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musings on bigfoot's elusiveness

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posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 06:44 PM
Some other musings and replies. Before we moved to the mountains in Colorado so many years ago I was a district manager for the paper, glorified way of saying i managed paper throwers and ended up throwing them myself lol. What makes this unique is I covered a large area of the city and it was all from midnight till after daybreak. During this time you actually discover what is out there and in the city limits of most major cities. Now, I will agree with some who say here that there are animals in our cities that you never new were there. I have seen most in Colorado, wolves, people say were not there lol, bears, coyote, wolverine, mountain lion etc etc. Now, the unique things about all of these is most of the time you never know they are there unless you do catch them on your camera, which is only a phenomena that is within the last ten years. Or unless they get into your trash etc. This is important point, they only come for one thing, the free food. The mountain lions, looking for your cat or critter etc, or the other animals.. all the others are looking for the scraps you leave behind. If not for the food source they will not be there, period. They know your scent, they are very smart, all of them and they only come for the food.

So, the argument that there is a family coming into town and visiting people and swapping food may happen but simply would be something that is incredibly rare in nature. Incredibly rare. Does not say that it may not happen or can't be learned etc. But, to tell me that a town of people with camera's everywhere and someone is not going to paste the video all over youtube and twitter is just, well, silly. Of course they would lol. Now, some may not and want to keep them secret and so protected. But, hey, let us face facts.. it simply is not going to happen, not given young people and or any size town, sorry.

Water, having seen one and understanding water, having trained in my infantry gear in it lol, I can tell you that bigfoot is not swimming around and living in water. Not even here in Lousyana. Here, they love the water, because it is a barrier and protection for them and yes they can swim. But you try swimming around with 8 foot body and over 400 pounds... simple physics gets you every time. It takes incredible energy and even here it is in and out of the water... And yea, they may use rivers and creeks but I can tell you that no bigfoot is going to walk down the middle of a river in colorado for very long. same thing, their feet, their weight and height and if you ever tried to walk in the river there you know it is not easy at all. Between the current and the boulders and rocks, not something they are going to do for any amount of time, sorry, not happening....

As for large groups, hmmm, this is not happening either... people who argue this have never spent time in the woods or hunted or been in the military etc... if you had, you know that you just can't hide large family groups like that... a family of 400 pounders lying around makes a massive footprint in the area.. would leave dna and evidence everywhere and they are not picking up after themselves lol. No, this is just simply movie madness. I would doubt that even a male and female would be staying together for any length of time. There is simply not enough food for this and that is the important point. How much food do you honestly think it takes to sustain one 8 foot 400 plus pound bigfoot. You can't leave enough candy and pizza out for one, let alone a family, sorry.

Having actually seen one, I do know they exist.. but, I do not believe there are many of them and the more I discuss this the more I have to change my thoughts on migration... simply understanding that it would take an enormous amount of food to feed one, their range would have to be massive and they must move along with the season's as other animals do or hibernate and there is no evidence of hibernation. Now, the one's down here in the swamp have plenty to eat, all year around so they don't have to travel no where near the distance as ones in Colorado would,

Lastly, the movie, Sam did a great job didn't he... i too grew up on the sacket books and loved the movie. This movie brought interesting questions even the one's who watched have not mentioned yet... that bigfoot was an experiment gone wrong... it was subtle and if you look at end where he actually caught the creature you freeze it and you see it... it is a very interesting thought.... now as far as dna and proof. I discount the thought that it would be easy to find someone to do this testing and bring forth truth... There was a very long study done and is on one of the cable channels about the yeti and the so called expert they had do the dna was just too quick to say bear bear bear lol...

I give you one final example for this point... bones of giant's have been found all over the world including many here in the u.s. but you did not hear anything about it, why... why would they hide proof of tribes of giant's that are found all over the world... you will find not one genetic study and hard pressed to find anyone to talk about the subject because the bones are taken and people threatened... now why... this does apply to bigfoot.... it is simple... you can't have genetically different tribes of giant's in the evolutionary chain... it simply disproves evolution and proves the bible narrative... they will never let this happen... the same applies to bigfoot. they are never going to openly admit anything about them... ever.... and yes, they have the proof that they do exist..

very interesting conversation... loved it... good job everyone...

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: dlbott

All you have to do is take a map of the different Forest types and Vegetation zones to have a map of Bigfoots food sources....they eat Plants and mushrooms and berries and Bark and grubs and fish and mammals and birds and Cattail roots and stalks and Fireweed and anything else they can find close at hand....

