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Trans[gender] Fact Checker: The Reality Behind the Myths

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posted on May, 14 2019 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

Your insults and hostility is neither necessary nor appropriate. But very telling.

Yes, you have been here for a while, and yes, you have weighed in on these topics before... I remember. And I remember very clearly you telling me once that you had lived a lifetime of pain and so you didn't care who got hurt as long as you got what you wanted.

I remember. Very clearly.

Your words now are confirming your words then. Consider this carefully as you rage that we dare discuss this matter.

And consider very carefully how your words influenced me and others then... how they are influencing me and others now... and will continue to influence us...

Well I guess its a good thing your influence doesn't mean jack in the big scheme of things. I look foward to reading your doomsday post when the equality act passes.

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 08:37 AM
A few years ago, on a lunch break, I heard a woman caller in the Rush Limbaugh show, and she stated that she and her women activists prey on children in the schools with their agenda and that they knew what they were doing was wrong (brainwashing through the education) but that they ( the group) had “won”. Yes that was the term I heard her use for pushing their agenda. They are radicals and very proud that they have accomplished what they wanted. They care nothing for the children and families they affect. How did our schoolhouses become hotbeds of sjw activist recruiting stations ? Our educational system truly has gone off the rails, and it’s the radicals doing it, it’s the new, and teachers unions allowing it. It’s a travesty. I’ve seen the books with pics of girl heads on boy bodies. How can children not be confused when they see that stuff? I remember clearly I posted on it at the time. It was when the Clinton email scandal had just come out and it was all over the news.
edit on 14-5-2019 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

No I think i'll continue calling you out on your b.s.
If the mods got a problem with it, they can remove the post. Easy peasy. Funny how they don't mind all you ass hats slinging all your right wing insults and off topic slurs on this site(almost every single day) but will definitely remove the ones that don't echo in the chamber. You know how many times people on here have posted "tranny" this and "tranny" that. Yet that derogatory slur is just fine and dandy with you, the mods and the rest of your right wing fan club.

And I am talking to you and about your topic, you just don't like what I have to say about it because it shines light on your hypocrisy and hatred.

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

Your sex life must be really boring if you have to sit around and concearn yourself with the sex life of others. If there adults and no ones getting hurt, its probably none of your buisness. But boredom does crazy things to humans.....

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

But you didn't walk away did you? You still came to the thread choosing to take it as a personal attack on yourself, which it wasn't. This is the problem that won't go away......facts....which is what the OP was stating. No-one knows the gender of anyone on these anonymous forums unless they state came right out and stated you were trans and proceeded to be offended on behalf of every other trans on the planet instead of ignoring it. That was a choice as was your attack on Boadicea for having an opinion that differed to your own which made you "so boiling angry it clouds your mind". If you are getting that angry about words on a screen, I suggest you get some help and talk to someone.

You should be happy that you are living your chosen life with the freedoms & rights you have because believe me, if you were living in many other places you'd seriously have something to complain about!

Yea except for that whole freedom to not be discriminated against for no other reason than because your trans. Which as I pointed out multiple times is still legal in this country. But its better than being thrown off a building in syria or some crap so we should just be hapoy that legally we can still be treated less than you just for expressing that freedom? How does that not sound stupid to you? Thats literally the same thing as saying "oh black people use to have to sit in the back of the bus and drink from different water fountians but at least they aren't being chased down by lions in africa".

If you guys want people to be civil then be civil yourselfs(not directed specifically at you) but when you start off acting like an d bag then get treated like one, don't get upset when your slurs and disrespect are returned in kind. Everyone on this site knows rainbowphoenix is a trans women, and members who dislike trans people went out of there way to misgender her on purpose because they know its upsetting. Idgaf what YOU guys feel is disrespectful or not, WE find it disrespectful and upsetting. Someone whos gonna disrespect people for no other reason than because they want a bad reaction, then get it and cry foul don't get sympathy from me. You don't go around callin black people the n word yet people can call people trans people trannys all day long on this site and none of you on your high roads will ever point out that bad behavior. Thats why people always say ats is a right wing site because ya'll only call out crap that stems from one side while your own crap doesn't stink.
My reaction would be completely different if the posters getting up in arms about my or rainbows replys were actually consistant with there b.s, but there not and only bad behavior from one side is called out. Even though to be completely transparent I dont think rainbow calling someone out for being purposefully toxic was wrong in any shape or form. Next time read and understand instead of just jumping to conclusions like you did and mabey you'd see that she was responding to someone being an a$$hole.

