a reply to:
They would not be different because they traveled in time. They would be different because atomic clocks just track decay in certain atomic
structures. If you fly around a gas giant, or black hole. Well what would happen?
That atomic structure would not be the same as it would be effected by gravity or a thousand other physical properties, and the particle may decay at
a faster rate, or even a slower rate. Heck you can have the same effect if you get close to the sun and the energy and radiation will likely fry your
clock to a crisp.
You could also pick said clock up and throw it on the ground to get the same effect.
Once its broken, that does not mean time has stopped. It just means you got a broken clock. And if gravity and the suns radiation can have that
much an effect on something so minute as atomic structure. What effect do you think it would have on a meat based creature flying by in space?
I will give you a clue. You will not likely live for a thousand more years, just like bathing yourself in radiation and then getting a spider to bite
you will not somehow turn you into spider man. It will likley just make you bald, and a few other things in the process.
Which is why radiations shielding is important. As for that whole gravity effects time. Well considering they don't really know what gravity is. I
think its stretching it a bit, or a whole lot. But even if gravity effected time.
You know what that would mean?
That means you would have to get some sort of gravity shielding so as to be on the same time table as everybody else. Or else your clock will be
useless, and likely be drifting through space till the oxygen runs out.
Lets just say you wont be living that extra 1000 years as you travel at a fraction of light speed, if our oxygen runs out because nobody is keeping
track of how, were, and when, it all effects everything, because the clocks are somehow magically running slower, because time is somehow going
What does that mean, that you will burn through the oxygen slower as well? How? By magic?
After all if time is going slower, because your going faster. Isnt that a contradiction in itself right there? And even if it did happen. Then two
things happened, everything else is going slower and so is all of physical matter effected...Or?...Your clock is broken.
The whole thing is as Spock would say. Highly illogical.
So your clock going around the earth is not effected by time. Its purpuse is to keep track of time. What its effected by is not time, its effected by
physical matter or something else like radiation or heck that thing you call gravity which seems to have an effect on things, you know besides
keeping things down, and the properties of the very tools your using itself would be effected, and even likely the particles or gravity is having an
effect on said physical properties, just like it does on human bodies or anything else as well.
And those effects are expressed in units of measurements called time.
Its not traveling faster in time, its still going around the planet which is going around a sun. So were is it going? Has it traveled to the future of
earth. Or has it just made some laps around and gone back to were it came from?
So how can it be traveling faster in time, if its still basically just around the orbit of the earth? Has it left the solar system? has it entered
another dimension, one were time goes slower or faster? If it was traveling faster in time. Would not its speed be faster as well? Would not the Sun
and Earth change as well.
But I suppose traveling 20 seconds faster in a few days timeframe, is somehow time traveling. So by that logic if we keep it going around in orbit
round and round around the earth for a million years. Will it have traveled two million years into the future of earth?
But at the end its still just something that is going around the earth. Like the moon, or space junk, or everything else up there.
But when they get back to earth, they would not have traveled forward in time. They would have just made a few laps around the earth, and well? There
back, with an offset clock, and likely need crutches for a week or so.
If they stayed there for 20 years, they likely would be blind and there bones would be so hollow that they would crumple the first minute they set
foot on earths gravity again.
As they say, time is relative, because it's more or less a measurement that describes physical properties, which can be anything from people, to
cars, to the earths spin, to the radiations in space, to battery life, to anything and everything which is in relation to eachother. Time is a word
we use to describe and measure the effects all those things and how they relate to eachother, in any given situation and in any relatable quantitative
Basically time does not create space or are onething. Space is, and time is something we and everybody use to describe its effects on us when
compared to something else. Its all relative brah!