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Vegan extremist gets spanked - for trespassing and stealing, then cries foul

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posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

It ruined the image of cute little apes eating fruit and happily playing their way through life, when it came out they even have wars between groups and engage in cannibalism.

I blame Bambi.

As I have said many times, I watch the slickers come out here and try to live in the country. Without exception, they all think nature is deer frolicking by babbling brooks as the rabbits run circles around them and a choir sings happy music in the distance. It ain't. Nature is cruel. Nature will kill you, eat you, leave your bones lying, and not give a damn, just because. The beauty of nature is in its cruelty... that beautiful balance of power that provides more than enough for everything in it, at the expense of those in it. It is an endless cycle of life giving way to death which begets new life, with no ending.

The rabbits this... creature... "rescued" were already rescued from a life in which every single day is an unexpected gift. Every movement can alert something that will then proceed to rip its throat out and eat it, possibly while it is still alive. Every movement can be a misstep into a situation where injury occurs, and there are no vets in nature. The injured either heal (the exception) or wait for something to come along and eat them (the rule). In their cages, they were protected from predators and ensured they were at least somewhat protected from those missteps.

All animals are simply not pets. That's what these... creatures... need to understand but what they apparently can't understand. We treat the injured, cure the sick, and in doing so have separated ourselves from nature to the point most of us cannot exist in nature any more. In the wild, every species produces more young than can survive in the area. The weaker (usually) die off, leaving the maximum number that can survive. Populations rise and fall, ebb and flow, to fit the conditions. To the individual this is cruel; to the species this is the most effective way to survive.

We tend to put ourselves (the individual) ahead of our species. So we often cannot understand the beauty of nature. All we can do is admire it and, unfortunately, screw it up if given a chance.


posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: Oleandra88

The wolves are a problem.

I was born in Southern Idaho and lived in that area before relocating to Alaska.

The whole time they were saying wolves were extinct in Idaho, they were no such thing. I could have taken the State Biologist right to a large pack on the Utah Idaho border. Farmers knew they were there and kept it secret to protect them. People hunting mountain lions in the same area saw them and knew they were there all along. The farmers, ranchers and the wildlife had found a balance.

Then all of the sudden they are talking about reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone, saying their are no wolves there. The ranchers fought them tooth and nail until they got a guarantee they could kill them if they left the park and went after livestock. They left the park almost immediately. The first one killed was by a rancher who shot one in the act of eating a calf, with it's belly full. Autopsy showed it was feeding on calves and they arrested the rancher. They had lied their asses off to the ranchers.

One week before they introduced the first imported wolves, I drove through Yellowstone as we often did on weekends since I lived easy driving distance from the park. We got stuck in a line of cars not moving just inside the gate. When we got up to the cause, it was one of the wolves they said did not exist in Yellowstone, hit by a car and it was dying. Two months later the State Biologist in Idaho admitted to a reporter they knew there were already wolves there all along. They lied so they could move in the transplanted ones.

Around that same time I had to drive up to Montana on business and right off the side of the highway was one of those wolves stalking a small herd of cattle.

The activists always do more or as much harm as good. They overprotected the Buffalo in Yellowstone and decimated the huge elk herds that were once there. The Buffalo only passed through there, they did not naturally live there year round like now. They destroyed the balance and goodbye elk.

Activists are well meaning but they let emotions cloud their judgement and lack of real knowledge makes them do dumb things.

Predators are overpopulated everywhere now. Soon they will have to deal with it - again - as they did in the past where they found a good balance. If they don't the game animals will pay a dear price and the predators will have no choice but to come to urban area's.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Amen to all of what you said.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

I remember seeing a documentation about that. As soon as I read Yellowstone Borders+farmers wanting to okay to shoot them if they leave and kill livestock, it clicked.

The documentation was a bit one sided in favor of the wolves.

About your last paragraph, normally, predators do not extinct their prey completely. This is why the balance has worked in the forest, until we killed all wolves here. Of course with livestock, that is not going to ever happen (backing down), because there is enough artificial game to hunt. Artificial as in, we humans breeding livestock. Nicely contained so they can not flee effective.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

They're scared to death of the mower, but they still follow it at a respectable distance.

Haha that reminds me of the old lady who called all her chickens every morning with her "biiiiiii-bibibibip" call on my way to school. I had to walk a way parallel to her huge garden that was fenced in, like at least 200m. They would come running from all directions because they know the good stuff is spread around by her

First time I noticed parallels between the raptors from Jurassic Park and hens.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Oleandra88

Yes, it's a roller coaster ride in the wild. The predators increase until they reduce their prey numbers, then the predators numbers are reduced and it starts all over again.

The wolf population was already what it needed to be for that area, so they lie so they can interfere with nature taking it's course.

Yellowstone has suffered greatly due to activists interference. It's a hollow shell of what it was when I first stated going as a child. The first photo I recall was in some slides when I was under 5 in the 1950s.

