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I am so sick and tired of. . . . . . .

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posted on May, 14 2019 @ 05:13 AM
Kids on really noisy mopeds! Don't forget those fockers! "✊🏼" 😡

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: DBCowboy

You only hate what you desire most.

I don't desire spiders.

And you must hate aliens.

posted on May, 15 2019 @ 10:37 AM
Here's what I'm sick and tired of.

1. Politics - everyone is always right and wrong at the same time, each side always has a response to the other. Too much wishy washy bs. Democrats and Republicans both care more about their party than the future of the human race.

2. School buses stopping at all railroad crossings (even inactive ones). This is dumb. They might as well stop at green lights as well. What is the chance of a railroad crossing malfunctioning and just happening to hit a bus of children?? The chances are astronomically low, yet we pretend we are saving the kids by making them slow down the entire road and inconvenience everyone else and anger them, making the roads overall less safe. Why do we go through all this extra unnecessary concern for kids, while ignoring adults? Safety is safety, it doesn't matter how old you are. This law is paranoid nonsense based on nothing but fear.

3. The NBA. It's an absolute joke and I can't believe it is as popular as it is. Every close game turns into a free throw shooting competition and intentional fouling ruins the game, plus the draft lottery is a complete joke punishing teams for being bad and there is no rules in place to prevent super teams from forming and attracting all good players while the level of competition drops drastically below the top few teams. It's not enjoyable in the slightest. Get rid of the lottery, get rid of intentional fouling (1 shot plus ball for fouls over the limit) and stop the super teams. NBA has been a joke since the late 90s.

4. Religion. This almost goes without saying. There is too much favoritism and pandering to religious folk and it needs to stop. All people should be treated equally regardless of personal faith or lack thereof. What annoys me more than anything else is that so many Christians think they have the right to discriminate against people they don't like and should be allowed to treat others unfairly over a personal religious view and actually think THEY are the victims when people speak out against their oppression. This needs to stop and so do the lies constantly spread by the fundamentalists.

5. Bad drivers. Yes I absolutely agree with the OP here. It's like we don't teach our kids how to drive. The number one rule of the road is to stay right except to pass. It seems like people are too stupid and lazy to follow this very basic premise, with idiots driving slow in the fast lane for no reason and avoiding the right lane because they are too dumb to pay attention to the road and merging traffic. The right lane is SUPPOSED to be slow and used to merge. When you exclusively drive in the left lane regardless of your speed, you are making people pass you on the right which is much more dangerous for merging traffic on the right. Texting, talking on the phone, fiddling with your baby in the car, eating, etc etc put people's lives at risk. You can wait until getting home to text or use the phone. It's pathetic. Half the time I'm waiting at a light, the person in the front of the line is too busy texting to even notice the light turns green and they inconvenience everyone else over their own selfishness. Also stop tailgating everyone. It's the most dangerous thing you can do on the road.

6. People that drive big trucks and spew that disgusting black smoke into the air. I don't know what exactly this is, but I see it constantly. It's like they press a button on their truck and vent out black smoke purposely to annoy people. These are the WORST kind of people. They don't give a # about the environment or people's health, and just want to drive humongous trucks to overcompensate for their tiny penis and out of spite to anger environmentalists. They drive like complete asshole scumbags and they don't even care because in an accident a truck is exponentially more likely to survive than a car, so they tailgate all the time with no concern for anybody but themselves. They drive dangerously for the sheer reason to piss people off. And stop with the goddamn American flags on the back of your car. It's doesn't make you patriotic, it makes you STUPID because it can block your view and makes the road less safe for everyone else. If you want to be Patriotic, get a flag at your house or put on a bumper sticker.

7. IT (and other tech) companies that constantly change their interface and FORCE their consumers into it and limit their options. Microsoft did it with Windows 8. Instead of giving users more options and customization they force them to use it one way and one way only. Twitter did it recent with the new horrible interface being implement for no reason whatsoever. The whole idea that things have to change all the time is dumb. If it works, leave it alone. It's like how Venmo suddenly decided that their app will ONLY work on cell phone devices now and not computers. Why take away user options? This is the age of convenience, people want more options, not less, not forced change anytime somebody arbitrarily decides something.

