posted on Sep, 19 2019 @ 10:38 AM
This Thread is started on the Premise that 2020 is already done and over with. Trump wins. Sorry, but anyone who's honest knows the Democrats don't
have a chance this Election. Trump won in 2016 when the entire Establishment was against him, that included the media, the government, the sitting
president and all the powers, and privileges which that bestows. When he was an unknown to a lot of people and was called racist, sexist, etc etc etc
to anyone who would listen. Now four years later, World War 3 didn't' happen, the economy didn't collapse(in fact it has prospered) and every evil
thing said about Trump has been proven wrong.
Plainly speaking: Everyone who voted for Trump in 2016, are going to continue to support him. The only people who will change their minds are the
people who have been lied to and will now see four years later that we have prospered. To sum it up famously as Bill Clinton did, It's the Economy
So... Moving in to 2024 My question is do we think the pendulum will swing again in 2024? Will we get another Far left President? Will it be a
President Sanders or Elizabeth Warren? Or do we think The Trump brand will continue to be successful? And if it IS do we think we will see our first
Female President in... Ivanka Trump!?
I'm not advocating this idea, I'm just genuinely curious if we think the Trump brand will continue in 2024, if the GOP will go to a more
establishment candidate again, such as a Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush! OR if the LEFT.RIGHT Pendulum will swing back to the Left? and if it DOES
will it be a moderate left candidate or an extreme left?
I'm open to all discussions, I even think it's possible real third parties might emerge from the ashes of the Democratic party, but That I believe
will ONLY happen if the same holds true for the GOP. the Democratic Party won't risk splitting their votes unless the GOP does the same.
Thoughts, Comments?