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USS Princeton Radar Controller, "If These Things Are Hostile, Then We're Screwed."

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posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: The GUT

originally posted by: schuyler
They do not appear to be hostile. Pray it stays that way. The issue here is that "disclosure" is happening. Here's an interview with the pilot

Dang, Schuyler, you've been a sharp tough ass since I've been on ATS but you laid down like a puppy needing a belly scratch on this one. It's a little early for the D-word dontcha think?

There is a good video in the Lazar threads about how things didnt go as planned with Bob's leak, they didn't plan on someone like George Knapp getting involved.

It seems like you have a few people letting info out, but even with mass sightings like Hudson Valley, the powers that be have been able to wait out the story. Even easier today with the 24 hour news cycle, virtually nothing has legs to stay afloat.

Doesnt rule out disclosure, but I agree, its too early to say.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 02:30 AM
Kevin Randle is covering the episodes over at his blog, hopefully there will be some good discussion there as well.

Unidentified - It was raining UFOs

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 04:48 AM
What's more plausible?

Suddenly one day were climbed down out of the tree's and started walking upright.

Or maybe we were engineered and put here.

What ever it is that's here it's a hell of a lot more advanced then we are. Because in comparison it probably has a billion year head start on us.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 05:53 AM
No physical sighting just dots on a radar?

Sounds like it could be a million technical problems.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 05:57 AM
All those contacts on a military training area at 28k feet, and not one aircraft was sent to intercept or find out what they were ? I'll be honest I didn't everything but if that's the case then obviously someone was in the know and either knew about them or knew they weren't a threat

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 06:28 AM
I watched this episode twice there was so much fascinating info. The other thing that came up was that one of the ufo's went underwater and appeared to be tracking a nuclear sub in the area at the time. The ufo was said to have been going about 77 knots. The former engineer at Skunkworks said he knew of nothing they were involved with, with this technology, so that narrows the options as to who/what these things are. Fascinating stuff here! Loving this show!

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

The advanced radar has the tracking capability for hundreds of targets and besides, I don't think the USS Princeton would be participating in a Naval exercise if its advance radar system had "a million technical problems."
edit on 6/9/2019 by shawmanfromny because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
a reply to: Bloodworth

The advanced radar has the tracking capability for hundreds of targets and besides, I don't think the USS Princeton would be participating in a Naval exercise if its advance radar system had "a million technical problems."

Dont know about today's tech but, 13 years ago blips were common on radar.

There were like 4 steps of the blip didint go away within an hour with the last sending a plane for visual confirmation.

If this guy said it got to that point then its worthy.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 09:31 AM
This hysterical bullsh*t is laughable.

Just because some fame seekers discovered an interesting UFO encounter and then dressed it up for MSM purposes in order to sell to the sheep, there is nothing new here and these kinds of incidents involving UFOs/UAP (whatever your terminology), in all likelihood, have been happening for longer than you've been alive.

We'd all be long dead before now, if indeed some of these events do involve alien craft and conquering the planet was their goal.

Chill out

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 10:36 AM
The show is really playing up the T in AATIP, threat.

In the second episode, they also seem to dwell on the possibility that the UFOs are secret US military aircraft.
Is there a game being played here, or are just throwing glop at the wall to see what sticks?

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: CardDown

they did mention that possibility, and the former Skunkwords Engineer said he knew of no such technology seen displayed by the ufo's at Skunkworks, so like the one man said if it isn't Russia or China with a huge leap of technology, then all options must be on the table as far as who/what these things are in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

If these things are hostile, then we're screwed.

" Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. "

H.G. Wells " War Of The Worlds "

edit on 9-6-2019 by alldaylong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: The GUT

originally posted by: schuyler
They do not appear to be hostile. Pray it stays that way. The issue here is that "disclosure" is happening. Here's an interview with the pilot

Dang, Schuyler, you've been a sharp tough ass since I've been on ATS but you laid down like a puppy needing a belly scratch on this one. It's a little early for the D-word dontcha think?

Nope. It's happening right before our eyes. The Nimitz Encounter is publicly acknowledged by the Navy (hence, the government) and has been picked up by the MSM, including the NYT, and gone viral. Cmdr Fravor is speaking publicly. No one as forced to sign an NDA. It's what Dolan calls "Controlled disclosure."

We also have gun camera footage of the USS Roosevelt, a public change in procedures by the Navy, the revelation of the Reid-induced study (paltry, but still...), the Wilson UFO leak, called the "Leak of the Century," Hal Putoff's remarkable speech last year in Las Vegas acknowledging extraterrestrial craft.

For the first time we have government sources publicly saying, "Yeah, they are here." Eye witnesses have been allowed, if not encouraged, to tell their stories with no threat of recrimination. Even Bob Lazar has been rehabilitated. The only thing they've got on him now is his education clams, but nobody seems to care much. Though perhaps not on the white House lawn, disclosure is here.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
On last nights 2nd episode of the History series, Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation, former U.S. Navy radar operator, Kevin Day, states that he saw "well over 100 contacts" on his radar, four days before the well documented Tic-Tac sighting.

Day was a TOPGUN air intercept controller and was on board the USS Princeton, when he witnessed "strange tracks" on his radar on November 10, 2004.

