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Is Iran Strong Enough to Go to War with the U.S.?

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posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: F4guy

originally posted by: Xeven
After 72 hours it will be a Turkey shoot. US has no need for ground Invasion, which would be nasty. Only need to bomb them to Stone Age.

I seem to remember those same "bomb them back to the Stone Age" words being used by Curtis Lemay in reference to the Vietnam War. I should remember since I did some of the bombing. We dropped almost 8 million tons (tons!) of bombs in that conflict. And North Vietnam won that war. Rolling Thunder and the various Linebacker operations were suppose to quickly end the conflict.

Then you should remember that there were senseless restrictions on where we were allowed to bomb that prevented the operations from having the major political impact that is needed to actually win wars. You can bomb their airfields 30 times over the course of 10 years but if you're not allowed to attack their capital what exactly are you gonna achieve? For much of the war Hanoi was largely off-limits to bombing raids. There were some exceptions but we were never allowed to do the extensive attacks like we did on Berlin in WW2. They were able to sit up there and simply outlast us until there was so little support for the war in America we had to withdraw, a political decision. It was only a military failure in the sense that the political leaders hamstrung the military from doing what we needed to do to win.

That is not altogether factual.During Rolling Thunder we were prohibited from bombing within 30 nautical miles of Hanoi and within 10 nm of Haiphong. There was also a 30 nm buffer along the entire Chinese border. By April, 1972, those restrictions were dropped and we flew a 100 aircraft raid against Hanoi and Haiphong. By December of that year, our primary targets were Hanoi and Haiphong during Linebacker II. Linebacker II was so successful that toward the end we had trouble finding anything to bomb. Rail yards, power plants, bridges, POL storage areas, and other strategic targets were utterly destroyed.

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

There communications would be knocked out on the first day. Then the rest would be picked off. I don't see any chance for them to win. They can be like terrorists and blend in with the civilian population, that would be the only way they can last for so long.

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

There communications would be knocked out on the first day. Then the rest would be picked off. I don't see any chance for them to win. They can be like terrorists and blend in with the civilian population, that would be the only way they can last for so long.

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

There communications would be knocked out on the first day. Then the rest would be picked off. I don't see any chance for them to win. They can be like terrorists and blend in with the civilian population, that would be the only way they can last for so long.

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

There communications would be knocked out on the first day. Then the rest would be picked off. I don't see any chance for them to win. They can be like terrorists and blend in with the civilian population, that would be the only way they can last for so long.

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

There communications would be knocked out on the first day. Then the rest would be picked off. I don't see any chance for them to win. They can be like terrorists and blend in with the civilian population, that would be the only way they can last for so long.

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: Bloodworth

I could at least respect your opinion if you were consistent.

What about the Iranians chanting 'death to America'?
Is that a crime?
Does that warrant all out war?

As for the rest;
What about Saudi Arabia's stance on gays?
What about Saudi Arabia's stance on women's rights?
What about Saudi Arabia's stance on religious freedom?

Surely that too is a civilization so far behind as well.

Do you advocate a 'good dose of moabs' for them?

Plus just for good measure Saudi Arabia is by far the biggest sponsor and exporter of Islamic extremism and terrorism in the world.

Why don't we support nuking them and turning Saudi Arabia into a sheet of glass?

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Yeah, people forget our good Allies the Saudi's:

Bulk of 911 hijackers
Helped and or paid to keep OBL free
Kills and murders journalists
practice a branch of Islam that is about as radical as you can get yet flaunt they hypocrisy abroad with all the booze etc.

But back to the OP.

No in a conventional war much like we saw in Iraq, the US military would rule all. But at some point the killing stops and you now have a country to run that you just blew up. Bush and company were morons, and this crew is worse. Iraq bled us dry, Iran will perhaps be the end of US dominance. You need a full on invasion to get at their nukes. You cannot bomb their nukes away. They are dug in, and spread out.

