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Trans Activism - Trans Violence - Self-ID - A Resource Thread

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posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 07:17 PM
As the title indicates, I intend for this to be a resource thread for myself (and anyone) to refer back to, documenting the violent threat "self-ID" poses to women and girls by allowing any and all men to "self-ID" as a "woman" and access protected private spaces where women and girls are vulnerable. So it will be quite link-heavy, and I will summarize the relevant data more than excerpt. But I wanted to share since I'd compiled all the links!

Specifically, "self-ID" allows anyone to declare themselves the opposite gender and assume all the rights and privileges thereof, including access to private single-sex spaces such as bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, shelters, etc. Critics have rightfully pointed out that this allows any male predator access to any protected woman's space, putting women and girls in danger.

Male Pattern Violence -- It is well documented that men commit the vast majority of violent crimes, especially sexual crimes, and that the overwhelming majority of their victims are women and children.

The trend results from 2003-2012 showed the vast majority of crimes were still committed by men with around 88% of homicides and 75% of all legal felonies. According to government statistics from the US Department of Justice, male perpetrators constituted 96% of federal prosecution on domestic violence.

Sex differences in crime
Victims of Sexual Violence

I am NOT saying that ALL men are violent predators... But I am saying that most violent predators are men, and this includes men who identify as "women."

Men who Identify as "Women" Retain Male Pattern Violence -- This is true of both those who receive sexual reassignment surgery and of those who do not have surgery, but keep their male genitalia.

This is the report we published in October 2017. Since that time the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) have confirmed by Freedom of Information requests that 60 of the 125 transgender prisoners known to be in prison in England and Wales are convicted sex offenders.

Half of all transgender prisoners are sex offenders or dangerous category A inmates

More: Transwomen Sexual Offenders — a Closer Analysis of MoJ Statistics

Note that this also applies to men (identifying as "women") who have had sexual reassignment surgery:

...regarding any crime, male-to-females had a significantly increased risk for crime compared to female controls (aHR 6.6; 95% CI 4.1–10.8) but not compared to males (aHR 0.8; 95% CI 0.5–1.2). This indicates that they retained a male pattern regarding criminality. The same was true regarding violent crime.

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

However, it is also important to note that up to 80% of men who identify as "women" do not have "bottom" surgery... in other words, they keep their penis and for these intents and purposes, remain male.

Documented Transgender/Crossdressing Murderers and Serial Killers -- This isn't brand new information.... Contrary to the gaslighting by Trans Activists, there is evidence to show that men who identify as "women" are at least as likely to be the perpetrators (i.e., murderers) as the victims.

Transgender individuals who were victims of homicide in the UK in the past decade (2008 – 2017)
Total = 7 (all biological males)
Homicides committed by transgender individuals in the UK in the past decade (2008 – 2017)
Total = 12 (all biological males)

Trans homicides in the UK: a closer look at the numbers

Murders by trans "women/cross-dressers are by no means isolated examples:

Boys Dressed as Girls Who Became Serial Killers
Secret life of cross-dressing killer colonel revealed
Jailed ‘Cross Dressing Cannibal Serial Killer’ tops brother’s violent history, claims he slayed at least 12 women

Note: A common excuse from Trans Activists is that such men are not really transgender, they're just cross-dressers; but it's a moot point as long as Trans Activists refuse to eliminate them from under their self-proclaimed transgender umbrella and continue demanding self-ID with no oversight or safeguarding, especially while also telling us that no man would pretend to be transgender just to prey on women.

Autogynephilia and Narcissistic Rage -- Of special concern is the narcissistic rage associated with heterosexual men identifying as "women," aka autogynephiles (AGPs), who are subject to violent rages when their identity is questioned, or they are otherwise triggered (in the clinical sense of the word). The very concept of autogynephilia is hotly debated within and without the transgender community, and this author makes the case that the outrage and harassment of those who research and write about autogynephilia is an example of the out-of-control narcissistic rage associated with autogynephilia:

As a result, many autogynephilic transsexuals are likely to be particularly vulnerable to feelings of shame and may be predisposed to exhibit narcissistic rage in response to perceived insult or injury.

Shame and Narcissistic Rage in Autogynephilic Transsexualism
More on autogynephilia from the same author: Dr. Anne Lawrence on Transsexualism and Sexuality

Anyone who saw the infamous "Game Stop Ma'am" video has seen this narcissistic rage in action: Cashier Allegedly 'Misgenders' Transgender Woman - She Responds With a Public Meltdown (Video).

