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TicTac UFO Pilot Cmdr. David Fravor New Interview on JRE

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posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: Ezekiel

Hello back at you! Yes, I agree, but politics sometimes hits here before it even gets on the news media. lol

posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect
Joe Rogan is clearly clueless about some things UFO. He does not know about the Fatima UFO sighting? He does not know that Columbus was one of the first white men in the new world to see a USO/UFO? In general he thinks people who have claimed to see UFO are “crackpots”. That crackpot list of course includes Presidents and Admirals and Generals and pilots and doctors, etc, etc.

By the way, let’s give some credit to Leif Erikson too, as he was one of the first white men in the new world to see Bigfoot.

I didn't know that either, it's meaningless in the grand sceheme of things, everyone doesn't know everything because you do

posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: spiritualarchitect

And man cannot make anything that fast so that leaves good old ET.

Who says?

Theoretical science says we can.

Who is to say certain corporations dealing in energy and aviation haven't already?

All of these goofy people who instantly say 'It's our military!' are going to be sorry when they find out the truth and they're going to look like dimwitted children who could not think for themselves, even when other people were trying to help them out.

So no one, as all of the threads I have read about the subject of the tic tacs on ATS no one has instantly said its our military as opposed to many almost instantly claiming it aliens.

Those that speculate it could be human tech make it quite clear that what they are doing is speculating and give reason.

Those like yourself that claim, not speculate but claim its aliens show nothing but spew the same old lines that implies them having knowledge that we cannot build this when in fact one can research and see that ideas are known about even though they might be theoretical that we could build craft like this in the near future.

If this can found out by any old researcher then who is to say that certain corporations that may or may not be connected to military funding haven't already been working to build something like this in secret?

If its theoretically possible in the near future and if certain technologies build and used by military are 20-50 years ahead of what mainstream is then what is so insane about speculating it could be ours?

and why is not utterly insane to claim its aliens because we cannot make anything fast without anything but that idiotic excuse that shows how ignorant the one is making that claim?

posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: toysforadults
Curious, but how many years have you been studying UFO's to not know of the Columbus and Fatima UFO events?

posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale

Who is to say certain corporations dealing in energy and aviation haven't already?

one can research and see that ideas are known about even though they might be theoretical that we could build craft like this in the near future.

already been working to build something like this in secret?

First off, as already mentioned, that "goofy" comment was not mine but rather a response to the person who wrote it.

Second, we are not talking about "in the near future", we are talking about the past. And we are not just talking about 2004, we are talking about the same thing that has been going on for 70 years.

Third, I am telling you the aliens are here. I have seen their craft. So I have my proof. I do not need some secret human science invention to explain what is going on. It is not us, it is Them. I am trying to help you guys out by telling you they are here, but you do not want to accept it as even a possibility.

So if you want to say it is human, prove it. It should be a lot easier for you to prove it is human than for me to prove it is not. But it is not easier for you, is it. That is because you are ignorant of the truth, because you ignore what you are being told by those of us who know they are here. And the only reason we know is because we were just lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

Now I only know that the EBE are here and I know that their "Sport Model" is probably the real thing because what I saw looked very much like what Lazar saw. But like you, I do not know if these tic tacs are really alien craft or if there is something fake going on here. It would be better off for you if these videos are fake than to have to explain away craft that drop down from 80,000 feet and hang out all day before going back up to space again, without any in-flight refueling. No if, the videos and eyewitnesses are authentic, then we are surely talking about alien craft.

“In my submode, I observed the contacts mostly at 28,000 feet and tracking south at 100 knots in groups of 5 to 10. The objects did not seem to notice us and I/we did not consider them as any type of threat. It was only when CDR Fravor's Fast Eagle flight made that first intercept, then… the objects went ballistic --- non-Newtonian maneuvers that defied everything I had long trained for and learned of.”
~ Kevin Day

Like a 1940’s flying saucer, these things can hover in place, and then take off in a second and go so fast that they appear to disappear.

These tics are so fast they can jump from one to place to another place miles away in just seconds. They have to be unmanned because no human pilot could withstand the G forces of being inside one.

I mean does anyone really think military science is so advanced it has figured out the technology to overcome that problem and the interior is a closed system where a pilot could survive?

“There was a total of over 100 separate UAP observed a few days before the 'TIC TAC intercept' and a few days afterwards. They appeared in groups of 5-10 at a time --- originating in the vicinity of Catalina Island and fading from radar off the coast of Baja.”
~ Kevin Day

If there was a fleet of 100 of them in 2004, where did they go?

