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Medjugorje seer Vicka gives time frame for the secrets before 2021

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posted on Jun, 6 2019 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: puzzlesphere

I live nearby Međ's a scam.

Few years back (there's a thread on ATS about it), these "seers" planted a flourecent statue of virgin Mary, which glowed in the dark of course. They charged people to come and see it.

If you only knew the crap that goes on there, you would have gone atheist. This...Vicka seer claims virgin is speaking to her on a daily basis. Sometimes comes up with a list of things that need to be done in the commune...apparently demanded by the Mary.

Here's what the Pope says about it...

I personally am more negative. I prefer the Virgin Mary as a mother, our mother, not as head of a post office that sends a message every day at a specific time — this is not the mother of Jesus. And these alleged apparitions do not have much value. This I say as my personal opinion.

edit on 6-6-2019 by MarioOnTheFly because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2019 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

First, the seers didn't "plant" any "fluorescent statue". There are two statues, one in the village infront of the church, another one on the Apparitions hill. That second one is a gift from Korean pilgrimages as gratitude for a healing miracle. It is illuminated by light in the night. As any major building is illuminated, religious or secular, in our modern cities. If this is the big deception, be my guest.

The pope indeed said the above words. However, after that he reviewed the results of the cardinals' commission on Medjugorje and approved the first seven apparitions as authentic. Later, he appointed a special representative a polish archbishop to oversee Medjugorje. Thus surpassing the local Bosnian bishop who is very negative on both the apparitions and the seers. (and should I say, the money the pilgrimages bring to the shrine and not to him).

I will answer the other accusations later

edit on 6-6-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-6-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2019 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

If this is the big deception, be my guest.

the deception is in the way they presented it. As if it was a sign from the Virgin. People waited in lines for hours to see the "miracle".

The pope indeed said the above words. However, after that he reviewed the results of the cardinals' commission on Medjugorje and approved the first seven apparitions as authentic.

There was never any chance of them not approving it. You have to realize it's a huge money making scheme for the locals, the end...the church doesnt mind if it's real or not. What is more important to the church is to keep the faithful..faithful. Millions of people come yearly. They have faith. The church is not going to rain on the parade. In the end they also benefit from it. As they benefit from any other pilgrimage site. The more people believe in it...the more power Church has over them. It's a rather simple math.

Later, he appointed a special representative a polish archbishop to oversee Medjugorje. Thus surpassing the local Bosnian bishop who is very negative on both the apparitions and the seers. (and should I say, the money the pilgrimages bring to the shrine and not to him).

either that...or the Bosnian bishop understands it's a scam. But why would the said Bishop be against it...even if it doesnt bring him money directly ? By shutting it down...he wouldnt have any benefit from that. If anything...the number of his devoted parishioners would also drop as it would be a stain on the faithful.

posted on Jun, 6 2019 @ 01:20 PM
I will answer one more time and with that I consider my job here done.

Vicka, Ivan and Marija continue to have daily apparitions until they receive the 10th secret. Ivanka, Jakov and Mirjana have received the 10th secret and since then have one apparition a year. Mirjana however has extraordinary apparitions each month on 2nd and transmits a message from Our Lady. It is not known how long those apparitions will last.

Mirjana is the main seer chosen to announce the secrets. She has a special parchment of matter not from this world, given to her bu Our Lady, where all ten secrets are written but coded.10 days in advance she will give the parchment to the priest of her choice, Fr. Petar Ljubicic, who will have the grace to decode only the first secret and to announce it to the world 3 days in advance. Then for the second secret, and so on. However, Mirjana said recently, that if the pope asks her to announce the secrets instead of Fr Petar, she will prefer to give them to the pope.

All 6 visionaries have passed through vigorous medical and mental testing, They are proven healthy in mind, both during apparitions and outside them. One may read more about the state of their minds during apparitions. and are good sources for further research.

The Vatican investigation stretched for decades. It is not easy to approve a new apparition. It took long also for Fatima and Lourdes. Moreover, here the apparitions are ongoing and with six seers, while in Fatima they ended after the 6th apparition.

From the point of a believer, the above news is important because it sheds light on the timeschedule of the secrets. We know only about the Third Secret, the promised Great sign to appear on Apparitions hill (pictures above). We know also that the 9th and the 10th secret are serious and will affect the entire earth. After that, there will be a better era for those who survive. However, the time of conversion, prayer, is now. Our Lady doesn't "demand" anything different from the Gospel. Rather a constant call for prayer, love, mercy, forgiveness.

