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'Christian Hypocrite' Conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 12:09 PM
It has been said numerous times on a great span of threads that the reason why people don't believe in God or go to church, is because a majority of Christians are hypocrites. I'm not talking about sinning now and then, I'm talking being a hypocrite by practice. I call upon a day of reckoning. I want to see the statistic that validates this argument. I want to hear from a regular church attender how many people they know in the institution, how many are Christian vs. how many are hypocrites. Secondly, anyone is welcome to provide the number of non-Christians vs. how many are hypocritical in words and actions. Yes, this makes the statistic spotty by region, but as least it's a small survey to at least give such a statement remote substantiation. Put down the history books because no statistics like this were recorded during those times, we're discussing the 'now' as attributed to this current claim by others.

Why are Christians who study the Bible not a majority of hypocrites? Hebrews 4:13 says, "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account". This theme is throughout the Bible and is taught in church that way (yesterday for me). If you read it, hear it and believe it, you know there's nothing you can 'get away with' because God sees all.

Behind every conspiracy theory, there is motive. Here it is for this one:

- Cause doubt in God with Jesus Christ as his son. (Anti-First Commandment, Anti-Christing)
- Align people with accepting whatever society, media and government say is 'good'. (Submission, Subjugation)
- Propagate the 'if it feels good, do it' attitude, which ultimately is harmful to those around you. (Chaotic Hedonism)
- Convince people not to go to church. (Dissolving the Sabbath, Education and Fellowship)
- Dissuade from giving in offerings, charities and others as a general practice. (Selfishness)

In these motives is the hope that someday, people will be able to do whatever they want without being told they're wrong for any reason.

To those who've used this excuse for not getting to know God or going to church, then I'd like to turn the magnifying glass back on you and ask, 'why are you so concerned with everyone else? How does YOUR eternity depend on them?'

[edit on 7-3-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 01:20 PM
IMO you have missed some points that many of us that dont follow your
particular beliefs, believe in.

1. I dont need or want someone forcing THEIR beliefs about how I
should worship

creator on me. My relationship with

creator is personal.

2. I do not believe that I need or have to go to a building, Church, ediface
man made location to worship

creator. I much prefer to
go to a place that was created by

creator, where in the silence i can hear

creators voice first hand. Not from someone who thinks they hear the voice just because they have a piece of paper on the wall that says they have the ability.

3.In most cases The Membership of a given congregation would not associate
with me outside the walls of their particular ediface. And quite frankly I would
not care to associate with most of them. Inside or out.

4. I believe as Jesus taught ( see Thomas,and the Gospel of MM as a start)
that "the Kingdom is found within."

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 01:48 PM
well, like I said, I quit going to church because I heard someone saying....
"Well, if her husband doesn't want her going to church, maybe she shouldn't"

why the heck should I have been jumping all the hurdles and obstacles that he would lay in my way every sunday just to keep me home, just to get there and hear how I should be obeying him, that he's the head, ect. ect.......
seems to me, what it all boils down to is that until my husband wants me to go to church, or live a "Godly" life, well, I am off the hook.....

the hypocracy in this instance comes in I guess when the same people then commence to go around talking to the women, the children, wanting them to go to their church.....why, shouldn't they be talking to the men....since they are the "head".

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 04:51 PM
I was like many people here where I saw what churches were doing, and really only looked or noticed the bad things about churches. Evengelicals were crazy, catholic were without free thought, unitarians didn't care, and some christian churches were no better then cults.

All it took was one person to start a dialouge with me, and allowed me to come to faith on my own terms, and decide what it ment to ME. While a Pastor also allowed me to decide what being a christian ment by acting as jsut a mere guide, and letting the bible speak for itself.

Only those that fear, and don't understand see hypocraciy. Also those that do not like being told that they are doing bad things. No one wants to take account of themsleves and really see taht they are lost and cannot find thier way.

I spent over 20 years of my life as an atheist, agnostic, spiritualist or deist, in the end I realized my life ment nothing without faith.

I think if people spent more time understanding christians, both the good and bad instead of attacking them and pointing out flaws there would be more tolerance and respect of others beliefs

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 06:18 PM
Well first off, I do not think that there is a "conspiracy" what talking about Christians being hypocrites. When ever I try to discuss why I feel and believe I try to get my point across as it pertains to me in real life. Meaning people I know, people I see and observe.