Or you might have seen the time trans "woman" Zoey Tur threatened -- ON AIR!!! -- to send Ben Shapiro home in an ambulance: The moment this transgender debate got heated (Video).

And there's this ugly example: Trans-identified Man Brutalizes Woman who Questions His Presence in Women’s Restroom: Patrick Hagan.

I could go on... these are not isolated instances either.

(continued in next post)

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 07:18 PM
(continued from previous post)

Trans "Women" Crimes Reported as "Women" -- While we hear much about the crimes against men who identify as "women," with the maximum emotional blackmailing possible, we seldom hear of crimes committed by men who identify as "women," especially now that these crimes are being reported AND recorded as committed by "women." Not trans women, but simply women. Scotland police recently had to admit as much: Police Scotland criticised over allowing suspects to self-identify gender

But it's everywhere. Here's an example from Chicago: Woman Charged With Kicking Elderly Woman In The Face On Red Line Train

And another from Wisconsin: Mauston woman arrested after allegedly imprisoning, hitting woman in head with bat

And here's a real doozy: Woman attacks people with hammer outside KFC in shocking road rage video

All of the above violent crimes (and more) were committed by men who identify as "women"... not women! But it gets worse...

Violent Crimes Committed by Trans Activists and Policy Advisors -- Yes, many of the same men organizing protests and even advising government authorities on transgender matters are known (often convicted) violent and sexual offenders. Like the last example I gave above, originally reported as a "woman":

Liverpool, England, UK – An individual who identifies as a woman viciously attacked a teen girl with a hammer over a disabled parking space.

A video of the May 9 attack posted online shows an individual in an orange jacket punching the girl’s male companion in the face while a second individual in beige clothing, later identified by authorities as 55-year-old Carol Lea, tries to hit him on the head with a phone.

This second individual then retrieves a hammer from the trunk of a car, grabs the teen girl, and puts her in a headlock; the teen can be heard screaming, “Get off me now!”. To defend against the attack, the teen hits the person in beige with her boot. The young man tells the individual in beige to get off the teen girl, and stands between them as the teen shouts “Get her f****** off me now!”. The individual in beige gives the hammer to the one in orange, and the girl gets into the passenger seat of her car. The individual in beige then demands a hairband be returned, opens the teen’s car door, and tries to hit the girl. In response, the teen tries to kick the individual in beige, while screaming, “Help!”. A man races over to pull the individual in beige off the teen, yelling at the one in beige, “Hey, f*** off! What do you know?!”.

The teen girl suffered head injuries, and was taken to hospital for assessment.

Transgender Equality Officer Attacks Teen Girl: Carol Lea

What does an "Equality Officer" do? you might ask...

Equality and diversity officers work to promote equality and reduce discrimination within workplaces, schools, universities, housing associations, social welfare organisations and the wider community.

Another example: EXCLUSIVE: Transgender activist jailed for killing her boyfriend and trying to rape shop assistant five days after being released from prison is invited to speak at HOUSE OF LORDS

Here's one for those who enjoy a little schadenfreude: Male Transgender & Trans Activist Removed As Women’s March Organizer Over Child Rape, Threat Allegations

Resisting, Rejecting and Refusing any/all Safeguards -- Is it any surprise then that these are the same people resisting, rejecting and refusing any and all efforts to gatekeep and/or safeguard women and children? Of course not... It only begins with self-ID, "studying" transgender policies and laws without conducting impact assessments on women and children, failing to notify women's groups of such discussions, protests against and de-platforming any discussion regarding women's rights and protections, mis-reporting and mis-recording the biological sex of violent and sexual offenders, and on and on.

These USC students aren't happy with gender-neutral bathrooms because the floor-to-ceiling doors providing privacy and security are transphobic: Students voice concerns about bathroom policy

Known domestic abusers and sex offenders -- many fresh from jail -- are being housed in shelters for battered women and rape victims: Women’s Refuge Opens Doors to Male Transgender Who Threatened to Kill His Female Partner: Melissa (neé Mark) Addis

And that's when they're not being sued or de-funded for declining male clients: Canada's oldest rape crisis centre stripped of city funding for refusing to accept trans women

In line with bans against "deadnaming," convicted felons want to change their names and hide their previous identity and crimes from public view: Transgender Felons, Including Rapist, Challenge Law Restricting Name Change

(continued in next post)

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 07:18 PM
(continued from previous post)

Finally -- yes, finally! -- consider the suggestion of this article which was removed from Medium -- Pronouns Are Rohypnol (archived version):

For a week, re-translate all the transgender articles and comments you find, back to sex-based pronouns, nouns and original names. Rewrite them back to the blunt truth and then read them again. Doing this exercise solely in your mind will do just fine, but editing on a screen is better.

