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Vegan extremist gets spanked - for trespassing and stealing, then cries foul

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posted on Sep, 6 2019 @ 06:50 PM
look i have a soft heart for animals, but i like to eat some of them and cruelty too them is wrong! VERY VERY WRONG i believe the food animals that farmers raise don't realize that they are meant for my belly and can't imagine what their fate may be, mega farm's that rais livestock for profit over animal comfort are bad, but these vegan criminals deserve what they get, yeah let's go rescue 1000 lab rats only to have them die in the wood's FFS i disagree with experimentation on animal's use criminal's instead ie. murderers or rapists

posted on Sep, 6 2019 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: Oleandra88
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Get your facts straight then. You came here without even reading the article and started writing and implying things about the farmer you do not know. You even admitted yourself you did not bother to read, instead you started to make up things here.

I am not your sweetheart either.

Yes, I made a mistake and owned up.
Then you felt it was OK to put the boot in after that? It wasn't necessary, so..

Wind your neck in.

posted on Sep, 6 2019 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: Spacespider
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Have a heart will ya...
A hunter that just sprays a bunch of pellets into a bunch of animals that are left suffering and covered in blood..

and here are you jerking off to it.. what the hell man

What an Ignorant Thing to say to another Human Being . Without Animal Flesh which GOD Bestowed Upon MAN , you would Not Exist Right Now on this Green Earth Mr. / Misses / Whatever Person Arachnid .......

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: FinallyAwake
It was a follow up question trying to find out your intentions

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 04:20 AM
Let me get this straight... this supposed person, assumed human with an assumed functional frontal lobe to their brain, sees a farm where other people are raising rabbits and thinks to themselves, "I must go in there and take their rabbits, It's the only humane thing to do, to remove their ability to feed themselves."

OK, I think we can drop the assumptions and suppositions now. This was an animal themselves and has no business presenting themselves as human.

I really don't care what someone eats. If you don't want to eat meat, fine. If you want to go full-on perfection-or-die vegan, go for it. Redneck is good with that, as long as you don't try to make me eat broccoli (that's a fight right there). But when someone decides what I will eat? Sorry, that position has been filled, and if you keep pressing the issue I'm just liable to find out what vegan tastes like.

As many of these stories as I am hearing, I am starting to think that there is something that vegans do not eat that is an absolute requirement for mental function. It's obvious they seem to have this inability to think and reason rationally, and as has been stated, most vegetarians do not act this way.


posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Good point! Maybe the supplements some take do have side-effects, like blocking the correct uptake of other minerals, vitamins, acids.

Most do not look healthy. Everyone can eat and think what they want as long as I can eat my steak in peace. No dumb looks, no scenes, no berating. Just two persons next to each other eating what they like.

Those trying to make me feel bad about the meat I eat does not work. I buy local from a farmer that only has free roaming cattle or calves. The most stress those animals face is when they want to be first at the food dispenser or at the electric brush. They do not see their end coming like when they are transported hundreds of km to a industrial butcher plant.

Everyone who eats meat should at least have seen the whole process from raising a calve to bringing it on the table. Respect towards the animal that will end up on my table and not wasting the meat is what I preach.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: Oleandra88

There are a few who seem healthy... Bryan Danielson (aka Daniel Bryan) of WWE fame is actually a vegan in reality. But yeah, most I have met look kinda sickly. A lot of the vitamins and minerals we need come from meat products almost exclusively.

Humans can eat both meat and plant matter... but they really need both. One literally cannot maintain health eating only meat (although that is quite difficult anyway; most sandwiches come with some sort of veggie, and the bread as well), but it is much easier to maintain health eating only plant matter. The vegans have the right idea, but they just take it too far. Daniel Bryan likely can afford to consume massive amounts of vitamins and minerals in pill form... most vegans probably cannot and really don't understand they need them.

Just look at the mental processes that had to have happened with this female: "See rabbit; want rabbit; take rabbit; why is man beating me for taking rabbit? Run away; still chasing me; mean man; call for help; didn't do anything to mean man; just took rabbit." That's what I would imagine a dog would think if it tried to get to a rabbit. That is not rational thought for a human being.