This being said, Christians can be the most arrogant hypocritical people I have ever met in my 32 years on this planet. And to think I was once one of them. I am not bashing here, just stating things I know from my life. Judge not less yea be judged yourself comes to mind a lot. Seems God was the only one supposed to be judging me, but I get judged everyday by supposed good Christians? Why is that? Is that not hypocritical? It is okay for Christians to try and debunk, or bash other religions as not being the real deal, but if someone does the same to them it is wrong? This is not hypocritical? Practice what you preach is all I have to say.

It is sort of comical in a way, because I rarely see or hear people of other religions complaining about this sort of thing? I wonder why that is? Oh, wait, maybe it’s because they don't come off with the "Our way or the Hell way" sort of attitude. Most Christians I know come off this way and then some. They are the most closed mind individuals I have ever had the honor of meeting. In my opinion this is why people tend to lash out at Christianity. There are other beliefs than yours. Now I know that it will never stop, but if people would take others views on life and faith and religion into consideration we would all tend to get along a little better. Why is this so hard?

Your God isn't my God, but I am okay with this. Should it not be the same for Christians or any other religion for that matter? Faith and a particular religion do not have to go hand in hand. At least in my world they do not.

[edit on 3/7/2005 by bobafett1972]

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 06:21 PM
Selective ignorance through denial?

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 06:24 PM
well said bob.if people would not judge others,this world would be such a better me , there is only one God and he is the only one i will have to answer to.

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 06:34 PM
bobafett1972...As if it came out of my own mouth! I too can only say what I experience in real life and from those that I meet heree on the net.....and though I have meet a few here at ATS that are great....most Christians I meet anywhere tell me I am wrong to be Wiccan, I am going to hell...I had one here at ATS that told me I was with Satan, I was evil and that because I defend gay people, I must be gay! I do not hate anyone...not in real life and certainly not a bb where you really don't know someone anyway...but yes, when it come to preaching "don't sin"....while they themselves are confuses me. Then when I say that to them, they say no one sin free, we are "born in sin"...well then....keep your mouth shut to others about sinning then.....if everyone is sinful then why do they complain about others sinning?
Then I also hear, "we're not perfect, we're forgiven" which to me is the biggest load of if that's true, stop complaining about gays sinning or anyone else....maybe they'll repent on their death bed and be ok with your God....I don't understand any of it. Do I sound hateful? I'm sure I do to some Christians, but it is not's me sick of it, tired of being judged by people who are not supposed to judge others, being condemned by those that have no power to condemn anyone....on and on and on and on....

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 07:52 PM
Lets all look at one single topic here. It was said in numerous replies that "Christians are the biggest hypocrites." Lets analyze that statement.
Lets all look within and admit that we are all hypocrites to some degree whether we are christains or not. People are people no matter their faith or lack of. Just becuase someone says they are a christian doesn't mean that they are now perfect. The bible never stated that and neither did God. As a matter of fact God said it would be a challenge to walk the faith. The bible does however state that we are ALL sinners. The bible also stated that we All have Free Will. With that we can either chose to follow the truth or deny ( Refuse the Truth ).

So with that said, all the so called Christians that have wronged you in the past and might have turned you off to God will have to stand before God himself and explain this.

Please do not ignore the calling and the facts that are in the bible. Don't let a person turn you away. People are people and will dissapoint you everytime. Only God can heal the hurt from the past. Just as I stated before, we all have free will and all have sinned and are doomed to hell. All you have to do is beleive that our God came down to earth in human form and died for YOU and YOUR sins so that you could live in paradise with Him someday. Simple as that !

There is no reason to debate whether we can worship at home instead of church or any other topic like this. It doesn't matter ! I think that when a person does take the step of faith to become friends with anyone, Jesus or otherwise, if you are serious about getting to know a person you will take the time to learn about that person and even go to places such as church to learn more. It's not a bad thing. There are some cool churches around where people are not judgementle. You just have to have the desire to find it not deny it.

Well, again I am sorry if any christian has hurt you.

From a true brother who cares !

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
Lets all look within and admit that we are all hypocrites to some degree whether we are christains or not. People are people no matter their faith or lack of. Just becuase someone says they are a christian doesn't mean that they are now perfect.

While your basic statement is true, it is false at the same time. Most if not all Christians I know think that they are in fact perfect. Or to put it bluntly; just plain better than me.

