Sorry, for this late response friends. I've had quite a turbulent night. I spent most of the time at the hospital besides my mother who had a heart
attack last night. I gave her some healing with green light from the earths energies to burn away the blackness on her heart. I surrounded her in an
encapsulating green and yellow aura. She will be fine. Her condition has improved. I told her a few weeks ago she had a severly blocked heart chakra,
and if it is not healed, it could cause heart related disease - but she did not listen much. Now, she's had a heart attack. She did not know she had
heart problems till today.
She told me the day before she had a precongitive dream. She dreamt she had a heart attack and she was in hospital. Yep, that came true. Please, pray
for her or do a meditation for her "Indigo's mom"
Please, if any of your chakra are blocked, then work on them. Because, if not healed, disease will develop. The same happened to this man who had
communication problems all his life. His throat chakra was blocked. He died of throat cancer.
When my mom is discharged from the hospital. I have promised her regular healing and forbidden her from worrying and being fearful. That is what
caused her heart problem. Excessive fear and worrying. So, if you are a fearful or worrying type of person, chances are your heart chakra is blocked
As usual your words are wise and powerful. I am considering starting a web site to put this information and other related information on. I will let
you know if I start it.
Thank you for sharing your channeling. I enjoyed reading them. I am going to read it again when my mind is less preoccupied and discuss it. I would
love to read your other sessions too.
Duh squared,
Thank you Duh squared. I actually already do have celestite, it is among my favourites. Remember, when I said I got two new crystals today. The white
pearly one was the celestite. In my next session I will do it while holding onto one.
As for my guide. I feel the highest energy from him. In some of his words, it's almost as if my guide is god himself. Hence, why I say he's from the
highest energy of god. I have been told Zoroastria is a Guardian. So, it could be Zoroastria is my guardian, my teacher, my ascended master. I don't
know what to call him. I completely agree, he is a very divine and high being.
You are right. I should help as many people as I can. I have the wrong idea of reaching some level before I can do this. I should just share what I
know and touch as many people as I can. Not, because I want to accure Karma. But, because it's right.
I am very happy that this thread has helped you look at spirituality in a new light. We can all have a relationship with god. God can be our friend,
partner, lover, father, mother, even our son. Each of those personalities and relationships are an aspect of his divine energy. Whatever you need, be
it knowledge, enlightenment, love. You can ask for from god. Ask and you shall receive.
As for meditation techniques. Meditation is like taming an animal. Here, the animal is the mind. It takes time to tame an animal. In the same way it
takes time to tame the mind. However, as soon as you are in control, you can ride that animal called the mind and be it's master.
Sit down on a chair upright and feet on ground, preferably wearing light and loose clothes to aid blood circulation. Relax. Then close your eyes and
take a deep breath, and become aware of the breath. Feel the oxygen entering your mouth or nose and travelling to your chest - to your lungs and
filling them. Let your chest and shoulders rise naturally as the oxygen fills your lungs. Then breathe out and feel the air emptying from the lungs
and leaving through your mouth or nose. Let your chest and shoulders fall. Keep doing it for 5-10 min. That's it. That's one of the best
meditations; Pranayama.
This is an effective and easy meditation. Because, you are not having to concentrate on holding a single thought. All you are doing is breathing,
except deeper and being aware of the passage of the breath. Do this daily and as it becomes more natural to you, increase your meditation to 20 min,
then 40 min, then an hour. Make it your routine. The more you do it, the more you will begin to enjoy it and want to do it more.
Another meditation you can do, which is also easy. Is to simply sit down again in the same position and close your eyes for 30 min. This is called the
TM technique by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. That's it. Just close your eyes and let your thoughts flow in and out. Easy, right?
The more fun meditations, called "creative meditation" or visualisation and the easiest to do. Is again sit in the same position and close your
eyes. Now, visualise yourself taking on a journey and create this journey with your own thoughts. Make it as vivid and as beautiful as you can. Make
it larger than life. Engage all your senses - feel it, see it, hear it, smell it, taste it. Do this for 5-10 min and increase the times.
The whole purpose here is not to concentrate on any thoughts. Rather to create a flow of thoughts. An example could be seeing yourself grow wings, and
taking to flight in the blue skies and flying in the white glowing clouds and seeing the sun light up the sky. Seeing the land and the ocean below
with such clear vision that belies reality. Then you fly higher into space, only that it is not black, it is a rainbow of colours and you are flying
amongst the colours etc. Keep creating as you go. You can even get guided meditation tapes that already have such journey scenorios pre-made. All you
do is go along with it with your own thoughts.
If the guided meditation says "you are flying in the sun-lit sky" then with your own thoughts you see this. You create the colours, the sky and the
visuals. What you create will tell you a lot about you as a person.
This kind of meditation is great for developing your psychic and intuitive skills. As you are engaging the right hemisphere of your brain throughout
the meditation which deals with imagination.
