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'Christian Hypocrite' Conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:19 AM
Leveler it is folly to condemn any group of peoples.
However telling a homosexual that his lifestyle is immoral according to god is not condemming.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Leveler it is folly to condemn any group of peoples.
However telling a homosexual that his lifestyle is immoral according to god is not condemming.

Odd how your signature states this though,

Tolerance of immoralty is no virtue and intolerance of immoraltiy is no evil.
Americans are Gods chosen people
Freedom of speech means people have the right to be offensive
Islam is the tool of the devil, and muhhamed is a false prophet
If any of the above statements offend you, feel free to go screw yourself

I often hear you condemn groups and individuals, yet you yourself say it's folly to do so...

Now I see why you are the way you are a folly

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:24 AM
I cndemn actions, beliefs, thoughts, political ideologies etc.
I usually dont condemn people Oops.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331

However telling a homosexual that his lifestyle is immoral according to god is not condemming.

I've just shown you how the reference in the New Testament is unlikely to refer to homosexuals. Therefore, how can you state that it is immoral according to God?
And even if, by some stretch of the imagination, you could imply that the passage refers to homosexuals, isn't Corinthians nothing more than the pen of Paul?

So how do you judge immorality based on such flimsy evidence? Aren't we getting back to hypocrisy again?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:51 AM
no offense leveler but I will take the word of lnguistic experts over yours.
I think that particular passage is very clear. Not to mention the supporting passages in the OT.
nd no its not hypocracy. I am simply telling people what god, his son, and his disciples said.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:00 AM

mwn1331's sig:
Tolerance of immoralty is no virtue and intolerance of immoraltiy is no evil.
Americans are Gods chosen people
Freedom of speech means people have the right to be offensive
Islam is the tool of the devil, and muhhamed is a false prophet
If any of the above statements offend you, feel free to go screw yourself


My sig:
"You tell me that I sin, you say I'm bound for hell. So once your judgment condemns you, I shall see you there."

mwn1331's entire signature proves the hypocrisy of Christianity. I really do not need to say anymore. Just tell me exactly where in your oh so holy text does it mention America and the supposed fact of being God's chosen people? Yeah, thought not. Also, you say you do not judge but you are passing judgment on the entire Islamic faith by your signature. How is this not hypocritical as well?

And of course the best part is the last, telling everyone to go screw themselves if they are offended by anything in your signature. Can you give me the chapter and verse you took that from? Very Christian like, thanks for all your help in proving what a lot of people already know.

[edit on 3/8/2005 by bobafett1972]

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:08 AM
Thank you bobafett for proving my point boba fett

all of this so called "hypocracy" is nothng more than your own ignorance.
Yes I condemn islam, pop quiz is that the same thing as condemming Muslims?????????

And no I do not care if I offend you, please show me where it says I am supposed to concern myself with your choice in reactions to my words? You see if you get offended by my words it s your choice, why should I worry about whther or not you choose to be offended?

Americans have been chosen by God to lead the world away from its current path of immorality. Got a problem with that? So what? Its my belief.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:17 AM
See what people like you dont get bobafett, is that being christian doesn't mean being a pussy.
It doesnt mean we will deny our beliefs becuase they offend you.
We wont. Our faith is stronger than that. Dont like my belief that homosexuality is a sin? Too bad.
Dont like my belief that fornication is a sin? Too bad.
If those beliefs offend you I dont care.
If you dont like it, I dont care.
I am not interested in either pleasing you or your morally relativistic socety. I care only about pleasing God, and if what you want, differs from what He wants, guess who wins? Hint it aint you.
So once agan if my beliefs offend you feel free to go # yourself, cuase itll have as much affect on my beliefs as anything else you do.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Thank you bobafett for proving my point boba fett

all of this so called "hypocracy" is nothng more than your own ignorance.
Yes I condemn islam, pop quiz is that the same thing as condemming Muslims?????????

Explain to me at which point in my post that I have shown any ignorance. How are statements considered a "pop quiz"?

And no I do not care if I offend you, please show me where it says I am supposed to concern myself with your choice in reactions to my words? You see if you get offended by my words it s your choice, why should I worry about whther or not you choose to be offended?

At which point did I indicate that you had offended me? I do not believe I stated this. Your choice of words is of course your business. Trust me, it takes a lot more than arrogant, hypocritical words to upset me. You have your beliefs and I have mine. The difference between the two is that I do not condemn people for their beliefs as you do.

You also failed to answer at what point your God made Americans his chosen people? Is that in the Old or New Testament? Or is this just "insider" Christians only information?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:22 AM
Sure as soon s you show me where I condemmed someone.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:31 AM
Ok just a little question for the god lovers in this thread, if in the satanic bible it stated "spread the word of lucifer" and then i was going around judging people on satanic beleifs, and then comming on threads like this to "spread the word of lucifer" quoting lines from the satanic bible to prove my point right, would you accept that?

