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Just shut the stupid thing off!

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posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 08:51 AM
What the heck is wrong with parents today? They seem to have no control over their children, and then try to place the blame on someone else.

This is just beyond stupid. The parents of two children in Canada are suing the makers of Fortnite, because they are addicted. They are trying to say the game is addictive as coc aine! Give me a break.

“The addiction to the game Fortnite has real consequences on the lives of players, many of whom have developed problems such that they do not eat, do not shower and no longer socialize,” addictive-coc aine-canada

Come on, be parents and actually parent. Don't try to blame everyone else for your and your kids problems!

I have 3 boys. 10, 13, and 17. My wife and I regulate gaming time, and games that they can play. Yes, even the 17 year old. There are no games on weeknights. None. That is time for dinner as a family, homework, and getting ready for the next day. Weekends, they are allowed to play, but only for a certain amount of time. If they fight about the game, or what they are going to play, it gets turned off. Some of the T rated games, have a lot of unneeded language or scenes in them, so any T rated game needs to be approved by us first.

Just shut the stupid thing off!!! Take it away, if they can't pull themselves away. Be a parent!

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Be a parent!

In a nutshell, that pretty well sums the whole matter up!

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 08:58 AM
What? You're suggesting that people put forth effort and actually bear personal responsibility?

How antiquated, even barbaric of you!

edit on 2019 10 08 by incoserv because: typo.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 09:04 AM
As someone who was addicted to both at the same time, Fortnite is pretty easy to quit in comparison...

I agree with you that if you don’t monitor and manage your children’s activity’s it’s possible for them to play to many video games to the point of being unhealthy. If their behaviour is unchecked this can bleed into other aspects of life that require moderation and control.

I believe that people can get addicted to anything and bring any activity to a unhealthy level but it’s do to underlying issues that requires sorting out first that are often the root of the self medicating. People want to numb out from their reality some people do drugs, others game, some people even take running to unhealthy levels or eating. There is often something else going on in a addicted persons life they are failing to address.
a reply to: MrRCflying

edit on 8-10-2019 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-10-2019 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
What? You're suggesting that people put forth effort and actually bear personal responsibility?

How antiquated, even barbaric of you!


I know. I am an old fart now, need to keep up with the times, be more progressive.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: Athetos

I loved games when I was younger, and still like them. Especially simulators. Yes, it can be easy to become addicted to them. However, as a parent we have responsibility for our children. They need to make decisions, and become prepared for the real world, but as parents there are times we need to step in. That is our job, not try to sue for some fast bucks because they don't know where the power plug is.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 09:15 AM
I saw this news story earlier and I seem to be reading it differently than others.

The story didn't strike me as parents failing to or unable to control their kids. It struck me as just another idiot who's been trying to figure out an angle for a high profile lawsuit for awhile and their kid making a snarky comment about not wanting to go to bed until their match ended provided the parents with their litigation based light bulb moment.

Suing over nonsense and hoping for massive media coverage and a big "go away and shut up" settlement offer. The threat of litigation - it's the new Powerball and it has far better odds.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 09:16 AM
I thought it was a pretty boring game actually.

Wouldn't consider it drug-like.

Just wait til they discover porn.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Jefferton
I thought it was a pretty boring game actually.

Wouldn't consider it drug-like.

Just wait til they discover porn.

Hahaha!!! So true.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Hefficide

Most probably correct. Looking for a payday.

Still, all it requires is a "no, turn it off now and go to bed." If that fails, pull the plug. I don't see how this could win in a court. No one is forcing the kids to play the game, and no one has bound the hands of the parents so they cannot reach the power plug.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Ugh.. Parents and their offspring..

Just the other day a terrible alcoholic couple i know got their son diagnosed with adhd or whatever, and they just thank god for the "medicine" they got for their unholy spawn, and were outraged because initially the school thought they might be having trouble in the family and home,

But now they are relieved because its not their insanity but now they have a disease to blame for their shortcomings as parents.

edit on 8-10-2019 by solve because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: Jefferton
I thought it was a pretty boring game actually.

