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There aren't (m)any Japanese or Chinese "supremacists" - Why do you think this is?

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posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

I too have lived in Japan and Korea.

Japanese are very xenophobic (supremacist) and it is considered unacceptable for Japanese to marry anyone who is not Japanese, in Japan. My daughter was in love with a Japanese man (in Hawaii), his parents forbid their relationship because she wasn't Japanese and made them break up. He eventually, of course, married a Japanese woman.

The Chinese are also very very xenophobic (dislike anyone of another race).

The Koreans discriminate openly against children who are only half Korean. They also loathe the Japanese and Chinese.

Hating people outside of your racial group is a characteristic of being human around the world. Not all people, but enough that it is quite common everywhere. I've lived in Europe and they feel superior to Turks, and the new "immigrants".

I don't think there is any racial group that doesn't have enough people in it that hate/fear/or greatly dislike someone outside their racial group to say that any racial group worldwide doesn't have "supremacists" in it.

edit on 8/21/19 by The2Billies because: grammar

edit on 8/21/19 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Just think about that.....

You don't think a white supremacist eats a taco every once in a while, or maybe even listens to a popular song on the radio? Of course they do. They can enjoy all those things and still think their race is superior.

A Japanese person can enjoy and learn hula dance, but at the end of the day they will always pick a fan dance as truly Japanese.

This is not the same as eating a taco or listening to a song on the radio. This is full-on immersion in folk music from a foreign land and the nuances are so authentic that, were it not for the dead giveaway in the voice, they could pass as "the real thing".

Thing's not uncommon. A quick DDG of "Japanese bluegrass" will bring up dozens of videos just like this, of Japanese people dressed in cowboy hats.

Because nothing says "Stay away foreign bastard" like dressing in the bastard's clothes and singing his century-old folk songs?

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies
a reply to: Sublimecraft
The Chinese are also very very xenophobic (dislike anyone of another race).

Very much so. The outliers like my stepmother who marry white folks put up with a LOT of s# from their Chinese families. My step-grandparents only gave my dad permission to marry my stepmother after they became aware that he was loaded (compared to them) He was rich, so it was begrudgingly ok.

To their credit, they've always treated my younger brother very well, since he made a big effort to become fluent in Mandarin (spoken & written) and adheres to their customs when they visit. My dad already was fluent and knew the customs when they married, but it just wasn't enough in their book -- they merely tolerate him with a side-eye.

Now, my YOUNGEST brother, my dad & stepmom's son, is severely disabled with Down Syndrome, and this is seen as punishment for marrying another race to them. He's an embarrassment to her side of the family, and is seldom spoken about, to, or even acknowledged as existing in conversation.

The Koreans discriminate openly against children who are only half Korean. They also loathe the Japanese and Chinese.

Yep. I spent over a year living in Seoul as a kid (my dad was a businessman, not military) I attended one of the international schools, and the Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, and Vietnamese kids loathed having to go out of their homes.
The Japanese classmates in particular were treated pretty crappy. Sometimes after school, instead of going home right away, a bunch of us would walk to a nearby candy store to get some sweets. The other Asian-country kids seldom went because when they did, the Korean shopkeep used to blatantly ignore them to the point of those kids walking out empty-handed because he just wouldn't bother looking at them and ringing them up. That was common for the Japanese kids, shopkeeps acted like they didn't exist, or glared at them if they did acknowledge them.

The black classmates (black Americans & African students) were treated just as badly, and the Korean people even went out of their way to go around them with as wide a berth as possible on the sidewalks. They acted like they were going to catch a deadly disease or something from them.

On the other hand, if you were European/Canadian/Australian/American, they adored you. Especially the blonde ones. I had almost white-blonde hair as a kid, and god damn if my hair wasn't petted/touched constantly on sidewalks/buses/subways constantly. It did used to piss me off, but I did come to understand that it was a moth-to-a-flame fascination for them because it's not a natural hair color there. I learned fairly quickly to deal with it and be polite.

That was in the mid-90's, but from what I understand from former classmates that still live over there, not much has changed.
edit on 8/21/2019 by Nyiah because: oops, bungled the quote tags

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: DictionaryOfExcuses

From what I understand about the Japanese fascination with foreign cultures, it's that the culture can be had by anybody, but don't you f#g DARE pollute their gene pool with dirty foreign people genetics. It's very much a Look, But DON'T TOUCH kind of thing to them.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

The Koreans discriminate openly against children who are only half Korean. They also loathe the Japanese and Chinese.

That is very true, although I am a fortunate one.