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: Jg513
a reply to: Boadicea

Blah blah blah got it.

No, you don't "got it." In fact, this oh-so-simple-minded and self-serving screed shows you don't get it at all. And quite honestly, I'm not sure you even have the mental and/or emotional capacity to "get it." You seem to be so caught up in your own little bubble that you cannot discern reality from your fantasy. Nevertheless, I will try to add some reason and sanity to this nonsense.

You don't mind treating people less than you and restricting rights to be free based off of THOUGHT crimes. Based on something someone may do.

Rights are self-evident. Anything we can do for ourselves and by ourselves is our right... Absolute, inalienable and nontransferable. Forcing your will on others is NOT a right. You saying, "I don't want to pee with other men" is your right, and you can find somewhere else to pee... I likewise have a right to say, "I don't want to pee with any men." You do NOT have any right to insist that you can pee with me.

Likewise, you can wear whatever you want. You can adorn yourself however you want. You can do whatever you like for yourself and by yourself. But you have absolutely no right to tell me or anyone else what to do or how to do it. None. You do have the right to ask, and we have the right to say no.

So its okay for me to be fired just because im trans? Or to be denied an apartment or able to rent a house because im trans? How are those entitlements? Thats covered umder the equality act as well.

I understand those are also part of the Equality Act -- and a different discussion. That's not what the OP is about, is it? At the risk of derailing my own thread, I will address it in general terms.

People get fired for lots of different reasons, and yeah, it sucks. I've known women that have gotten fired because they were too pretty and the boss' wife was jealous! Life's a bitch. For everyone. But business owners have rights too, and those must be respected as well.

So the solution is to empower individuals in general, enabling them to work for themselves, starting with the complete elimination of the personal income tax on earned income, as well as the ridiculous fees and demands for licensing, permits, certifications and on and on. From there, I would end other government regs and fees that serve to depress -- or even destroy -- competition in the free market. I would also use the tax and incorporation laws to force corporations (those fictional legal entities with so much power) into serving the best interests of the people. For example, if a company wants all the perks and privileges of incorporation, then they must promise not to discriminate in the market -- just like government cannot discriminate in any way.

I know you wont actually answer those imprtant questions cause it makes your whole standpoint look like the hateful crap it is.

You mean like you refused to actually address any of the points in the OP??? But immediately started spewing your hateful crap towards me and others???

Strike one. You obviously didn't know. What else do you think you know that you really don't know???

Its better to apeal to emotion and claim people are narcissistic with your google phd.

No, that's the Trans Activist way -- not mine. I provided facts and information. Trans Activists are the ones wielding the emotional blackmail like a weapon, demanding gender "affirmation" for CHILDREN or else! Crying about the "epidemic" of transgender murders by "transphobes," knowing full well that the greatest danger comes from within the community itself, and their sex work. And, of course, people like you that get so butthurt at anyone daring to express an unwanted opinion -- or TRUTHS! -- that you cannot control your emotions... you cannot get past your emotions... it's all just "me, me, me." Narcissistic indeed...

And statistics are like assholes, everybody and every group has them.

I prefer to think in Mark Twain's terms: "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics." Obviously, statistics can be manipulated to suggest various things. Hence the need for critical and objective evaluation of those numbers, and the need to clearly differentiate between what we can know and what we can infer.

It doesnt make the b.s you spew true. Kinda like the b.s statistic you provided about trans women not getting full srs.

What exactly was bs about the statistic? Are you questioning the source? The accuracy of the number? Be specific. What exactly was bs about the statistic?

(to be continued in new reply...)
edit on 14-5-2019 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: Jg513
a reply to: Bloodworth

Your sex life must be really boring if you have to sit around and concearn yourself with the sex life of others. If there adults and no ones getting hurt, its probably none of your buisness. But boredom does crazy things to humans.....