The visionary Marija (who lives in Italy with her family) communicates one message of Our Lady every month on 25th. Here is the latest message:

May 25, 2019

“Dear children! God permitted me, out of His mercy, to be with you, to instruct and lead you towards the way of conversion. Little children, you are all called to pray with all your heart for the plan of salvation to be realized for you and through you. Be aware, little children, that life is short and eternal life waits for you according to your merit. Therefore, pray, pray, pray to be worthy instruments in God’s hands. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
edit on 6-6-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-6-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2019 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

So what's the proof? What form do these 'apparitions' take to be labeled "real" by the church?

Apparitions that only a "select few" can see, that just happen to benefit those select few... funny that.

The links you point to, and any information I can find myself show this to be an absolute joke... the tests of the subjects didn't really show anything, some were never published... nothing peer reviewed ever published... likely because it is pseudo-science.

Sounds like any number of examples of scams throughout history that use doom porn, and take advantage of people's need for faith, for some type of personal gain.

The latest communicated message sounds completely made up!

It's almost comical in its attempt to sound "divine".

posted on Jun, 7 2019 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Got one question for you ?

Let's say I'm healthy mentally (that's up for debate), and I claim to have had a vision. The Virgin Mary appeared to me from thin air and spoke to me things.

How could anyone possibly vet this ? It's my witnesses ? Am I then a seer ? How could anyone, be it Vatican or some Bishop validate any of what I say ? Well, maybe police could...with a lie detector. But even that is not 100 % foolproof.

By the way...funny thing..."Vicka" is in croatian language "a female person who tells jokes". It is of course a coincidence...but a funny one.

posted on Jun, 7 2019 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

haha, the name Vicka means joke teller...that explains everything! Check the names of the other 5 seers too.

I have only the information provided above. There are distinguished doctors who signed below those tests. I didn't care to see original documents. For me what is said is enough.

Including the sun miracle that is not lens effect.

I guess, with the same reasoning you would deny Fatima apparitions. Yes the apparitions were seen only by 3-4 people, because we are not at the end of the world when everybody will see Jesus coming to judge, not yet. But the sun miracle in Fatima was seen by 70,000 crowd, including atheists working for the anticlerical regime in Portugal at that time. If you have so strong objections against the apparitions "in principle", I guess you read more about Fatima.
In 2017 at its 100th anniversary, the Vatican representative at the UN presented a lecture for all UN members who would like to attend, about Fatima, the sun miracle, the message, the consequences for the world. Now, 102 years after that, and 38 years after Medjugorje started, we are closer to these events than ever before.
edit on 7-6-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2019 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

I'l admit I only casually perused texts the Fatima. Ok, i went to wiki and found this:

such as the Sun appearing to "dance" or zig-zag in the sky, careen towards the Earth, or emit multicolored light and radiant colors. According to these reports, the event lasted approximately ten minutes.

Now...this is "the sighting"...called the Miracle of the Sun. Honestly, I dont see anything miraculous in the description. It boils down to visual phenomenon.

in response to a prophecy made by three shepherd children. The prophecy was that the Virgin Mary (referred to as Our Lady of Fátima), would appear and perform miracles on that date. be exact. Nobody really saw a "Virgin Mary". They saw a light show and no "miracles". Dancing of the light or multicolored light is hardly a miracle. People experience dancing light in dizziness for instance, and multicolored light might as well been a rainbow. It's difficult to talk about these things without having seen the phenomenon first hand.

What I dont understand is...why is this event in any way tied to a symbol of Virgin Mary. Because some shepherd children said so. For all we might have been Aliens.

here is from a scientific angle:

Still no one else saw the Virgin Mary; instead, the gathered adults would stand riveted as Lucia took the lead and began to describe her visions.

Nobody ever saw the virgin...except the children, or at least one of them.

As before, the figure appeared, and again only to the children. Identifying herself as 'the Lady of the Rosary,' she urged repentance and the building of a chapel at the site.

Again, on the final day of the apparitions, only to the children. 70000 gathered, nobody saw "her".