Why have no airline pilots talked about seeing them? Why has no radar operators talked about tracking them? Why is the military not using them?

If they are using them, how come the Arabs in the Middle East are not talking about them? How come no one in the American, British, Russian, Japanese or Chinese military are not talking about them? Why have these countries not already duplicated them and made their own versions?

Why would an air force not be producing these by the hundreds? If they are, where are they? Where in Japan could they be kept without America seeing them? They have not been seen on any airbase, so are they kept only at that good old Area 51? Or as mentioned, are they hidden in China or Siberia? Spy satellites see most everything, how have they not been seen?

Does anyone think they are weapons? If you believe a 500 mile per hour aluminum airliner can pass right into a steel building like butter, then surely you believe an unmanned tic tack doing several thousands of miles per hour could slice through any warship hull, even a submarine.

This means of course a ticky tac could knock any aircraft out of the sky if used as a missile. So why build super expensive conventional fighter planes to carry misses? If you think the tics are too expensive to be used as sacrificial weapons like missiles, do you also think the tics are unable to carry weapons? If they carry weapons, again it must be asked, why build super expensive conventional fighter planes?

Is it simply these tic tacs are too expensive to use themselves and they cannot carry add-on weapons? Why in 15 years has this great secret military science group not come up with a way to arm their ticky tacs? All this great technology and they cannot arm the thing? If not, then what good is it?

How about Recon? Are the tics are nothing more than unmanned spy planes? Drones like the Stingray and Reaper can stay in the air all day, but they use gasoline and they cannot fly fast AND stay in the air for long. They cannot fly thousands of miles per hour like the tic tacs have been observed to do. The tic tacs are flying fast AND staying in the air all day long, without refueling. Plus they are dropping down from space, dropping down and going back up to 80,000 feet. If these tic tacs can hover in place and bounce around like ping pong balls in a cup and then zip across the country side and be active all day long, why are the military using drones like the ones we see all the time? Why bother when you have a craft so much better?

If these 2004 tic tacs’ were British, Russian, Chinese, Japanese or American, why would the country of origin still be spending billions mass producing conventional hardware and drones?

Why they making a gawd damn piece of junk like the Raptor and Lightning when a 1947 flying saucer or a 2004 tic tac can fly circles around it?

posted on Oct, 31 2019 @ 05:45 AM
Another crazy thing about all this. There are 100's of them all grouped together and each of those are same size as the jets. Now with that in mind, many UFO reports records going back to early 1900's even. All that include just about every basic geometric shape. Saucer shape discs, egg elliptical, cigar, obtuse/acute triangles, rectangle/square, cubes, pyramids. That is a lot of inventory! Not including what we don't know about, mother ships and whatever is in the ocean. If these are in the ocean, then it is very probable they are on the moon and other bodies. Then when you think about that and extrapolate further and combine the stories of up close abductions, cattle mutilations, visits, Solar Warden type stories. Wow, there may actually be some truth to some of those stories and there are massive fleets out there. The saucer I saw in 1987 flying around the Moon certainly shouln't have been there. That was pre 1990 Belgium black triangle era. These things have been creeping around a long long time.

Then you have NASA, supposedly not knowing anything or seeing anything?? I find it harder and harder to believe NASA doesn't know anything when it comes to this topic. The rest of us are just kept in the dark and led to believe we haven't gone beyond our little sandbox, both in technology, science and our intellectual understanding of space. We know the makeup of the Universe and what's in it. Stars, planets overall with a little bit of weirdness in the mix, black holes etc. What other purpose is there for the Universe if not to create life? I think they we're on the cusp discovering and learning that the Universe is filled with life like an ocean. There are ET out there and can be way ahead in advancement. So they are observing Earth. Who wouldn't? The Earth a prized gem no doubt. Watching us they to can learn things even from a primitive civilization. We may do things differently on a low level that they never thought of and may incorporate that into their own technology. It's like learning from history and the mysteries of pyramids who, what, or how they are built.