I will state my belief in christianty very grim, all christians are small minded deluded fools, who have been programmed from birth to belive in a idiotic system of belief to constrain their mind into a small box, making the person easy to control. Now when anyone provides a logical arguement that pokes a whole in your system of beleifs, a self-protecting program is run in your mind that makes you go into complete denial and start babbling biblical quotes to make yourself feel better, to reasure yourself that your delusion about the world stays intact becasue your programmed mind can not calculate the logic.
Now do not tell me to pray to god, or to go see my parish preist for guidance, or to even feel the love of jesus. Do not try to help me.
As i am trying to help you escape from your own mental jail.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:35 AM
I would attempt to show the satanists the error of ther ways and If I could nt would pray for them.
As for you I will pray for you as well.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:37 AM
First of all, we are all sinners, and no one is "without sin". I have learned to "focus on God", because there will always be people in the church that are gossipers and try to stir trouble. Also, I would try to get in a church that is holy-spirit filled, and established, you want to be careful not to get into a cult-type church, etc. I go to a Southern Baptist church, the pastor is kind and sweet, the people are kind and sweet, and will try to help you, etc. He preaches the bible. If someone goes against what is in the bible, and puts the focus on himself, instead of Jesus, you should watch out, because that might be a cult. I agree that it is what is in your heart that really counts, but the bible tells us to fellowship with other Christians. Also, when people try to reach you to be a Christian, they are only trying to help, and they want you to have eternal life in heaven. Put your trust in God, and don't rely on man, because man is flawed, and other people will always let you down. Hope this helps!

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:39 AM
How about Taoist, Buddists, Hiduists, Kabbalists, Gnostics, Islamics, Wiccas, Jews, and Zenists? Do you wish to show all these people how they are wrong aswell?
Also you never answerd my question, would you take a satanist quoting from the satanic bible serious?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:39 AM
How about Taoist, Buddists, Hiduists, Kabbalists, Gnostics, Islamics, Wiccas, Jews, and Zenists? Do you wish to show all these people how they are wrong aswell?
Also you never answerd my question, would you take a satanist quoting from the satanic bible seriously?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:42 AM

Yes lady V according to my faith you worship the devil whether you know it or not.

News flash there what you wrote according to my faith just because you believe it doesn't make it true and it damn well doesn't give you any judgmental rights over any one else!

So what? Why does that bother you?

What bothers me about it is the stupidity, ignorance and wholier than thou attitude

As for us "preaching don't sin while we keep on sinning" Well no #ng #, we are all sinners,

Then shut the hell up and leave people alone....when you are sin free then you "can cast the first stone"

[edit on 3/8/2005 by LadyV]

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:42 AM
What do you mean by "take him seriously"?
If you mean believe he is rght no. If you mean accept that that is his beleif yes, however as I said I would attempt to show him the true path to salvation.
And yes I do the same for buddhists, taoists, wiccans etc. All are false paths designed to lead one away from God.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
What do you mean by "take him seriously"?
If you mean believe he is rght no. If you mean accept that that is his beleif yes, however as I said I would attempt to show him the true path to salvation.
And yes I do the same for buddhists, taoists, wiccans etc. All are false paths designed to lead one away from God.

What is the true path? Are you saying that just to believe in a person called Jesus would be enough to reach this biblical heaven? Religions are all the same, the product of man to give control and legitimacy to a "ruling" class.

Thank god the founders of this nation specifically made the seperation between church and state or church and reality.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:47 AM
Ok first off can you prove to me that your path to god is the right one?
Next let me tell you of a thought that i think you have never had, maybe just maybe your god is the same as all of the other gods. The only reason that their are different religions is because of different peoples perspective on what god told them. Different cultures have different spective on things, could this explain why there are so many different messages from god?
Also one more question have you ever read any other religious texts that do not relate to christianity, for example the kabbala, or the koran?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Sure as soon s you show me where I condemmed someone.

Maybe you should re-read your signature then, because you condemn the entire Islamic faith. Oh, and pretty much everyone else on the planet for telling people to go screw themselves. If thats not condemning than I do not know the meaning of the word and will rush off to look it up in my Webster's.

Posted by: Blueangel7
Put your trust in God, and don't rely on man, because man is flawed, and other people will always let you down. Hope this helps!

I will put my trust and faith in myself and those close to me thank you very much. Man is flawed you say? I agree, but if this is true than isn't God flawed as well?

[edit on 3/8/2005 by bobafett1972]

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