I could care less....these people are free to do anything they want....just a reminder that it's a fact that the only way to reproduce is between a man and women.

it's also sad to see so many family generations completley lose the history of their last name if their only son is gay.

Fact, no way to pass on your family name if you dont reproduce.

Should be a good insight of what humans were made to do.

edit on 14-5-2019 by Bloodworth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

No problem. I usually just try and stay out of stuff like this for obvious reasons, but when people are being blantantly disrespectful for nonreason towards you, I had to point out the b.s. then they wanna cry about you being mad and returning the favour lol but they don't hate trans people.... riiiiight lol. "Talk about the topic not me" no thank you I think i'm gonna talk about you seeing as your the idiot that posts a thread every week about how the trans community as a whole are degenerates. Imo boadecias argument is really nothing more than the gun control argument but with sifferent players involved. " it's for the children!" Then when you point that out you don't care about women and children. But we all know only very few posters on this site actually care about freedom. The rest are all the same and it comes down to "my life choices are the best life choices and everyone should live like I do or else"

Ats in favour of THOUGHT CRIMES .

edit on 14-5-2019 by Jg513 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-5-2019 by Jg513 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:37 AM
The OP is presenting opinions as facts.

Trans women get murdered at a much higher rate than the general population.

The reason why most trans folks do not get the full surgery is it is prohibitively expensive, and the surgery itself is far from perfect with many potential complications. To suggest that most do not get the surgery because they are sexuality deviant is absurd.

The suicide statisics for trans folk is incredibly high.

The OP is essentially spreading trans-phobia propaganda with this thread.
edit on 14-5-2019 by jrod because: At

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: Jg513
Everyone needs to snap back I to reality. There is no her no she. Men are men whether they mutilate their body with surgery And cocktails of chemicals and hormones or just wear wigs and a dress. Same goes for women who think they are guys. No sorry, your a lady.

The good news is, with six more years still our administration can likely succeed in reversing all the harm to society that Obama allowed to happen during his tenure.

I had to walk out of a job interview last year because my supervisor would have been some guy that wears make-up And apparently had breast implants. Not going to happen. People like that in authority positions are always bullies levying threats for refusing to indulge in their insanity. I like the job I ended up with better anyways.

I could really care less about your life story sunshine or why your such a bigot that you think a trans person shouldn't be your boss. That literally says everything anyone would need to know about you.

Feel...superior? Bet it makes ya all cozy inside lmao

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: jrod
The OP is presenting opinions as facts.

Trans women get murdered at a much higher rate than the general population.

The reason why most trans folks do not get the full surgery is it is prohibitively expensive, and the surgery itself is far from perfect with many potential complications. To suggest that most do not get the surgery because they are sexuality deviant is absurd.

The OP is essentially spreading trans-phobia propaganda with this thread.

Bing bing bing we have someone on this site with an actual brain whats that make? like 3 or 4 people now?Your right too, kinda like the serial killer in jacksonville florida currently targetting trans women. But you know, good cause we're all just evil perverts.
edit on 14-5-2019 by Jg513 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: Jg513

You wanna make it seem like its because they're " really not trans" and there just perverts and criminals using being trans as a means to expliot people.

No. If that's what I wanted to say, that's what I would have said. But I didn't. That's YOUR simple-minded thinking. I know it's not that simple. Trans people are individuals, and I know there are many many factors contributing to their trans identity. I know that it's not one thing. It can be mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual. I imagine for the vast majority, it's a combination thereof.

And, for some, yes, it is an opportunity for exploitation, and especially for those who are perverts and violent.

When the reality is that srs is extremely expensive and most insurances unless your lucky, wont cover it. It has nothing to do with them wanting to not fully transition and everything to do with income to actually get the surgery.

You are right that funding is a huge obstacle for many who want to get the surgery. But it's disingenuous and intellectually dishonest to suggest that's the only factor. You know as well as I do that many men simply do not want to have the surgery and wouldn't have it under any circumstances.

And for the record, I'm glad for that much for them, because the adverse outcomes are horrendous -- even under the best of circumstances. I would much prefer to see everyone find a way to make peace with their own healthy bodies, and love themselves just the way they are, than to set themselves up for a lifetime of irreversible physical and emotional hell.