Convert female pronouns back to male; use surnames instead of first names, and convert terms like transwoman back to just ‘man’.

This may seem like a silly little exercise... but if it were just a silly little exercise then Medium would have felt no need to remove it. Rather, by confusing language one confuses issues and controls the narrative, so it's more like an antidote to brainwashing:

You may discover that, despite yourself, you have a viscerally different reaction to what is before your eyes.

Same story, same players, same core knowledge.

Different pronouns, different reaction.

Pronouns are like Rohypnol.

They dull your defences. They change your inhibitions. They’re meant to. You've had a lifetime’s experience learning to be alert to ‘him’ and relax to ‘her’. For good reason. This instinctive response keeps you safe. It’s not even a conscious thing. It’s like your hairs standing on end. Your subconscious brain is helping you not get eaten by the sabre tooth tiger that your eyes haven’t noticed yet.

Give it a try. Deny ignorance.


Websites that track crimes committed by transgender persons:
40 trans women who committed violent crimes against women and children
Crime -- Peak Trans
Crime News -- Women Are Human
The Tip of the Iceberg
This Never Happens

Studies re self-ID and mixed sex (private) spaces:
Gender-Inclusion Policies and Sexual Violence: A Longitudinal Analysis of Media Reports at Target Stores
Unisex changing rooms put women at danger of sexual assault, data reveals

This isn't about transgender persons in particular, but it sure describes Trans Activism perfectly: 8 Signs of Narcissistic Rage

For those who prefer to watch videos than to read:

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I just don't know where to go with this . I believe in equal rights but I fear the rights of women will be violated for a small minority of people . There has to be a line drawn somewhere , because I fear the rights of pedofiles will be next .

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: 10uoutlaw

It really has become quite the convoluted mess, hasn't it?

For now, I'm just trying to focus on, "First, do no harm." The only thing that concerns me more than self-ID and private single-sex spaces is the medicalization of children and the now default "gender-affirming" treatment protocol. It's horrifying what we're doing to our kids!

Once we make sure people are protected and safeguarded from harm -- reasonable precautions for reasonable risks -- then we need to have a conversation about gender roles and stereotypes and what exactly constitutes "equal" rights for all.

But that's as far as my thinking can get right now.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 08:20 PM
What about the Colorado shooter who was a girl transitioning to male? It seems that mucking with hormones may just make one unstable.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
What about the Colorado shooter who was a girl transitioning to male? It seems that mucking with hormones may just make one unstable.

Good point and I haven't seen much about this, but what I have suggests it may be a (growing) problem. For example, the follow-up study I excerpted went on to address female-to-males post transition:

By contrast, female-to-males had higher crime rates than female controls (aHR 4.1; 95% CI 2.5–6.9) but did not differ from male controls. This indicates a shift to a male pattern regarding criminality and that sex reassignment is coupled to increased crime rate in female-to-males. The same was true regarding violent crime.

I recall a couple cases of transgender persons charged with violent crimes who are blaming their cross-hormone treatment; I don't recall their sexes/genders, and can't find any links right now.

But I agree that it is something that we need to be aware of and concerned about going forward.

More and more, it looks like we need a third option for transgender persons.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 09:23 PM
Yall spend WAY too much time worrying about what's in people's pants, and what they do with it.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman


Also, most of us know what a man and a woman is.

This self identifying "fantasy land" insanity needs to stop now and we can return to common sense instead of coddling insanity and mental fantasies.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Should we not worry when men want to be in womens restrooms simply because they say they are a woman? I am concerned as a man. I know women that are concerned as well. This is a dangerous situation. How can you not acknowledge this?

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: LordAhriman


Also, most of us know what a man and a woman is.

This self identifying "fantasy land" insanity needs to stop now and we can return to common sense instead of coddling insanity and mental fantasies.

Hear, hear.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Anecdotal story: in my entire life, i have known 5 people who are trans. Four of them have since, killed people. One of those dead people was the fifth one.

posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: trustmeimdoctor
Should we not worry when men want to be in womens restrooms simply because they say they are a woman? I am concerned as a man. I know women that are concerned as well. This is a dangerous situation. How can you not acknowledge this?

Trans people have existed as long as humans have. They are no more dangerous than any other person. It doesn't effect your life, why do you care?

posted on Jun, 4 2019 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: LordAhrimanI'm not saying anything about trans people. Can you not read? What are you not understanding here?

posted on Jun, 4 2019 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: Woodcarver

Wow. That's really sad to hear. I can't even be surprised though after all that I've read.

