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OP/ED: Bushkrieg: Shock and Awe in America

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posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 05:16 PM
Bush destabilized Iraq with a military assault. Now, he's taking down the USA legally, by using the law and the legislative powers of Congress and the Senate. Very shortly, the US government will be firmly, and legally, in the hands of international corporations - signed, sealed and delivered under international law and US federal legislation. Key federal laws for the final takeover include the already passed Anti-Class Action law, the about-to-be-passed bankruptcy legislation and Patriot Act II, plus the soon to come federal sales tax and internet controls.

Three clauses in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) set the legal stage for the US government's corporate takeover: the first establishes "information" as a "commodity" for trade; the second stipulates that government must negotiate directly with corporations; the third mandates "confidentiality" - it is illegal for our representatives to tell us anything about our government's negotiations with corporations.

Mussolini once said that communism is when government runs the corporations; fascism is when the corporations run the government. By those terms, the USA already is a fascist state.

This America is not what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they fought the American Revolution. This is not why they wrote the Declaration of Independence. In fact, this is what our forefathers fought to escape.

In 1776, the United States broke away from Britain's monarchy and created the world's first democracy - by the people for the people. The Founding Fathers recognized that corporations had the ability to replace monarchies and neutralize democracy, so they wrote laws to prevent it from happening. They wrote the Constitution, Bill of Rights, anti-monopoly legislation and other laws to prevent exactly this kind of thing from happening.

The original protections were eroded slowly over the past 200-odd years, as people forgot why the laws were necessary, how they needed to work and what they were designed to protect. As a result, we're in the final stages now, the last leg of democracy's dissolution in America. It's a nazi blitzkrieg, shock and awe American-style: a Bushkrieg.

The Bush government is pushing through a range of new laws that work together to firmly establish the role of corporations in government, and move most of the working middle class into a new 'peasant' class. We're looking at BIG government with a corporate over-government. It's happening fast, and by all appearances, ahead of schedule.

The schedule was bumped because most Americans are sick, getting sicker, and about to put a real strain on the already "restructured" economy. The big boys want it finished quickly, before voters catch on. We've been set up.

Movies like Braveheart and Rob Roy show us what life was like in the past, and give us a glimpse of our future. Under Bush's new laws, people will be forced to into debt; they won't be able to escape the net, or their debt, or seek redress for injustice. They will be forced to work until they die, trying to keep food on the table and the wolf from the door, without access to medical care or social supports, just like in the old days. They will have nothing to leave their children, because they won't actually "own" anything.

Bush's new world order does leave some room for a "professional" middle class. Professionals seem to replace the industrial revolution's merchant class. Still, given outsourcing, professionals are more like medieval sheriffs or Hitler's Brownshirts. They take their orders from the top and aren't important enough to influence global policies. They need to fight to keep their positions. They are not major players. Their sole power is a smoke and mirrors sleight-of-hand illusion, and lies in their ability to harrass and bully the peasants, and whip them into silence.

Bush owns Congress and the Senate. Neither body will block any new legislation's passage without a public outcry. And that's the strategy's weakness.

The USA is still a democracy. The president and representatives of Congress and the Senate are still accountable to the American people. It's time to speak up and hold them all responsible. Time to stop this nonsense before it goes any further.

ATS: New Bankruptcy Law Protects Rich: Squeezes Troops, Everyone Else
ATS: Bush Pushes to Limit Class-Action Suits
ATS: Patriot Act II.
ATS: US Federal Sales Tax in the Works

Also see:

1. Beyond Religion: Controlling the Masses

ATS: Neuro-Marketing: Straight to the Brain
Neuromarketing: Straight to the Brain
Playing with Your Mind
The Economist: Inside the Mind of the Consumer
Request for Senate Commerce Committee to Investigate Neuromarketing
Neuromarketing and Political Campaigns

2. Controlling the Net: The Legislation

ATS: Controlling the Net: New Laws and Legislation
Coming Crackdown on Blogging
Domain Owners Lose Privacy
Feds Catching Up With Proxies
Kazaa Assets Frozen in Australia
ATS: Kiss Your Internet Goodbye!

