posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to:
You've hit the nail on the head. Western population decline is a few things. Industrialization, comfort lack of resources and putting resources to
different uses. The white European population is under fret. I know this personally. Its not a government agenda or a world wide conspiracy.
Population collapse and decline has gone hand-in hand with industrialization. But what else went up along side industrialization health care and
better understanding of the chemicals at play inside our body. I have to scratch my head asi have one child. But am very succesful in that field and
yet only a child. Then I realised every single partner I had been with from 17-30 had actively been using different forms of birth control. The
western population is at threat. But the threat shockingly. Is white females. The west is underfret from its mother's. They choose when and decide to
have kids. If they ever want them. I don't meet mothers in life anymore very few people I meet would ever have that capacity. So the trend I noticed.
Unfortunately through education. The west has collapsed its self. Which unfortunately is the by product of having a more prosperous society. The
educated choose when and where to use they're resources!