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Was this teacher planted to show kids how to cause more casualties

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posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

agreed once they passed the propaganda law the news has went down hill and is not worth watching. If it is important I will look into it on my own. its a sad day that we cannot trust the news and all they want to highlight is tragedy

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

I was born in the tail end of the 80's.... And for some reason I find the hair and the cloths nostalgic. I watched Stranger Things, and even though it had such a dark plot, the retro part of it just made me so happy.

LOL! We felt the same about "That '70s Show." Seeing the Dittos jeans again, the cowl necks and the sweaters... brought back lots of happy memories! I never really watched the show, but I smiled at the commercials.

I gotta say though for those who loved the 80s, you would have absolutely adored the '70s -- before coc aine came along and spoiled everything. People got mean and ugly with coke. It was pretty darn sad to see it happen.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: Stealu1two
a reply to: CriticalStinker

agreed once they passed the propaganda law the news has went down hill and is not worth watching. If it is important I will look into it on my own. its a sad day that we cannot trust the news and all they want to highlight is tragedy

The old model was mainly local news with a little bit of the national news. For every sad story there was a nice cheesy pieces about good things going on in the community. They weren't really concerned with clawing for more ratings.

Now if it bleeds it leads, and while those stories have always been there, now they milk it for weeks with bits like "is your child next? Here's a backpack that is bullet resistant".

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Wow people were killing each in the past great point. Completely unrelated
unless you consider opium dens as a possible factor.

You get where I'm coming from right?
edit on 5-9-2019 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

before coc aine came along and spoiled everything. People got mean and ugly with coke. It was pretty darn sad to see it happen.

It was definitely one of the symptoms of a society that started to exemplify the greedy and self absorbed. It used to be taboo to be selfish... Then society belittled those who weren't striving to have the first big color TV on the block, or a pool in the back yard. You're lazy if you're not trying to get more things.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Well in my 1980's, all of my neighbors that were young men were horrible drug addicts and did terribly stupid things. For instance, a gang of them actually killed my dog. Not for any other reason than they were bored and didnt like me because I wouldnt hang out with them anymore. Sure, I did drugs too - but I didn't want to be like them and end up in jail - which pretty much all of them did. There existed extremely violent and disgusting music and media (which not all people subscribed to).
I remember that school shooting did happen historically, but it seems that school shootings by actual students began in the 1990's when schools started keeping ALL children in school and started pretending that we are all equal with equal abilities. Since this is such an absurd lie to tell to someone who is gullible and might very well believe you, it is no wonder that male frustration increased in such a way to make some young men capable of such horrific crimes.

The real answer here is for leadership to realize that there is an actual reason for morality and proper education. As well as proper punishment. No kid that did stupid crap in my highschool was allowed to stay. They were kicked out. Never to return. And that is the way it should be, as that is a very valuable lesson to others.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

originally posted by: Jefferton
The 80s were truly an amazing time to be alive. Young people today really have no clue what they are missing.
Except the hair, and clothes... But that is a small price to pay for bliss.

I was born in the tail end of the 80's.... And for some reason I find the hair and the cloths nostalgic. I watched Stranger Things, and even though it had such a dark plot, the retro part of it just made me so happy.

I had it down to a science, aqua net, a round brush and good blow dryer. I could get my bangs and side feather standing up to 6 inches.

I have no idea what that means but it sounds like a fun look. What colour was the feather(s)?

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: carsforkids

No harm no foul, and I know you're kind of new. Just pointing out it's important to stay on topic and leave the mud in the pit.

That said, I actually agreed with both Jagstorm and Mysteriousstranger. I think they both brought up great points, and it's that contrast and nuance that helped evolve the discussion. He pointed out that the shootings themselves aren't necessarily new, but I think her point about social media definitely has a part in perception through the different decades. So maybe we should look at social media, constant infatuation with our devices, and the fact that it's been leaked these platforms have been developing their networks to prey on the minds dopamine receptors to keep people's attention (I'll plug a twist on your opium den comment).
edit on 5-9-2019 by CriticalStinker because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2019 by CriticalStinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

Florida Teacher Tells Students If He Were a School Shooter He Would Have a 1000-Person Body Count. The teacher told students if he were a school shooter he’d plant improvised explosive devices (IEDs), then “fire a couple rounds and wait for everyone to hide, then press a button and boom – everyone would die,” according to student testimony.