The bible never stated that and neither did God. As a matter of fact God said it would be a challenge to walk the faith. The bible does however state that we are ALL sinners. The bible also stated that we All have Free Will. With that we can either chose to follow the truth or deny ( Refuse the Truth ).

Actually the bible does state this, just not in the words used here. God is to be the judge, not you or anyone else. Period. But this is only if your God is the same God as mine. Who is to say what is true and what isn't? Are you? Am I?

So with that said, all the so called Christians that have wronged you in the past and might have turned you off to God will have to stand before God himself and explain this.

For me personally, no one "turned me off" to God. It was my own choice, plain and simple. A person has a right question things, or try other options besides the Christian God, do they not? I will not have to stand before any God and explain myself. I can do that by looking in a mirror if I so choose.

Only God can heal the hurt from the past. Just as I stated before, we all have free will and all have sinned and are doomed to hell. All you have to do is beleive that our God came down to earth in human form and died for YOU and YOUR sins so that you could live in paradise with Him someday.

No, only I can heal myself from my past. You just proved my point. You are assuming I and everyone else has sinned and are doomed to hell. But that is just you and your God's way, not mine or everyone else’s. It is not a Christian who has hurt me, I am not hurt. Christianity as a whole is the problem. I know of no other organized religion that is the way Christianity is.

What is good for you isn't always good for me or everyone else. Why is that so hard to understand? I mean come on; you are talking about a religion that makes people believe that they are Gods chosen people. Go ahead and ask most Christians in the U. S. and I can almost guarantee that they will agree with this. What is that all about? That in it self to me is very hypocritical is it not? You and your religion are better than me simply because I choose to believe something different than you? Yeah, okay, time to read my signature once again I guess...

[edit on 3/7/2005 by bobafett1972]

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 03:51 AM
sorry somehow my bolds turned into quotes. must be faeries or something.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 04:26 AM
Know what I love? The biggest problem most of you seem to have with crstians is that we have faith.

It is sort of comical in a way, because I rarely see or hear people of other religions complaining about this sort of thing? I wonder why that is? Oh, wait, maybe it’s because they don't come off with the "Our way or the Hell way" sort of attitude. Most Christians I know come off this way and then some.

News flash einstein, the fact that the only way to get into heaven is through Jesus is the central tenet of our faith
I mean hel that tenet is in fact the basis for the name of our faith, christian
Of course we believe Jesus is the only path to heaven, if we didn't we wouldn't be christians!

Yes lady V according to my faith you worship the devil whether you know it or not.
So what?
Why does that bother you? Is your fath so weak that my belief lessens yours?
As for us "preaching dont sin while we keep on sinning" Well no #ng #, we are all sinners, nearly everything we do is a sin, If I look at a woman with sexual desre it is a sin, If I lie to keep from hurting my wifes feelings it is a sin, Wht you fail to undertsnad all of you, is that we are no better or worse than you, the only difference is that we know we will be forgiven for our sins. Thats why we tell you when you are sinning, so you too can be forgiven. Not to be "better than you" Not to "judge" to help you find salvation.
Without admitting sin one can not ask for forgiveness, without asking for forgiveness one can not be saved.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331

News flash einstein, the fact that the only way to get into heaven is through Jesus is the central tenet of our faith
I mean hel that tenet is in fact the basis for the name of our faith, christian
Of course we believe Jesus is the only path to heaven, if we didn't we wouldn't be christians!

Yes lady V according to my faith you worship the devil whether you know it or not.
So what?
Why does that bother you?

According to my faith, your statement shows that you worship the devil too and probably moreso than LadyV ever would.
And that's the problem with Christians and hypocrisy. They're all "Jesus said this and Jesus said that", but when it comes to worshipping him, they only do so to gain their own salvation. You don't have Faith. You have Fear.
If you had Faith, you wouldn't give a crap about salvation. Instead, you're all running around like headless chickens, dictating to others, just to save your own asses. That isn't Christianity - that's service to self - in short: devil worshipping.
But heck, so what? Like you said to LadyV, "does that bother you"?

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 05:38 AM
No leveler why would it?

I know you are wrong.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 05:46 AM
Why am I wrong?
Tell me why you worship then.