After predicting an end to [World War I] and giving the children certain undisclosed visions, the lady lifted her hands to the sky. Thereupon Lucia exclaimed, 'The sun!' As everyone gazed upward, and saw that a silvery disc had emerged from behind clouds, they experienced what is known [as] a 'sun miracle'." Not everyone reported the same thing; some present claimed they saw the sun dance around the heavens; others said the sun zoomed toward Earth in a zigzag motion that caused them to fear that it might collide with our planet (or, more likely, burn it up). Some people reported seeing brilliant colors spin out of the sun in a psychedelic, pinwheel pattern, and thousands of others present didn't see anything unusual at all.

Some saw a silvery disc. I guess that was Mary in her chariot
Some saw nothing at all, and some saw what you stated...colors and light.

The link below goes into detail of what might have been the event in question. It does not need to be the truth, but it offers some believable explanations.
edit on 7-6-2019 by MarioOnTheFly because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-6-2019 by MarioOnTheFly because: added link

posted on Jun, 7 2019 @ 09:45 AM
I believe UFOs and aliens do exist. In another apparition at Garabandal, Our Lady said there are other worlds who need redemption of Jesus Christ as we do.
Others have not sinned, as we did, said St Padre Pio.
I'd expect those angelic extraterrestrials, be they the biblical angels or not, to play a great role in the coming planetary events.

The apparitions, Fatima and others, come as a corrective of a system that lost its initial fervent devotion and turned to be more of institution than of a living community of faithful.

Similarly, pope Francis wants to reform the Church system, despite fierce opposition. Previous popes had similar problems, having in mind great ideas of reforms and being stuck from the inertia of the status quo. To the extend St Paul VI to say, "the smoke of Satan has entered the Church".

In that way, I see Medjugorje, Fatima, Akita, Garabandal, Maria Esperanza, to mention some of the biggest apparitions in 20th and 21st centuries, as divine attempt to correct individuals and organizations, before the predicted planetary cataclysm.

Recently, the nuns in Coimbria where Lucia lived her last years, published a book about her. Among other things they said about a vision Lucia had, an angel to tilt the axis of the earth (i.e. pole shift)

"The tip of the spear as a flame unlatches and touches the axis of the earth. It shudders. Mountains, cities, towns, and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, the rivers, and the clouds emerge from their limits, overflowing and bringing with them in a whirlwind houses and people in numbers that are not possible to count. It is the purification of the world as it plunges into sin. Hatred and ambition cause the destructive war!"

The angel with the flaming sword on the left of the Mother of God recalls similar images in the Book of Revelation. This represents the threat of judgement which looms over the world. Today the prospect that the world might be reduced to ashes by a sea of fire no longer seems pure fantasy: man himself, with his inventions, has forged the flaming sword. The vision then shows the power which stands opposed to the force of destruction—the splendour of the Mother of God and, stemming from this in a certain way, the summons to penance. . —Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (BENEDICT XVI), from the Theological Commentary of The Message of Fatima,

I will use the occasion to tell all those fanatic Catholics who oppose not only pope Francis, but also St John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council, that doing so they in fact sin against the Holy Spirit who has led Vatican II as well as the popes. They are against any reform, yet they do not deny the deteriorating state of the Church.

The apparitions themselves come to correct. To believe in apparitions, does not mean to oppose the work of God done through His Church leaders.

Furthermore, it is possible to be Extraterrestrial content in the secrets of apparitions, something that transpires indirectly and logically, including from Malachi Martin's interviews. The danger for the ultraconservative catholics to actually reject God's plan that includes extraterrestrial help, is very, very real. They already blindly demonize everything that flies and that they do not understand. No matter that pope Francis said he would baptize Martians if they'd ask him to do so. No matter that mgr Corrado Balducci, Vatican exorcist, said in interview the aliens are not demons. He is the same who posted in the Vatican official newspapers Osservatore Romano the text of Neues Europa version of Fatima.

Our Lady said in Medjugorje, many catholics will run away fromt he Great Sign when it appears (the third secret out of 10) because they are unprepared to encounter the reality of God. On the other side, many unbelievers will believe at that moment.

In other words, when we think we already know everything about Fatima, Medjugorje, seems that we just start learning God's grand design for humanity. Kibeho seer Immaculée Ilibagiza was recorded during apparition in Belgium church as saying to Virgin Mary (quote in memory): "but if I tell them that, they will think I am lunatic"...It speaks volumes of the actual topic of conversation between Our Lady and the seer that we do not hear...