This is why I claim your a bigot and a terf. You use your statistics and fear of something you don't understand, without any form of critical thought to paint a whole community in a bad light.

No, that's not me. I have made very clear distinctions -- both in terms of "who" and "what" -- and I have provided the available data and statistics to substantiate the information.

And, again for the record, I would have to be a feminist to be a TERF. I'm not. I'm just a red-blooded American woman protecting our rights and protections and safety from those who would do us harm.

You don't have to come out and say that your a terf or a bigot boadecia, the proof is in the pudding. Seriously would bet my life savings that if it were up to you trans people would be round up and put in cages.

Well, don't -- you'd lose.

Wanna stop violent criminals and rapists boadecia? Then how about using that right to "yell hell no" and go yell at the polticians and the prison system that keeps letting these violent criminals out of jail in the damn first place.

Deflection and projection... so pathetic.

And oh so classic I " dont care about violence against women and children" puhhhhhlease. I guess it's alot easier to just blow smoke out of your ass than to actually come up with a valid argument of why you think its ok to punish people for crimes they haven't even commited.

More deflection and projection. I don't want to punish people for thought crimes. I haven't even spoken to anything about punishment. I have only spoken to prevention and precautions, risks and opportunities.

Funny you claim to care about children so much. Wheres all your posts on the catholic church.

Deflection and projection...

Like I said before your just mad because pretty soon your opinion on the matter wont mean a thing. ...boohoo😫😫😫😫

I hate to break it to you -- actually, no, I don't! -- but the chances of the Equality Act passing the Senate are slim to none. If (and that's a big if) the Dems take the Senate in the 2020 election, then it could be re-introduced and it might pass, but given the staunch objection to the inclusion of gender identify by so many factions on the left, even they will have a huge fight on their hands. And then, if Trump is re-elected as seems probably at this point -- it would have to be passed in high enough numbers to be veto-proof.

So, no, I'm not mad about that. It doesn't have a chance in hell of being passed this congressional session, and only slightly better chances after the 2020 election.

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

With 7 billion fastly approaching 8, reproducing is not a needed thing for survival of humans. Theres also plenty of children in foster care that need homes but according to the majority on ats, trans and gay people shouldn't raise kids either.

Also having a babby isn't something thats hard to accomplish, not the act itself of delivering a child but the act of getting pregant itself isn't an accomplishment and something that is pretty much garunteed for 95 percent of the population, so once again why does it matter?
As for a single child who turn out to be gay who cares? Besides homophobic or transphobic people?
And no, genius, having a biological child isn't the only way to pass on your family name, people can adopt amd pass there names on that way too. So not sure where your coming from on that front other than its natural so thats how I should live my life because you say so. Its also natural for the majority human beings to die from a scratch, so do me a favour and next time you get a serious infection don't take those anti biotics since its far more natural for human beings to die their thirtys.... also log out of ats cause you should be out hunting and gathering not on the internet. Literally your fact comes down to nothing more than "i'm better than you because _____" .

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

Homeschooling is sure looking better and better, eh?

Back in the '90s when my kids were in school, I saw this happening. I didn't see or understand where it was going, but I saw and experienced the indoctrination tactics -- and fought them tooth and nail! If only I knew then what I know now...

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: Jg513

Oh dear.... but okay. Do you.

Our words will stand on their own merits, and I'm good with that.

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: jrod
The OP is presenting opinions as facts.

Not true, as anyone who follows the links will see. Records, documentation and studies are facts, not opinions.

Trans women get murdered at a much higher rate than the general population.

Please substantiate. Either refute the data used in the OP, or provide further data... something... anything...

The reason why most trans folks do not get the full surgery is it is prohibitively expensive, and the surgery itself is far from perfect with many potential complications. To suggest that most do not get the surgery because they are sexuality deviant is absurd.

So you are not disputing the "what" -- i.e., that the vast majority of men identifying as trans do NOT have sex-reassignment surgery -- but simply the "why" of not getting the surgery.

However, it's a moot point. I would NEVER insist that anyone have this surgery... to inflict such harm on their body for an impossible goal. So it doesn't matter why to me, I'm just glad for that much. And it doesn't affect or change my opinions about women's rights, protections and safety.

