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Former Acting CIA Director: “Thank God for the Deep State”

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posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 12:29 PM
John McLaughlin, Former Deputy Director for the CIA(2000-2004) and Former Acting Director for the CIA(2004) expresses gratitude to the “Deep State” for helping bring about this impeachment inquiry:

I thought the deep state was just some right wing conspiracy theory?

edit on 2-11-2019 by Zelun because: Conspiracy theory

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Zelun

The "deep state" can kiss my fat...

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 12:41 PM
I'm old enough to remember that the "deep state" was an alt-right conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 12:41 PM
what burns my butt about these a@@clowns is how arrogant they are and act.

i know we need people doing what they do, but some of them need to brought down a notch or two

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: BrennanHuff22
I'm old enough to remember that the "deep state" was an alt-right conspiracy.

So tell me, if a conspiracy or a truth exists, would it matter where it came from or who blew the whistle? There is more than enough literature explaining the existence of these groups and all of their connections. I can tell for 100% certainty that you do not read. If you do, it is the wrong books. Powerful people controlling things at high levels has been going on for thousands of years. President's like JFK and Woodrow Wilson have even told us blatantly of the existence of the "deep state". You can call it whatever you want, but they most certainly exist.

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
what burns my butt about these a@@clowns is how arrogant they are and act.

i know we need people doing what they do, but some of them need to brought down a notch or two

What gets me is the laughter and applause after he says it. I mean I get it, it was a tongue-in-cheek remark. But just as you never leave the KGB, neither do you ever leave the CIA. How can anyone of sound mind not regard this as disinfo spin?

But I’m sure everything is fine, after all it’s “engraved in marble in the lobby.”

...what an asshole.

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 01:01 PM
What the Whistleblower blew the whistle about is common practices by high political figures on both sides. It has been going back at least to the sixties when I learned about it. So why didn't they impeach Obama, or Clinton, or maybe even some other Republican presidents in the past for doing this kind of thing. It has been a mainstay of our government to withhold funding till something gets fixed or investigated.
The investigation was dropped under Obama or Ukraine would not have received funding, but trying to get it opened back up to make things right is now a crime. I guess we can go back and arrest all sorts of people for things they did when things were not considered illegal now. So, many people could wind up being charged with a crime when it was socially acceptable years ago to do it when they did it.

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 01:01 PM
He needs to be tar and feathered

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: TheGreatWork

originally posted by: BrennanHuff22
I'm old enough to remember that the "deep state" was an alt-right conspiracy.

So tell me, if a conspiracy or a truth exists, would it matter where it came from or who blew the whistle? There is more than enough literature explaining the existence of these groups and all of their connections. I can tell for 100% certainty that you do not read. If you do, it is the wrong books. Powerful people controlling things at high levels has been going on for thousands of years. President's like JFK and Woodrow Wilson have even told us blatantly of the existence of the "deep state". You can call it whatever you want, but they most certainly exist.

I know the deep state exists you maroon.

JFK is the reason i found this site 15 years ago.

I was being facetious, since the MSM claimed there was no such thing as the deep state, and only "right wing nut jobs" pushed such a conspiracy.

What were you saying about that 100% certainty of yours?

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
what burns my butt about these a@@clowns is how arrogant they are and act.

i know we need people doing what they do, but some of them need to brought down a notch or two

Exactly, the arrogance is astounding. They think that everyone who doesnt agree with their world view is an imbecile or "dangerous to democracy" they justify, and now in fact CHEER ON, shady and corrupt methods to try and remove a duly elected president. Very dangerous times.....

Also, at least they now admit the deep state there's that I guess

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: BrennanHuff22

BOOM! It was very obvious that you were being sarcastic, and I, 100% can't even read.

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Zelun

In other words, he openly recognizes he's against the country (in my book). Treat him like an enemy.

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: Zelun

The deep state stuff is such a joke...

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: BrennanHuff22

Oh it still is...

The government is not ran by Trump making a request by sliding a note under a door. Then getting some Oracle type response from mysteriously cloaked figures...

There is no way for someone to block trump and trump not know exactly who did it..

If people are corrupt in government, everything leaves a paper trail... trump appointees run the DOJ, FBI , CIA exc.. And trump has a Supreme Court majority for challenges..


posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: JustJohnny
a reply to: BrennanHuff22

Oh it still is...

The government is not ran by Trump making a request by sliding a note under a door. Then getting some Oracle type response from mysteriously cloaked figures...

There is no way for someone to block trump and trump not know exactly who did it..

If people are corrupt in government, everything leaves a paper trail... trump appointees run the DOJ, FBI , CIA exc.. And trump has a Supreme Court majority for challenges..


I guess we will find out one way or another when this John character finishes up his investigation.

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: BrennanHuff22


I would bet money I can tell you exactly what happens..

A trump spokesman will come out and say “their actions were troubling, but didn’t rise to the level of criminality..”


Because troubling is free, and criminality requires actual evidence

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 02:06 PM
The same people that brought us the "weapons of mass destruction" debacle and the Russia Russia Russia hoax, just to name two, are now telling us, "thank God for the deep state"?! These two sit in their smugness now, but not for long.

As President Trump said last night, "The Great Sellout has ended and it ended the day I took office."

The jig is up, pals. America (The People) are on to you. We just need patriots to unravel the dirty mess carefully, with no technicality issues, and bring you to face justice.

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: JustJohnny

The joke is that they spent years convincing liberals that it's just a right wing conspiracy theory and now they're openly admitting that it exists, with the caveat that it's a good thing.
Even funnier, now that they're admitting it, liberals still can't acknowledge it's existence because they spent the last several years telling everyone else it isn't real.
edit on 2-11-2019 by elDooberino because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
He needs to be tar and feathered

What are you,,pro big oil anti bird?

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
The same people that brought us the "weapons of mass destruction" debacle

"We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat...”
- Donald Rumsfeld

Jesus Christ! There are WMDs EvErYwHeRe! That’s some real fine police work, Lou.Thank God for the Deep State!

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