Originally posted by entiti
On another note, I have a question for you, or Shadow, or anyone else with experience in channeling. I just can't keep up! The visions, answers, and
explanations are like in another language I can't explain. When I try to write it down, it's so hard to keep up, and I can feel my guide's presence
trying to slow it down for me
I find that sessions begin slower and then increase in speed. I am always surprised that by the end of session I have filled pages of paper. The
writing just becomes ever so fast. It looks very rough at the end, so I have to write it out again on the laptop.
Shadow, you can do channeling by any medium, yes, even a computer. I should be doing that, because I can type better than I can write. But, for now, I
am staying with writing. It's just that when you write out a letter, each letter has it's own shape, and you are physically writing it out, it
carries a meaning. While, when typing, they're all are the same.
Fortunately, I was able to do another session today. As I was able to sleep on time to meditate in the morning. Here it is, this time the subject is
the man upstairs himself!
Session 14: 26/3/2005
Is my guide there?
It has been so many days since I last channeled you?
Light never diminishes, it continues to burn as bright as it was before. Our connection is never compromised. I am always with you child, just call me
when you need me.
My mom has not been well, it has been difficult to keep presence of my mind.
Mind is ever present - always present. It is just the connection that comes out of phase. Just bring it back into phase by meditating and quietening
the mind.
I was with you when you were healing your mother. Your mothers body was floating in my realm, being rejuventated. Her heart is a anew. Continue to
heal as many as you can. When you go out into the world you see those many souls that need healing. A lightworker works with light and heals. Do not
worry how you do it. Just declare your intention. Healing is the most powerful energy you can give.
There are many souls, both young and old, who need healing. Be their healer son.
There are so many questions I want to ask you. That have been brewing in my mind from recent events. Things that I need to know and want to
what is chaos?
Chaos is darkness - degrees of darkness. The difference is between a dimmed light and a shining light. The shining light has more energy
and radiance.
Chaos represents a state of less energy and radiance. There's a lack of cohesion. Yet, even in Chaos there is order. This is why the universe is
always ordered, no how much it is disordered. Chaos has to obey the order of chaos.
Try to create complete randomess, no matter how you hard you try, there will be order in your randomness. The non-dual mind is the highest order, the
truth, oneness, cohesion, love. Here you can observe and see all. Nothing is relative.
Yet the dualities are all words of chaos and vary in chaos. There is chaos even in the spiritual kingdoms, that is why war occurs there too. The
higher you ascend the worlds, the lesser the chaos becomes. The lower you go, the more the chaos, but the higher the potential for order.
Order is existence. Even in seemingly absolute chaos, there will still be existence - order. Beyond absolute chaos there is absolute order.
The interplay of light and dark is all pervasive. It is also within you.
What is more important, the parts or the whole?
The whole cannot BE without the parts, that is why the whole beckons to the parts. The parts are incomplete without the whole and they thrist for the
whole. The need is mututal.
When two parts connect, they unite and form a greater whole.
This is how it is. The parts fulfill themselves by having a greater
existence as a whole. Each part has a worth - a divine importance.
Like cog wheels in a clockwork. They each play a role so
the universe keeps running.
If this wasn't, there would be no existence, but it is impossible
for there to be no existence, because even non-existence
is existence. The wheel will always spin. This is just how it is.
Motion is energy. This energy is perpetual. It is always the
same, never created nor destroyed, just constant. At a
perfection ratio - the divine mean.
Why is there evil. I know you said it is like friction for the soul's journey. But still, why? Why isn't it that we are already in light. Why
should there be darkness in the first place?
Darkness must exist. It is the rule of the opposites.
If something exists, then it's opposite must exist too.
To know that light is light and dark is dark.
This is what the universal consciousness obeys.
God could not know himself by not knowing
what he wasn't.
Again it is about keeping the wheel spinning.
Darkness is very necessary for this.
It is just how it is. It must be like this. There is no other way.
When we merge with god, why should we want to separate
(I now draw a wheel)
Merging with god is like completing one revolution of
the wheel. The 359th degree - that is one less than the highest,
is the highest state you can attain as the soul, after that you
complete the cycle, and no longer know yourself again, to
know yourself, the wheel of time will turn again.
Know that you already exist at your highest levels and lowest levels
all at the same time. There never was a creation or a dissolution.
The beginning and the end are just illusions of time. The universe
just IS.
Does that mean that god does not exist or that he not a sentient
or conscious being?
The wheel exists and it spins and without the wheel
and the force that turns it, there is no life.
So god does exist and he is formed of the parts, that also exist.
The life of the wheel exists. The force that turns the wheel exists too.
It just is. This is how it always was. It is existence and non-existence
at the same time. The ultimate paradox.
You feel the presence of god when the parts combine. You
feel god when you love one another and in the holy matrimony
of souls. You feel god when you make love.
Your most divine moment, most loving moment, most
joyous moment, the tears of a mother who gives birth to
her child, is the feeling of god.
Why should it even matter whether god is some ultimate being? The
feeling is real - then god is also real. Love one another and you will experience god.
The wheel is real and the movement is real too and so is
the force that turns the wheel.
God loves everything and his love allows it to happen.
Love keeps the universe going.
His beckoning to his parts to form the whole is
the will of god.
Thank you for your wisdom and love.
[edit on 27-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]