posted on Jul, 8 2003 @ 10:59 PM
Brave cammo - you will not have died in vain!
(shaking head - awake for the first time)
I.. I won't do it!
You may take our lives.
You may take our milkshakes.
But you can never take my FREEDOM!!
The recipes are still out there - we will never stop fighting! You may have the cows, and all the milk and the bendy straws and even the extra long
spoons that reach all the way to the bottom of the glass, but you can never stop our hunger.
Whereever there's a kid, hankerin' for a strawberry shake - we'll be there.
Whenever some young couple is out on a date, sharing a single chocolate shake w/ two straws we'll be there.
One day, when you least expect it - when you get overconfident and bloated and bad teeth from your caramel malts - then we will strike.
We will fight and we will die and one day.. one day.. there will once again be happiness and freedom and all the diners and sodastands and ice cream
parlors of the world will be united and as the vestiges of your evil one-shake empire come crashing to the ground before your very eyes, we will show
our faces and you will know us by the choclate chip mint running down our chin and you will be afraid - for you will see the evil of your ways, and
you will beg us for just one little taste of mocha slide..
And you will remember the wonder of flavor one last time before you surrender fully to a new life of prison..