"Whoever has ears let him hear" said Jesus.
Hosea 4:6 - "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
edit on 7-6-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2019 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
I believe UFOs and aliens do exist. In another apparition at Garabandal, Our Lady said there are other worlds who need redemption of Jesus Christ as we do.
Others have not sinned, as we did, said St Padre Pio.
I'd expect those angelic extraterrestrials, be they the biblical angels or not, to play a great role in the coming planetary events.

The apparitions, Fatima and others, come as a corrective of a system that lost its initial fervent devotion and turned to be more of institution than of a living community of faithful.

Similarly, pope Francis wants to reform the Church system, despite fierce opposition. Previous popes had similar problems, having in mind great ideas of reforms and being stuck from the inertia of the status quo. To the extend St Paul VI to say, "the smoke of Satan has entered the Church".

In that way, I see Medjugorje, Fatima, Akita, Garabandal, Maria Esperanza, to mention some of the biggest apparitions in 20th and 21st centuries, as divine attempt to correct individuals and organizations, before the predicted planetary cataclysm.

Recently, the nuns in Coimbria where Lucia lived her last years, published a book about her. Among other things they said about a vision Lucia had, an angel to tilt the axis of the earth (i.e. pole shift)

"The tip of the spear as a flame unlatches and touches the axis of the earth. It shudders. Mountains, cities, towns, and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, the rivers, and the clouds emerge from their limits, overflowing and bringing with them in a whirlwind houses and people in numbers that are not possible to count. It is the purification of the world as it plunges into sin. Hatred and ambition cause the destructive war!"

The angel with the flaming sword on the left of the Mother of God recalls similar images in the Book of Revelation. This represents the threat of judgement which looms over the world. Today the prospect that the world might be reduced to ashes by a sea of fire no longer seems pure fantasy: man himself, with his inventions, has forged the flaming sword. The vision then shows the power which stands opposed to the force of destruction—the splendour of the Mother of God and, stemming from this in a certain way, the summons to penance. . —Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (BENEDICT XVI), from the Theological Commentary of The Message of Fatima,

I will use the occasion to tell all those fanatic Catholics who oppose not only pope Francis, but also St John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council, that doing so they in fact sin against the Holy Spirit who has led Vatican II as well as the popes. They are against any reform, yet they do not deny the deteriorating state of the Church.

The apparitions themselves come to correct. To believe in apparitions, does not mean to oppose the work of God done through His Church leaders.

Furthermore, it is possible to be Extraterrestrial content in the secrets of apparitions, something that transpires indirectly and logically, including from Malachi Martin's interviews. The danger for the ultraconservative catholics to actually reject God's plan that includes extraterrestrial help, is very, very real. They already blindly demonize everything that flies and that they do not understand. No matter that pope Francis said he would baptize Martians if they'd ask him to do so. No matter that mgr Corrado Balducci, Vatican exorcist, said in interview the aliens are not demons. He is the same who posted in the Vatican official newspapers Osservatore Romano the text of Neues Europa version of Fatima.

Our Lady said in Medjugorje, many catholics will run away fromt he Great Sign when it appears (the third secret out of 10) because they are unprepared to encounter the reality of God. On the other side, many unbelievers will believe at that moment.

In other words, when we think we already know everything about Fatima, Medjugorje, seems that we just start learning God's grand design for humanity. Kibeho seer Immaculée Ilibagiza was recorded during apparition in Belgium church as saying to Virgin Mary (quote in memory): "but if I tell them that, they will think I am lunatic"...It speaks volumes of the actual topic of conversation between Our Lady and the seer that we do not hear...

"Whoever has ears let him hear" said Jesus.
Hosea 4:6 - "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"

What is coming is called a Vlar Global Continental Displacement Wave was what caused Noahs Flood....same with Zisudra and Gilgamesh....the secret Churches keep is that its HUMANS who are trying to inform some of us....that in 2021 we are going to face the music as a species....HUMANS who are a part of UNIVERSAL HUMANITY.....Humans who have collectively worked together to survive the VGCDW Event....we all know what happens if the masses discover that HUMANS FROM SPACE have been trying to save BILIONS OF US FROM DEATH but the powers that be in religion and government SUPPRESSED THIS KNOWLEDGE LONG ENOUGH THAT IT WOULD BE TO LATE FOR HUMANITY TO COME TOGEHER ENMASSE TO TRY TO SURVIVE TOGETHER. …. and they have the nerve to call this pogrom the Rapture.

I was taken by some of these HUMANS and shown what is coming.It is as I say.
edit on 7-6-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2019 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: one4all

You have been on a planet or a ship? Could you share more, please?