There are complicating factors when it comes to tracking Bigfoot traditional ways....simply because its all about the food...and there are many many ways to find adequate food for a 1-5 person Clan almost anywhere if you can consume a diverse diet....and this means in all seasons including Winter.

I have had pets that have survived outside in the coldest of Canadian winters with nothing more than a straw hut....and I mean the coldest of clearly Bigfoot has little to no problems surviving the has a reliable source of fat in all of the many mammals that are available year round....including domestic animals I am sure they have zero problems making off with....if a Bigfoot Clan that is used to migrating to follow the growing available food sources to the perfect zones discovers a year round available food source and water source they will stay there....their Migratory Instinct is simply based on following he food growth and availability.....but...when you have mitigating factors like an available fish supply or ungulate supply or corn or fruit or grain supply.....then these animals can find a comfort zone no matter where they are located geographically....clearly they have winter coats and are built to handle the weather.When you are smart you can steal...and if you are Bigfoot you can steal and even if someone notices another party will with a 100% certainty be blamed or someone will self-blame.....but one is going to have Bigfoot jump to mind when they discover someone has eaten a truckload of corn or grain from their storage places...if they even notice to begin with because Bigfoot is smart and carefull to never ever take everything of anything even with berries and mushrooms ect… entire Clan of Bigfoot could likely just use simple "guerilla" tactics and secretly steal livestock food and salt and water all winter long as they dine on fresh beef liver whenever they need to or wish to....or supplement their wild foraging with these sources.

Great thoughts on this thread thanks to everyone for sharing....and thank you to the OP.
edit on 30-10-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: dlbott

How does a hominid that shares a common ancestor with us disprove evolution?

There's even a possibility of it being an even bigger bili/Bondo chimpanzee.

Those who stared it in the eye say it's face was that of a chimpanzee.

How does an oversized chimpanzee that shares 99% of our DNA disprove evolution?

The Bible never even mentions ancient hominins.

How can it be proven right?

Patty looked like it had ample buoyant blubber on her.

even a blue whale swims just fine

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: reject
a reply to: dlbott

How does a hominid that shares a common ancestor with us disprove evolution?

There's even a possibility of it being an even bigger bili/Bondo chimpanzee.

Those who stared it in the eye say it's face was that of a chimpanzee.

How does an oversized chimpanzee that shares 99% of our DNA disprove evolution?

The Bible never even mentions ancient hominins.

How can it be proven right?

Patty looked like it had ample buoyant blubber on her.

even a blue whale swims just fine

Because they have language and customs...they are "sentient".....they are not animals.....they are closer to us than to animals.

You have a good point though....maybe some Missionaries ought to be out there doing Bigfoot research so they can convert some Bgfoot.

edit on 30-10-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: one4all

You are still buying the coolaid lol... fact is modern science has actually ruled out evolution at all.. we did not come from apes and never did... you are just as accurate saying you share dna with that rock on the ground.. you see, it literally is the base of everything in the universe and yes base dna is shared by almost everything.

Why do you think we can use pig organs or have pigs even grow human organs lol.. we share dna. but no, we did not come from pigs, we came from apes lol... get it now lol...

What i was pointing out was that there has been a coordinated effort to hide not just bigfoot but also giants.. and the reason why... giants literally disprove evolution completely, as do bigfoot.. why, well they too will show evolution did not happen.

As for bible not mentioning hominids, well, that is not totally true... the ancient scripts, book of enoch and many others mention not just Giants but also many other creatures. Fact is, there have been bigfoot, swamp apes here, taken and there is dna evidence... but again, you will never see it.... the question again is why....

As for sentient, a mouse is sentient, it is self aware.... did you come from a mouse....

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: one4all

Are you serious... your not even making sense now... that a 400 plus pound bigfoot is going to survive eating berries... not happening... try this, go visit a feed lot, or someone who has horses like we do etc.. see how much they must eat to survive.. not just one day, every day... how much grass do you think a single buffalo must eat each n every day to survive....

It is simple, for an animal that large it can't be living on berries and grass. Grizzly bear's are a good example for them. They are omnivore as well but must eat incredible amounts of food to survive... think of it like yourself. it takes an incredible amount of food and a variety to sustain you and keep you healthy... it literally is no different for any other animal. Yes, some don't have our particular requirements, but this also means they must have more of what they do eat and they also must get certain things to survive... why you see animals, including elephants, travel for miles to get to salt and minerals they are not getting from their diet etc... this holds true for all species....

go to your local zoo and talk to them about how much they have to feed a great ape, which is literally half the weight and size of a bigfoot, in order to keep it healthy and alive...