We aren't doing these people any favors. Many/most have real problems that need to be addressed.

posted on Jun, 4 2019 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Trans people have existed as long as humans have. They are no more dangerous than any other person.

I have just provided plenty of reasons to know better.

It doesn't effect your life, why do you care?

It does affect others' lives, very much so. If Trans Activists were not knowingly and deliberately destroying safeguards for others, and enabling and empowering the dangerous against the vulnerable, none of this would be an issue.

posted on Jun, 4 2019 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: trustmeimdoctor
Should we not worry when men want to be in womens restrooms simply because they say they are a woman? I am concerned as a man. I know women that are concerned as well. This is a dangerous situation. How can you not acknowledge this?

Trans people have existed as long as humans have. They are no more dangerous than any other person. It doesn't effect your life, why do you care?

It does potentially affect my life as a woman. That's why I care. My private spaces are the ones where men saying they are women can now enter on a day to day basis.

posted on Jun, 4 2019 @ 09:12 AM
So are women who are converting to men part of this or is how that affects men not important because we're men and as usual just have to suck it up, and we must protect only the poor defenceless women from how tran-folks affect them and their rights?

And of course female crime is lower. Because it's reported less.

It's all part of the same picture at the end of the day. Let's not be selective.

If women are allowed to not want men in their private spaces, then it should be okay that we men don't want women in ours yes?

Where do we draw the line? Or should we only be concerned about male transexuals and not the female ones?
edit on 4-6-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: typo: offenceless to defenceless.

posted on Jun, 4 2019 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: AtomicKangaroo
So are women who are converting to men part of this...

Part of what exactly? I know you just want to play whataboutism and think you're asking "gotcha" questions, but it only shows your oh-so-shallow and superficial understanding of the issues.

Are women part of the Equality Act? Are women part of Trans Activism? Are women part of the violence? Are women part of what exactly???

... or is how that affects men not important because we're men and as usual just have to suck it up...

Affect men how exactly? Suck up what exactly? Because men don't want women playing "man" in their bathrooms? Because men are worried about violence from women? Because men think that women will pretend to be men just to gain access to their private spaces?

...and we must protect only the poor offenceless women from how tran-folks affect them and their rights?

Says who? That's certainly not what I'm saying. And it's certainly not what anyone else is saying. Nor is it the reality, historically or otherwise. Women were not granted single-sex spaces because of transgender people, but because of men and their disproportionate tendency to violence and sexual assault. That's a done deal, and has been for quite some time.

The current issue is the Trans Activists trying to UN-do these protections. The current issue is the Trans Activists trying to re-define "woman" in their image and remove these protections.

And of course female crime is lower. Because it's reported less.

So I've heard before... where are all the dead bodies then? It's easy enough to say women are just as violent as men and that it just isn't reported, but dead bodies are a dead giveaway. If women are just as violent as men -- or more so -- then where are all the dead bodies of all the men they've killed?

If women are allowed to not want men in their private spaces, then it should be okay that we men don't want women in ours yes?

Of course!

Where do we draw the line? Or should we only be concerned about male transexuals and not the female ones?

We draw the line where people are put in harm's way. Easy peasy.

Now, do I believe for a minute that women in men's bathrooms pose the same physical threat? No. For the most part, men have the size and strength to protect themselves from women, that women do not have to protect themselves from men.

However, there is growing indication that some women who identify as "men" and are taking testosterone are becoming (not surprisingly) quite aggressive. For example, as another poster already mentioned, the kid in the Colorado shooting who is transgender. And generally speaking, many people taking cross-hormones are not getting their hormones from doctors, but off the internet, so quality is questionable. And the lack of medical supervision and oversight is quite concerning.. Also of concern is that many transgender persons take various other psychotropic medications for a plethora of mental/emotional issues, and quite often contraindications are ignored or unknown, with possible detrimental effects.

At some point, we need to take a good long hard look at the harm and damage being done to transgender persons as well... No one is being harmed more than they themselves. They just don't understand that yet.

posted on Jun, 4 2019 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

The "self-ID" thing. Is this a law in places, or is it just a societal thing we are expected to agree to? In how many places (I'm thinking USA in particular but interested in other places as well) is this actually either accepted and expected?

I'm just thinkjng let's say I go into the ladies' room at the coffee shop here where I live and there is a dude in there. Are you saying that the self-ID thing makes it so I'm in trouble if I question why he's in the ladies' room? Or that authorities wouldnt be compelled to do anything about it?

Thanks for the very info-heavy thread! Much to look into. Thanks much!

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