Yes I agree the deep secrets are being kept. Alexandria library didn't just burn out. What we know of the Planet X is its period 3600 years but we don't know when the last passage was. They know. And monitor it.

Sept 9 asteroid will buzz the earth. ESA gives the chance of 1:7,000 to hit the earth. it is not civilization destroyer but it could destroy a city if it falls there.

What I think the generations won't forgive or forget, is how some people in the know betray us for unknown goals. I would not name anyone. And another group of fanatics cries "Hosanna" at those who will be ultimately responsible for their own demise. It is pretty much as suicide, only unknown by those who walk towards their end.
Those who know last, die first, said one US popular radio host.

For me the salvation (of the body) is possible, be it outside the planet or be it in protected underground facilities. I don't know what the plan will be. But I will go on this plan regardless of those authorities who have assumed God-given privileges and "chosen people" status, but in fact lead us into a dead end.

I don't say everyone in authorities is bad. There are people who apparently work to show us some light, including by leaking information online, including thru movies. Just watch Stargate many episodes that say much. Or Marvel etc. Sure there will be people, both in civil and religious authority who will help the rescue way.

But also there are those fanatics, even within the families and friends, who will want to take with them the biggest number of people possible in the mass suicide of non-action and non-salvation when those events approach. Because of their own petty truth, their own imagined "god" demanding sacrifice, and so on.

As they have already decided to be gone, LET IT BE SO! From now on, I STOP ANY attempts to save what cannot be saved, whoever do not want to be saved, even if they know all of that. In fact, the earth after them will be a much better place. The meek will inherit the earth, after the cataclysm. Let God's will be done!

edit on 8-6-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2019 @ 12:50 PM
Double post

edit on 8-6-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 12:00 AM

I came to ATS seeking data from abductees....I needed to see if there were commonalties between my experiences and others experiences.I found them+ much more.

In a nutshell....we live on a Planet that every 3657 years experiences a near is a cyclical dynamic.....its a dangerous place to live.

Humanity is UNIVERSAL.....we have expanded off Planet more than once....enmasse….if we work together and do not allow dogma to influence us its a natural progression like a Butterflys life cycle...we literally fly away peacefully and hard as that is to believe today.

But if certain of us choose to use dogma to control enslave and dominate others....we DO NOT LEAVE EARTH ENMASSE BEFORE IT GETS WIPED CLEAN..

2021 is the due date.....I am not religious....I believe "we are god".....but if you are religious an can relate to the bible...then this is what you need...Gill Broussard Planet 7x Zeta talk …… very different sources but both will quickly inform you and this 3rd is also

This is a near who knows if anyone will survive....but those who do will either be lucky ducks or will have prepared in the correct locations in the correct manners....there are many things to consider ….. but IMHO this is survivable....I have had Post-Event dreams.

I was on 2 types of Craft one a massive Battleship and one a piece of crap tin-can saucer and was on the Moon in a Facility...taken by 2 different Groups....met 6 different races.Was given data by HUMANS....who are our FRIENDS AND RELATIVES.

Gill has nailed the timeline down.

Its a go...all lights are green.....time to make a plan.....time to make a spiritual intentional stand. The Movie 2012 closely shows what will be coming.....reverse the last 2 numbers in the title and you get the true arrival date encoded by the Illumiantti for the Illuminatti…..but many others know as well.
edit on 9-6-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: one4all


as for the topic at hand, single thing smells to high heaven, as with all such things.

true GOD, the force beyond everything and everyone, the ONE that is within ALL, couldn't care less about religion or so called church. church is - mostly - a scam for power, while religions are just attempts at understanding the reality we're living in. attempts at understanding GOD. poor attempts, because the moment religion sees itself as more correct than any other religion, it is in fact wrong.

there's a grain of truth in every religion, but to have a chance to understand, one has to abandon all religions and think outside of the box - or rather, many boxes, because each religion has its own and is trying hard to put us inside, to control us.

heck, even aliens know as much and if you're a religious person, chances are you'll encounter whatever version of paradise you believe in, after your death. all created just for you and your fellow believers, to control you even in the afterlife.

or maybe it's just to ease your transition and lessen the shock, with no malevolent intent? believe what you want, just be careful out THERE.