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: one4all
.....these Woodcraft signs are not located in areas Bigfoot does not reside in

originally posted by: Caver78
Some X's at the west marked off which way not to go which coincided with human population, Some logs laid at an angle "seemed" to indicate travel was open to the Northeast.

Thanks for the info. It is easy to picture wood markers as travel signs, and if we could read the symbolic language they represent, they would make a lot more sense.

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: dlbott
As for large groups, hmmm, this is not happening either...

Like a tribe? As I posted a few pages back, at the end of the 70's, only 19 family groups had been reported seen, with only 22 juveniles among them. So only several had more than one child with them, the family group usually being 3 total. I find this believable. Not sure if that count was world wide or just North America.

As for the modern Yellowstone family video, that tall one in the back sure looks like a guy with a white shirt on under his open jacket. Not sure why the Bison look so small compared to him though.

That one should be easy to prove one way or another. Has anyone ever gone out there and been filmed by the same camera to measure their size against what's in the video?

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: dlbott

Before we go all food-police, let me just say, does anyone remember the book "Never Cry Wolf" by Farley Mowat?
About a researcher who discovered Wolves actually got most of their calories from mice? Not Caribou?

A whole lot of little things add up to one big thing eventually.

I would say they go thru the day foraging so after 12 hours you'd think being omnivores they'd done alright! Flip a log?
Bug/grub/worm central and so forth. What we aren't considering is just how different from ours IS their digestive system?
It's more than possible they can perfectly handle types of plant roughage that we can't.

Little known story.
The Carrier Nation of BC survived some horrific times eating/chewing just on tree bark. This was over a long time, not just a speedy event. It's been done before by Humans, so no reason to think Bigfoot can't do likewise.

DilBot may remember the video some little Georgia kid took of a Bigfoot coming into the back yard? The kid played hooky from school just to prove it to his parents. One of the best images I've seen.

The prey has been moving closer & closer to suburbia and we all know where the prey goes so do the predators. From what I know plenty of people have decent images of them but once achieved they just don't share. To share them just blows up your life. Tal Branco has some, but they won't be made public until after his death. A friend of mine got plenty, but they aren't my property to share and no I'm not going to ask them to do so.

Realistically no picture video made public is ever going to change anything regarding Bigfoot.

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: reject

Yes , Some of them do Not Even Like Beef Jerky . Elusive Indeed ......

posted on Nov, 1 2019 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: dlbott
a reply to: one4all

Are you serious... your not even making sense now... that a 400 plus pound bigfoot is going to survive eating berries... not happening... try this, go visit a feed lot, or someone who has horses like we do etc.. see how much they must eat to survive.. not just one day, every day... how much grass do you think a single buffalo must eat each n every day to survive....

It is simple, for an animal that large it can't be living on berries and grass. Grizzly bear's are a good example for them. They are omnivore as well but must eat incredible amounts of food to survive... think of it like yourself. it takes an incredible amount of food and a variety to sustain you and keep you healthy... it literally is no different for any other animal. Yes, some don't have our particular requirements, but this also means they must have more of what they do eat and they also must get certain things to survive... why you see animals, including elephants, travel for miles to get to salt and minerals they are not getting from their diet etc... this holds true for all species....

go to your local zoo and talk to them about how much they have to feed a great ape, which is literally half the weight and size of a bigfoot, in order to keep it healthy and alive...

Sometimes things don't make sense because we are LEARNING NEW THINGS....Only because I am merciful will I keep this response short....I grew up on a Mixed Farm feeding all kinds of Livestock and domesticated so SORRY...but I also worked @ a Large North American Zoo ….lol.....did you fail to read the dietary requirements of a Gorilla?

Bigfoot does not eat grass as a primary source of nutrition...nor do Gorillas.....Cows eat grass as a primary source of nutrition and they use grass as a substrate.....

400lbs is very small......Teenage size.....think 800 lbs.

I AM NOT IN THE MOOD TO GO TO FAR WITH THIS BUT WILL GIVE YOU ONE MORE SMALL TIP TO CONSIDER....when you begin to learn about animals and their diets you will understand why the Grizzly eats what it eats as it prepares to hibernate and
and then you can compare that to the diets obese people et...and if you think they are slamming down 3ooo calories a day to maintain their obese weights once the have topped out you are pretty far off base from an observational perspective....A Bear races thru the season consuming specific foods in tactical volumes related to putting on specific types of body fat....a bear tricks its own body into putting on excess fats.....humans have a lot to learn about BAD EATING from bears

A winter ready Bear is fat and a Bigfoot is lean.

A winter ready Bear is fat a Gorilla is lean.

A winter ready bear is fat a Human is lean.