Felt good to get all that off my chest.

edit on 5 15 19 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2019 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I think someone needs a hug and some chocolate chip cookies
with walnuts!

posted on May, 15 2019 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I have problems with men drivers and usually refer to them
as the following...knuckle dragging bozos driving a truck or
jeep.I will move my car when I am good and ready to,not
when you want me to.I don't have to turn right on red if
I don't want to.

posted on May, 15 2019 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: Woodcarver

I am so glad that I wasn't drinking anything when I read this.
I would be cleaning off my screen now.

posted on May, 15 2019 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: mamabeth
a reply to: DBCowboy

I have problems with men drivers and usually refer to them
as the following...knuckle dragging bozos driving a truck or
jeep.I will move my car when I am good and ready to,not
when you want me to.I don't have to turn right on red if
I don't want to.

Um, if you are too afraid to turn right on red, then you are the problem. If you drive in the left lane and aren't passing people you are the problem. Easy to just blame all men when you are probably the problem 90% of the time. If you aren't passing, you have no reason to be in the fast lane blocking other people. Stay right except to pass, it's the most basic rule of the road. I agree that people shouldn't be tailgating, especially in big trucks/jeeps, but there's no reason for you to not turn on red if it is safe and no reason to stay in the left lane, just to stick it to somebody else. You don't know their situation, they could have an emergency and need to pass you to get to the hospital. If you are already going fast and passing people, I totally get it, but if you are one of those people that drives exclusively in the left lane to be lazy and avoid paying full attention to the road, then you are indeed the problem.

edit on 5 15 19 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2019 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Barcs

I am in the right lane and don't always turn right while the light is red.I have been
creamed by a guy in the intersection before and I'm more cautious now.Most of the
time it isn't safe to turn on red.I have seen too many drivers speed up when they see
you trying to turn.When I am in the left lane I am driving faster and make turns or
pass other drivers if I can.I am a good driver and my husband has told me so and he
hates women drivers.
My one time car accident was in 2006 and this guy ran the red light and I T-boned him
in the intersection. I won my case and his insurance paid me!

posted on May, 15 2019 @ 05:22 PM
Rubber necking an accident, I had someone stop to take video of a person being loaded into an ambulance, it was so blatant and obvious 2 fire fighters moved to block his view and a cop came over to berate them...
who in the F thinks thats ok...

I really hate people.

posted on May, 15 2019 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

People taking videos of accidents instead of stepping in and helping deserve a gentle, kind, endearing. . . . f#cking throat-punch.

posted on May, 15 2019 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy Whats with XL yoga pants ? They should be illegal some people have no shame.
Whats with the bright blue headlights and the LED street lamps designed to damage our eyes? What about the microwave phones people hold to their heads while complaining about the co2 in the atmosphere. Its a mad mad world.

posted on May, 21 2019 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: mamabeth
a reply to: Barcs

I am in the right lane and don't always turn right while the light is red.I have been
creamed by a guy in the intersection before and I'm more cautious now.Most of the
time it isn't safe to turn on red.I have seen too many drivers speed up when they see
you trying to turn. When I am in the left lane I am driving faster and make turns or
pass other drivers if I can.I am a good driver and my husband has told me so and he
hates women drivers.

Okay, nothing wrong with that, then. If it's not safe, you shouldn't turn, especially when turning onto highways. I've seen some people that just sit there at red lights and refuse to turn, even if it's a T intersection with no traffic coming from the left. Always better to err on the side of safety
Sorry for being so abrasive! There are some drivers out there that make me want to drive off a cliff

posted on May, 21 2019 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Rubber necking an accident, I had someone stop to take video of a person being loaded into an ambulance, it was so blatant and obvious 2 fire fighters moved to block his view and a cop came over to berate them...
who in the F thinks thats ok...

I really hate people.

Oh man, I completely forgot about rubberneckers. They are the WORST. Literally I'll be on a highway and it slows down to almost a crawl for 30+ minutes when the accident isn't even on my side of the road. People are just vultures. As if they don't get enough gore on TV, that they HAVE to STARE and gawk as if seeing something will forever change their life. They are like little kids walking through the candy Isle of the store. Complete idiots, not worthy of the driving privilege. If it were up to me, rubbernecking would be treated as reckless / distracted driving, just as bad if not worse than texting while driving.

edit on 5 21 19 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2019 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: DBCowboy

You only hate what you desire most.

This needs to be read in a Master Yoda voice.

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