Look, I'm not getting at you personally, but I do see judgement coming down from the vast majority of Christians in this world and they are in no better position to offer that judgement than anyone else. In fact, according to the Bible, a Christian should never judge.
That's where the religion got screwed. Through the centuries, Christians have laid judgement on the table and it has become a natural part of the religion. But it was never meant to be there.
Christianity doesn't need to be promoted. I accept that it needs to be defended at times, but it should never be shoved down somebody else's throat.
If you look at Jesus, most people followed him because of his actions. They went to hear him preach because he was a great man and an example of all that is good in mankind. To me, that is how a Christian should act. People will follow his Faith because he is an example, not because he tells them that they should follow or go to Hell.

Judgement is the hypocrisy. No man is in a position to judge another person's belief. Only God can do that.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 05:52 AM
Again leveler you are simply wrong. As a christian I am required to promote christianity.
Doing so is not a judgement.
If I tell you that under god's law homosexuality is immoral, that is not a judgement it is a fact.
If I tell you that abortion is mmoral that is also not a judgement it is a fact.

I worship becuase it is only natural to worship God. It is natural to praise his name.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Again leveler you are simply wrong. As a christian I am required to promote christianity.
Doing so is not a judgement.
If I tell you that under god's law homosexuality is immoral, that is not a judgement it is a fact.
If I tell you that abortion is mmoral that is also not a judgement it is a fact.

I worship becuase it is only natural to worship God. It is natural to praise his name.

One can praise his name, but why does one assume that is the best way to promote him as nearly all Christians I've met do? Don't actions speak louder than words?

As for the homosexuality issue? That isn't a Christian fact. It's a Jewish one. It's laid down in Leviticus for political purposes and has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity.

Yet another problem with Christianity is it's Judaic root. You have a religion based on another that picks and chooses what it wants. If you just stick to the New Testament and discard the Jewish politics, you'll end up with something completely different.

You might be required to promote Christianity, but where does it say by word of mouth? I thought only the disciples were allowed to preach. Nowadays it seems that every Christian is a preacher. This is folly. A student can't teach.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 06:25 AM
Wrong on both counts leveler.
Homosexuality is forbdden in the new testament as well.

# 1Co 6:9,10

9 Surely you know that the wicked will not possess God’s Kingdom. Do not fool yourselves; people who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual perverts [from the Greek word apsenokoites, Strong's #733] 10 or who steal or are greedy or are drunkards or who slander others or are thieves—none of these will possess God’s Kingdom.

And all christians are exhorted to "spread the good word" in many places of the bible by Both Jesus and his disciples.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 06:25 AM
Very solid thinking Truthisoutthere and Jehosephat! It was truly a pleasure to read those words.

Here's some highlights (though the whole posts were excellent):

Truthisoutthere hits the nail on the head regarding hypocrisy:

Lets all look within and admit that we are all hypocrites to some degree whether we are christains or not.

Jehosephat shows someone who helps rather than rebuking and name-calling:

All it took was one person to start a dialouge with me, and allowed me to come to faith on my own terms, and decide what it ment to ME. While a Pastor also allowed me to decide what being a christian ment by acting as jsut a mere guide, and letting the bible speak for itself.

Thank you very much for these posts!

Pray, train, study.
God bless.

[edit on 8-3-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Wrong on both counts leveler.
Homosexuality is forbdden in the new testament as well.

# 1Co 6:9,10

9 Surely you know that the wicked will not possess God’s Kingdom. Do not fool yourselves; people who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual perverts [from the Greek word apsenokoites, Strong's #733] 10 or who steal or are greedy or are drunkards or who slander others or are thieves—none of these will possess God’s Kingdom.

Actually, I would disagree with that passage. It has been changed to read that. There is no mention of "homosexual perverts" in the King James version. The word used is "effeminate". When we look back to the Latin it translates as " masculorum concubitores" which Jerome took from the original Greek "arsenokoiti". This is just as likely to mean "unmarried men" or "lacklustre and weak" as it does "homosexuals". In fact, if anything, Paul's choice of word (arsenokoiti) is illogical for describing homosexual activity. For one, it is a word that he seems to have coined himself from a couple of other sources and secondly it is feminine in it's grammatical gender.
So a) Why didn't he use a recognised word for homosexuality? - there were plenty of descriptives around in those days as homosexuality played a large part in Roman and Greek society. Why coin a new word which even in those days, would have any native speaker scratching his head and wondering who Paul was referring to?
And b) Why refer to an activity partaken by males in a grammatical feminine gender?

The origin of the word is utterly open to question. Therefore isn't it folly to condemn a whole group of people merely because of a word that could be referring to a totally different group?

[edit on 8-3-2005 by Leveller]

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