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Chinese ambassador doesn’t understand PC culture, calls it how he sees it, gets called racist

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posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
Everything is racist now, by simply disagreeing with a POC you can be accused of hate crimes... at least in the western world.

Is it racist to say that black dudes dominate the NBA?
How about that black dudes dominate crime statistics?
Do truths become less relevant if they are deemed racist?


At least thats what this 'new world' political correctness would have us all believe.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

The PC culture has turned disliking people because of experiences into racism. I have been all over the world and the most racist people I have met are black people in the South.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:49 AM
Being called an a$$hole eh?
Don't worry about it, we've all got one anyway, sometimes folks get a peek.
Unrelatedly, assholiness is one of my most positive "virtues".
BTW - totally agree with OP - these definitions and connotations change over time.
I remember when Dems and 'Publicans were on the same ideological side of the left-right paradigm at least publicly.
The racist moniker didn't get used much, unless referencing the KKK (this was pre-MLK)...


posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

Asians will tell you straight up they hate Africans and Arabs, not because of the colour of their skin but because of their experiences with them. 

Your experience differs somewhat from mine as in I could be a third generation caucasian imigrant living all my life in China being brought up in line with han tradition...I would never be concidered chinese.

I could be a third generation chinese imigrant being brought up in backwoods of alabama I would still be a chinese according to chinese people.

It is all about skin color and how you look.

I think the big difference is the multiculturism of asian and western society. They can be "racist" about africans or arabs because to them most life in their respective corner of the world with their different ways.

Does that make sense? I don't know...talking without knowledge here..


posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: operation mindcrime

You can live in China for a million years and ethnically you will never be Chinese if you are not Chinese.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Yeah...uhhmm...not what I was trying to say. Let me put it this way...

If you live in America it doesn't matter what you are ethnically. If you were born there you are American. In China, if you don't look like a chinese you are not chinese.

I wasn't talking about dna, I was talking about how people see you.


posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: operation mindcrime
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Yeah...uhhmm...not what I was trying to say. Let me put it this way...

If you live in America it doesn't matter what you are ethnically. If you were born there you are American. In China, if you don't look like a chinese you are not chinese.

I wasn't talking about dna, I was talking about how people see you.


You will never be Chinese but that’s not about race, a Vietnamese person would also never be Chinese but some Turkic minority’s who are racially closer to central Asians are Chinese.

The Chinese don’t mind Gwi loh (white people) but really don’t like Africans or Arabs, it’s not because they are a different race but because of their experiences when interacting with them.
Your not going to experience blatant racism when you walk down the street but people will for the most part be quite wary of you

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 08:32 AM
Mad because he and the others got called out for White Flight. I saw it and laughed, what he said is racist.

Talking about the a xenophobic phenom centered around white Americans.
edit on 16-7-2019 by cenpuppie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: operation mindcrime
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Yeah...uhhmm...not what I was trying to say. Let me put it this way...
If you live in America it doesn't matter what you are ethnically. If you were born there you are American. In China, if you don't look like a chinese you are not chinese.
I wasn't talking about dna, I was talking about how people see you.

There is something currently going on pushing an agenda that We are ALL the

same!!.....However WHY?

We are just one of many species in the world (perhaps the most intelligent? '

everyone of who is of a different variety.

I want to celebrate all the differences...... I for one dont want to live in a world

of no variety.

Vive la difference

edit on 16-7-2019 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

Raciest, its only raciest when it can be used as a tool these days

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

What part of Africa was your travel friend from?

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Is it really an agenda or is everybody just really sensitive now a days?

And it's not just skincolor...I still haven't finished laughing over the fact that kissing a co-worker on the cheek is considered battering now a days or throwing a milkshake is assault.

Maybe I'm just getting old..


posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

What part of Africa was your travel friend from?

California, she went to Berkeley and yes she was bat droppings crazy

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff

originally posted by: 4891morfih
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

You're an A$$hole.

Period and you know you are.

Well yeah but not sure what brought that out in this context???

Genuinely puzzled?

I think he's calling you brown and puckered. Maybe hairy, too? Who knows, you triggered him though.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

What part of Africa was your travel friend from?

California, she went to Berkeley and yes she was bat droppings crazy

Ah, so not actually Africa, but another third world shizzhole. They should call themselves Californian-Americans.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff

originally posted by: 4891morfih
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

You're an A$$hole.

Period and you know you are.

Well yeah but not sure what brought that out in this context???

Genuinely puzzled?

I think he's calling you brown and puckered. Maybe hairy, too? Who knows, you triggered him though.

You just made being called an asshole sound like a racial slur, not sure if I should applaud your creativity or report you to the mods

It was from another thread, they weren’t having a great day and my well meant but rather dry and ham fisted attempt at a humorous pick me up went down like a lead balloon.
Upon reflection I did seem like an asshole and I sent an apology PM, I hope they read it.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: operation mindcrime
a reply to: eletheia
... throwing a milkshake is assault.

It is assault. Do you really believe it's a trivial thing?

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: gallop

Lol...sensitive point I see.


posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: gallop

Especially when the shake is really cement

Sometimes it doesn't harden before use sometimes it does

We had sensitivity training at work last fall and I didn't go. When asked why I failed to attend I told them I have worked for 35 years for 3 of the worlds corporations without a complaint and I grew up in Flint Michigan.
edit on 16-7-2019 by mikell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 11:58 AM
When everybody is a racist nobody is a racist. Labelling someone as a racist is just a means to avoid debate.

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