I'm half Korean. I look very very Korean except I have the whitest Irish skin (seriously, I can get vampire like) and naturally raven black curly hair. I look almost exactly like the avatar I use on here. Growing up every Korean lady would come up to me and say she wanted my skin, and how beautiful it was. Funny enough my American friends thought I was pasty and needed a tan. I think I escaped a lot of the discrimination because of those "desirable" features. My Asian/black friends did not have it so easy, nor did the ones with red hair.

As I aged, I learned a truth that even the most racist people can't deny. Many mixed race people are the most striking beautiful people on earth. Maybe that is what people hate most. They know that mixed people are beautiful and often get the best genes from both sides? Not just that, it appears that some mixed race people are actually healthier and have longer life spans. I've heard this quite a bit although it is still being researched.

Wouldn't that make sense though, racism/supremacy can be a form of self preservation? Not saying it is right, but I truly think that is what it is.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies
a reply to: Sublimecraft

I too have lived in Japan and Korea.

Japanese are very xenophobic (supremacist) and it is considered unacceptable for Japanese to marry anyone who is not Japanese, in Japan. My daughter was in love with a Japanese man (in Hawaii), his parents forbid their relationship because she wasn't Japanese and made them break up. He eventually, of course, married a Japanese woman.

The Chinese are also very very xenophobic (dislike anyone of another race).

The Koreans discriminate openly against children who are only half Korean. They also loathe the Japanese and Chinese.

Hating people outside of your racial group is a characteristic of being human around the world. Not all people, but enough that it is quite common everywhere. I've lived in Europe and they feel superior to Turks, and the new "immigrants".

I don't think there is any racial group that doesn't have enough people in it that hate/fear/or greatly dislike someone outside their racial group to say that any racial group worldwide doesn't have "supremacists" in it.

Thank you. YES. 👍🏻

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 04:44 PM
Those yellow bastards are my favorite Pokemon.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 04:58 PM
Too much soy
Make people bery submissive

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 05:29 PM
Ever try to date a "traditional" Asian woman or man and NOT be at least "white"?

I don't know about supremacy, but, however, most Asians are extremely racist in this regard. Shunning, shaming and disowning is a regular solution for most Asian families.

It seems they get a pass as it pertains to this.


They're not killing each other in record numbers. Their overall crime statistics are practically nonexistent, and academically they are solid.

Out of sight is out of mind, and no, you are not required to date anyone regardless. However, it is "cultural policy" to NOT date, or marry people of color.

Asians, in some regards, are more racist than anyone.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: AnakinWayneII

that's funny as fluck.

I've lived in both Chinese and Japanese societies.

If you haven't already done so, go to Japan and see / experience it for yourself. They're not so much supremacists as they're Traditionalists / Fundamentalists who have zero tolerance of outsiders influencing the natural progression of their culture.

Same goes for China, and Malaysia and Saudi Arabia and Iran and Indonesia and one or two others I've lived or worked in.

No, man. Anyone who reads history knows why, while US is disrespecting older civilization and formed KKK under colonial rules. Asians has by far the oldest civilization in the world and still on going. They met the blacks, they met the Greeks/ Romans/Norse way before the British even touch their lands. Why you think Asians aren't supremacists? They are not dumb/brainwashed and know history. only those whom are trying to remove history are the ones trying cause massive race war. Humanity united against demons and non-humans, we will do it again.
edit on 21-8-2019 by makemap because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
Asians, in some regards, are more racist than anyone.

And China in particular did give us this advertising gem a few years back. It's pretty blatantly racist, mental gymnastics to make it so aren't remotely required here.

Several years later, it still makes me go "Lol, WTF, China?"

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: EternalShadow
Asians, in some regards, are more racist than anyone.

And China in particular did give us this advertising gem a few years back. It's pretty blatantly racist, mental gymnastics to make it so aren't remotely required here.

Several years later, it still makes me go "Lol, WTF, China?"

This is the original

As you can see the original ad was pretty racist & possibility promoted race mixing , the Chinese took note of that and made their own version. The end message of the Chinese ad was clearly pro-nationalism or traditionalism which I have nothing against. But for those who believe in multiculturalism this ad will be seen as offensive.

edit on 22-8-2019 by metal5643 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: metal5643

So young people eat tide pods over there too

posted on Aug, 23 2019 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Spent a couple of years in SK as a kid, a very blonde haired, blue eyed kid. This was in the 80's, and it was exactly as you described. They loved messing with my hair and commenting on my eyes, my mom thought I would be abducted a few times in fact.

I would say being white in just about every nation I've been to has been a bonus. Especially when you learn just a bit of local culture and language, you're generally treated very well.

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