The suicide statisics for trans folk is incredibly high.

Yes, sadly, they are. Including AFTER transitioning. Some say especially after transitioning. Unfortunately, the records and data are lacking, so it's impossible to pin down numbers at this time.

The OP is essentially spreading trans-phobia propaganda with this thread.

Truth is not propaganda. Facts are not transphobia.

But hiding truth and facts is gaslighting.

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: Jg513
It makes me feel very cozy bro, very cozy indeed.
Your rights to housing are covered under equal opportunity housing laws. Your right to employment are covered by many laws as well. Your literally insane if you firmly believe the president will sign this into law.

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Jg513
All due respect, this is not a so-called “right wing” site. It’s just that some of the more conservative are speaking out. I once thought it was predominantly left wing. In truth, I think it’s way more of a mixed bag. There are quite a few people who don’t fit the stereotypes. The general political sphere is more polarized in the US and elsewhere. From a conservative standpoint, it is simply an unacceptable practice to indoctrinate young, impressionable children in order to press all of society for acceptance. No one cares what you do in private, but it’s not appropriate in the schools. There is and has been an issue in school bathrooms however. This was not an epidemic when I was in grade school. As I said on my post, activists are pushing their agenda in education and they know what they are doing is wrong.

edit on 14-5-2019 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

The sheer amount of trans folks that react similarly have absolutely led me to consider they are not actually receiving the help they need. I didnt have much of an opinion until I have seen the plethora of venomous posts on this very site over the years. Interestingly, if something like your posts are viewed as "hateful" and leads them to honestly believe youd put them in cages.. we can be pretty damn certain they dont face truly hateful ideologues frequently, if ever. I think thats a good thing, but a victim mentality will look for oppressors anywhere possible.

At this point, I dont think our current approaches and methods are properly addressing the situation. This is further suggested by post op suicide rates, etc. The problem becomes further compounded when actual discussions outside the narrative are very, very difficult to have.

I mean, had you made a similar post about cripples, I cant imagine it would make me anything other than thoughtful. I genuinely cant fathom an extreme reaction to a conversation that is personally relevant and could lead to a truly improved situation for everyone involved.

This whole "if you dont agree with me in totality, you are a vile, evil person" thing is so exceedingly harmful. Especially in circumstances that merit discussion and might include some "hard truths."

Id like to see a society and world where we genuinely work together and understand that disagreement is NOT heresy that identifies the "enemy."

posted on May, 14 2019 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
a reply to: Boadicea

The sheer amount of trans folks that react similarly have absolutely led me to consider they are not actually receiving the help they need.

Thank you for saying that -- yes! I agree. The answers and solutions being given to trans identifying or trans questioning people are not working. We can see that. We know we have to do better -- for everyone's sake, but especially for their best interests.

I didnt have much of an opinion until I have seen the plethora of venomous posts on this very site over the years. Interestingly, if something like your posts are viewed as "hateful" and leads them to honestly believe youd put them in cages.. we can be pretty damn certain they dont face truly hateful ideologues frequently, if ever. I think thats a good thing, but a victim mentality will look for oppressors anywhere possible.

Again, I agree. It also creates a sort of tunnel vision, wherein they deny/excuse their own hatefulness while projecting it onto anyone who dares to dissent from their mantra and ideology. It allows them to excuse and even justify the actual threats and harassment and abuse against "TERFs" and "transphobes" by Trans Activists. It is quite scary because they themselves make clear that women (and children) are fair game.... and they do not even understand that they themselves are creating, escalating and perpetuating that threat.

At this point, I dont think our current approaches and methods are properly addressing the situation. This is further suggested by post op suicide rates, etc. The problem becomes further compounded when actual discussions outside the narrative are very, very difficult to have.

Yes. It is also compounded by the kneejerk backlash against quality and substantive research that would further clarify many issues, and probably give us a better idea what the proper approach to treatment should be. What treatment would be most effective and provide the greatest quality of life.

Id like to see a society and world where we genuinely work together and understand that disagreement is NOT heresy that identifies the "enemy."

Me too. Very very much so!

Thank you for making such a thoughtful comment in this toxic debate. Much appreciated!

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