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Hidden statistics of child abuse (physical & sexual) in the LGBT community

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posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 03:49 PM
If my son tells me he's attracted to men then i'd have to accept that. I wouldn't love him any less and would support him in anyway i could. I would be disappointed as it reduces my chances of having grandchildren, it also seems un-natural to me to be aroused by a mans hairy ass but it would be his choice.

However, if he came to me claiming to be a woman and had the intention of chopping up his penis i would be very concerned about his mental health. The fact this now is portrayed in our media as somehow normal and acceptable is abhorrent to me.

Does this make it easier to understand?

As for the sexual orientation part its not mental health it just seems more natural.

Penis + Vagina = Creation of new life.
Penis + Anus = Nothing constructive and that's me putting it politely. Seems the human body had other ideas for these parts if you ask me.

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: Grenade

originally posted by: Jay-morris
a reply to: Grenade

Being gay is a sexual preference, not accepting your biological sex is a mental illness. I think a lot more good could be done with healthcare funding rather than mutilating people to satisfy their skewed image of themselves.

Sorry, but this is just wrong. If it is just a sexual preference, then why do a lot of gay couples stay together four years, just like heterosexual couples? So your statement I quoted does not make sense whatsoever.

So, it's a mental illness to fall in love and love someone of the same sex? That is just rediculas!

Yes, it is ridiculous, good job that's not what i was implying.

Being born with male genitals, hormones, chemistry, physiology then spending your life denying this biological fact IS a mental illness. Even more so when you start medicating, believing you are a member of the opposite sex, taking it even further we get to self mutilation which is what people really mean when they refer to "transitioning".

No, you are wrong! He'll is it denying!? If you were gay but in the closet, then you eould be denying your true feelings.

Denying has nothing to do with it. You are heterosexual you are attracted to women. You fall in love with women. Now imagine if you were gay, and thoughs same feeling , attraction, sex, love etc you only felt for men. Would you be "denying" who you are if you stayed in the closet? Of course you would!

So, you think that gay people should deny their true feeling, and basically live a lie, because of biology? It's absolutly rediculas!

Everyone deserves a right to be happy! As long as you are not hurting anyone, then what's the problem?

You think I am worried about my daughter being gay? My God! There are far more things to worry about regarding my daughter's future!

Child molesters
Child killers
Destruction of this planet through pollution
The constant wars we see around the world

I could go on and on! These are the things every parent should be worried about when it comes to the future of their children!

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
If my son tells me he's attracted to men then i'd have to accept that. I wouldn't love him any less and would support him in anyway i could. I would be disappointed as it reduces my chances of having grandchildren, it also seems un-natural to me to be aroused by a mans hairy ass but it would be his choice.

However, if he came to me claiming to be a woman and had the intention of chopping up his penis i would be very concerned about his mental health. The fact this now is portrayed in our media as somehow normal and acceptable is abhorrent to me.

Does this make it easier to understand?

As for the sexual orientation part its not mental health it just seems more natural.

Penis + Vagina = Creation of new life.
Penis + Anus = Nothing constructive and that's me putting it politely. Seems the human body had other ideas for these parts if you ask me.

You do not get it because you do not understand. If a person wants to change sex because it will make them happier, then what's the problem? I really do not see what all the fuss is about. It's their life, their choice, and if they are not hurting anyone, then what's the problem?

Saying that, a decision like that should not be made on someone who is a child, certainly not. But when they are at an age when they can decide for themselves, then so be it.

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Grenade

originally posted by: Jay-morris
a reply to: Grenade

Being gay is a sexual preference, not accepting your biological sex is a mental illness. I think a lot more good could be done with healthcare funding rather than mutilating people to satisfy their skewed image of themselves.

Sorry, but this is just wrong. If it is just a sexual preference, then why do a lot of gay couples stay together four years, just like heterosexual couples? So your statement I quoted does not make sense whatsoever.

So, it's a mental illness to fall in love and love someone of the same sex? That is just rediculas!

Yes, it is ridiculous, good job that's not what i was implying.

Being born with male genitals, hormones, chemistry, physiology then spending your life denying this biological fact IS a mental illness. Even more so when you start medicating, believing you are a member of the opposite sex, taking it even further we get to self mutilation which is what people really mean when they refer to "transitioning".