I was worried after posting that people would think I was being hyperbolic... I wasn't. These people are not functioning on the same mental plateau as you or I. They are functioning like an animal themselves.


posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I find it important to point out that I do not want to judge anyone. I just make observations and trying to make sense out of it.

I also do not mind vegetarians diet, too much meat can not be good, I agree. It is not like I eat meat every day but I will certainly not skip it because of some vegan trying to make me feel bad. On the assumption I buy packed meat from industrial farmed animals.

And when I told all three of them (all at once) that they are painting every meat eater with the same brush...and that it is ignorant and rude as hell to make assumptions about a person like they do...

They tried to sidetrack into other topics, like what shampoo I use or trying to put things in my mouth. Their stance was, as long as you eat meat and consume products with animals in it, you are a problem to society and you must be educated.

Because they felt so superior and smart. The bad angry meat eater I am...

So this is my experience with vegans. I know there have to be decent vegans, too, I have just not seen them yet.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

Who's jerking off to what. They trespassed and stole, then were chased. We're supposed to feel sorry for them?

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

The noose gets tighter and tighter. Their moral crusades have real life consequences for everyone else.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Oleandra88

I'm actually starting to think we're onto something here, evil conspiracy theorist that I am.

Follow me: We have pretty much established (anecdotally) that most vegans are also activists, and this news story suggests that this activism can exhibit itself as a lack of mental ability to comprehend consequences of actions. Now extrapolate: We also have an increase in people committing violence. We know that most meat in the US is factory farmed... could there actually be a correlation between that factory farming and the recent violence? Could there be something missing from our diet, something as yet unknown, that does not exist in sufficient amounts in factory farmed animals, but does exist in free range animals, that is essential for our mental ability?

And could that also be the reason behind the obesity increase in America?

Quite a lot to think about...


posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck


Follow me further about the factory farming, feared animals shortly before death...What demographics use archaic killing methods like alive throat slitting that sends the animals into a frenzy death fight while they get pulled up for bleeding out? And are they war waging or not, most of the time?

Uh I lean far out of the window today..

Stress hormones in meat makes people go mad. Not sure if hormones can be found in the meat/meat fluid though.

edit on 7-9-2019 by Oleandra88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Oleandra88


The thing that gives me pause about that would be that in the wild, animals are often eaten alive. That would surely introduce more stress hormones than even the methods used by some factory farms. On the other hand, could it be the absolute lack of exercise forced on some animals?

I know in many laying houses, chickens can barely move. They get fed in a tiny cage, live in a tiny cage, and shoot eggs out of a tiny cage. I have chickens here and they roam the yard freely, living on the bugs and grass seeds. The difference in the taste of the eggs is daylight and night. Mine have many times as much flavor and larger yolks than those things they sell in the stores. The main difference is what the chickens eat and how much they are allowed to move. I imagine many of the factory cattle farms do something similar.

There is a large rancher across the ridge from me, but I don't think his meat winds up in the local grocery stores. His cattle have quite a large range fenced in and are likely much healthier than factory farmed cattle.

I do know some time back my cousin gave me some beef he didn't need that was taking up room in his freezer (yes, people still do that). He felt it necessary to warn me that this wasn't store-bought beef; it was leaner, tenderer, and tasted much better. Apparently he has given some to people who thought there was something wrong with it!

Like that other rancher I mentioned, his small herd has plenty of room to roam fenced in. He doesn't raise them for slaughter; he raises them for his familys' dinner table. He farms several thousand acres for income.


posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Spacespider

While I agree with you saying these militant vegans are a bunch of animals, I'm not sure I support calling someone defending their property "hunting."

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Yes, I do.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

When was the last time you ate an animal alive? The Japanese or Chinese have this in their culture but these were not the two I was talking about earlier.

Again I can only agree with what you wrote. Especially chickens. We had chickens and as you say, the difference is day and night. More taste, more yellow in color, NO fishy taste or smell (it comes from the food).