posted on Jun, 9 2019 @ 06:04 AM

Humanity has to stop making deals....we need to spank the hasses of those responsible for the power-mongering and greed and suppression....or remove them permanently....we can preach and pray all we wish to but nothing changes until we get our own hands dirty WITH PREDJUDICE.

posted on Aug, 8 2019 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: Oldtimer2
The Gov't is probably censoring anything coming into our Solar System. They censored Mt. St. Helen's ash cloud, until it was over our heads at the Wash. Idaho border. This lack of responsible warning, caused a lot of troubles for my neighbors who were motorcycling back to Lewiston, from Coeur d' Alene, after the Kootenay County Sheriff told everyone at a mud bogging competition, to fold up and go home. Fine for the lake shore folks, but my neighbors got caught on their motorcycle in a Dante Peak like ash fall, and had to beg some travel trailer owner to stay inside with them for two days.

This was entirely the work of the Jimmie Carter White House. The phones and radios were blowing off the walls in the USGS Western headquarters in Denver, all day long. In fact, one report of the volcano blowing it's top, did come from Turner Station in Atlanta, about five minutes after the event. But then the hammer came down immediately.

So those kids may be right on the mark, but we're not going to hear about it, until it's too late to prepare for it. The Globalist Leopards aren't going to change their spots!

posted on Nov, 12 2019 @ 12:31 AM
I am challenging the Medjugorje seers and apparitions. If they are TRUE, the above sequence given in OP must happen this coming year starting at its very beginning. Because technically It is not possible that Vicka waited for June 25 2001 to say to a bus driver (as I understand) that we are already in the second time of the football game. By 2001 the half of the time should have been passed if Vicka would repeat those words (in the presence of unknown bus driver) over and over again. That makes less than 20+20 years = 2021, that makes 2020. Vicka doesn't seem as to be recruited for PR services, she looks personally genuine.

And it is not 25 June 2021 that the secrets will START one by one! They should be completed, not started. Each secret has 10 day forewarning, and logically at least 10 days between if not more. That makes at least 200 days, likely more. That means, if the secrets should end by the Fatima anniversary October 13, 2020 they should start right now.

If by Christmas there is no sign of any Medjugorje secrets happening, I officially stop believing in that apparition!

There is a trend of watering down the significance of the message since 1981 until the most recent statements of Mirjana. Did God change His plans? Did Virgin Mary? Or does it mean all is being faked. Not by the seers who obviously believe what they say. But by someone who is not Our Lady, and not necessarily Satan either. Do they have Extraterrestrial contact instead? And if so, not with those ET who have humanity's best interests in mind. Because if they did, they would make our lives better by now, of those people who tirelessly lived, prayed and witnessed medjugorje messages for the most part of 38 years. And not to require only endless sacrifices. As if someone feeds upon our suffering, as shown up in the Sci fi movies.

Let Medjugorje prove its authenticity! After the FAILED Fatima 100th anniversary 2017, and the failed year 2000 when St John Paul II expected the fulfilment, that is to say he was absolutely sure the date mentioned in the still secret part of the secret was before the year 2000, otherwise he would not put the whole weight of Peter's office behind some dreams that are unknown when or whether they would ever fulfill. St John Paul knew what he was doing when announcing the trimmed fatima secret in 2000 and saying it is all done. Medjugorje said it is continuation of Fatima. Let prove it!

"Time will tell". Well the time is ticking for Medjugorje, after Vicka's courageous words in 2001 were made widely known on internet. Again, I do not blame the visionaries, they believe with all their hearts they serve God and Virgin Mary. But if it is the real Mother of Jesus then it would be better to fulfill her own words in the time frames we all know. How many seers have said they would see the secrets, including but not only Sr Lucia of Fatima and Mary Loli of Garabandal (both passed away by now). Medjugorje seers said it too in the early years. Shall we wait until Medjugorje seers die off one by one ? And who will be those to wait, if the seers are younger than most of us? Mirjana said later, it was not necessary for her to be alive?!?! Is it true for all 6? When did they lie to us, then or now? If for them that doesn't matter, for me it does! I do not want to waste the remaining years of my life on empty promises. Medjugorje and other apparitions ruined my youth, while believing I serve God in the best way possible! In September 2019 a message in Medjugorje said, we will receive a hundredfold reward (in the meaning in this world) for our efforts to build up God's kingdom...Well i haven't seen a two fold reward, even a covering of my loses, including financial but not only, for spreading the message! Pretty much Enough is Enough! If it would be a constant disappointment, suffering and not receiving the promised blessings on Earth then what the need of such a message anymore? We have the promise of life after death long before Medjugorje. If it is all about what happens with our souls then, we don't really need Medjugorje. It is all said in the Holy Bible.