Mantra meditation is also quite simple. Sit down in the same position again, close your eyes or keep them open if you want and chant a mantra for 5-10
min. The best mantra is OM or AUM. However, there are many others like RAM, YAM, HAM. The sound that is the most resonant is the best. When you chant
the mantra sound it out so that it creates a resonance. Don't just say OM - say OOOOOOOOOM. The vowels, such as the O in OM release endorphins into
your body and create a sensual and pleasant feeling and also relaxes you. Increase the durations of these meditations as you become more confident in
Finally, advanced meditation. Now, this one isn't easy. That is why I recommend you do the easy ones outlined above first, before you try this. In
this meditation you have to focus and concentrate your mind on one object, thought or symbol. It could be complete silence. I use silence mostly for
these kinds of meditations. Now, as the human mind is always creating thoughts, we need to be able to still those thoughts and create silence.
However, the aim is not to force yourself to stop thinking. Rather, to just observe your thoughts and not attach to them. Just let them flow in and
out. Every moment between a thought is silence. We try to concentrate on that silence. The more you do this meditation, the longer the durations of
the moments of silence. I call this serenity and stillness. Also called Golden silence or Nirvana.
You don't need to use silence. You could concentrate on a thought such as "happiness" "love" "joy" "success" or any word, concept or problem
you want to work on. Or a symbol/visual such as the symbol of aum or the cross or see visuals of light, flowers etc.
A lot of people meditate with a problem to see what they will get in meditation. Such as the zen masters who would meditate on a koan, or a logical
paradox like the "sound of one hand clapping" to see what they would learn or receive in meditation. You could meditate on "time" or "soul" to
see what you get. This is quite similar to channeling.
Finally, you could do combination meditations. To get the best of both. You could to breathing and visualisation meditations at the same time. The
simplest and certainly a highly recommended meditation - is colour breathing. When you do the breathing meditation/Pranyama just visualise that you
are breathing in colors and the colours are rushing through your body. You could use one colour for the entire meditation or you could use several.
What I do is work through them in the order of the light spectrum.
You could see yourself as a Pyramid that is receiving a colour from the universe and glowing. The possibilities are endless - because imagination is
So there you go. I hope this has demystified meditation. It really is very simple and like all skills and abilities - practice makes perfect. Do a
meditation daily and if you want vary your meditations throughout the week.
Just a note: Some people also do a protection and grounding ritual before they begin. This is simply just thought and visualising. Sit there in the
position prescribed above and state an affirmation before you begin your meditation slowly and intently e.g. "I will be protected from all negative
influences/energies" and visualise yourself in life-size bubble of gold or white energy. This is your psychic forcefield. Nothing negative can
penetrate it.
Then ground yourself with a similar ritual. Visualise yourself as being anchored to the Earth. See it as energetic roots growing from underneath your
feet and going deep into the earth. So that your feet feel heavy to lift. This is so you don't become light headed and prevents you from leaving your
body. When meditation sessions are over, you will always be somewhat light headed, so simply repeat the grounding at the end.
You may also want to, because I do, make a prayer or invocation to your angels or higherself, guides, universe, or indeed all of them, based on what
you believe. Simply say what you want them to do for you. I say this "I call upon god, my angels and guides to assist me in this meditation, to make
this moment as pure and divine as possible. To be me with in this moment and to protect me. I now call upon my Mother Earth to allow my lie in her lap
and protect me with her warmth and love and then my father(god) to place a blanket of golden white light around me, so that no negativity, external or
internal, can affect me.
I also do something else. Again, you could do the same. I first declare who I am, what is my purpose and my goal for meditation. This usually becomes
a conversation with god and is different everytime. Something like this "I am a spiritual being. I encompass the entire universe. I am the mirocosm
of the universe. A part of the universe. A child of God. My qualities are love and peace. For these are my fathers qualities and I aspire to be more
like him. I am a soul on a journey to the source of god. This has always been my journey and this where I am going. In this meditation I will link to
god, the universal consciousness and become one with him. He is an ocean of knowledge, of peace, of love and I will drink from this ocean"
Finally, you can enhance the experience even further by playing ambient music and/or incense or burning your favourite oils. Make this experience as
beautiful, as fulfilling as you want. Make an altar where you do your meditations and place on it what you want or what you like - such as crystals,
pictures, objects that mean something positive to you. This even furthers the experience.
My routine is as follows for daily meditation:
1. Bath
2. Then I sit before my altar, which has crystals and a candle on it.
3. I light the candle and burn some incense and then play music
4. I ground myself and then state my affirmations and prayer
5. I start meditation
You can do as much as you want. It is better you do more than less. However, you don't have to do any of the rituals, though it is advised you do to
enhance and protect yourself.
I have considered becoming a hermit. I am not sure I am ready for it.
I am not sure Samuel's teachings are for me. There are quite a few things I don't approve in his teachings.
1) Calling gay people degenerated and disgusting and saying they are not capable of good thought etc. Now, I am not gay myself, but such intolerance
for a certain kind of sexuality is not very enlightened. I use to think like him before. But, now I'm accepting of gay people and lesser
2) No sex. Apparently Kundalini can only be activated by become celibate. Did I read that right? and sex is not a higher spiritual act and
masturbation is some kind of sin. I don't agree
3) Samuel claims to be uniting all religions under one banner - his banner. Yet, there are so many differences between these religions, that it's
irreconciable. Most of the verses he takes from the bible do not even support the eastern doctrines of spirituality.
So overal, I am not all that impressed.
[edit on 23-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]