A Bear eats to GET FAT … Gorillas and Humans do not...unless they are sick.

We need to consume good fats so does Bigfoot …. Bears produce bad fats in massive quantities themselves.

The volume of fat an animal can put on is easily measurable...this is why unethical Cattle Farmers torture their cows by stuffing water hoses down their throats and overfilling them before they ship them off to market....under optimal circumstances the cows can only put on so much fat.

I encourage you to watch the series Alone where the dude has to fight off starving Wolverines in the winter time...the fight is over a moose the man killed and was wasn't really the moose both were fighting over it was the bucket of MOOSE the Wolverine and the Man required the fat MUCH MUCH MORE THAN THE MEAT.

Watch the contrasting diets of the people competing on the show...learn about yourself under extreme condition and then you can begin to learn about animals.

In further reference...look how hard it is for Humans to even TRAP MICE in the wild...mice and Squirrels and Rabbits are not as easy to obtain for us as people might think.....however...they are always plentiful and from my experience Bigfoot can pick mice like we pick Grapes...mere minutes for a mouse....not days of we have to combine availability with obtainability. The Forest if full of food if you know what you can eat...all year round....and if you can digest it and survive on it.

Animals know what they need....people just don't know what animals can and will do to obtain what they
The Moose are diving for mineral and nutrient rich plants they can only find underwater.There is a massive supply of these types of vegetation if you know where to find it and store it up in your body.

edit on 1-11-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2019 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: dlbott
a reply to: one4all

You are still buying the coolaid lol... fact is modern science has actually ruled out evolution at all.. we did not come from apes and never did... you are just as accurate saying you share dna with that rock on the ground.. you see, it literally is the base of everything in the universe and yes base dna is shared by almost everything.

Why do you think we can use pig organs or have pigs even grow human organs lol.. we share dna. but no, we did not come from pigs, we came from apes lol... get it now lol...

What i was pointing out was that there has been a coordinated effort to hide not just bigfoot but also giants.. and the reason why... giants literally disprove evolution completely, as do bigfoot.. why, well they too will show evolution did not happen.

As for bible not mentioning hominids, well, that is not totally true... the ancient scripts, book of enoch and many others mention not just Giants but also many other creatures. Fact is, there have been bigfoot, swamp apes here, taken and there is dna evidence... but again, you will never see it.... the question again is why....

As for sentient, a mouse is sentient, it is self aware.... did you come from a mouse....

Giants do not disprove evolution...they prove hybrid-vigor and in some cases genetic modification just like we do....and Bigfoot does.

Possibly everything EVOLVES ...everything in the bloody UNIVERSE you silly nutter….lol....there is a Universal genetic template in play and this is what the Religons now have zero option but to argue over....a 5-star pattern...arms and legs and a the generic form of the CREATOR(that's how we rationalise a common denominator) was not put only on begins wherever conditions are correct.

Don't confuse Silicone based Giants with Carbon based Hybrid-Vigour Giants.

Lets leave mice out of it for now....I have recently been slightly traumatised by a squeezed as in a Lenny type squeeze but a bit more on purpose....kind of like squeezing Tube-Cheeze…...I can still see those glassy little eyes staring right up at me....meat for a treat....of mice and men
edit on 1-11-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2019 @ 04:30 AM
Some very interesting reading in this thread.

Was going to post video testimony about a 'Men In Black' type figure confiscating Bigfoot hair samples and photographs from witnesses (and also destroying footprints) but the ○○○○○ have taken the video down (link).

For folks who haven't read it then this article about the U.S. Government does contain some pretty eye-opening accounts from police officers and military.

Bigfoot confirmed by the Government?

posted on Nov, 1 2019 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: reject

That young Martin child's remains looked like he was eaten and not by a known animal.

Are you referring to Dennis Martin who went missing playing hide and seek with his father watching?, If so, they never found found him, either alive or dead.

posted on Nov, 1 2019 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: Caver78

I just want to point out a parallel between Bigfoot and the 6 foot bili/Bondo chimpanzee.

There are accounts of Bigfoot killing mountain lions especially by native Americans.

It just so happens the bili/Bondo chimpanzee kills and eats big cats in Africa.

If that's not interesting enough to set off alarm bells, I don't know what is.

Also, I'd like to share a few things observed about the bili/Bondo chimpanzee.

One in captivity is described as being very inordinately interested in our shoes.

A peculiar trivia about those missing in national parks is that shoes seem to somehow figure in the incidents.

A quote from an article on the bili/Bondo chimpanzee: "Their footprints, which range from 28 to 34 centimeters, are longer than the largest common chimp and gorilla footprints, which average 26 cm and 29 cm, respectively."