Wouldn't consider it drug-like.

Just wait til they discover porn.

I watched my daughter play fortnite aka "fork knife" and to be honest I couldn't see what the big deal was..
I tried playing and kept getting killed fast by little kids...
Couldn't figure out where the skill of game playing came in...

World of tanks though... I can see how skill and technique matter, except for the Russian

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 09:34 AM
Parents this generation seem to let screens raise their kids. It's easier to hand a kid a tablet or phone than to discipline them like when my generation was growing up.

That's my theory, not sure how true it is but I had a girlfriend a few years back that would just hand responsibility off to her iPad instead of raising her kids. That relationship didn't last very long.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying

It what they see while at friends home.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 10:36 AM
My 14-year old was a constant player of Fortnite. I would log on and team up with him as a way to interact with him on his level. We still play once or twice a week but he’s a freshman and already chasing girls so his interest is fading.

It has an addictive force to it. It’s captivating, solid graphics, good gameplay, very interactive, and they market it perfectly. Every night at 8pm they put some new or previous skins/avatars up for sale. They have cinematic events which only last a few minutes but kids will have to be on it so they can talk about it with their friends. I can say, it does have addictive qualities and the makers of the game know what they’re doing.

With that said, you’re right. Parents are responsible for what their children consume. My son never begged for money to buy stuff but he would ask. If we had to do something he knew to turn it off. A lot of parents just don’t care though and it’s a terrible thing.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: solve
a reply to: MrRCflying

Ugh.. Parents and their offspring..

Just the other day a terrible alcoholic couple i know got their son diagnosed with adhd or whatever, and they just thank god for the "medicine" they got for their unholy spawn, and were outraged because initially the school thought they might be having trouble in the family and home,

But now they are relieved because its not their insanity but now they have a disease to blame for their shortcomings as parents.

I have no doubt that many kids have actual ADHD. But I have wondered a few times if some kids get the diagnosis because their parents don't want to put in the time and work with their child to teach and help them develop the skills required to focus and be able to tolerate things like NON-instant gratification and committment to a task.
edit on 8-10-2019 by KansasGirl because: of if

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

No such thing. Totally misunderstood phenomenon.

If i were to play the part of the "mad scientist" and was given ten people to experiment on.

The end result would be ten new diseases/conditions that could be medicated away/cured with a chemical lobotomy.

Point being the "Symptoms" of these new and popular conditions are not because an individual is sick, it is caused by- and is a normal reaction to the environment the individual has to endure, and has a lot to do with unhealthy habits and diets also.
edit on 8-10-2019 by solve because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 04:47 PM
My youngest played assassins creed... sort of. She would drown the villagers and throw coins at them. Then she went on to Saints Row and dress her guys in pink bikinis and a bubblegum pink dildo baseball bat thing .. now she plays minecraft and Night in the Woods and Five nights VR.. and other creepy creepy games. Shes a creepy little girl.

However, she is gifted, kind, an artist, and more than I can handle sometimes in her acceptance of a bazillion genders and such. She is a most loving and sensitive child to everyone and everything she encounters. Funny how that all works, eh?

If a young kid has a problem brewing with gaming its easy to blame it on ADHD or bad parenting. I just dont believe its always that. I dont think thats it most times. Some kids brains are just wired for it, others need escape, some are lazy, etc. Its a whole host of factors that come together than make a problem. When we say "damned out of control parents!" its easy to brush it all under the rug and not see the whole body of the problem.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 04:54 PM
Judging by what I see when I am out and about ... yeah, it is that hard for some parents to say no. And the more you cave in to your children, the harder it gets to hold your ground and stick to no, too. Those kids throwing a screaming fit? That's where you're headed if you don't establish no early.

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 04:59 PM
I seem to recall World of Warcraft having the same issue...


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