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Chinese ambassador doesn’t understand PC culture, calls it how he sees it, gets called racist

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+3 more 
posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 11:45 PM
Everything is racist now, by simply disagreeing with a POC you can be accused of hate crimes... at least in the western world.
I mentioned just yesterday how Asians in Asia don’t have a PC filter and my experiences after living in SE Asia for 10 years had shown me that Asians are easily the most racist people I had met.

It’s different to western racism though as there doesn’t seem to be any real malice involved.
Asians will tell you straight up they hate Africans and Arabs, not because of the colour of their skin but because of their experiences with them.
I traveled a bit with an African American girl many years back and I did notice that people were quite rude till they found out she was American and then they were fine.

So today I heard about a Twitter war between Connie Rice and a Chinese diplomat, the Chinese bloke was talking about white flight which Connie took offence to.
Zerohed ge article

He didn’t take a crap on Blacks or Latinos, he just called it how he saw it.
I think a case could even be made saying that his comments were racist towards whites but I digress.

My question is this, when does giving an opinion or stating an easily verifiable fact become racist?

Is it racist to say that black dudes dominate the NBA?
How about that black dudes dominate crime statistics?
Do truths become less relevant if they are deemed racist?

I’m not denying racism exists, I know some really racist people (most of them Asian, a few whiteys and even an Iranian) but genuine hateful racists seem so rare as to basically be a statistical anomaly, probably similar in number to genuine sufferers of gender dysmorphia.

To me the slur of being called racist has lost all meaning, it’s basically a way of trying to shut down a person or conversation when you don’t have an intelligent response.

What say you ATS, has the term racist been thrown around so much that it’s lost it’s meaning?
Is the terms overuse emboldening genuine racists?

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 11:52 PM
The "definition" of "racist" is being systematically (aka academically) rearranged to fit specific circles and square holes. 😎

posted on Jul, 15 2019 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
The "definition" of "racist" is being systematically (aka academically) rearranged to fit specific circles and square holes. 😎

Of course you would say that, your a blatant racist

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:02 AM
It's true, everything is now racist but only if it serves the victimhood feeding frenzy of the accusers which cry racist everywhere.

I knew who it would be that did the Philly Walgreen 60 person mobbing thing last week before seeing the video or any pictures, does that mean I'm racist? What if I'm black though?

Crazy isn't it.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

I laughed reading that exchange of tweets. I guess that makes me racist.

I lived in Asia for a few years and you are right about them being racist in how blunt they are in how they talk, but they are not malicious about it.

The word racist has lost a lot of meaning IMO. According to those like AOC both Pelosi and Trump are racist. So it is just a word used now whenever they have nothing better to say.
edit on 16-7-2019 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:04 AM

edit on 16-7-2019 by 4891morfih because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:04 AM
Considering China in general maintains it's unity out of Han cultural heritage, in spite of much of China not actually being Han, calling them racist will fall on deaf ears.

The "racist" argument only holds water when you can get people to hate themselves. This means that it is inherently meaningless as not everyone will hate themselves. Furthermore it is an appeal to emotion due to the requirement for emotional reasoning behind using it as a tool.

To put this into perspective I will link to a video that touches briefly on this notion, though it is not fleshed out in the way that I have presented it.

( )

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:04 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
It's true, everything is now racist but only if it serves the victimhood feeding frenzy of the accusers which cry racist everywhere.

I knew who it would be that did the Philly Walgreen 60 person mobbing thing last week before seeing the video or any pictures, does that mean I'm racist? What if I'm black though?

Crazy isn't it.

Are you suggesting blacks can’t be racist?

Get outta here with your disgusting racist attitude

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

Nah, it's just a way to shut down an argument or a debate that you can't win on the merits of the debate.

Which is why the left and Progressives have used the card so much that it has lost all meaning now.

Because they can't sell their ideology.

I think pretty much all of America has figured this out by now.

The race card... the one you use because it's the last card you have to play.

The term "racism" itself has so devolved from its original meaning that it doesn't even make sense anymore.

It used to mean that a racist treated people differently because of their race... or skin color.

However, isn't that EXACTLY what the Democratic party actually does?

Certain races are treated differently (or better) because of their skin color.

It has been redefined to mean "if you disagree with my political ideology and you're white then you're racist."

And God forbid if you are a member of any of the Democratic "victim status" races and don't tow the line.

S&F for the OP because it's something we should all talk about and expose whenever we can for its sheer hypocrisy.

ETA... a thread I did awhile ago to an AOC comment... it's relevant.

Let's introduce ourselves, since we are now White Supremacists

edit on 16-7-2019 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
It's true, everything is now racist but only if it serves the victimhood feeding frenzy of the accusers which cry racist everywhere.

I knew who it would be that did the Philly Walgreen 60 person mobbing thing last week before seeing the video or any pictures, does that mean I'm racist? What if I'm black though?

Crazy isn't it.

Are you suggesting blacks can’t be racist?

Get outta here with your disgusting racist attitude

My main point was that admitting knowing upon hearing of a 50 person mob attack at a Walgreens, what their race was, would garner the idea from people that I must be white and racist. Those pushing the "racism everywhere" meme would immediately draw that conclusion.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
It's true, everything is now racist but only if it serves the victimhood feeding frenzy of the accusers which cry racist everywhere.

I knew who it would be that did the Philly Walgreen 60 person mobbing thing last week before seeing the video or any pictures, does that mean I'm racist? What if I'm black though?

Crazy isn't it.

Are you suggesting blacks can’t be racist?

Get outta here with your disgusting racist attitude

My main point was that admitting knowing upon hearing of a 50 person mob attack at a Walgreens, what their race was, would garner the idea from people that I must be white and racist. Those pushing the "racism everywhere" meme would immediately draw that conclusion.

Well, we do KNOW now that statistics are racist too...

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:21 AM
Racism still exists, but the word has been overused vastly.

In other news..the chinese can bite me! they are far more of an impending problem than Iran, or any other place.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:24 AM
Edit: Checked myself before I wrecked myself

edit on 16/7/2019 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

You're an A$$hole.

Period and you know you are.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

We can laugh now, but They'll be targeting satire next.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: 4891morfih
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

You're an A$$hole.

Period and you know you are.

Well yeah but not sure what brought that out in this context???

Genuinely puzzled?

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: 4891morfih
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

You're an A$$hole.

Period and you know you are.

What makes you think he is an anal sphincter Mr or Mrs ( or whatever) judge you are?

Just asking politely as this is ATS after all!


posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 03:37 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe

originally posted by: 4891morfih
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

You're an A$$hole.

Period and you know you are.

What makes you think he is an anal sphincter Mr or Mrs ( or whatever) judge you are?

Just asking politely as this is ATS after all!


It was a misunderstanding in another thread, I sometimes forget that satire and sarcasm don’t translate well when written.
In 4891s defence it was easy to take what I said as me being an asshole

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 04:16 AM
I find it funny, someone named rice arguing with a chinese man.


btw, how many rice people are in US politics... are they related?

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 04:36 AM


Thanks mate.

edit on 16-7-2019 by Lagomorphe because: Thanks

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