Which brings me to pyramid sightings. Some have seen pyramids spinning around tumbling or on a point edge. Maybe the Egyptians built what they saw and interacted with. You can't build a pyramid on it's point, but you can build it flat on it's sides! There has been talks about these UFO's having some kind of drive that uses a mercury liquid metal substance inside spinning even as far back as the "Bell". Oddly enough they have found large quantities pools of mercury inside pyramids. Not just in Egypt, but all over the world where pyramids have been built in different civilizations. I think that there may have been a possible connection and sightings throughout the world and they all built what they have seen. Worshiping the Sun and the pyramids in the sky. Looking at it from their perspective. Maybe the ET even help build them, which would explain a lot of how super heavy stone was placed and cut. Hence anti-gravity. The pieces start to make a picture. So much lost knowledge long since forgotten over time. It's not just the magnificence of building the pyramids, but the shape and what they represent is the most important. Maybe the kings was ET and thought of as royalty/GODS and buried in them, with their representation of their technology. What about the pictures of spiders and snakes etc that can only be observed from the sky? It has to be a message and meaning behind it. Maybe some ET's got marooned here. Like marking a trail that you was there. Maybe they came here for resources. Now they are back and just never left. Maybe we're the seeded family tree of those ET.

posted on Nov, 3 2019 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: spiritualarchitect

Second, we are not talking about "in the near future", we are talking about the past. And we are not just talking about 2004, we are talking about the same thing that has been going on for 70 years.

This right here is why UFOlogy is completely doomed.

when so many things are interpreted completely the wrong way then its no wonder you have religious folks that need to support their Church of Ufology with ignorance or worse purposeful obfuscation.

I was addressing your absolute comments and claims.

all you can respond with is this obfuscation.

Enjoy your "disclosure".

Third, I am telling you the aliens are here. I have seen their craft. So I have my proof. I do not need some secret human science invention to explain what is going on. It is not us, it is Them. I am trying to help you guys out by telling you they are here, but you do not want to accept it as even a possibility.

Good for you.

You deserve a star for you effort.

I could break this nonsense down with some simple questions that would require quite detailed answers but all your answers will be even more idiotic and a pain to read.

So enjoy your attempts to "tell us"

So if you want to say it is human, prove it.

Why don't you read what you are replying too again

Please stop making up crap.

No one has claimed its human.

the only absolute claims made about the tic tacs are from idiots like... well sorry to say like yourself that claim its aliens because you say so and make other wild claims to support it.

Not even any logical argument in support, simply

I have seen them, they are real, I am telling you.


Good for you bud.

It should be a lot easier for you to prove it is human than for me to prove it is not.

I have already stated why it could be. No one has asked you to prove it snot, again as no one has claimed it is but argue that its a more logical answer.

maybe try learning how to read before making a foll of yourse3lf and implying things that were never claimed.

With such incredibly bad interpretation skills I fail to see how you could differentiate even the most simplest of things to the more complex things seen in the sky.

The tic tacs are flying fast AND staying in the air all day long, without refueling.

Just insanity to say this.

If you don't know what they are how you claim they are not refueling?

If you "know" its aliens, then knowledge is simple, knowledge is something that can passed on and other can learn it via a method.

Can you teach us ways to learn its aliens or can just preach and expect us to accept your word?

If these 2004 tic tacs’ were British, Russian, Chinese, Japanese or American, why would the country of origin still be spending billions mass producing conventional hardware and drones?

Does it have to overseen by government to build things and does the government own everything built or do private corporations have their own research and development without governmental oversight?

You are asking these questions like it has to be government or military.

No one has claimed this, some have speculated and given reason why it could be military or private sector testing.

The only claims made are by you, that its aliens and aliens are here.

saying you have seen an alien ship means nothing in these discussions.

I assume almost all even skeptics are here in this discussion because they too have seen something unidentified,

Many are speculating you are making claims, stop asking for others to give proof when only you are making absolute claims.

Show just a little intelligence, please.

I just reread what I initially posted and Oh my, This post looks like its just a repeat of my initial reply that you replied with all this nonsense. It was simply an observation about your absolute claims and how no one has claimed its human but speculated and given reasons why they think that way.

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

I/we were expecting a rational response to the reasoning behind why the Tic Tacs are not human military machines.

The problem for the deniers is, the only out they have is that EVERYBODY is lying. Anyone who has ever seen a flying saucer or cigar or Grey is lying. But it is okay if the thing is in the shape of a triangle or tic tac. They do not have to explain away all 70 years over that, they only have to cover for half that time and still with no proof that it was made in Japan, or China, or Mexico.

What is there for them to be afraid of? Does it really hurt their ego that there is someone smarter than humans flying around?

Wake up deniers! They are here! Stop running away from it and Deal with it! They are not going to hurt you.

