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Just shut the stupid thing off!

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posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: Akragon

That was fake, but priceless. Theres mad.. and then theres "Im gonna shove a remote up my ass" mad...

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: solve
a reply to: KansasGirl

No such thing. Totally misunderstood phenomenon.

If i were to play the part of the "mad scientist" and was given ten people to experiment on.

The end result would be ten new diseases/conditions that could be medicated away/cured with a chemical lobotomy.

Point being the "Symptoms" of these new and popular conditions are not because an individual is sick, it is caused by- and is a normal reaction to the environment the individual has to endure, and has a lot to do with unhealthy habits and diets also.

I have some friends that foster very young kids who the system finds hard to handle.

These kids are addicted to methamphetamine in the womb or have fetal alcohol syndrome, or both simultaneously.

They are uncontrollable by any loving parental means, all a good parent can do is to love them, keep them from harm and put up with the child's behavior (which may be something like screaming uncontrollably for days or may be inflicting harm on other children, without any moral limit).

It takes very special people who have so much love and self restraint that they put themselves through such anguish. Sometimes it is even hard to stand with them as friends, the situation/s are so soul crushing.

As these children age, they usually exhibit classic symptoms of hyperactivity and attention deficit.

To be clear, the children do not seem to be mentally retarded in any way. Several of them are comparatively intelligent compared to other children their age. The problems are behavioral, rather than capability ones.

This is not imagined, or due to the something lacking in parenting ability. It is a real set of symptoms and requires more than just a medical or medicinal solution.

ADHD also encompasses a very wide range of behavior, too. I do not believe the diagnosis to have any single cause, or cure.

edit on 8/10/2019 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: solve
a reply to: KansasGirl

No such thing. Totally misunderstood phenomenon.

If i were to play the part of the "mad scientist" and was given ten people to experiment on.

The end result would be ten new diseases/conditions that could be medicated away/cured with a chemical lobotomy.

Point being the "Symptoms" of these new and popular conditions are not because an individual is sick, it is caused by- and is a normal reaction to the environment the individual has to endure, and has a lot to do with unhealthy habits and diets also.

I have some friends that foster very young kids who the system finds hard to handle.

These kids are addicted to methamphetamine in the womb or have fetal alcohol syndrome, or both simultaneously.

They are uncontrollable by any loving parental means, all a good parent can do is to love them, keep them from harm and put up with the child's behavior (which may be something like screaming uncontrollably for days or may be inflicting harm on other children, without any moral limit).

It takes very special people who have so much love and self restraint that they put themselves through such anguish. Sometimes it is even hard to stand with them as friends, the situation/s are so soul crushing.

As these children age, they usually exhibit classic symptoms of hyperactivity and attention deficit.

To be clear, the children do not seem to be mentally retarded in any way. Several of them are comparatively intelligent compared to other children their age. The problems are behavioral, rather than capability ones.

This is not imagined, or due to the something lacking in parenting ability. It is a real set of symptoms and requires more than just a medical or medicinal solution.

ADHD also encompasses a very wide range of behavior, too. I do not believe the diagnosis to have any single cause, or cure.

The Hu-Man species has no future.

posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Akragon

This kid had this meltdown 15years ago or so...

posted on Oct, 9 2019 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Ive seen similar, this poor kid we know his parents used to beat him, he was put in foster care but there simply aren't the resources to deal with him, it's gotten so bad he gets locked in a hotel room and drugged up so he can't act out, he's 10 , poor little guy will be in jail soon, it's a messy situation.

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