The teacher said it was a joke. His house was searched and nothing came up. Now they are looking into mental illness..
I've read a couple of articles on this. This does not seem like a joke or mental illness. It seems like an adult giving a recipe, if you will.
I did not link to the other article giving exact instructions for that reason. My heart fears for every student...

I wish these kids could go to school in the early 1980's. No social media, they could walk to school, they could stay out until the outside lights came on, food was unadulterated, mom was home, terrorists were people far far away, the flag was proudly flown. It was a time when parades brought happiness not controversy, obesity was rare and walking was a must, you could count on pensions, you could work hard and pay for your own college without debt, you could buy a house a not be house poor. When you went on an airplane you dressed up and there was no security, you held police in the highest esteem.
I remember hanging out at the 7/11 with friends, we were all poor but it didn't matter a single Slurpee was enough to evoke happiness. It seemed like nothing mattered much, I don't remember people being depressed, I don't remember people being as sick as they are, it was very rare for a friend to have even allergies.

I know that 1980's weren't perfect, but I know one thing for sure, school shooter was not in our vocabulary, maybe ignorance was bliss.

Oh, come on.

That was the plan for the Columbine killings. They were going to blow up a communal area and kill the kids as they fled. But their bombs were duds. There teacher was just being an idiot. Investigating them is a waste of money.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: Fools

No kid that did stupid crap in my highschool was allowed to stay. They were kicked out. Never to return. And that is the way it should be, as that is a very valuable lesson to others.

Yup! But they weren't really expelled, just transferred. In my day they were called "alternative" schools. Presumably to fulfill the mandates to provide free public education, but without subjecting others to the bad behavior of some students.

I think it was a gift for many of these kids. My husband's sister attended the alternative school for her last year in high school and aced it. She was allowed to work at her own pace, and finished the school "year" before the Christmas holidays. She then took work-experience classes and got a job and padded her credits. It worked out quite well for her.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

No harm no foul, and I know you're kind new. Just pointing out it's important to stay on topic and leave the mud in the pit.

Point taken and a thank you. I confess I got to used to da mud
throwing forum and didn't realize where I was .

You saved me!

I was set up! lol

Opium dens!

edit on 5-9-2019 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I wish these kids could go to school in the early 1980's. No social media, they could walk to school, they could stay out until the outside lights came on, food was unadulterated, mom was home, terrorists were people far far away, the flag was proudly flown. It was a time when parades brought happiness not controversy, obesity was rare and walking was a must, you could count on pensions, you could work hard and pay for your own college without debt, you could buy a house a not be house poor. When you went on an airplane you dressed up and there was no security, you held police in the highest esteem.

Ha, ha, sorry..........yea, probably off point but I'd have to point out that those days are long, long in the rear view mirror, never to return. And even out here in the boonies in Hee Haw land, parents are paranoid about their children being kidnapped.

I honestly don't know if the teacher was kidding or has a mental issue, but, and its just my guess, I'd have to say that from what we're seeing with the mass shooters, all of the are seriously deranged mental nutjobs. Who do you get to blame for that? Democrats who pushed for "community mental healthcare" initiatives which led to the closing of the Mental Hospitals.

So back to your point..........can you remember back to the 1960's when crazy Uncle Bob went on a rampage and his wife had him committed to the nut hut where they kept him doped up on lithium or Thorazine till they dragged his worthless dead corpse to the incinerator? Democrats were outraged at mental commitments and went the way of the Community System, which obviously doesn't work. So now the nuts are on the streets of San Francisco high on meth or whatever, talking to imaginary friends and crapping on the streets. Or worse, little Johnny who can't stop listening to the voices in his head, heads to school with drunken bum dad's AK 47 and shoots up the student body.

None of this had to be this way! This society has the resources and the technologies to identify and monitor every would be nutter from the age of 7 and otherwise remove the truly demented from civil society. But.........this society lacks the will to do so. And Democrat politicians who truthfully don't give a bloody crap about the victims, use the broken system to take normal peoples guns away from them.

Obviously everything is changing for the better!

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:19 PM
Dave Chappelle had a funny insight in school shootings in his latest comedy show on Netflix.

