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IRS Whistleblower

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posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: contextual
Kinda funny to see trumps deranged supporters shout corruption by Biden on one thread then, on an actual corruption case declare corruption should not be looked into.
Tax avoidance is corruption folks, trumps deranged supporters sure have a wonky outlook on reality.

Please point out to me in the thread where anyone said that Trump should not be investigated if the allegations are true.

Feel free to prove to us that this is an actual corruption case, while you are at it.

Since from your post you know it is.

No, what your TDS caused you to miss is that we were simly pointing out that everyone is tired of allegations with no actual facts to back them up.

Makes the Democrats look... silly.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 03:55 PM
I had heard of this IRS whistleblower story earlier, only it seemed to indicate that the auditing software was played with to cause an audit on Trump at that telling. Is it the same story with a reverse spin or “journalism” at work again?

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

The court filings are part of the Ways and Means Committee's lawsuit to obtain six years of Trump's tax returns, which the panel says is relevant to potential legislation relevant to how the IRS audits presidents.

Sure......... THAT'S why they want his returns.

Anyone buying that?

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 04:07 PM
The dims are notoriously bad at paying taxes and reporting earnings, is this really a can of worms they want to open? I seem to remember something about the Obama administration, including aides owing like some million dollars or so in back taxes and fines etc. I don't remember I'd have to research it. But it really seems like all these whistle-blowers are more like whistle holders, they know nothing of the actual information, just something someone said at party that they heard at the water cooler. REEEEEEEEEE diculous

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: contextual
Kinda funny to see trumps deranged supporters shout corruption by Biden on one thread then, on an actual corruption case declare corruption should not be looked into.
Tax avoidance is corruption folks, trumps deranged supporters sure have a wonky outlook on reality.

If you don't see what's really going on, there is absolutely nothing that will prove it to you any other way.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 04:23 PM

All this "alleged" crap is getting old. Remember when the media would break real news and not speculation?
a reply to: Bluntone22
Do you post that in the daily anti dem threads that say the same thing?

make a joke, don't be one ....

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: tinner07

All this "alleged" crap is getting old. Remember when the media would break real news and not speculation?
a reply to: Bluntone22
Do you post that in the daily anti dem threads that say the same thing?

make a joke, don't be one ....

quoted for irony and for future ref.

second line

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: tinner07

I have quite often actually.
edit on 4-10-2019 by Bluntone22 because: Fricken auto correct

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 04:39 PM
anyone have time and ambition

can start a whole thread on this right here

I would do it but I have to leave soon 5d0c&cc=US&setlang=en-US&elv=AXK1c4IvZoNqPoPnS%21QRLOPGzgY*DC2Zc6xPW7Q9RQK2mvWVklrxOBj9UuQaftiAB99Bt2lo4Qwj0sleJ61%21sWbinUzRwj*ljvYXuMPGHL2f&plvar=0

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 05:35 PM
Treasury IG is interested in some other things in regard to Trump and his tax returns.

Acting Inspector General Rich Delmar said he will investigate who was consulted on the issue and how the department came to reject Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal’s demands for the records, a decision the Massachusetts Democrat is now fighting into court.

Delmar said it’s unclear yet whether his inquiry will also consider a whistleblower's allegations that someone tried to improperly influence the IRS's audits of Trump.
edit on 10/4/2019 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

It's all alleged's and 2nd and 3rd hand information. Anyone that played the game "telephone" as a kid will know the story changes with each telling.

But in regard to the Ukraine phone call, not so much.
Follow up information about that is interesting, I find.

But we'll see what happens.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Krakatoa

It's all alleged's and 2nd and 3rd hand information. Anyone that played the game "telephone" as a kid will know the story changes with each telling.

But in regard to the Ukraine phone call, not so much.
Follow up information about that is interesting, I find.

But we'll see what happens.

Are you referring to the actual transcripts of the call or the MSM manipulations or Shiffy's stunt speech while Congress was in session?

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

There was no transcript presented, it was a "memorandum", an account. Says so at the bottom of the first page. Got any idea what those ellipses represent?

But no, I'm not talking about that so much, though I think it's quite damning. I'm talking about the State Department texts, which provide further support for the claim that the president was/is attempting to use his influence to attack a political rival.

edit on 10/4/2019 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: thedigirati

Yup that's what I was referring to, nice one.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Krakatoa

There was no transcript presented, it was a "memorandum", an account. Says so at the bottom of the first page. Got any idea what those ellipses represent?

But no, I'm not talking about that so much, though I think it's quite damning. I'm talking about the State Department texts, which provide further support for the claim that the president was/is attempting to use his influence to attack a political rival.

Then we are still playing a game of telephone aren't we? You just call it a "memorandum", I call it a 2nd hand account. Any researcher worth their salt knows that is not reliable. Primary sources are what is needed here. THAT is what I want to have presented, the primary source material, the transcript.

Let us all stop bloviating over 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ad-nausea accounts, shall we? Something this important deserves to be handled properly, with the least amount of interpretation IMO.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

Primary sources are what is needed here. THAT is what I want to have presented, the primary source material, the transcript.

That would be wonderful. But don't hold your breath. My guess is that no such thing exists.

What the hell is a "perfect" phone call, anyway? I've had a lot of phone conversations. I can't imagine how that word can apply to one.

edit on 10/4/2019 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Didn't Democrats say there was no audit?

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Krakatoa

Primary sources are what is needed here. THAT is what I want to have presented, the primary source material, the transcript.

That would be wonderful. But don't hold your breath. My guess is that no such thing exists.

What the hell is a "perfect" phone call, anyway? I've had a lot of phone conversations. I can't imagine how that word can apply to one.

Now you are reaching there Phage.

You used to be better than that. You used to thrive upon facts and provable sources.

What happened? Now you cling to half-truths, 2nd hand accusations, and political biases?


posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

What am I reaching for? Thinking that there is no actual transcript?

Transcripts are generally made from recordings. Do you think there's a recording? That would be awesome.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Krakatoa

What am I reaching for? Thinking that there is no actual transcript?

Transcripts are generally made from recordings. Do you think there's a recording? That would be awesome.

What the hell is a "perfect" phone call, anyway? I've had a lot of phone conversations. I can't imagine how that word can apply to one.

^^^^ This is reaching.

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