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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -21-

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posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

the stumbling blocks are meant to be learned from so that we can evolve beyond them.


We were not meant to repeatedly relive them over and over again like some depraved Ground Hog Day movie

Yes, we were. It's karma. We continue to relive them until our souls have learned the lesson.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: carewemust

I'm following the rule of "Don't just give a man a fishing rod - teach him how to fish".

Rel, in Texas, they just give the man a surplus hand grenade. Catch plenty of fish that way! I remember hearing about some 'old boy' who won a, as the British say, "quiz", from the police for such


posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: VeeTNA

I agree with you about karma but if it's true that humanity has been enslaved or imprisoned then that means we were not meant to be recycled and trapped here for as long as we have

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: VeeTNA

I agree with you about karma but if it's true that humanity has been enslaved or imprisoned then that means we were not meant to be recycled and trapped here for as long as we have

Almost sounds like catch and release ...


posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
Still leading you guys on a wild goose chase, eh? Wasn't the whole Seth Rich thing supposed to be busted wide open in like June of LAST year? Whatever happened to that? Those indictments are still coming guys! Just gotta keep holding your breaths! 🤣

Keep chasing that rabbit guys.

It is quite entertaining watching the same loons fall for the same bullsh*t over... and over... 21 time!

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:46 PM
originally posted by: cherokeetroy

I agree with you about karma but if it's true that humanity has been enslaved or imprisoned then that means we were not meant to be recycled and trapped here for as long as we have

It's just that "humanity" (as in our current physical bodies on Earth) is our place in the universe right now, this minute.

Our souls are much older; we keep recycling here until we reach the dimension of understanding and empathy that allows us to transcend this scenario. Some souls are older and wiser than others, but we're all lost in the same forest.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: daskakik

I think that many people who post and lurk here probably have no idea that the flag system even exists or what its purpose is.

I always forget about it until someone mentions it, and I frequent these threads lol. It's easy to overlook sitting up there in the corner being all lonely and stuff. Poor flag system.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe
I don't know, looking at the members page and ordering by flags shows SLAYER69 has 27,577 flags and many have tens of thousands, so it would seem that many do understand the system and hand out lots of flags.

We all know it is a poor metric on its own but compared to earlier instalments, 2 and 15 had 180 and 150 respectively. So it would seem that it has remained somewhat constant but that isn't a good thing for a movement that asks that you digg and show support to reach critical mass.
edit on 10-10-2019 by daskakik because: Fixed thread number

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:50 PM
This interesting watch comes up when you simply search the numbers.


Omega Speedmaster is a line of chronograph wristwatches produced by Omega SA. While chronographs have been around since the late 1800s, Omega first introduced this line of chronographs in 1957. Since then, many different chronograph movements have been marketed under the Speedmaster name. The manual winding Speedmaster Professional or "Moonwatch" is the best-known and longest-produced; it was worn during the first American spacewalk as part of NASA's Gemini 4 mission and was the first watch worn by an astronaut walking on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission.[1][2] The Speedmaster Professional remains one of several watches qualified by NASA for spaceflight and is still the only one so qualified for EVA.[3] The Speedmaster line also includes other models, including analog-digital and automatic mechanical watches.[4][5]

Lots of interesting things about the watch
Can’t understand why it’s pulled when you google 3570 though.

We decoded a lot of watch faces months back but I don’t know if it’s relevant to that. Never mind, I’m almost certain that somehow it is.

Not because Q. But just because everything that can possibly be connected seemingly is connected. Lol

My thoughts about the 3570 number was some sort of earth cycle but I can’t find anything to back it up. It was just something that came to my mind.

a reply to: SilentWindofDoom

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: VeeTNA

it's my understanding that we created this realm (or it was created for us) for the purpose of soul expansion but somewhere along the line it went horribly wrong

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: imthegoat

Exactly, its not like they advertise them or even tell us what they do anywhere visible on the site. Hell, I dont even know what all of the icons on my profile mean, and ive been posting here for 13 years.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
I already know all that.

Being convinced you are right still hasn't changed anything you claim is possible.

That isn't for you, that is for others reading the thread.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
A glaring failure of the mainstream media is their inattention to one of the most stunning and charming first ladies ever to grace the White House, Melania Trump.

That's funny.. I'd post the pictures of our stunning and charming first lady but the porn filters at work would flag them. She's classy alright... lol

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

it's my understanding that we created this realm (or it was created for us) for the purpose of soul expansion but somewhere along the line it went horribly wrong

Wong and horrible indeed. That's just as it was set up to be. Only we (the people) can get us out of it. Together. It takes all of us caring.

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Being convinced you are right still hasn't changed anything you claim is possible.

so? your point is? Anyone else reading this can also make up their own minds. My point all along has been that you're free to believe whatever you want and so am I. So is everyone else. I don't need your stamp of approval or validation. Do you need mine?

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 01:02 PM
Could the Ellen And George W thing be another tip of the hat to the start of a new third party, a purple party. Takes the best of both sides, dousing the extreme on both sides. Perhaps draining the swamp is for both Rs and Ds.

I think people have had it with both sides. I think Trump has inspired a new perspective on politics. I think even without Trump the spirit of Trump will continue on whoever is “elected”. People want something like trump. If something like Trump emerges from neither Red or Blue camps, Then lookout, that dude will have some power.

BTW I have mentioned this idea of a third party before, after watching the persuasive Jordan Peterson lectures and interviews. He plays both side very well.

My 2 cents

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, I'm getting problems trying to view the video in that tweet you linked re 1000 pieces - could just be me or, it could be Twitter disabling viewing?

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
You made a specific claim that wasn't about believing but about action which was nothing more than woo.

So if all this is possible and will right such a terrible wrong, why haven't you done it already?

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: daskakik

what's "woo" ? I don't know which claim you're talking about, you need to be more specific. And to answer your question, I'm not going to waste my time going into detail with you if you're just trying to lure me into an argument or debate. So be honest, is that what you're attempting to do?

posted on Oct, 10 2019 @ 01:15 PM
Giuliani Associates Who Worked On Biden-Ukraine Probe Have Been Arrested 

Two associates of Rudy Giuliani who helped the Trump lawyer investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s activities in Ukraine were arrested late Wednesday on campaign finance-related charges, according to an indictment unsealed on Thursday.

Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman were indicted along with two other associates in what prosecutors say was a conspiracy to make so-called “straw” donations to political campaigns and committees in order to advance political and business interests.

They also worked to advance the interests of at least one Ukrainian government official with whom they were working, according to the indictment.

edit on 10-10-2019 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-10-2019 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

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