He asked why schools do active shooter drills? ... Isn't the kid doing the shooting part of the drill? The crazy kid is like "Oh, so this is where you all are going to be...."

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Fools

No kid that did stupid crap in my highschool was allowed to stay. They were kicked out. Never to return. And that is the way it should be, as that is a very valuable lesson to others.

Yup! But they weren't really expelled, just transferred. In my day they were called "alternative" schools. Presumably to fulfill the mandates to provide free public education, but without subjecting others to the bad behavior of some students.

I think it was a gift for many of these kids. My husband's sister attended the alternative school for her last year in high school and aced it. She was allowed to work at her own pace, and finished the school "year" before the Christmas holidays. She then took work-experience classes and got a job and padded her credits. It worked out quite well for her.

Where I went, they actually were kicked out for good. They did not have an alternative. They do have it now. Which in my mind is pretty dumb. If a kid is a loser its better to let them know they are right out of the gate so they can have some self inspection and do something about it as an individual.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: TonyS

So back to your point..........can you remember back to the 1960's when crazy Uncle Bob went on a rampage and his wife had him committed to the nut hut where they kept him doped up on lithium or Thorazine till they dragged his worthless dead corpse to the incinerator?

So real story, my husbands grandma was put in an insane asylum, and they did numerous shock therapies. (which obviously didn't work) She ended up dying there.

She was put in there because she kept saying someone was trying to kill her. Her husband was a professional gambler and not a very nice person... put the two together.

None of this had to be this way! This society has the resources and the technologies to identify and monitor every would be nutter from the age of 7

20 years ago I probably wouldn't have agreed with that statement, but now I do. I've seen my share of children and friends, and friends of friends. I think we all know when a child isn't right...

One little boy I remember so clearly. My husband and I know we will see his name on the news someday. He love to kill and hurt animals. He loved bones (not necessarily a bad thing, but I think it is when it accompanies hurting animals) He enjoyed throwing rocks at other children and enjoyed seeing them bleed. He enjoyed torturing his sister and brother, but not in a sibling type of way, but a sick painful way.
If there was ever an messed up kid, that was it. Everyone knew this kid wasn't normal and needed help. What can you do?

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
Dave Chappelle had a funny insight in school shootings in his latest comedy show on Netflix.

He asked why schools do active shooter drills? ... Isn't the kid doing the shooting part of the drill? The crazy kid is like "Oh, so this is where you all are going to be...."

That was a great special. Dave Chappelle sees right through the bs

edit on 5-9-2019 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

What can you do?

Obviously in this environment, not very much.

I mean, yea............think about it. The shooter in Odessa Texas called the FBI repeatedly making threats and saying crazy stuff. By repeatedly I mean dozens of times. If the FBI won't take any behavior concerning the obvious and identified nut jobs out there......................WHO IS? This is a formula for disaster.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

You beat me to it. I have often thought that and had that conversation about 5-6 years ago with my oldest. He came home and was like 'Dad, they are telling everyone exactly where to go if there is a shooting' and it was to meet by the cafeteria/auditorium. It would be fish in a barrel...

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Fools

Where I went, they actually were kicked out for good. They did not have an alternative. They do have it now. Which in my mind is pretty dumb. If a kid is a loser its better to let them know they are right out of the gate so they can have some self inspection and do something about it as an individual.

That can go both ways though... for my sister-in-law, getting kicked out of regular high school and into the alternative school was that wake up call. She cleaned up her act pretty quick once she figured out no one had to take her crap any more. She also learned much about herself and what she could accomplish for herself. Today she works for her town's police department -- and has for about 20 years now.

Some kids -- like some adults -- refuse to be helped. And they are a huge problem for society as a whole. That one "last" chance might be squandered... or it might not. I'd rather provide that one "last" chance than just throw anyone away. We can do the right thing even if it's not appreciated or accepted. We're still better off as a whole for those who do make the best of their "last" chance.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

originally posted by: Jefferton
The 80s were truly an amazing time to be alive. Young people today really have no clue what they are missing.
Except the hair, and clothes... But that is a small price to pay for bliss.

I was born in the tail end of the 80's.... And for some reason I find the hair and the cloths nostalgic. I watched Stranger Things, and even though it had such a dark plot, the retro part of it just made me so happy.

Very much agree. Love that show.

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