I think that ideas like this are so very important. Thanks for posting it pup
I feel it is foolish to really look to the past for what we should do now, while on the cusp of some pretty big changes.
Especially failed
systems.. Though, I have no issue with having inspiration there. Thats why I love stuff like this post.
Personally, I feel it would be more effective to meet basic needs with automation. Thats actually a part of what I used to work on.
Usually, we talk about automation in terms of manufacturing and jobs in general. Even if Im convinced this is a controlled narrative, we just dont
talk about how we can use it to our advantage in our actual homes. Automated aquaponics systems, for example, can do everything from help a family
meet their food needs to decentralize our nations food supply. Both very good things, IMO, and even if the costs were subsidized similar to food
stamps.. It would roughly be a one time cost versus a lifetime of monthly payments.
When it comes to "work," I think we are in desperate need of a reimagining of how we do things. If for no other reason than technology on the
The issue is the same one that has plagued all societies since their inception: corruption of the system. There are some amazing possibilities out
there, but the more "ideal" the system, the higher the chance of abuse. So, I feel that for anything to truly succeed, it will also require really
examining who we are and how we see things down to the core. Scarcity paradigms, cooperative competition (rather than destructive), etc. Good luck
with that...
As an ideal though, I think a system similar to yours
could succeed. If the government and private entities are going to go all in on facial
recognition, tracking, and mass surveillance, these systems could be used to redefine "jobs."
We could be given a representative currency based on what we do throughout the day, modified by how it affects others realized potential. Meaning,
someone would be "paid" if they decided to fill a pothole in the morning and then again if they decided to walk some folks dogs in the afternoon. The
modifier would take into account how these acts enabled others to do the same. The pothole being something that, depending on severity, will do
everything from reduce vehicle repair costs to enabling more reliably optimized traffic patterns. Someone who invented something, or discovered a
scientific novelty, would be "paid" according to how their work enabled others in everything from simple daily life to the discoveries that
precipitate from the original. Meaning, some prolific and incredible scientist would likely be in the upper financial echelon of society. Similarly,
someone who manages others extremely well, or something similar, would be paid accordingly.
Of course, such a system would be ripe for abuse. Regardless of how effective and frankly amazing it
could be "if we did it right." And,
therein lies the rub.
Now, Im certainly not one to believe that private organizations are somehow more benevolent than governments. In many ways, I would prefer government
simply because it has constitutional restrictions (in the US). All the same, I think capitalism tinged with socialism is probably the best match for
our current stage of societal development. Using anything else eschews the ability to freely implement new innovations as they come along. The biggest
issue I see is if/when our Cultural Story of destructive competition becomes obsolete, and we are incapable of letting go. Or more horrific, start
looking to implement even
worse systems from the past simply because of issues present here and now and a seeming inability to have original
The part that concerns me the most, however, is that something like the Cultural Story takes
generations to change. And, the pace of creation
and innovation of our tools has
already outstripped our ability to beneficially adapt and integrate our own creations. We are already beginning
to see the negative impact of this, exacerbated by modern social engineering to maintain control in the face of massive change.
Itll eventually come to a head, and sooner than we'd like.. I expect Ill be getting some riffage on, on the guitar, while watching the world burn
itself in its own confusion.
edit on 13-6-2019 by Serdgiam because: Puppies!