a reply to:
Dear ATS Readers, Writers,
yeah, I get it....
Even Pelosi for example said that AOC is from such a solid Democrat voting area, that (Pelosi grabs glass of water off of table in front of her),
even this glass of water would get elected if it is on the Democratic ballot.
Yes, these traitors got voted in, by people who don't either have a clue about who they are voting for, and what these people will do if elected. They
just are die hard Democrats from way back, and will vote Democrat even if it was Satan in a suit on the ballot.
Or... they voted for them knowing full well what these people would do once in office, and support the take down of the USA and its Constitution.
Lenin (Russian dictator prior to Stalin) referred to people who vote like this, or riot to accomplish their goals; as "useful idiots".
Once their purpose was served.... many of them found a bullet was waiting for them, in the basement of some KGB building. Actually I think it was
called the NKVD at that time frame in history.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book called The Gulag Archipelago spells it out in great detail how it all went down. It is well worth the read, and it shows
just how easily something so horrid can actually happen.
To think that it is different today, or things wouldn't go down that road in todays world, is EXACTLY what the victims (useful idiots) were parroting
during the Bolshevik Revolution.
There is another thing behind all of this supposed grass roots movement in the USA. It is the 100th anniversary of this Russian Revolution...1918 to
George Soros is behind most of it too. Do some research on him, see how he got his "start" in coming of age. And study what Soros has done to many
nations around the world. There is a reason several nations have a "arrest immediately" order if he ever steps foot in their country.
Be careful for what all you leftists want and desire.... you might not find it so wonderful after you have served your purpose for those who seek to
further enslave the masses.
It would be ok with me if ONLY the people who wanted the "hell" they want to create ONLY affected them. If they were the only ones who were locked
away, or gotten rid of in basements with a bullet. If they were the only ones who had their guns taken away from them, and left with no means of self
defence when the bad guys come busting down their doors.
A gun saved my life TWICE in the USA, when I lived there.
The vast majority of the leftist movement are incapable of critical thinking, or learning from history's awful mistakes.
They keep conveniently forgetting it is a Republic, not just a plain Democracy.
It is NOT 51 tells the other 49 out of 100 what they can and can't do.
It IS that 99 out of 100 can NOT take away the God given rights, of that 1 person!!
And THAT is what makes the USA great, and the Constitution such a wonderful document that the founding fathers took so long to come up with.
People being promised a lot of "stuff" for free gets the useful idiots to vote for the people like Bernie, etc.
No one can explain how, or who is going to pay for all this free stuff...
Eventually it falls apart, and turns into 3rd world hell hole.
Look at California, San Francisco, San Diego.... tent cities, feces in the streets.... drug needles lying all over the place.
Keep heading the way you are in the USA, and you can look forward to that open cesspool just about everywhere in the USA.
Russia was a absolute disaster once the wall came down, and its rot and decay was visible to the world, no longer hidden.
Now, years later, it has improved by leaps and bounds.
Alcohol abuse in Russia, is WAY down these days... 20 years ago, it was rampant.
They saw the WRONG in how they ran the country for close to 100 years; and wanted no more of it.
Learn from history, don't repeat a failed experiment proven in so many nation over the last century.