posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 09:00 PM
hang on a minute, are you people really comparing Nostradamus to the Prophets of old?
I mean its a facinating discussion and i am not knocking your opinions or beliefs but did Nostradamus ever say his visions were from God, because if
he did i must have had a brain fade on the same paragraph in every book about him i ever read.
Now it would be nice if God did still send us Prophets to guide us because heaven above, we sure do need some guidance.
I personally dont think we had a Prophet walk this planet since ""The Last Prophet" Mohamed, whom was prophised by "The Messianic Prophet" Jesus
stating there will be one more Prophet.
All of the three monotheist religions state there are a finite number of Prophets, is it not possible that the last came millenia ago during the time
of the Prophets?
The definition of a Prophet is not even met by Nostradamus, what's the point of a prophet who talks in riddles, the whole point is to spread the word
of God and enlighten mankind surely, not hidden in conundrums, i mean whats the point if no one understands what he said.
No other Prophet attempts to give us a blow by blow timeline of the future, if we knew the future we would have the ability to change it and there for
it would not be the future anymore, time is linear.
As for all this "who is mabus",,, come on, give it a break, this thread has been ongoing for over 3 years now, and now its swung from Mahmood Abbas
toward Barak Obama, give the guy a break for goodness sake, yeah i know he made a booboo by not standing up to israel and saying "i will speak on the
Israel Gaza conflict issue after the 20th jan" but dam,,, does that now make him the son of satan? smell the coffee please people, stop being silly,
i suppose you wont be happy till you shave the guy naked and inspect him for the 666's. What if you found 786 on his behind, would that make him
goodness me, its close to libel if it wernt so ridiculous.
Talk like yours will set some psycho assassin off who will claim they were killing the devil's son.
What i think is that if you want to research the comming of the antichrist of amageddon then the place to study is religious text, not Nostradamus,
there is not a quattrain or thing the man predicted that came true, there is not a shred of moral guidance or religious teachings in his works, dont
sound like the usual Prophet's texts.
My personal belief is he was a very unstable man who just went stir crazy and i bet i get shot down by heaps of you here but to tell the truth i dont
mind as you need a little reality to reach your ears once in a while, it may not agree with you at present but one day you may just come to the
conclusion that you are just trimming the jigsaw peices to make them fit where you wish, but u know what, in the end you wont see the image as it was
Look arround, do some research, read the Prophets of old, even go get a copy of the Eithopian Bible, the one the Roman Catholic, Orthodox or
Protestant church didnt their hands on and edit to suit their own needs, Look for Prophet Enoch, now thats a subject that deserves a 3year thread.
Look further, see what is going on in the world, you dont need Nostradamus to tell you we are approaching the "end of days", you see it everywhere
you look and yet we respond with inaction.
Where is the humanity gone, we should be standing together as Buddhist, Seikh, Muslim, Christian, Jew etc with one thing in common, We were all humans
created by God or whatever your religion decides to name god.
Instead we argue that "my God's better that your God"... kinda sounds like playground behaviour dont it!
Must make God real pissed off with what he created, maybe he sees us as a lost cause, how many times can he tell us the same thing via his Prophets
for it to just cause another religious faction and division.
God is Love, Peace is the message.
May your God go with you.