3. Domestic Law Enforcement and the Military

ATS: Patriot Act II.
Dow Jones: Is Military Creeping Into Domestic Law Enforcement?
Domestic Law Enforcement and the Military

Related background:

Mad Cow Madness
Poison DUst: Depleted Uranium Kills
The Final Solution

[edit on 6-3-2005 by soficrow]

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 05:46 PM
US has fight capitalism monopolies before, and with success, but capitalism is a monster after all and comes back over and over again too much money and too much profit.

In 1930, it was the labor unrest to brake monopolies. In the 1960s, we have social activism that pushed demands for environmental and labor standards and to brake monopolies again, so for 30 years Social welfare and state intervention regulated our economic activities.

Then we have the Neoliberal Era. Since the 80s the Corporate American has regained control of the political agenda, now they own the government and the legal system.

Thatcher and Reagan, made the world safe for corporations.

Right now the prof of how US is run by corporations is for everybody to see, just look at all the laws that are for the benefit of big companies over the regular American hard-working citizens.

[edit on 6-3-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 06:07 PM
very well condensed information, there, soficrow. i am continually amazed at how bush(it's not really bush, of course, it's the whole lot of the old buy's club) can sweep away america's founding principals right in front of everyone's eyeballs, without so much as a hiccup from the whole social net. the infernal machine is very well-oiled.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 06:18 PM
i see i wasnt the only one who watched that special on link tv earlier...

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 06:25 PM
Financial power and the freedom to pursue it built the U. S., and now financial powers will destroy it. America the beautiful is now America the dutiful. Corporations, in essence, have become nations unto themselves whose only GDP is profit. It was only a matter of time before laws became tailored to their whims.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 07:06 PM
I found this quotes very interesting it can pretty much apply to what is going on in American right now, Corporations has not hart and not feelings they are to just suck the American consumer dried, and when we complain we just turn into criminals.

I see that under corporations the policies of the last 20 years are a rich man’s version of adjustment. The US population is largely made of poor, black, and Hispanic, and most of it dissatisfied.

Every where you see in the news, how good our economy is, but is not so the policies of our governments has a negative effect one the low income families.

Look at our wages, only recently we have regained the wages levels of 30 years ago, but at what price? By working longer hours and harder, with both members, husband and wife having to work two jobs just to have what our grandparents used to achieve with only one parent working an 8 hour a day job.

We cannot longer do that in our country without sacrificing income and status, but now we have a new law that will make harder for a family to become a family, with the new bankruptcy law so it will be not slack, hard working americans can not get sick, have an emergency or stop working to take care of the family and home because it will become penalized.

This is how corporate power manages our governments.

"The two party system just means that the corporations cut two checks instead of one."
-- Barry Crimmins.

I can relay on this quote here because it comes over and over whenever we talk about the government and how it favors big corporations.

"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist."
-- Dom Helder Camara, Brazilian archbishop.

For some reason every time that we show the injustices of our administrations we are tag “socialist” or “communist” I guess for some as long as the “opresion” comes from our elected officials is ok.

And my favorite quote so far.

"Another weapon I discovered early was the power of the printed word to sway souls to me. The newspaper was soon my gun, my flag- a thing with a soul that could mirror my own."
-- Adolph Hitler

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 07:17 PM
Your interpretation of this matter is gravely misleading, sickening I would say.
Expanding business climate is fascist to you? Giving opportunities to many in the third world with NAFTA is corporate takeover to you?

I wont even bother to dig into this socialist garbage.
To those who are easily manipulated I would suggest that they research for themselves, there's another side of the coin to everything.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Megaquad
Expanding business climate is fascist to you? Giving opportunities to many in the third world with NAFTA is corporate takeover to you?

Yes.........out sourcing is good for you for me and for the poor child in China that works for pennies, for corporate giants like wal mart.

Out sourcing is good.