I've seen video of an alleged Bigfoot playing in the swamp flailing it's arms around just like a chimpanzee.

Too much of a coincidence for me...

Anyway, I just want to say I have absolutely no problem saying homo sapiens is an animal, a hominid, a hominin, a primate, and a great ape.

And for the life of me, I don't know how anyone can claim mainstream science has discredited evolution already.

I really hope that was a joke.

posted on Nov, 1 2019 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Sorry about that.

I confused him with some other kid who went missing and whose remains showed signs that he was eaten by an unknown animal.

originally posted by: reject
a reply to: Nickn3

Oh ok I confused the Martin case with that of another very young missing child.

missing child

edit on 1-11-2019 by reject because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2019 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: reject

Please don't think I've disregarded your input!!!
Did the quick google thing with your Bondo track measurements of 28-34cm it's 11inches-13.3 inches. For comparison a mens size 13 is 11.5 inches (us sizing)

Fer'sure some "unknown's tracks" do fall into that range however a goodly number exceed it by 4-6 inches. Comparing the foot track's width is also a factor. Then you get Ito ALL the different big toe issues since some tracks are showing a more ape-like (primitive) jointing, an shortly someone here is going to spout off on the "mid-Tarsal" break information.

...Annnnd we'll ALL be off to the races in arguing "the stupid".
Because without multiple "slab-monkeys" for 100% scientific documentation we're all just theorizing.

I absolutely see the Bondo information you've added as a valuable comparison. If anything they'd fall maybe closer to what the Croatian's call the "Leshy" or we would call a "Swamp Ape". I'm of the opinion that type is NOT limited to just the Southern US any more than they've been limited in Eurasia.

Which is why we all get caught up in "it's ape-like" but others report what they've seen as more human-like which would be the Almasty/Bigfoot/Sasquatch type. Both displaying different behaviors and having different appearances.

Linnaeus's original classification of Troglodyte Nocturnus, Troglodyte Sylvestrus apply.
yeah, some very unwieldy names, but for once here in the states we NOW have some actual science to fall back on and work from!!!

Porshnev spent considerable time trying with the Mongolian researchers in trying to nail down the two types, so I don't see why right now at least, why we would get all "hot'n hasty" with each other instead of working out the pieces of this puzzle?

JMO but this thread has been the MOST CIVIL, the MOST EDUCATIONAL in my many years of internet discussion on the topic. Flame-Wars are a dime a dozen and can be found easily. What we're doing is radically uncommon so my compliments to EVERYONE!!!!

(Beaming with Joy!!!)

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: Caver78

Like I said in my OP, I SPECULATE it's close enough to us genetically that it could
and DOES produce offspring with us.

Hence, some of them do look more human than the others but their genes are more dominant.

(Have you heard about the Russian humanzee experiments?)

As to your implying the bili/Bondo chimpanzee is not large enough, I said earlier, Bigfoot may be an even bigger kind of bili/Bondo chimpanzee.

You see, mammals' size is somewhat dependent on geography.

They may be of the exact same species but some of them can be tiny and some gigantic depending on geography.

This phenomenon is demonstrated by "insular dwarfism."

I'm not insisting Bigfoot is a bili/Bondo chimpanzee (for one, like I said earlier, they are friendly towards humans) but it either could be or a similar ape.

I know I tend to leave things out in my posts and sometimes I jump around and forget stuff in composing my thoughts but I hope this clears things up even just a little bit more.

edit on 2-11-2019 by reject because: Friendly chimpanzee

edit on 2-11-2019 by reject because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 03:32 AM
Nobody can prove this creature exists, no valid evidence of it, which is nearly impossible, if they really DID exist. It cannot be ruled out, entirely, but it is highly improbable to exist, on that basis.

If we compare this creature, to any other animal we know exists, the main, most obvious difference between them, is the overwhelming evidence that shows up all the time, all over.

Why would a creature leave no evidence of any type, if it actually exists...means it is highly unlikely this creature exists, in the first place.

posted on Nov, 2 2019 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: turbonium1

peer reviews - sasquatch genome project

like the Bigfoot itself, the study is also highly controversial.

It basically says it's DNA shows affinity to human AND chimpanzee along with other primates.

So this DNA sequence doesn't discount a species of large bili/Bondo chimpanzee that may grow a lot bigger in the Pacific Northwest geographic location.

PLUS, if it has indeed hybridized with homo sapiens presently or in the past, it may have become even bigger like what has been observed of the liger which is bigger than its lion and tiger parents.

I think this just about wraps it up for this thread
edit on 2-11-2019 by reject because: (no reason given)

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