I always try to get stuff locally and I get my staple of eggs there. They have one of these, and the chickens all look healthy. Naturally, German overkill but look for yourself:

That is not the same farm but the same mobile house. It is mobile so they can move it around to get fresh grass. The chickens never run in the bare dirt.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: Oleandra88
a reply to: TheRedneck
Everyone who eats meat should at least have seen the whole process from raising a calve to bringing it on the table. Respect towards the animal that will end up on my table and not wasting the meat is what I preach.

Amen to that and I do think it's part of the problem.

I actually mourn when I hit a bird with my car or run over a squirrel. I use live traps for rodent and squirrel control by relocating them. We go to great lengths to protect wildlife and like most hunters, we do more to protect them and put money where our mouth is giving to organizations working to help wild animals. Hunter have the most to loose if the game animal numbers drop. Farmers and Ranchers pamper their livestock, if for no other reason than pampered livestock produces the best product.

I honestly think much of this radical Vegan thing is related to people who get off on activism, any activism and being a Vegan just happens to be what rings their chimes at the moment. They are people who jump on any cause whether they know what they are talking about or not.

I remember when it first came out that the folks studying Bonobo's had been hiding the fact they not only eat meat when they can get it, they prefer it. They kept that out of the reporting for decades to hide it. It proved that we primates evolved as omnivores which they did not want people to know. It ruined the image of cute little apes eating fruit and happily playing their way through life, when it came out they even have wars between groups and engage in cannibalism.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I grew up in an area where the cattle herds spent much of their lives running lose on BLM land. Same as in the wild except they had the protection of the ranchers who kept the predators away and made sure they had salt and nutrients to make them healthier. Much better life than any wild animal.

Oh and the meat! I miss that a lot now that I'm not where I can just buy a steer to butcher from a friend. It was soooo good. Kept in a small area for few weeks, fed only the best foods to produce that wonderful marbling just before they are butchered. Most urban folks don't even know how low quality the meat is they buy at the grocery store and will never taste what the meat producers eat themselves.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

The trying to safe a bird while driving is a big issue for me. How many times have I done a quick pull on the steering wheel just to not hit that falcon. It is a reflex that maybe will kill me one day. I am torn on this but I am a mother and I have to look out for my self in favor of my daughter. But it is a reflex. I like animals and except for blood sucking insects and flies, I even put spiders outside instead of killing them.

But...then, lately there was a situation with a bird that flew against the window of a nother member here. I was not there, actually a few thousand miles/km away but we were texting. The second I read it is jumping around wildly without being able to fly, I knew that someone maybe has to pull a decision :-/. For the best of the animal.

But then it seemed it was recollecting itself and was not around later so we think it just had a bad headache.
What I want to say with this since you speak of how to treat animals with respect, this is also a part of it.


Omnivores, correct. That is why we have the teeth we have. Sure one can say, we are so advanced now, we can supplement. Looking at the vegans I encountered, not so much I guess (no offense really!).

I had a hunter in my family. Exactly what you wrote. Besides some foul apples, most are not trigger happy and understand their duty to keep the forest healthy. Since we do not have any predators bigger than a badger/fox.

Not true entirely anymore, the wolf is coming back here and people do not like it.

posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: Oleandra88

Nah, I prefer to kill my food first. That's the barbarian in me coming out.

A double-wide for chickens! Dammit, if that ain't overkill, there is no such thing as overkill! But it seems to work well; those look like some happy cluck-clucks. That be some good-looking egg factories.

I have 4 hens is all, plus a hen and a rooster in the coop nursing hurt legs. That's enough for us. I do plan on building an incubator soon, so anything we get out of the coop will go into it and maybe we'll have some more chicks to raise; we need another rooster. We do have a couple of bare spots in the yard from the chickens, but they are small. They have a few acres right here at the house to run in, which is plenty without rotating. You should see them after I cut the grass and stir up the bugs! They're scared to death of the mower, but they still follow it at a respectable distance.


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