I wont even bother to dig into this socialist garbage.
To those who are easily manipulated I would suggest that they research for themselves, there's another side of the coin to everything.

Yeah........when we see what the administration is doing to the hard working American and when the hard working American complain is called socialist, most be a wealthy American that does not have to worry about when you going to see you kids first because you work two jobs to keep the food on a table.

How lucky you are.

Let keep selling our country to big corporations while we the American people have to sacrifice for the cause.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 07:33 PM
great post...

so this "public outcry" is our only hope???

people like alex jons???

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 08:46 PM
I'm kind of tired of this.

We all know there's a ton of wrong out there.

Is it enough to revolt and to change things for a few hundred years?

Is it time yet?

I mean, it's going to happen eventually. Every empire falls, and the American is just like any other.

But I'm tired of someone saying "It's happening this year" and then the year passes by and no one does anything because it turns out it wasn't really that bad.

Is it finally that bad?

Should we revolt before we're trapped? Will we be able to revolt after?

Do we have any plans for what to do after the revolution?

No. We don't. We shouldn't revolt yet but we wouldn't be able to afterwards.

Things aren't that bad yet comparatively - despite the fact that they're terrible. The simple idea that the government has "No Trespassing Zones" where no one can go is enough for revolt, technically, given that the government is the people's tool to effectively distribute wealth. If they work for us, and we want in, how can they refuse us access? That's an outrage.

There's other outrages, but it's never enough.

So, I'm tired of this. Either it happens or it doesn't, and I can tell you right now, for the time being, it doesn't.

Call me when we've got a smoking gun and a dead body, so we can scream bloody murder and overthrow the unjust system, to establish our own magical wonder that will revert to the same horrible travesty of our dreams in a few hundred years.

As I said, it's tiring. Like crying wolf.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 08:51 PM
I think you'll find that America as our Founding ForeFathers founded it to be slowly degraded into something else within the first 50 years. Not 200 years. In the last 200 years we have seen many changes come to play because of the erosion that happened between the 1770's and 1820's.

People dislike me because I am a radical..what kind of radical...someone young enough without the responsibilities of a middle aged adult. It is someone who intensely dreamt about a true republic when they were young. It is someone who is ready to fight and die to get back to the ideals people before us once had and however the current era necessitates we modify them.

Fight this - that's what scares people - the fight this mentality.

So now I pose the question to you Soficrow. What are you suggesting besides offering your analysis and historical perspective on the sellout of the U.S. government?

[edit on 6-3-2005 by 00PS]

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by 00PS
I think you'll find that America as our Founding ForeFathers founded it to be slowly degraded into something else within the first 50 years. Not 200 years. In the last 200 years we have seen many changes come to play because of the erosion that happened between the 1770's and 1820's.

Imk flabberghasted! Someone actually knows their American history! Not something you find very often.

Sofi, Great job as always. A very interesting and fact filled op-ed.
Nobody can dig up the facts quite like you.


posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:10 PM
I have been fighting with the government since 1999. All of my lawyers tell me that what has been done to me is obvious and is wrong, but they are the U.S. government and they can do anything that they want and there is nothing that I can do about it.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:11 PM
Good lord,

One of the biggest problems the US actually faces is that an entire swath of its young adult population has been brainwashed into thinking that 'freedom' is something that only applies to music and sex. The notion that 'freedom' also means economic freedom has been, somehow, twisted into the world of the taboo by left wing propagandists.

It's just sad to see an entire generation that is growing up without anything more than such a shallow concept of freedom. Stockholders are evil, being in control of your own economics is evil... Bush is evil because he won't let kids steal music from the internet... and on and on and on... Hopefully, one day, this generation will realize that there is more to freedom than sex and drugs and the ability to whine when you can't have all the sex and drugs that you want.

Until then I'll just have to sit through more tirades about how evil Bush is for believing in free enterprise... which, and sorry to break this to all the Maoists out there, IS freedom. Sex and drugs aren't freedom. Being able to own your own life is freedom.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:34 PM

move most of the working middle class into a new 'peasant' class.