At one time they culled the Buffalo herds and sold the meat to the public. The government hired the hunters to do it and sold the meat to butcher shops. Kept it all in balance until the Sierra Club started it's never ending stream of lawsuits. The the Buffalo naturally overpopulated driving out the real native animals, the giant herds of elk.

The huge fires over the last few decades were directly caused by the Sierra Club law suits. They would not let them maintain the forests and what would have been small, welcome fires keeping it healthy, became huge uncontrollable infernos.

Yellowstone as I said has suffered greatly under the thumbs of activists and lawsuits. Before that the Forest Service, using mostly methods learned from the Germans, kept Yellowstone healthy. Fish and Game kept the game animal herds strong and healthy. The activists have done so much harm I don't know that Yellowstone will ever recover fully.
edit on 9/7/2019 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2019 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Yeah but at least they are free and have a chance. I am not against eating meat. None of your/my ancestors would have survived and neither of us would be here if they were not successful hunters. But part of me agrees with the Vegans. Not the anti-meat part, but the animal cruelty. Factory farms are evil, inhumane, and disgusting. Eat meat. But stalk it and shoot it yourself.

posted on Sep, 8 2019 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Blaine91555

Same here with wild hogs. It is so bad hunters can now get good night vision scopes and silencers if they enlist for it. The hogs literally will kill and eat the young deer if they can.

So they are open to shoot almost all year round. Except for the female hogs who nurture little hoglings, they are protected and it makes sense. I myself am not the person to hunt and my body is not made for it but I see how it is necessary.

posted on Sep, 8 2019 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Oleandra88

Wild hogs are an issue in areas around here as well. They don't just eat young deer; they will eat anything that they can catch, and that includes peoples.

One guy around here came across a wild boar while hunting for deer. The boar saw him and charged. He shot the boar, it let out a scream, and he said within a few minutes the area was teeming with boar. He scurried up a tree and watched as the boar ate the injured one alive, then paced back and forth under his tree for several hours. They finally left and he cautiously climbed down, but as soon as he did the boar were back. They had backed off just enough to try and get him to come down.

He stayed in that tree for about 24 hours, until he was sure they were nowhere around. Once down, he high-tailed it for his truck and hasn't been back to that area since.

A wild boar is both intelligent and hard to kill. Those skulls can deflect a .38 at point blank range. I hunted for several years with a Mini-14, .223 caliber rifle (which is now called an assault rifle). I had a 30-round clip because it might take 10 rounds to finally drop one boar. If I had my 5-round clip in it and that happened, I would be pig food.

Boars are not indigenous here, but believe it or not there are a few activists who want them protected. As it stands now, there is no closed season on wild boar, and I think anyone who wants to implement one should first be required to spend the night alone and unarmed in that area where they are so plentiful.


posted on Sep, 8 2019 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

What a horrible situation! I can remember one time I was joining the hunt by sitting out on the tower. A group of boars showed up right at dawn. Shot placement was not good and the boar had to be finished manually.

Suddenly it got very hectic, he got down and started to approach the boar. I was about to rush down the tower, too when I got one stern "STAY UP". I got it explained later these boars/hogs can snap up quickly and break my legs in no time, if not worse.

I then had to help get it out of the grass and onto a surface that was accessible by the SUV. These hogs are little tanks on four feet. I think the caliber was .307 bolt action. First time I fired it on the range I was impressed. It is bone work, dirty, stinky and it is necessary to have experienced it once.

It is hunters law to take out either the heart or the central nervous system. Brain, spine, heart. I think many here aim for the heart, the skull is their legal trophy they can always keep. So they try not to ruin that by placing a shot right behind the shoulder blade into the heart chamber. It is also easier, since the head will move around and the spine is hard to hit I was told.

It is also fascinating what the mind plays tricks on you when you are sitting for a couple of hours in silence. Was this breaking twig an animal behind me or was it the wind?

posted on Sep, 8 2019 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Oleandra88

Tanks on four feet is an apt description.

Want to know something more shocking? That tank on four feet could have come from a normal domesticated hog that escaped from a farm as little as two generations ago. When left in the wild, that's all it takes for them to become feral to the point they are not really even recognizable anymore.

The next time you hear about some ecological group protesting about eating pork, think about that. They could easily release some normal pigs into the wild and be responsible for introducing wild boar that will kill people without a second thought in an area they shouldn't be in.

Some heroes of nature.


posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Yes, I do.

I think you replied to the wrong person?

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: FinallyAwake
Pampered until they have their young taken away, then eventually have their throats slit. That's real good care 👍🏻

Both more humane than they'd likely receive in the wild. Constantly being chased by predators, young being grabbed by predators and dragged away still bleating until finally killed. A good clean death, rather than being chased, fighting for their life, and possible killed slowly or maybe even eaten alive in the wild. Oh and more often then not, a longer life expectancy than in the wild.

I don't understand where the idea that life in the wild is some kind of paradise comes from...

