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Whistle blower allegation proves dems, media corruption in Biden Ukraine story

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posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Grambler

If there is no quid pro quo, there is no scandal.

But, we know there was a "promise", and multiple "acts".

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Grambler

If there is no quid pro quo, there is no scandal.

But, we know there was a "promise", and multiple "acts".

Do we know that?

I don’t think we know anything really

I don’t know what that promise would be, but if it’s kit quid pro quo, there is no scandal at all

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Grambler

We don't "know" anything, really. But, we're told.

The whistleblower complaint at the heart of a showdown between the intelligence community and Congress involved “multiple acts” involving the president, including one in which Trump made a commitment during a phone call with a foreign leader, according to the New York Times.

edit on 20-9-2019 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Grambler

We don't "know" anything, really. But, we're told.

The whistleblower complaint at the heart of a showdown between the intelligence community and Congress involved “multiple acts” involving the president, including one in which Trump made a commitment during a phone call with a foreign leader, according to the New York Times.

Ok well the Washington post says

One source familiar with the contents of the exchange said that Trump did not raise the issue of American military and intelligence aid that had been pledged to Ukraine, indicating there was not an explicit quid pro quo in that call. /2019/09/20/7fa39b20-dbdc-11e9-bfb1-849887369476_story.html

That’s why I said IF there is no quid pro quo

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Ok well,

In August, Congress approved $250 million in military aid to Ukraine, which has been fighting a hot war with Russia since 2014. But at the end of August, Politico reported that the Trump administration seemed to be "slow-walking" that military assistance. Congressional Democrats and Republicans criticized the White House for delaying delivery of that funding. The administration released its hold on those funds in the second week of September.
"Ukraine is fighting a hot war against Russia," Jankowicz said. "Many people forget that there is a war on the European continent right now, and Ukraine needs all the support that it can get. So this is just helping Ukraine modernize its military and continue to keep Russia at bay. Often, you know, this is a diplomatic strategy that many in the State Department and the White House will use in terms of pushing reform forward. And here there was no ostensible reason why that aid would be withheld."

And...The timing is suspect.

The funds for Ukraine can’t be spent while they’re under review and the money expires at the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year. The account was originally created by defense policy legislation enacted in late 2015 to help Ukraine battle pro-Russian separatists in Crimea after Moscow annexed the region in 2014.

But the delays come amid questions over Trump’s approach to Russia, after a weekend in which the president repeatedly seemed to downplay Moscow’s military intervention in Ukraine and pushed for Russia to be reinstated into the Group of Seven, an annual gathering of the world’s largest advanced economies. The review is also occurring amid a broader internal debate over whether to halt or cut billions of dollars in foreign aid.

United States military aid to Ukraine has long been seen as a litmus test for how strongly the American government is pushing back against Moscow.

Not to mention that Trump recently slashed billions of dollars meant to go to NATO facilities abroad, designated specifically to counter Russia's aggression, in the name of a national emergency to fund Trump's wall.

We don't know that the whistleblower complaint is strictly about Trump asking the Ukrainian government to investigate Biden, but some are speculating that he may have been using Russia's aggression as leverage.

edit on 20-9-2019 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: Grambler

That does not AT ALL support your BS claim that the investigation was active.

Docs likely identified dozens if not hundreds of people to follow up with.

It says nothing about the investigation being active at the time Biden AND THE REST OF THE WORLD called for the apparently corrupt prosecutor to be canned. They were actually looking for a Prosecutor that would PROSECUTE>

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: Extorris
a reply to: Grambler

That does not AT ALL support your BS claim that the investigation was active.

Docs likely identified dozens if not hundreds of people to follow up with.

It says nothing about the investigation being active at the time Biden AND THE REST OF THE WORLD called for the apparently corrupt prosecutor to be canned. They were actually looking for a Prosecutor that would PROSECUTE>

Where is your proof the investigation was inactive again?

I have the prosecutor saying it was , documents showing hunter was a target

You have a deputy prosecutor saying it wasn’t

And even if it wasn’t being acted in, how would joe Biden know?

All he knew was that this prosector was on paper the head guy into the investigation into his son

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: Extorris
a reply to: Grambler

That does not AT ALL support your BS claim that the investigation was active.

Docs likely identified dozens if not hundreds of people to follow up with.

It says nothing about the investigation being active at the time Biden AND THE REST OF THE WORLD called for the apparently corrupt prosecutor to be canned. They were actually looking for a Prosecutor that would PROSECUTE>

Where is your proof the investigation was inactive again?

I have the prosecutor saying it was

No you dont.

You haven't posted anything anywhere showing it was active.

You posted an account that documents showed Hunter among people to follow up with. It doesn't say the investigation was active.

THE DEPUTY PROSECUTOR (#2) SAID IT WAS SHELVED/INACTIVE/NADA NOTHING When Biden (AND EVERYONE ELSE) called for the ousting of the do-nothing prosecutor.

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
Honestly, I hope at least Biden burns. Despite the fact that the DNC push him as their front runner, he's probably their worst shot at beating Trump.