Soficrow, once again you're right on the mark. This quote contains so much truth it's sick. The middle class are controlled by their jobs and they desperately cling to them.

My opinion is that as long as Americans learn to quote the Constitution there'll be less traction for this crap. If I know my rights, the powers in charge will move on to somone weaker and less informed. If we can ALL be informed then change can occur. The Constitution is like the bible in America and although it's loaded down with stupid crap these days, it is the sort of document (bought with the blood of patriots) that can shed this Patriot Act crap and rise like a phoenix.

The Constitution cannot be killed by terrorists but it can be killed by American Senators.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams

Good lord,

One of the biggest problems the US actually faces is that an entire swath of its young adult population has been brainwashed into thinking that 'freedom' is something that only applies to music and sex. The notion that 'freedom' also means economic freedom has been, somehow, twisted into the world of the taboo by left wing propagandists.

It's just sad to see an entire generation that is growing up without anything more than such a shallow concept of freedom. Stockholders are evil, being in control of your own economics is evil... Bush is evil because he won't let kids steal music from the internet... and on and on and on... Hopefully, one day, this generation will realize that there is more to freedom than sex and drugs and the ability to whine when you can't have all the sex and drugs that you want.

Until then I'll just have to sit through more tirades about how evil Bush is for believing in free enterprise... which, and sorry to break this to all the Maoists out there, IS freedom. Sex and drugs aren't freedom. Being able to own your own life is freedom.

Finally someone with some sense.... i am with you onlyinmydreams...

It is getting tiresome that some people try to find any excuse, even if they have to exagerate and use hoaxes which have been debunked time and time again in this same forums to further their own agenda...but of course, these people would call the debunking as "government propaganda done by government undercover agents"..... as can't be people that actually use the greymatter they were born with to think "for themselves" instead of getting swept away with the exagerations and propaganda from the left....

I am pretty sure that by August, or even next year you will be here soficrow, with some other members, talking once more about the "evil government", and you will be trying once more to provoke some sort of revolt because you feel you don't have enough and you want more....

Have you ever thought to actually use your head in something constructive, and perhaps you can better yourself and your life?.... Come up with a new innovative idea...start a new business, even if it is small...that's what's great about Capitalism, and free enterprise... anyone can become sucessful.

What also amazes me is that these same people, who are always talking about the new communist...i mean working class revolution....hey wait...isn't that exactly what communists called it?.....Anyways.... these same people always cry wolf when the government might investigate perhaps some of the things they say because they talk about another civil war.... Of course the government would try to find out if you are planning some sort of violent happens in all countries in the world... In Spain the government does it to those who are part of ETA, and now Muslim extremists.... if you have some sort of contact with any of these groups, or any others, you can expect the government in Spain to investigate about you, and in the US it is the same.....

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 10:37 PM
sniff sniff........I smell a big pile of denial here. Oh, or is it horse turd? Or was that kitty poop.........Nice, huh Ed?

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by soficrow
Bush owns Congress and the Senate. Neither body will block any new legislation's passage without a public outcry. And that's the strategy's weakness.

Do you ever stop? "Braveheart," "Rob Roy," Les Miserables? Maybe you watch too much cinema.

If George W. Bush declares himself king or dictator, I think we will have something to worry about. In the meantime console yourself with the fact that in about 18 months, GW will be slowly morphing into a lame duck and following that, there will be an election.

Have you considered the Collaborative Fiction forum?

Aren't you Canadian? Isn't Canadian politics interesting enough to keep you entertained?

[edit on 05/3/6 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Kidfinger
sniff sniff........I smell a big pile of denial here. Oh, or is it horse turd? Or was that kitty poop.........Nice, huh Ed?

Come to think of it I've smelled that smell since this post went up

OIMD, Muaddib and Grady probly smelled the same thing I did.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix

Come to think of it I've smelled that smell since this post went up

OIMD, Muaddib and Grady probly smelled the same thing I did.

Its an inside thing. You dont have a clue as to its true meaning.

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