No, you are wrong! He'll is it denying!? If you were gay but in the closet, then you eould be denying your true feelings.

Denying has nothing to do with it. You are heterosexual you are attracted to women. You fall in love with women. Now imagine if you were gay, and thoughs same feeling , attraction, sex, love etc you only felt for men. Would you be "denying" who you are if you stayed in the closet? Of course you would!

So, you think that gay people should deny their true feeling, and basically live a lie, because of biology? It's absolutly rediculas!

Everyone deserves a right to be happy! As long as you are not hurting anyone, then what's the problem?

You think I am worried about my daughter being gay? My God! There are far more things to worry about regarding my daughter's future!

Child molesters
Child killers
Destruction of this planet through pollution
The constant wars we see around the world

I could go on and on! These are the things every parent should be worried about when it comes to the future of their children!

You really aren't reading my points.

There's a clear distinction between homosexuals and transsexuals.

One of them is attracted and aroused by members of the same sex. The other is denying their own biology.

I really can't simplify it anymore.



I realise homosexuals are ostracised within society, it's a shame that certain people can't accept your sexuality. However, when you are in denial about your own biology then you need psychological help.

I don't understand why homosexuals feel they need to defend transsexuals as if they are somehow connected. Agreed they both have a hard time being accepted and probably endure undue criticism.

However, biology in general is collectively exhaustive.

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Grenade
If my son tells me he's attracted to men then i'd have to accept that. I wouldn't love him any less and would support him in anyway i could. I would be disappointed as it reduces my chances of having grandchildren, it also seems un-natural to me to be aroused by a mans hairy ass but it would be his choice.

However, if he came to me claiming to be a woman and had the intention of chopping up his penis i would be very concerned about his mental health. The fact this now is portrayed in our media as somehow normal and acceptable is abhorrent to me.

Does this make it easier to understand?

As for the sexual orientation part its not mental health it just seems more natural.

Penis + Vagina = Creation of new life.
Penis + Anus = Nothing constructive and that's me putting it politely. Seems the human body had other ideas for these parts if you ask me.

You do not get it because you do not understand. If a person wants to change sex because it will make them happier, then what's the problem? I really do not see what all the fuss is about. It's their life, their choice, and if they are not hurting anyone, then what's the problem?

Saying that, a decision like that should not be made on someone who is a child, certainly not. But when they are at an age when they can decide for themselves, then so be it.

I choose to be a 9 foot tall chicken called Janine, should our NHS pay for whatever research and medical procedures are required to satisfy my needs and make me happy?

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Grenade
If my son tells me he's attracted to men then i'd have to accept that. I wouldn't love him any less and would support him in anyway i could. I would be disappointed as it reduces my chances of having grandchildren, it also seems un-natural to me to be aroused by a mans hairy ass but it would be his choice.

However, if he came to me claiming to be a woman and had the intention of chopping up his penis i would be very concerned about his mental health. The fact this now is portrayed in our media as somehow normal and acceptable is abhorrent to me.

Does this make it easier to understand?

As for the sexual orientation part its not mental health it just seems more natural.

Penis + Vagina = Creation of new life.
Penis + Anus = Nothing constructive and that's me putting it politely. Seems the human body had other ideas for these parts if you ask me.

You do not get it because you do not understand. If a person wants to change sex because it will make them happier, then what's the problem? I really do not see what all the fuss is about. It's their life, their choice, and if they are not hurting anyone, then what's the problem?

Saying that, a decision like that should not be made on someone who is a child, certainly not. But when they are at an age when they can decide for themselves, then so be it.

The problem is that changing from a man to a woman is outside the realms of possibility. No amount of hormones or surgery can change this fact. Fundamentally to teach our children otherwise is outrageous and dangerous.

As i said biology is collectively exhaustive..... unless you're a seahorse or a clown fish? Never know what people identify as.

We shouldn't pander to these delusions. We should give people the proper help they need.

When someone enters a doctor and states he wants to change his biological sex it might be an idea to let them in on the fact its not bloody possible.