But long term and unconventional they may be able too

Compared to Iraq

Iran has 3 times the population
Iraq at least initially welcomed us to get rid of Saddam do not expect the same.
You cannot beat an enemy willing to die for their country. True in the Revolutionary War, True in Vietnam, how Afghanistan working out?
The average Iranian does not want a war, but if the US invades they will see this a proxy religious war started by the House of Saud and will defend their homes and their religion.

We could only control a small section of Bahgdad and Tehran has about 1-2 million more people. Plus lots of spots in the Alborz mountain range to hide terror cells etc.

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 12:03 AM
Oh jesus, Iran does not have a prayer in this supposed fight. The Abraham Lincoln combat group sitting in the area could damn near do it by itself. Boots on the ground is all the addition needed.

Largest military. It takes the next 26 countries behind it to even add up and 24 of those are allies.

say what you an ACTUAL war where the US commits its assets to win....Iran has no chance.

Israel could wipe Iran by themselves.

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 12:31 AM
I’m with the last poster. Not a chance in hell.
One, Trump won’t do it
Two, just no.

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: CanadianMason
Sure why not. They may not win, but they can try thats for sure, and would do a much better job at it then the last 10 wars the US has been in.

It would be more fun if they had nukes though. Getting tired of the middle east, and oil is overrated. May as well give your tax dollars to Elon Musk and co and see what they can do with the few trillions in dollars we would be spending on the war with Iran and boots on the ground that would likely follow, and it would be better then supporting the oil companies in there business ventures again.

Seems more like a smart investment.

Either way unless you go on full clean house even nuclear, then its just going to be like Iraq, only much more so. Let Israel and the Saudis handle there own business, we could just build basses and cut deals without all the hoopla. In fact why not sell them some nukes while were at it?

You know, to help stabilize that region.

I mean its not like there going to reach the US any day soon with it even if they have them and they would be to busy to blow there extremely similar to them neighbors up. But it sure would qualm the others in the area like the Saudis and Israel about the yada yada they always go on about.

In fact, why not just supply them all with as munitions and big bada booms as they can buy. Then you know maybe instigate a few things here and there later in the future. And just watch the fireworks. In fact put it on pay per view.

Ah war. What it is a good for? Absolutely everything.

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 12:59 AM
I misspoke on my last post.

Not 2 front war to start but at least 3 front. Iran, Israel, Yemen/Saudia Arabia. Gulf of Oman and Gulf of Aden war zones. Iran proxies striking both Israel and Saudi Arabia simultaneously. That is what I would do if given their situation to have to war with US. Go all in, spread the field as large as possible. Makes it harder for opponents to concentrate forces. SA is soft and weak internally, big easy target.

Put Iraq in the mix also. Decent percentage of Iraqis would support Iran during war. Now you have SA getting attacked from all sides, Israel getting attacked from Lebanon and Syria by Hezbollah. Israel does not have that much long range force projection to sustain assaults on Iran while trying to defend homeland.

All land based forces susceptible to attack from multiple directions. At least 6 countries will be active war zones. Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen. Probably Iraq as well.

That will not be over in days.

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 04:13 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Bloodworth

I could at least respect your opinion if you were consistent.

What about the Iranians chanting 'death to America'?
Is that a crime?
Does that warrant all out war?

As for the rest;
What about Saudi Arabia's stance on gays?
What about Saudi Arabia's stance on women's rights?
What about Saudi Arabia's stance on religious freedom?

Surely that too is a civilization so far behind as well.

Do you advocate a 'good dose of moabs' for them?

Plus just for good measure Saudi Arabia is by far the biggest sponsor and exporter of Islamic extremism and terrorism in the world.

Why don't we support nuking them and turning Saudi Arabia into a sheet of glass?

Saudia Arabia will get theirs one day....right now they are being used to buy weapons and kill as many in Yemen as possible.

So right now the Saudis are just playing their given role.

Constantly chanting death to America will get Americans pissed off.

Its almost shocking you have a defense for the Iranians....

Lines need to be drawn, sides need to be chosen. Let a clear winner emerge....

