posted on Jul, 20 2019 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to:
We managed to get to 0
or was it 1?
Let's imagine we are this absolute awareness, and aware that nothing but the moment is real. All that is perceived in the moment forms all of
We now know we know nothing, we reached 0.
Now lets see if we can numerically Ascend?
I'm going to quote from another thread of mine
"What can be perceived if its only one. There is nothing to perceive if you cant observe.
I imagine I'm a point. Everything is inside myself the whole universe. but as there is just me, i cant perceive myself. So i need to get dual! I make
another point. I need to have something that perceives. I make two of myself.
now we are two equal starring at each other seeing our infinite possiblity. as we see each other always from the same angle, we fail to evolve we can
only see duality, What we do realize in this state is we are the same. And have a common center. So now we are aware of our origin(0/1) and we can
percive ourselve from different points of view and get a complete idea."
We will soon come to the next step.
Sincerely No Clue