Well I bit the bullet and bought it, played through it on story mode because I always like to explore every nook and cranny and there is a lot to do
but it need's to be a lot bigger than it is, still a great game and un modded it is far superior to fallout 4 but a modded fallout 4 still has some
edge depending on what mod's you have.
It is smoother and less resource hungry than fallout 4 using the unreal engine even with the setting set to ultra and I like that, level's are a bit
small but still big enough though there need's to be a lot more of them.
As soon as mod makers get the necessary tool's this is going to take off in a very big way but for now I still believe once it is done that the
Fallout 4 New Vegas mod a total recreation of fallout NV in the fallout 4 engine is going to be by far the superior game.
But you can definitely feel the new Vegas vibe at time's during this and I do love the way you can upgrade just about everything if not so much the
fact they have over simplified the ammo system and the weapon component upgrade system.
Still as it stand's it's a kick in Bethesda's nut's and a good one.
Well worth getting but I wonder how it is going to stand up against Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order when that is released though being an origin game and
a fixed character that one is not really directly comparable and is also likely to have a lot of platform on the rail's missions to complete.
You know we were going to have an open world Star Wars RPG but EA kicked it in the teeth when it was nearly done and shut the studio down, it too was
going to have a fixed character BUT an open world and a free to roam universe with many world's and mission's ranging from smuggling to bounty hunting
but some claim it was a linear adventure which is also not the same as an RPG or open world so maybe it is not such a big loss after all, guess we
shall never know.
So A thumb's up from me for the outer world's, 8.5 out of ten on my scale, bit too repetitive in it's environment, too few location's and not enough
worlds, too little variation in enemy's and once you have played it three or four time's you may find yourself going back to other RPG's because of
this lack of variation, it has a lot of stuff to do but is too short over all, what there is of it though is superb.
Wonder what happened to the earth, Invasion story DLC, War back home or some terrible disaster, the end scene mentions that other nearby colonies aid
the halcyon system so are they also cut off from earth, could it be a colonial rebellion and halcyon is just out of the loop, one thing Obsidian does
as in NV and The Outer World's is spin good yarn's and make good NPC's but they have left so many loose end's here I get the impression the game was
intended to be a lot larger but they got taken off for other projects and had to finish up and polish it before they were completed, consoles are were
the money is I suppose but still, something (very big) is missing and leaves the game feeling too small.