I will not take your post personally, I will just ignore you from now on as not worth a response. But best to remember Bud, it is against the rules for you to be be insulting fellow ATS posters.

posted on Nov, 20 2019 @ 03:16 PM
I thought the narrative was the gov is hiding this big cover up and there have been all these military sightings I read about from ufo "researchers" but then this encounter has the involved military people talking openly and somehow footage has been leaked?
How did this work out? Was the footage leaked first then people looked up the people involved? Seems like a weird coincidence? Can someone explain how this one military guy is able to freely speak of his encounter and there is footage from a military jet as well. And how did the footage get leaked? Wouldn't someone be prosecuted for leaking any military property?

So there is a big cover up, except for tic-tac ufos which are freely discussed and military video readily available…...
I'm confused?
Why don't the military people from all the other cases also come out and talk about what happened. What about the Phoenix Lights and the supposed military jets that saw a triangle. Peter Davenport supposedly spoke to one of the pilots who won't go on record. But this Fravor guy has gone public with no problem? This doesn't fit in with the history of ufos and the military?

posted on Nov, 20 2019 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: joelr
You probably were not expecting a 200 word answer, but you are here to read and learn so here it goes:

Q: Why don't the military people from all the other cases also come out and talk about what happened.

A: I am guessing they are afraid of losing their pensions.

Q: This doesn't fit in with the history of ufos and the military?

A: You are right, it does not fit. It makes no sense. If it was truly disclosure you would think the whole subject would open up more. But it has not. The “Tic Tac” object involves 2 ships, the Nimitz and Princeton. The “Go Fast” and “Gimbal” videos involve the Roosevelt. There were nearly 12,000 people on board those ships, during those UAP incidents. Only a few of them have come forward.

Q: Was the footage leaked first then people looked up the people involved?

A: It seems that is the case, as it was leaked at least by 2007.

Q: Wouldn't someone be prosecuted for leaking any military property?

A: Who says TheFinalTheory is not in the brig already?

Q: And how did the footage get leaked?

A: First lets talk about the editing, as we have several people on board ship that state that the original in time Tic tac video they watched on board ship that day was around 10 minutes long and much clearer.

I see no reason why our old poster, TheFinalTheory, would edit the video down to a minute and a half and make it all grainy. So as of right now, I am leaning toward Lt. Col. Kurth being the one who edited the video. He was after all the Commanding Officer of the VMFA-232. And he WAS the first one to fly over the water disturbance. Which he described as 50 to 100 meters in diameter and close to round. He said it looked like something rapidly submerging from the surface like a submarine or ship sinking.

Maybe Kurth edited it down because of the FLIR info - or some other info that he was privy too - which was shown or spoken? Maybe he wanted to get it out to the world at large but did not want to give away too much information?

That could explain why there was only one video released. It was a military release - but not an official one.

But did Kurth release the video?

Anon402, a sailor who worked with Patrick Hughes, posted this on Reddit:

“I was aboard the USS Nimitz during the encounter. My job was to strip the black boxes from every plane. The black box tracks all of the flight data which tracks the life limits of aircraft parts. I was in charge of stripping black boxes.

… that next day a group of individuals were "cod'ed" onto the carrier and they retrieved all the tapes. I can confirm they cod'ed onto the ship, but the seizure of tapes came from people that work in those shops.

Cod'ed is a term that refers to a small size passenger plane that the military uses to bring personnel on and off of aircraft carriers. The term that is commonly used is ...."People were cod'ed onto the ship today..."

The individuals that took our data were American and not in military uniform. They were also very well dressed. My shop personally had pertinent data that was collected. They did not personally collect it from me, but it was given to my supervisor and after he brought the required data, he was pretty vocal upon his return about how unusual this is/was.

The general consensus aboard the ship is that the individuals were from the government in some capacity and were there to obviously remove any evidence. Imagine if a Pfc. Bradley leaked that video hahaha?”

Anon puts the release on the lowest of the lowest – a private. This is ironic and funny at the same time. The peasant upsets the King.

Or is Anon playing with us by giving us a reverse clue? It was not a lowly Marine private – but a high ranking Naval officer?

When you look at the Tic Tac story from its many angles, it reads like TheFinalTheory was the one who made copies of the video. In fact he said he had 4 videos. Yet according to him, they were all about the same.

originally posted by: thefinaltheory

This was all the footage that was taken, (sort of) I have four versions of this video they all are the same for the most part. The "full version" is about twice the length of this and has more ufo movement etc. But for some reason I can't get it to play , it says codec error... though I am 100% positive my codecs are up to date, I even have a codec pack. The second video is the one you see now. The third and fourth appear to be the same video as the second but just a bit shorter. So all in all your not missing anything, I promise you that. Its all more or less...the same.


