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Bob Lazar Body Language and Verbal Queues

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posted on Aug, 1 2019 @ 10:58 PM
This is an interesting analysis by an admitted amateur body language / statement analysis YouTuber who has made a lot of videos reviewing people and pointing out when and where they are attempting to be deceptive. You can research his background and none of it is in a professional capacity where he worked for law enforcement, etc.

For all I know this is a hobby and he is self taught. Based upon much of what he highlights and specific language he uses he has clearly either studied the subject in great detail and may have had some formal training in some capacity. With that being said the analysis he does of Bob Lazar is quite revealing. He uses both present and past interviews with Bob Lazar. Most of the commentary from Lazar comes from the Joe Rogan podcast which if you have not seen yet I would highly recommend.

posted on Aug, 1 2019 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

Thank you for linking this, Lazar is one of the most interesting witnesses there is imho.

I'm 11m in the video now, it's great.
Gonna continue watching...

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 12:58 AM
Great vid, just finished it. I agree it appears Lazar is legit. He's one of the only people who time has been kind to and things have kept falling into place in his favor over the years.

About 10 or 15 years ago I decided this guy was the real deal, before that I just didn't know because there are so many naysayers on tv that are absolutely unwilling to consider "what if this guy's the real deal?". Those naysayers can easily cloud the situation, as we all know too well here at ATS.

I wholeheartedly agree with being skeptical but at the same time if you question things deep enough it should start revealing what's most likely - and I'd say it's most likely Lazar is telling the truth.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 02:28 AM
a reply to: 1point92AU

Just confirmed what I thought.. what ever the truth is, Bob is telling the truth he knows.
But perhaps that truth could be planted there, at least some of it.
good post

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

The documents they supposedly let him read, like the ones talking about Zeta Reticuli and how they manipulated human genetics could be disinfo planted (to help figure out who leaked info).

They even talked about how that information was unsubstantiated and how it could be disinfo.

I thought that specific information was strange because it goes back to the Betty/Barney Hill abduction case and the starmap that people spent countless hours trying to authenticate. It's an odd connection and I'm not really sure what to make of it.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 03:11 AM
For me Bob Lazar is the single most important factor in the UFO/ET/Tech game!

And it is my opinion that he is still alive because there continues to be sufficient naysayers to raise and maintain doubt/s about his credibility but that may have already begun to backfire as more and more people (and very senior people of rank and credibility) believe we are truly not alone and that we have and still are being visited. Technological advancement (not just that in the public domain but that which is so secret and will be so for another 20-30 years) didn't just happen overnight, not without a leg up or two.

It is evident to me that the joke is now on all those who have said that ET and advanced techno does not exist.

When you consider what was in the public domain 50 years ago and what is in it now then 50 years from now will be most enlightening and most interesting for our kids!

Lazar is legit sufficiently enough to warrant belief in much of what he says!

Too many death bed confessions should be enough for people to realise the true reality of ET. People about to pass only lie to help their families, close ones, not to fool their fellow man and suggest a false reality for the human race!!!

There is an evolving element of common sense that suggests what the true reality is!

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 04:42 AM
For years the UFO community has been split over Bob Lazar.Some say that he is a fraud,others say that he is the real deal.I think that both sides are partially correct.

Boyd Bushman in an old interview about Lazar's claims:"As a story,it stinks.As a cover story it's fantastic!".

Boyd said that Area 51's superheavy elements research program was going nowhere so they decided they needed help from the outside.So they sent out intelligence operatives Lazar and Lear to release the now famous Area 51 story,which according to Bushman is a combination of disinformation and real classified UFO information,to lure out knowledgeable individuals from the larger "Special Access" scientific community.They allowed parts of the real story to get out because they knew that this would attract the attention of the people that they were targeting.So basically this was a black world job announcement in a coded form.Bushman also said that Lazar's description of the the craft's interstellar propulsion system and how element 115 was used is bogus.

According to Boyd the response was so good that "the political people",or "the Great Them" as he called them,sent vast sums of money,"larger than billions to CERN and into Russia".He thinks that they were already busy working with stable isotopes of element 118.

He also said that the powers that be were very pleased with Lazar's performance:"They are taking care of him nicely."Interesting how his company received fat contracts from the Goverment that he supposedly betrayed.Not bad for a "traitor".

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: Tinel

He said, she said... UFOtainment in a nutshell.

I find it fascinating how persons like Lazar and Bushman are taken seriously at all.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 06:46 AM
I lean towards believing this guy. But I have one question:

If he’s sharing top secret information why hasn’t he been hit with a heart attack gun, suicided with two shots to the back of the head, or imprisoned for leaking classified information?

That’s the one aspect that makes me scratch my head.

And for the record, I’m glad he hasn’t been executed or imprisoned.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: moebius
a reply to: Tinel

He said, she said... UFOtainment in a nutshell.

I find it fascinating how persons like Lazar and Bushman are taken seriously at all.

Why "fascinating" he appears being honest and he is consistent, what more do you want ?
Perhaps its the topic itself you having a hard time with ?

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: moebius

He said, she said... UFOtainment in a nutshell.

If only it were that simple.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: Assassin82
I lean towards believing this guy. But I have one question:

If he’s sharing top secret information why hasn’t he been hit with a heart attack gun, suicided with two shots to the back of the head, or imprisoned for leaking classified information?

That’s the one aspect that makes me scratch my head.

And for the record, I’m glad he hasn’t been executed or imprisoned.