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 08:08 AM
Damn that scene must of been crazy. The farmer strangeling people and hitting them with metal posts then chassing them with guns.

It's hard to feel bad for the farmers or vegan activists. 16 rabbits really isnt reason to kill a bunch of vegans. And they shouldn't of been protesting by trespassing.

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: Puppylove

It all depends how they are raised and treated on the farm. Factory type farms are disgusting and torture. Living in a cage or packed barns isn't better than living in the wild.

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Not sure why you included the mcdonalds video in your post. I actually thought the McDonalds wasn't a waste of people's time.

McD's supports and is apart of bad factory farming practices. Anyone who eat's at McD's should at least be aware they are eating tortured animals

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I think you're misinformed about nutrition when it comes to vegans. Many healthy vegans out there who don't take many supplements and are in a healthy condition.

This is a common trope for vegans. This idea that vegans need loads of supplements otherwise they will look like casper the ghost.

You don't need any meat to live a healthy life and can get everything from plants. Supplements make it easier. B-vitamins are not expensive. It just requires more knowledge about what you should be eating, what your body is not getting and how to reduce estrogen intake if you're a guy and eat alot of tofu (eat broccoli).

I'd say veganism is definitely harder to be "healthy", but it is probably one of the top healthiest diets if done right. It has been shown to greatly reduce heart disease.

edit on 9-9-2019 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: blueman12

You just sound misinformed about nutrition when it comes to vegans. Many healthy vegans out there who don't take many supplements and are in a healthy condition.

Then why don't you inform me as to another reason why a vegan literally cannot understand why someone would get angry at having their livelihood taken by stealth? That is a serious mental deficiency, and this person we're discussing is not alone by any means. That lack of ability to comprehend seems to be a fairly common theme among vegans.

I say "seems to be" because obviously there have been no actual studies and I am going off anecdotal evidence here. Let's not get into that tired old diatribe.

As far as it only being 16 rabbits, she was caught in the act of releasing rabbits. She was not stopping until she was caught. She could have easily, and from her words intended to, release all the rabbits that farmer had! That's literally taking his food, his income, the thing he uses to feed his family away! It's no different in that respect than stealing a mechanic's tools or burning a farmer's crops. It scares me that you do not understand this.

This is a common trope for vegans. This idea that vegans need loads of supplements otherwise they will look the casper the ghost.

Fine. Show me some vegans who have been vegans for many years who do not take supplements yet are as physically fit as omnivores. I hear a lot of talk, but I don't see any actual examples. I do see examples of seemingly quite a few who are literally showing an inability to use their frontal lobes, like this creature. I can't even bring myself to call it human... humans can think. It can't.

I also have yet to see medical advice on veganism that does not indicate a serious potential for health issues if supplements are not taken.

You don't need any meat to live a healthy life and can get everything from plants. Supplements make it easier. B-vitamins are not expensive.

I have stated several times in this thread that I do not care what others eat as long as it does not affect me. I stand by that. My concern is humanitarian. History is full of diseases that arise from lack of nutrition... scurvy (lack of vitamin C) comes to mind. So when I see a group of people who seemingly have some sort of serious illness manifesting itself as a mental problem, and the primary differentiator of that group is dietary, I suspect a dietary cause.

You complain a couple of posts above about the conditions on factory farms. I even extended my concern to try and explain the fact that we as a nation are exhibiting a lack of understanding and an obesity issue as a whole that could correlate to the way factory arms approach meat production. In other words, I am on your side there.

I do know that I have had to study some nutrition issues myself since I am experiencing my own health concerns. I have come across quite a few substances that are essential in humans but which do not exist in high quantities outside of meat products. This site lists 7: besides B12, there is creatine, carnosine, D3, DHA, heme iron, and taurine. Not all are absolutely essential, but it is interesting to note that 3 of these, B12, D3, and DHA, are directly linked to brain performance. I do not believe it is too far-fetched to wonder if a lack of these (or other) nutrients could lead to decreased brain function, nor do I think it is unreasonable to wonder if factory farm conditions could lead to a decreased amount of these nutrients in our present meat supply.


posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: Puppylove

originally posted by: FinallyAwake
Pampered until they have their young taken away, then eventually have their throats slit. That's real good care 👍🏻

Both more humane than they'd likely receive in the wild. Constantly being chased by predators, young being grabbed by predators and dragged away still bleating until finally killed. A good clean death, rather than being chased, fighting for their life, and possible killed slowly or maybe even eaten alive in the wild. Oh and more often then not, a longer life expectancy than in the wild.

I don't understand where the idea that life in the wild is some kind of paradise comes from...

You are putting words in my mouth.

I've never once said anything about paradise or the wild even being safer.

I agree with all the things you say about the wild, I acknowledge that.

But you are missing the point. There is no humane way to kill an animal. There's less barbaric and less painful ways of course.

But there is no humane way to kill an animal. Will you acknowledge that?

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 11:39 AM
Vegans need to go back to Vega!

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