How can a clear 10 minute long Tic Tac video look the same as the short one we all see now? In the grainy one we do not see the little *antennas* on the ends of the Tic Tacs that the sailors and pilots saw. Was TFT talking in general terms – like the Tic Tac just flew back and forth and stopped and started - and not about the details?

To add to the confusion, we know there are at least 4 or 5 versions of the Tic Tac on film:

1 Fravors FA-18 gun camera.
2 The E-2 Hawkeye.
3 The follow-up FA-18 FLIR (this is the only one we have seen and only in the short version)
4 + 5 The 2 Princeton helicopters.

Surely the first two cannot be what TFT had because they would they not all be different looking?

Was TheFinalTheory a Marine private? It does not look that way, though he does say he

“was onboard and attached to a naval aircraft carrier”. Would a regular navy seaman say that? Because he does say “I am in the NAVY and I do know what i had my hands on and saw.”

He then says that he had top secret clearance. Would a regular ole Marine Private say that? Of course TFT could be lying about some of the details so the bad guys do not know who he is. He seems to be unclear about some things, possibly due to the 3 year time frame. Or is he telling a true story but one that is not his?

This is what TFT says next:

“I work in the computer field and am high enough ranked and trusted to access thet top secret network onboard.

It was about 2300 when the ship went into a "security alert" for those that dont know what that is, its when nobody can move on the ship AT ALL. If you do you will be targeted as a threat and be taken out quickly by the master at arms.

I was asking my fellow co workers what was going on. Rumor was circling around in my department that there was a UFO above the ship. Of course naturally, i didnt believe it and was like "# you guys" (pretty much). Curiousity got me though, I logged on to the top secret computer network *NOTE! I edited the name of the network out due to a suggestion/safety* and did a search of our File Server drive for the most recent modified files. This scanned all users, regardless of rank. Nothing was hidden from me. I especially looked for new files and those that were modified around the time of the "sighting".

I found many videos and powerpoint breifs (navy standard) and written reports and even message traffic that was being passed through our radio division. It was all there. I couldnt believe it at first, but then our ship called in the Air Force because even the captain didnt know what the hell was going on.

I burnt all these files to a disk…”

posted on Nov, 20 2019 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: joelr

Apparantly he burned the disk before the Air Force men choppered in the next day because he says

There is only one other individual that made copies of the data, I'm going to have to try and get ahold of him to see if its still w/ him. Other than that the data was wiped off all network drives about a few hours after the ufo sighting.”

So we have another unknown player in the video game.

I certainly do not think TFL is Kurth, not because of his poor typing, which might be on purpose or because he was in a hurry, but because he says this:

“I dont know much about the airplanes because I dont ever really work with them or pay them any mind. There are actually a few different types and many of them, so for me to give you the "exact model" I would have to be on the ship and either ask someone, or take a good look at the plane.”

Then again, if TFT is Kurth, he is playing a part in the non-blame game.

TFL continues:

“well here is what the video was:

It was taken directly from the cockpit camera of one of our ships fighter pilot jets F-18 I believe but cant be sure. It was in black and white and showed the altitude, the pilots "nickname" and the tempurature and all those little critical stats.

The UFO was floating extremely still in mid air, this was 30,000 ft above ground level. It looked literally and i mean LITERALLY just like a disk, no stupid traingles or any gimicky things like Independence Day or whatever. It looks exactly how the goverment wants you to NOT think it looks like. It's simply put, a disk.”

Since TFT is not seeing any *antennas* haging off the bottom it sounds like he is looking at the short grainy video – not the longer clearer one.

“So it was floating, the figher pilot tried to get numerous locks on the UFO but everytime the cross hairs tried to hone in the crosshairs scaled back and forth. I dont know how to put it into words well, but I know what i saw. Crosshairs move in and move back out, it couldnt get a lock whatsoever.”

Still same video we have seen.

“After about I say 10 seconds or so the UFO started to move. It moves in ways that we have never seen before, it spontaniously moved in a half circle upward and paused once again. THEN IT SUDDENLY TELEPORTED ABOUT FIVE TIMES ALL OVER THE PILOTS SCREEN. THE MOVEMENT IS INSTANT AND CANNOT BE FOLLOWED. IT SIMPLY PUT, IS AMAZING AND SO FAST THE EYES CANT SEE IT.”

Different video.

“There was a bright light and suddenly it dissapeared, out of sight.”

Same video again.

So what happened there, did he embellish the movements over time, or are we talking about a separate video?

See for yourself below:

So in summation, The Final Theory could have released the video, but there is another unknown player in this video game?

