posted on May, 25 2019 @ 03:01 PM
Many years ago I liked a guy and he liked me, but it never happened. He was on my mind quite some time. A few years later I saw him with his soon to
be wife and my thoughts were: holy # a wrinkly bimbo clownface skeleton how did that happen? It bothered me because he went from me to that?
Thanks to the miracle of the internet I stumbled over a photo from 3 years ago when they came together and now I feel a lot better, she used to be
beautiful, looked healthy and a lot less... old.
Now I'm a bit confused about my own thoughts and don't know what to think. Should I feel bad because she seems to be sick? Or is it okay for me to
be happy I never started something with him because maybe he makes her age that rapidly?
They're happy and all is well for them so it's okay if my thoughts are maybe a little bit mean, right? And I'm thinking kind of kudos to him he
marries her after that development. And it's really bad, all bones with wrinkles covered by a ton of not very pretty paint on her face.
I'm laughing, next second but oh my she looks like cancer and followed by the question if he is doing that to her so I'm glad it isn't me and all
in all just
How #ty is that from me? Am I an asshole because of this?