what it needs to be here on earth because of this.

If these values are for the gravity half of ours, then it provoke heart disease because every weight is overweight.

Again, heart disease has to do with cholesterol in the veins surrounding the heart, not with how many pounds we weigh.

There was some stuff at the end that I also had difficulty understanding. I think you were just restating your previous points, but it's a little hard following you. If English isn't your native language, may I ask what is? Sometimes that helps me puzzle out peoples' phrasing and grammar, when I know what their reference point is.[2]

Look, I'm glad you're stretching your brain a bit here and looking into odd ideas. It's a lot of fun to do, and one of the main reasons I hang around ATS even though I fall firmly into the ranks of the skeptics here. What I ask, though, is that we don't get so caught up in our pet theories that we make ourselves blind to their flaws. It's alright to say "Hey guys, I think humans originated on the shores of lake Hali, in the ancient city of Carcosa because $foo" but when someone points out that your theory about $foo is wrong, and also that there is no city of Carcosa on the shores of Hali, have the honesty to accept that.

[1] Obligatory Lovecraft reference. Substitute whatever other real/imagined planet you'd like for Saturn if that offends you.

[2] Not trying to be mean here, I'm honestly curious. I tend to get a bit geeky about languages, being a linguist myself

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