Something Kevin Day posted in 2010:

“By the way, I once had physical evidence in the form of an .MPG video emailed to me before the [fill in the black] got to him. The video was his HUD display of the intercept. The video switched between TV camera system and IR. The object makes a multi-G maneuver in the video. Reminds one of the old Star Trek intro; that way it zorches away.

Unfortunately, the video was located on a Secret system and I had to leave it there when I left the service.”

~ `The Seer` 2010

This means that Day did not release the video, but does it also mean that anyone who had access to that server could have released the video? Or did the Men In Black silence the original leaker of the video?

posted on Nov, 20 2019 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: joelr

I thought the narrative was the gov is hiding this big cover up and there have been all these military sightings I read about from ufo "researchers" but then this encounter has the involved military people talking openly and somehow footage has been leaked?

What narrative? The US military has denied the existence of UFOs for 60+ years. Do you mean why now are they seemingly so open like they've never been before? I agree with you. I have asked that same question over and over.

I think there is a new narrative. I think the new narrative is the US military wants it to appear as though the phenomena is partly based on advanced weaponry owned and operated by the US military. Which I do not believe is the case.

How did this work out? Was the footage leaked first then people looked up the people involved? Seems like a weird coincidence? Can someone explain how this one military guy is able to freely speak of his encounter and there is footage from a military jet as well. And how did the footage get leaked? Wouldn't someone be prosecuted for leaking any military property?

Commander Fravor is retired. Fravor also stated he was not under an NDA so he is free to discuss the event because it was never classified. The first release of the video was definitely a violation of opsec and if the US military knew who that individual was then they could surely be prosecuted. However, nothing ever came of that.

Why don't the military people from all the other cases also come out and talk about what happened.

There are 2 other active duty F18 fighter pilots on record speaking about the phenomena as well. These two pilots discussed (on video) how they witnessed the phenomena over a 6 month period and that the phenomena even appeared when they deployed to the middle east during their active war zone missions. They even stated they personally knew more than 100 other active duty fighter pilots who are aware of the phenomena. They were able to get another active duty F18 fighter pilot to go on record and he was going to conduct a video taped interview but then he backed out.

But this Fravor guy has gone public with no problem? This doesn't fit in with the history of ufos and the military?

As I mentioned above I, too, have the same question.

It appears the US military has clearly changed its position on the phenomena and are seemingly somewhat allowing some level of information to be made public.

I'm assuming you are aware of the US patents by the US Navy contractor for what appears to be a TR3B? What's really strange about that is the US Navy could have filed for US and international patent protection under the Invention Secrecy Act. Meaning we would have never known about it. However, they chose to go through a traditional patent application process which is in the public purview. This was done for a reason. It further solidifies my above belief where I stated the reason for this "new narrative" is to make someone think this tech is ours. But as I also said, I do not believe that it is. Meaning I do not believe it is technology created my Man.

posted on Nov, 21 2019 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: 1point92AU
They even stated they personally knew more than 100 other active duty fighter pilots who are aware of the phenomena. They were able to get another active duty F18 fighter pilot to go on record and he was going to conduct a video taped interview but then he backed out.

Nice post point! I think you are talking about that pilot they wanted on the Unidentified show. It would have been nice to hear his perspective.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 03:14 AM
To my understanding the video was released by the government either by AATIP or with the help of AATIP. Luis Elizondo goes a bit into that in George Knapp's interview with him. It's still an ongoing program. The Navy change their tune with reports from pilots on UFO's. So there is obviously some top brass involved in all of this. It's a dumb policy to ridicule your best pilots on what they observe or make them afraid to report it. If you can't trust the report of commander of the Black Aces then who can you trust? They trust him with 50 million dollar jets, but not what he observes and reports?? It doesn't make sense.

In my opinion the video is obviously a sanitized version released to public. Why would they do that? Well the CIA or AATIP probably doesn't know anymore about UFO's today than they did back then. So...they release a video or throw out a bone once in a while and keep the story alive to spark interest to the community. That is how Organizations like To The Stars Academy gets created. You have to gain information somehow from somewhere and if you never talk about it then the information gets stagnated. This is why sitting on total secrecy all the time is really not the best healthy thing to do either. This is why nothing ever gets done. I think they should release more sanitized video's and other data. I can see why there would be a Shadow Government to get around all the political BS. Look how disgusting politics is right now. It's madness. It's turned into a 3 ring circus. If they took half the effort and spent it on solving problems we might actually get somewhere.

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