Still i hope that by Christmas 2019 at least something will happen. if not, no one can oblige me anymore to pay tribute and to bow down before a failed apparition, as well as that of Fatima! They are not dogmas, thanks be to God! We have the Church (in its broadest meaning that here I would not discuss) and we have the beatitudes on the mount, the love of Lord Jesus ... I could say more but feel it is not needed.
edit on 12-11-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

Many devote people would say, it is all for God's is not for our reward at least not on this world...well yes, and for whose sake Medjugorje seers live their lavish lifestyle (maybe except for Vioka), how much is their income? Seems Our Lady gives a hundredfold to just some of her children and not to others whom she wants them to suffer all their lives? In the name of so called apostles of love that only means more and more suffering? Why not to introduce the Inqusition then for the greater glory of God? Hei, God is not a bloodthirsty monster. Neither the real Mother of God is.

Let Medjugorje finally prove its own promises, NOW! Why to believe it tomorrow when the world will change dramatically, and Medjugorje seers will pose as prophets to say what is good and what is bad? Why to believe? Yes I mean extraterrestrial contact. Why to believe them? Why to believe a failed pope and failed Fatima to say who is good and who is bad?
edit on 12-11-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2019 @ 01:49 AM
One may say, well Vicka indeed said those words after June 25, 2001 (the 20th anniversary of apparitions) and therefore the time is until June 25, 2021.

If that is the case, something that I do not believe (and I give enough reasons why), then all the secrets must be concluded by June 25, 2021 and we to enter the so called era of peace.

The 200 day period is the minimum duration of the period of secrets, if after each secret there are only 10 days before the announcement of the next one. It is logical to assume that period would be larger, even within month(s) between secrets. Also, it is clear by now after contradicting interviews that not all secrets of the 6 visionaries are the same. I.e. we have not 10 but 20 or 30 secrets. Not 60 because some secrets are said to be the same. That will make additional time for the different secrets.

From Christmas 2019 to June 25, 2021 we have 18 months. How could they be enough, with each month passing, if the secrets don't start by now? And I really do not want to hear in May 2021 the well known words that, you know, God gave AGAIN more grace period for mankind to repent....the secrets will start any moment, in God's timing not ours... I heard that enough from enough visionaries who were looking credible, and failed miserable. Among them is Fr Gobbi, well received by pope John Paul II, who expected the era of peace by the year 2000 (together with countless other seers).

That kind of reasoning negates everything we know. It negates the existing of a parchment with fixed dates on it, allegedly received by Virgin Mary. It negates words said that the last secret cannot be changed or removed whatsoever (therefore it is not man made). If the time is shifting constantly, how then it would not be changed, it is already changed in time and could keep delaying... The whole belief of Medjugorje secrets is based on the early interviews of then kids, who later growing up started changing things. How then to believe that it is God's unchanging words given to them through Virgin Mary? They have the chance to prove it, by starting the secrets in a reasonable time after 38 years of waiting and suffering. If it is from God, God will honor His words. if it is not, there will be again excuses we all know quite well. In a way, fail to prove the validity is the surest proof that what we are being told is not coming from God. 38 years and counting!

And I don't even want to speak of Fatima-gate where all should end up in 2000 with the era of peace, according to now Saint John Paul II. I do not believe he deceived us. perhaps he was deceived by receiving fake information of fake visionary. I could say more, but after posting in 4-5 threads of Fatima I can't spend more time to do it again.
edit on 12-11-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2019 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

I am challenging the Medjugorje seers and apparitions. If they are TRUE, the above sequence given in OP must happen this coming year starting at its very beginning. are challenging your own OP ?

You go man !!!

posted on Nov, 12 2019 @ 02:06 AM

originally posted by: MarioOnTheFly
a reply to: 2012newstart

I am challenging the Medjugorje seers and apparitions. If they are TRUE, the above sequence given in OP must happen this coming year starting at its very beginning. are challenging your own OP ?

You go man !!!

My own OP is well argued as of the timing ACCORDING to what we know from the seers themselves.

I am challenging the Medjugorje Seers and I believe there is someone who reads here! That is all what i will say, after posting so long posts that few of you would even read.
edit on 12-11-2019 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

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