posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 08:11 PM
I'm going to admit that I saw this coming, but I wish it could have been resolved another way. I have met some great people from all over the world
in chat and many of them I will still see on MSN and AIM. But this is such a darn shame, there will be no new friends in the future, because I would
never go to chat anywhere else, for the very reasons that unfortunately ATS chat is now shut down.
I saw a lot of red flags in the past couple of months and unfortuantely I've also seen some bannings where people got caught up in the "drama" and
lost their right to chat. I also saw it was becoming next to impossible to keep a grip on it, and personally got suspicious of quite a few people. The
Mods did a lot to try and keep it on track and always responded quickly when alerted to situations in the public room, but the problems being alluded
to in the private feature, I just can't imagine keeping it on track if it was that bad and that prolific.
I also agree it was invaluable for assistance and direction with questions both on the board and in real life (hey, any one in here a plumber?). Yes,
there were times it got too silly, but you know what, a lot of members used chat to get a breather from some of the intensity of the threads.
I am just so saddened by this.....I do think it is a great loss that this happened at all. I understand that it is only a small part of the ATS site,
so I do not expect we will see it back. The time and effort to make it right are probably not justified, but I wish there were a way.
See you on the threads my friends.
Edit: Yea! I'm wrong! Thanks SO!!!!
[edit on 3/6/2005 by Relentless]