posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 09:11 PM
So here's my idea for a new form of economy, well a very rough version of it anyway.
First of all, there's no taxes, no minimum wage, nothing like that, as none of it would be necessary in the new economy. In fact there's no wage at
all, because no one is paid for work, as being paid to work will no longer be necessary. There will also be no such thing as debt or interest.
If you're wondering how this could possibly work? Well it involves taking advantage of the computational powers of modern technology. It involves
taking advantage of fractions of cents, like extreme fractions of cents, assuming we stick with dollars at all.
Everyone gains a fraction of earning for everything they touch or take part in, how much of a fraction is determined based upon the amount of
specialization and work necessary, as well as the role of the person in the endeavor. No one is paid to log wood, no one is paid to transport that
wood, no one is paid to work the wood, no one is paid to do anything, instead, they each gain a claim to a small fractional percent of the final
products earnings when sold. The government will also gain a small fraction of the sale of the product, which is kind of like a tax, but it doesn't
exactly work the same as there's no such thing as a wage and here's why.
The government is responsible for providing basic housing, healthcare, and nutritious food, and basic clothing, no one needs to work for any of this.
It's minimal though, there's no entertainment provided, the housing is minimal, the food is nutritious but nothing exceptional, nothing rare or hard
to get. You can survive on it, but unless really into minimal living you won't really be happy, but at least you'll never have to worry about
living day to day.
So at this point the only reason to work is to be able to acquire entertainment and a higher standard of living, everything is an improvement with no
fear of finding yourself on the street if you don't work or have a medical condition, or any kind of emergency, all work exists to reward you, no
more work to simply exist and avoid the punishment of starvation or homelessness. No more needing to worry about falling behind and further into debt
if you need to be out of work for awhile.
Some people will say, “Well if people don't need to work, why will they?” and the answer is because they'll want to work, as work will become a
rewarding experience as all work becomes at this point, profit used to make your life better and more rewarding. In order for this to work, though we
need to give up a certain kind of ownership, we don't own personal property because as demonstrated before, we instead own a portion of every product
or service we engage in and the profits thereof.
As a result of this, we don't “buy” anything, we sort of rent things, as a result we are always paying back into the economy, and as result, if
we work, we are always earning from the economy so long as we work. Those with more specialized jobs will be able to afford to “rent” better
things or services, but it also means they will be constantly putting more back into the economy to afford these goods or services. They'll rent
their yacht, and pay a hefty price if they want to continually rent said yacht. Hording money will be self defeating, unless someone wants to rent
something that requires a bit of savings temporarily, like said yacht to host a wedding on.
Now you can pay ahead, which will allow you to retire with some things you like, for example paying 40 years ahead for a gaming service would allow
you to retire if you had 40 or less years to live and only cared about gaming your life away and didn't mind the minimum everywhere else. Or you
could pay ahead with multiple things by working more and gaining more earnings. You could also in theory retire simply by working enough in long
lasting products to simply live of the continual earnings of said products.
Since work is now a want and for pleasure and no longer a necessity, gone will be the days where someone can create a bigger and bigger wage gap, as
once the threat of death is taken away the workers actually have the ability to not contribute somewhere and just walk away if being mistreated as
opposed to currently where doing such can actually ruin you and your loved ones, potentially resulting in extremes like your child not being able to
afford necessary medicine. It puts negotiating power back into the hands of the worker.
Wages are no longer necessary, since there is no monetary amount necessary for survival anymore, so minimum wage is no more, all earnings are
determined by the success of the various endeavors a person has taken part in. If you succeed you succeed, if you fail you fail, but in either case,
you'll never want for the basic needs of life. This will encourage entrepreneurs to take greater risks, as failure can never end in destitution, and
the risk adverse will likewise be more prone to taking risks for the very same reason. This willingness to take risks, and for risks to be rewarded,
without fear of losing everything will result in an explosion of advancements and new ideas.
Back to government. As stated government's earning is entirely based on the success of the economy, and every project and government employee, which
will now include doctors and pharmaceuticals has their earnings determined by percentages of earnings as well. Keep in mind, everyone gets the basic
care no matter what, so there's no need to worry about them getting paid too little, besides when their earnings become directly connected to how
well the economy works, they might actually start caring about doing their jobs right. No more pharmaceuticals looking to profit off peoples' misery
or looking for treatments rather than cures. In fact, the pharmaceutical industry will instead profit more by creating a happy healthy society that
can work, produce and build more for longer periods, as doing so will improve the economy and in doing so increase their rate of pay.
Now obviously there's a lot to work out, and this is really just a rough idea with lots of kinks to work out, and there's probably a lot I've
forgotten, but well, here's some ideas to look over, tell me what you think, and make suggestions.