posted on May, 13 2019 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to:
Big big sad sigh...
Of course no one has to do anything... we all have the right to say "no" and I am very loudly and proudly saying not just "no" but "HELL NO!!!" to
those issues which bring harm to others in the name of "trans rights". But they aren't rights. They are entitlements which actually impose on the
genuine rights of others. And the safety of others.
For example, women have an enumerated right to sex-exclusive spaces. We have the right to say "no" to men -- i.e., male bodied persons -- entering
and using these spaces. If trans persons want their own spaces, they can lobby for them. I may even support them. But they do not have the right to
demand entry and usage of our spaces. Period.
And especially with self-ID, which would allow any and all men -- including violent and predatory men -- entry and usage of our spaces.
I get it. You don't give a rats patootie about the safety, privacy and dignity of women and children. You don't care if they get hurt. You don't
care if they are preyed upon and molested and victimized.
And it is exactly this willful narcissistic and depraved disregard for the safety and rights of others by Trans Activists that I am saying "HELL NO"
And for the record, I have never and would never accuse all trans identifying men of being violent, nor have I ever accused all men of being violent.
I have only noted the documented and known truth that trans identifying men retain the same disproportionate rates of violence as all men. including
sexual violence. Nor have I ever denied that women can be violent.
We cannot prevent every eventuality... but we can sure anticipate, prepare for and minimize risks and opportunities. Which is exactly why
sex-exclusive spaces were created in the first place, and the numbers prove nothing is changed.