Piss with the dick you're given so to speak.
edit on 22/4/19 by Grenade because: expanded

posted on Apr, 23 2019 @ 05:00 PM
TBH, I don't reckon that child abuse is any more common in the LGBT than it is anywhere else. If anything, it would probably make sense that people who are looking for child abuse in that community because they need a justification for their prejudice will make it their business to find more of it than they do anywhere else.

Is anyone really trying to prove there's a lot of child abuse in the straight community? Like specifically in the straight community? I doubt it.

posted on Apr, 24 2019 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
TBH, I don't reckon that child abuse is any more common in the LGBT than it is anywhere else. If anything, it would probably make sense that people who are looking for child abuse in that community because they need a justification for their prejudice will make it their business to find more of it than they do anywhere else.

Is anyone really trying to prove there's a lot of child abuse in the straight community? Like specifically in the straight community? I doubt it.

If we know the figures for reported child abuse and you work out the rates within the LGBT community then by proxy you can compare the two. I don't think it's a stretch to suggest people with mental illness and perverted sexual tendencies are more likely to exploit children.

But let's just give them a free pass, feeding the delusions of a mentally ill "transgender" person isn't doing any harm isn't that right?

The argument that there's no difference between men and women, that its all some kind of social construct is so ridiculous, so outrageous that i just can't accept anyone actually prescribes to this nonsense.

We have let a tiny little pressure group redefine our understanding of nature.

I have no problem with the LGB part but the T needs serious psychological help. I'd assume those members of the LGB community who are able to think for themselves would actually agree. Confusion about your sexual preferences and denial of your biological sex are two different things entirely. It's not even an argument.

posted on May, 29 2019 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Scifi2424

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Jay-morris

Your personal links to homosexuality have made you become defensive and take this personally.

Agreed, your anecdotal evidence and the majority of our experiences show homosexuals are 'normal' 'good' people as you say. But that is not what the studies are about.

This isn't an attack. It's an opportunity to learn.

I am sorry but the poster I was replying too said , and I quote "There is nothing healthy about the homosexual lifestyle.

Which is rubbish because he is putting all gay people in the same basket.

As for your reply, I am not being defensive! I am not saying there are no gay child abusers, because if course there is! What annoys me, are the idiots who somehow believe thst means all gay people are abusers, or have a terrible lifestyle, which is completely wrong!

They do have unhealthy lifestyles. Anal sex is the highest cause of HIV. Are you going to argue that?

So, you know all gay people and what they do sexually? You do understand that a lot of women like anal sex too? Next you will be saying that hiv is caused by gay people lololololololol

Hiv does mot give a crap if you are straight, gay, whatever! So stop acting like it does care!

Any disease transmitted by blood, given enough time will spread to the general population. AIDS or HIV was commonly known as GRID in America in the early stages of that disease. Through needles, bisexuals and militant infected homosexuals purposely donating blood changed the conversation from this being gay cancer to the more politically correct term, AIDS. I still call it GRID as homosexuals infected with HIV still outnumber other infection types by a huge percentage.

Homosexuals still lead the cause of GRID infections. Bug chasing, Gift giving, and other high risk activities by the homosexual community put us all in grave danger of some type of superbug being unleashed.

"HIV" doesn't care if you are straight or gay, you are correct. It seems Homosexuals knowing the dangers could care less as well. Both seem to be pure evil in their agendas..

So you do think hiv will get to us all, and it's all the fault of gay people! The millions of people around the world with hiv who are not gay, nor had male to male sex, it's still gay people's fault. What a stupid thing to say!

Why should it bother you anyway if gay people are getting hiv? You obviously hate gay people, so why should it bother you do much.

People lime you tend to be one of two things!

Closet gay, or religous nut! Which one are you?

LOL, well I have to be one or the other right? I mean that is how your crowd operates.

Everything I said is fact, its just that the truth hurts. Take offence if you will but Homosexuals are the leading cause of HIV transmission. Always have been and always will be.

posted on May, 29 2019 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Have you compared the stats to the abuse with 'supposedly' (who really knows?) heterosexual people? Up in the air stats. Who really knows people's deviations. Someone may just go crazy for some weird emotion, thought or repression one day.
edit on 15CDT08America/Chicago01880831 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

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