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

backslappers are those who advocate using nukes on a population of 82 million at the 1st sign of triggering. Reread the comments on the thread.

Its funny how often regime change happened in the past. Unless the people of Iran themselves take the initiative and come to their own solution there will never be a happy ending. A forced change from outside forces will ruin the country and just breed further hostilities.

We've seen what happened to Syria, Iraq, etc etc

I could also name a few South American regimes where the general populace got a raw deal after meddling by US interests.

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: operation mindcrime

Then theres always the "7 countries in 5 years" playbook that seems to be playing out.

Central bankers, MIC, Oil, Reconstruction - Profits for everyone - unless you're on the receiving end of the bomb.

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

What about the thousands in the streets that chant death to America. What about Iran's stance in gays? What about Iran's stance on womens rights? What about Iran's stande on religious freedom?


The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran recognizes Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism as official religions. Article 13 of the Iranian Constitution, recognizes them as People of the Book and they are granted the right to exercise religious freedom in Iran.

What about the USA ?

Abortion rights wound back.

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Plus just for good measure Saudi Arabia is by far the biggest sponsor and exporter of Islamic extremism and terrorism in the world.
Why don't we support nuking them and turning Saudi Arabia into a sheet of glass?

You know whats really sad. All those Americans that believe these lies. The Petrodollar hegemony of the US of the last 50 years should have provided a windfall for the common man in the US; and yet they have crippling healthcare, a paltry minimum wage, no social security safety net and yet when you point these out to them they declare you a "commie"

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

Never mind the casualties....

Yeah America had such a high moral ground that soon into the Iraq war they stopped showing the coffins returning to the US.

Wars good for business. Never mind the human suffering.

Mental illness and suicide

A top U.S. Army psychiatrist, Colonel Charles Hoge, said in March 2008 that nearly 30% of troops on their third deployment suffered from serious mental-health problems, and that one year was not enough time between combat tours.[116]

A March 12, 2007, Time article[117] reported on a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. About one third of the 103,788 veterans returning from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars seen at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs facilities between September 30, 2001, and September 30, 2005, were diagnosed with mental illness or a psycho-social disorder, such as homelessness and marital problems, including domestic violence. More than half of those diagnosed, 56 percent, were suffering from more than one disorder. The most common combination was post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 04:53 AM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: Bloodworth

What about the thousands in the streets that chant death to America. What about Iran's stance in gays? What about Iran's stance on womens rights? What about Iran's stande on religious freedom?


The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran recognizes Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism as official religions. Article 13 of the Iranian Constitution, recognizes them as People of the Book and they are granted the right to exercise religious freedom in Iran.

What about the USA ?

Abortion rights wound back.

Lol, so Iran does open its arms to other religions???? What a great civilization...not.

And the right to kill a fetus before it resembles a human is going backward?...oh.the humanity...

If you are having that much unprotected sex that you need an already have 1 strike for not being safe, 2 strikes for the abortion, one more and they are a 3 times loser.

These women can exterminate their organisms all they want. Just be weary when judgement day comes.

The gates to heaven are not open borders. You will be judged.

When it comes down to it , make sure to stay on irans side and the abortionist.

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 04:58 AM

originally posted by: Strate8
SA is soft and weak internally, big easy target.

I think your analysis about Saudi Arabia is off. The Sunni and the Shia denominations of Islam have been in sectarian conflict for hundreds of years. The animosity between Saudi Arabia (and most of the Muslim world) towards Iran is long-standing, and pre-dates even the United States. Almost all conflict in the Middle East, and subsequent deaths has been Sunni killing Shia killing Sunni.

If there is one thing that will solidify both Iran and Saudi Arabia it is a conflict between the two - as is aptly being demonstrated in Yemen.

Also, Saudi Arabia's military is somewhat better the Iran’s, especially given that any conflict won’t entail land armies because there are countries in the way. Sea and air, plus financial clout is with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Iran know this, which is why they are chasing nuclear weapons.

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