Maybe all these guys in the system actually want to reveal the truth but don't want to risk their careers and aren't really that interested in following-up on destroying Lazar? Like he sorta slipped through the cracks and these guys on the inside secretly applaud him or something?

Who knows really? It could be a psy-op like the guy above suggests, where it was purposely leaked with a mix of disinfo and real info.

There are a lot of possibilities here.

I do think that almost everyone in the know actually wants to make this stuff public but there are tons of reasons they can't/won't/or are afraid to. So him doing it sorta solved their problem in a way, cuz he took the heat for all of them by risking his own neck.

I dunno but it is interesting to speculate about...

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: Assassin82

If he’s sharing top secret information why hasn’t he been hit with a heart attack gun, suicided with two shots to the back of the head, or imprisoned for leaking classified information? That’s the one aspect that makes me scratch my head.

Because releasing this (dis)information WAS his job,not working on reverse engineering UFOs.He did what his black world higher-ups told him to do.That's why he was hit with money,not lead.Read my post above.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: moebius

You and that other poster Tinel are only speculating about motive and intention of the aerospace contractors working on these projects in conjunction with groups like Rockefellers' and their puppet think tanks, like Rand and Brookings.

Here's the bottom line for you clowns and take it to the bank:

Without Lazar you would still be in the dark ages. He's a G-D hero and history will bare this out. I will agree with Grant Cameron mostly about his assessment of how this whole thing went down that there is some misinformation and disinformation that was given to him by the Government but no one could have pulled this off and taken the threats and pain this guy did to disclose to the public what was actually occurring. PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY is the key with any SAP. If anything, this Lazar thing "got away from them" and thank God. For three decades the USG has been trying to put the genie back in the bottle, and thank Bob Lazar because they can not.

Now about his education, and this is debated and I have seen some things that don't make sense. Maybe he lied to Edward Teller to get the job and inflated his credentials. I still am not clear about who paid for his MIT classes. The Government does or contracts do, in fact, pay for some education. So, this is an issue. That the guy was at S-4, which no one heard of before he came along, is correct. How do I know...wouldn't you like to know?

Oh, BTW, another red herring is from that reporter Anne Jacobson, who was really duped on this topic. And people actually bought her story about what happened at Roswell? Now that she was trying to sell a book, her publisher won't retract. Didn't she work for the NYTimes, the biggest propagandist newspaper peddling disinfo about the topic? Unreal...

The debate goes on, and I see a few high horse skeptics (its ok to be skeptical) on this forum and even debunkers who , yes, had it wrong (SF is one). What's important is what is happening now. Someone needs to research the MJ-12 history, someone needs to determine if the Matilda Macelory O'Donnell story at Roswell is true.

and here's another thing for you posers - Zero point and gravity attenuation. I am not a propulsion expert, but I have seen and heard from people who know that it ain't as difficult as you think and 115 is not the only way to get the desired effect, at least in and from an INTERplanetary transportation vehicle. It is also my understanding that those brave inventors and engineers that get close to the secret are or have been warned off by you guessed it, energy and aerospace concerns.

My final advice: instead of continuing this ridiculous Bob Lazar is he telling the truth or not game, look at what's occuring now and build on what this HERO started three decades ago.

edit on 2-8-2019 by play4keeps because: additional

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Tinel

So you are saying he's a disinfo agent who is knowingly lying to the public and you are disregarding the youtube video and polygraph data over 3 decades?

Do you think the government actually has an ET (extraterrestrial or extratemporal) craft or is this false information also?

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 10:18 AM
Thanks for the video. I think he is telling the truth, but whether or not on his own, or being guided too, is another matter.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 12:08 PM
Good reference would be a BBC Horizon Docu "A Week Without Lying: The Honesty Experiment" from 2018

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Assassin82

Simple. Acknowledgement. Having worked in Naval Intelligence myself and having been read into and out of SCI programs and having been the manager of a couple of different scifs, One story that they would tell us in Intelligence training is of a former Intelligence officer who after retirement wrote a book and disclosed SCI related material in the book.

They didn't prosecute him or really do anything because they couldn't at that point control the information and didn't want to acknowledge it as being accurate SCI intelligence.


IOW, going public once they know is the best form of protection. They will use sci(psy, pun intended) ops etc at that point to discredit you in any way they can but they won't prosecute or off you because that simply lends credence to your story.
edit on 2-8-2019 by Masterjaden because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Masterjaden

Spot on post. Another example is these Naval Aviators going public and the guys from Rendelsham AFB. Some secrecy oaths are for life. In the first instance, the Navy did not acknowledge the events nor provide a direct order not to disclose either new technologies or alien craft. In the second instance, the AF never acknowledged the event and that's why the AF guys can even talk about it.

If Bob Lazar was not a civilian, we would have never heard about this. Furthermore, if he didn't believe that disclosing what he saw was important for humanity, we never would have heard about it. They might have planted some phoney disinfo in his briefings but they lost control of a reality they never expected how it played out. Then either through plausible deniability by creating a counter intelligence campaign against him or someone from MJ or antecedent controlling organization affiliated with the NSA or CIA Aviary decided to let him roll.

posted on Aug, 2 2019 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Tinel

Were these fat contracts post area 51? After he had left? If so that puts a large question mark over him for me. Why would they send him work if he broke his silence.
I believe in UFOs, but find Bob difficult to read. If he did see these craft for real and he's not a dissinfo agent, surely they would have silenced him.

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