...all these contacts were popping up in my radar coverage, right off Catalina Island, right by Los Angeles. At first, it was like 10 or 12 objects. Watching them on the display, was like watching the snow fall in the sky. appeared to be an organized formation, at an attitude of 28,000 feet.

...the relative position didn't change from each other, were going really slow, at 28,000 ft., at 100 knots, which is extremely weird. Usually things that high don't travel that slowly, because they'd fall out of the sky.

...If you added them all up, there was well over 100 contacts.

...An entire fleet of UFOs was flying unimpeded through the Navy's exercise warning area off the West coast.

...It (radar system) eliminated the fact that it could've been friendly aircraft of some kind, or enemy aircraft of some kind; nothing really fit.

...All a sudden, this object drops 28,000 ft., down to the surface of the ocean and I figured it out later, it was .78 seconds.

...If Kevin Day's calculations are correct, the object he saw would've been moving at the astounding speed of 24,000 mph, over 30 times the speed of sound.

...If these things are hostile, then we're screwed.

Watch the clip, starting at the 3:00 mark and ending at the 13:15 mark on dailymotion, at this LINK

This article seems to be inconsistent and embellished. First of all their is no “top gun” school for AIC. It’s Just a regular course that members of the “os” rate can attend. Secondly “OS” rating do not operate the spy radar. It is operated by an Aegis “FC”. Also the way the Air warfare coordinator sets up the identification system determines what is labeled as friendly and unidentified. Anything not squawking a mode 4 is generally considered unidentified. Also spy is known to have issues in littoral waters and with atmospheric issues. The operator can filter these out by setting several thresholds. A sloppy operator can also cause issue like this with false tracks do to poor settings being chosen. When I used to man the RSC console it was not uncommon to have hundreds of fake tracks in the system especially in the Persian gulf, and littoral waters. In regards to the tapes being sent off that is common practice. The aegis weapon system is constantly recording all user data and system inputs. These are stored on magnetic tape and regualarly archived and sent to shore. It’s nothing out of the ordinary.

Anyone who has ever worked as an RSC, MSS, AWC, or CSC can tell you this story seems BS. Not saying that weird stuff doesn’t happen at sea, it does. I am just saying this story doesn’t even make since to begin with.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 01:32 PM
Yes, it does make sense. You have to look at this in context. Senior Chief Day was not the only witness. Cmdr Fravor was in an F/A-18 and chased the object. He saw it with his own eyes. His story corroborates what Day is saying (more or less). Further, the camera footage shows the object. Fravor has spoken publicly about this and says four people saw the object. In his testimony he also seems to be saying Day was exaggerating the number of contacts. So what do we have?

1. Cmdr Fravor saw and chased the tic tac.
2. The other jet pilot also saw the tic tac.
3. The camera footage shows the tic tac.
4. The radar had contacts and tracked the tic tac.
5. The Navy acknowledges the incident and has changed procedures.

Good God, people, what more do you want?

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 01:44 PM
Indeed yes! And as reported there were maybe 100 of the tic tacs that were spotted on radar, and at least one went underwater as well following a nuclear sub. So this is a big deal! Still intriguing that all comms from that day were erased or have vanished.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Revising your list:

1. Cmdr Fravor saw and chased a tic tac.
2. The other jet pilot and WSO also saw the tic tac.
3. The camera footage from a later flight shows an object that is said to be a tic tac.
4. The radar had contacts and tracked the motions of objects that seem to be connected with the tic tac(s).
5. The Navy acknowledges UFO incidents in general, and has changed procedures in reporting unidentified aircraft.

There's also been a leap in connecting the UFO at Fravor's CAP point, assuming it's the same object he saw earlier. Supposedly there were about 10 radar returns of objects. Maybe Fravor saw a 2nd Tic Tac instead of the same one twice.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

Donald trump isn't a time traveller, he's just backed by the aliens lol.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Even if the aliens showed up at their house they'd think it was a hologram or a person in a costume. There's not much more evidence you can give them.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Matteoma1

First of all their is no “top gun” school for AIC.

The navy disagrees with you.

Also spy is known to have issues in littoral waters and with atmospheric issues.

Wait, how would radar have a problem with this? Usually you just blank the lower region in these areas (because of clutter and because you don't want to radiate the people in these areas). Your radar should not have an issue with false returns due to shoreline.

When I used to man the RSC console it was not uncommon to have hundreds of fake tracks in the system especially in the Persian gulf, and littoral waters.

What kind of crappy radar did you guys have? Sounds like you could have used some help from the air force when it came to radar. Or, you know, don't point it at the ground or water.

Anyone who has ever worked as an RSC, MSS, AWC, or CSC can tell you this story seems BS.

Radar systems were my responsibility in the air force. The only story that seems BS to me, is yours. But hey, it wasn't the navy so maybe your equipment just blew chunks or you guys didn't really know how to operate it. Our operators wouldn't put up with false returns. We had to be there to adjust it on the fly for them if the pilots were seeing things the radar wasn't or vice versa. So this idea that you could just deal with hundreds of false returns while monitoring just seems a little crazy to me. At that point just switch over to iff/sif and enjoy. You're not going to identify anything real with that much clutter.
edit on 9-6-2019 by Dfairlite because: (no reason given)

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