Fingers crossed this also leads to the DNC getting burned. It may give Trump another four years (although that's almost guaranteed) but then we'll see the Bernie Bros fill the void.

AOC 2024!

AOC will ensure that the DNC gets burned.

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: Extorris

Ummm...pretty sure I read direct quotes from the head prosecutor that it wasn't. And even if you have a counter how come the new solid prosecutor contradicts that...lemme guess you either ignored that or didn't read it.
edit on 20-9-2019 by RickyD because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: Extorris

Also in light of what we learned on other threads about the Obama admin having meetings with our and their Judical branches under the guise of training sessions do you really thing pressure wasn't applied to save face on the issue...its the f*#%in VP...and Obama was abput as corrupt as a president gets...but you think it was all on the up and up...get real dude.

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254

AOC 2024!

Dingbat ignorant Barmaid that cleans toilets for President.
Brilliant !

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: Extorris

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: Extorris
a reply to: Grambler

That does not AT ALL support your BS claim that the investigation was active.

Docs likely identified dozens if not hundreds of people to follow up with.

It says nothing about the investigation being active at the time Biden AND THE REST OF THE WORLD called for the apparently corrupt prosecutor to be canned. They were actually looking for a Prosecutor that would PROSECUTE>

Where is your proof the investigation was inactive again?

I have the prosecutor saying it was

No you dont.

You haven't posted anything anywhere showing it was active.

You posted an account that documents showed Hunter among people to follow up with. It doesn't say the investigation was active.

THE DEPUTY PROSECUTOR (#2) SAID IT WAS SHELVED/INACTIVE/NADA NOTHING When Biden (AND EVERYONE ELSE) called for the ousting of the do-nothing prosecutor.

It is not my fault you do not read the op

The ACTUAL PROSECUTOR #1 said he was investigating

Shokin told me in written answers to questions that, before he was fired as general prosecutor, he had made “specific plans” for the investigation that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”

Now that’s twice you have acted so arrogant and yet you can’t even read the articles I have already posted

posted on Sep, 20 2019 @ 08:26 PM
And the narrative continues to fall apart

But there is a missing part of the story that the American public needs in order to assess what really happened: Giuliani's contact with Zelensky adviser and attorney Andrei Yermak this summer was encouraged and facilitated by the U.S. State Department.

So Rudy wasn’t acting on trumps orders, but the state dept. why you ask?

According to interviews with more than a dozen Ukrainian and U.S. officials, Ukraine’s government under recently departed President Petro Poroshenko and, now, Zelensky has been trying since summer 2018 to hand over evidence about the conduct of Americans they believe might be involved in violations of U.S. law during the Obama years.

The Ukrainians say their efforts to get their allegations to U.S. authorities were thwarted first by the U.S. embassy in Kiev, which failed to issue timely visas allowing them to visit America.

Then the Ukrainians hired a former U.S. attorney — not Giuliani — to hand-deliver the evidence of wrongdoing to the U.S. Attorney's Office in New York, but the federal prosecutors never responded.

The U.S. attorney, a respected American, confirmed the Ukrainians’ story to me. The allegations that Ukrainian officials wanted to pass on involved both efforts by the Democratic National Committee to pressure Ukraine to meddle in the 2016 U.S. election as well as Joe Biden’s son’s effort to make money in Ukraine while the former vice president managed U.S.-Ukraine relations, the retired U.S. attorney told me.

If that’s true it’s big big trouble for the democrats

So it seems the real story may be the Ukrainians were the ones all along tracing out to the USA, deep state people were ignoring their evidence about crimes under Obama’s admin, and so trump and Rudy started to formally ask the Ukrainian President for cooperation with the state department

This story may blow up in the face of the media Dems and establishment

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 08:06 AM
Another nothing burger.

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 10:01 AM
Then there is Joe Biden's brother, James...and that $1.5B contract to build homes in Iraq.

Crony capitalism & Joe Biden’s brother

James Biden isn’t a big name in the business of residential housing development, so what exactly qualifies him to work at a construction company and share in the winnings of a $1.5 billion project to build affordable homes in Iraq?

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: Grambler

I was going to post this, but being non American i left it to Americans.

As an legal alien from the southern hemisphere, the current status of American politics is a convoluted mess, the legislative procedure needs to be streamlined, one whistleblower can't blow the whistle because some legal clause, then someone throws out a counter clause, I'm pretty sure reptilian aliens are involved but my whistleblower friend is being held at area 51 due to clause 3.14 on page 1138...

Simplify and streamline, its the only way.

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 10:58 AM
Breaking on FOX: Ukrainian Pres. just denied Trump put pressure on him to investigate Biden.
edit on 21-9-2019 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Breaking on FOX: Ukrainian Pres. just denied Trump put pressure on him to investigate Biden.

I’m looking for a link

If you find one I’d very much like to see that

posted on Sep, 21 2019 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Breaking on FOX: Ukrainian Pres. just denied Trump put pressure on him to investigate Biden.

I’m looking for a link

If you find one I’d very much like to see that

Just announced as breaking on FOX (Cavuto Live).

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