posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 05:01 AM
In further study of mine, the Anti-Christ MIGHT be muslim. If you search on information for the Muslim Mesiah, it is an exact replica of what the
Biblical Anti-Christ is described as.
But again, it's far too early for anyone to speculate on who the Anti-Christ is, because it's simply not that easy. Satan is the master of
deception, so why would he be dumb enough to have it be somone so obvious? Wait to speculate on who the Anti-Christ is until the 7 seals begin to open
(An astroid hitting earth will be the big eye opener to everyone)
As for Nostradmus, he has been wrong on so many occasions, it's impossible to take any of his things literally. Did you know that in the 80', he
predicted that the west coast of California would be under water?? Has it happened? No. Can it happen? Yes but not when he said it would. Therefor, he
is a FALSE prophet, leading all of you onto the wrong path, just as the master of deception, Satan, wants you to go- the wrong way in thinking.
Again, the Bible is the origination for the Anti-Christ. Why do you look everywhere else BUT there? It makes no sense at all. It's like trying to
understand reality in a video game, when reality is right in front of you but you'd rather ignore the reality you live in for answers and instead get
the information from a video game. Makes no sense!
Search the internet on religous view points of the Anti-Christ to learn more about him, not a false prophet who is rarely right.
John the prophet, has already predicted Israe would become a state as a sign of the end times and they did, in 1945 or 1948- first time in THOUSANDS
of years!