originally posted by: Gryphon66
originally posted by: Zelun
a reply to: Gryphon66
I do. Irony would be a former or current member of the deep state admitting to its existence, and praising its role in attempting to overturn a lawful
election, and those statements still being interpreted as some sort of refutation.
The only rational definition of "the Deep State" based on what ardent Trump supporters claim is: anything that is negative to Donald Trump.
If you didn't detect that the guy was poking fun at the idea, you missed the point.
What he did say, in ironic contrast, was that if so the "Deep State" consists of a whole host of individuals some appointed by Mr. Trump. He was
quite obviously implying that the term as used by ardent Trump supporters is ridiculous.
Impeachment is not an attempt to "overturn a lawful election" it is a Constitutional remedy reserved to the House.
Well, I disagree that your definition is the only rational one. Perhaps when you limit it as such, it is, but that's not what it is. The "Deep State"
is a cabal of conspirators deeply embedded in many levels of leadership globally, who pursue an agenda independent of that desired by discrete
nations, generally. This is the best definition I could muster on short notice, to describe what I mean when I say the "Deep State." A very notable
facet of this group is the Military Industrial Complex which Eisenhower warned us about, though it has evolved significantly since then. It might now
be better termed as the "Military Industrial Computational Financial Intelligence Complex" or MICFIC, though their tendrils also dabble in Narcotics
and Human Trafficking. Maybe you can come up with a better acronym.
Now, in the context of this video clip, this is a man who sold us the story of WMDs in Iraq, as a justification for invasion. Yellowcake Uranium, do
you remember that? Implied, yet not stated, that Saddam was seeking a nuclear capability. And why wouldn't he, after all? Turned out, though, that
intelligence was less than reliable. The Intelligence Community of the time when this man served in leadership roles produced that work product.
That's some deep state #, if I do say so.
Generally speaking, you are correct in that "impeachment" is not an attempt to "overturn a lawful election." More specifically, however, this current
impeachment effort is pretty clearly, in my mind, and attempt to remove Donald J. Trump from the Office of President, for reasons that are best stated
as a belief in the illegitimacy of his presidency at first, and now on a basis of being "unfit" for office. We can go back and forth on that a little
bit if you like, I see this whole thing as one collective effort, since even before the inauguration in 2017, to stymie, obstruct, and ultimately
remove this guy. All the while he seems to be making good calls, using the strengths of his subordinates. Very executive.
Then there's the rhetoric. I can excuse that too, based upon the sort of rhetoric he's up against. I think, if I was still in school, I could write a
thesis on how Donald J. Trump's use of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals demonstrates a zero-sum game in the realm of the rhetorical, with regards to
detractors and his defense. Blow for blow. It's actually some of the most exciting political speech of this century and the previous. Crazy times, my
You mentioned in another reply something that resonated with me too, I'll dig it up:
It is one of my pet beliefs that TPTB actually have some basic rules for their Grand Game that they always observe. One of those is, they have to
leave clues about what's "really" going on even though that leads through a labrynthine trail of paradoxical denial.
Yah! Totally! I not-so-secretly believe this too! I think that
they believe that their "magick" won't work unless they give you the opportunity
to know the truth. I think it's sort of an esoteric Law that they follow, hearkening back to Alistair Crowley's stuff. Their method of mind
control(and let's be honest, we're talking about psychology here, which is a sort of scientific magic) doesn't work unless the mind has information
allowing itself to discount itself. Know what I mean? The part of the spell where you jokingly acknowledge the power you're trying to take over the
subject is crucial, because it precedes refutation. Then when somebody says "they're just selling you a line of bull" your response could be "they
warned me you would say that." See!