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Hidden statistics of child abuse (physical & sexual) in the LGBT community

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posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

Ask Lena Dunham who admitted to abusing her younger sister.

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 02:40 PM
Along these lines... I once read about a study which compared the prevalence of child abuse committed by biological parents versus step-parents. It was trying to find out if there was any truth to the stereotype of the Wicked Stepmother.

It turned out abuse by step-parents was massively more common, several times more likely than was abuse by a natural parent. And it really makes sense, because any parent will tell you (perhaps reluctantly) that dealing with someone else's kids just isn't the same. I've noticed that when you hear stories on the news about a child who was severely abused/killed, it seems like most of the time the culprit is described as being the mother's boyfriend -- which is functionally equivalent to a stepfather.
edit on 17-4-2019 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

when you understand what rape is [ legal deffinition ] - then it becomes obvious that penis not required

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Jay-morris

Your personal links to homosexuality have made you become defensive and take this personally.

Agreed, your anecdotal evidence and the majority of our experiences show homosexuals are 'normal' 'good' people as you say. But that is not what the studies are about.

This isn't an attack. It's an opportunity to learn.

I am sorry but the poster I was replying too said , and I quote "There is nothing healthy about the homosexual lifestyle.

Which is rubbish because he is putting all gay people in the same basket.

As for your reply, I am not being defensive! I am not saying there are no gay child abusers, because if course there is! What annoys me, are the idiots who somehow believe thst means all gay people are abusers, or have a terrible lifestyle, which is completely wrong!

They do have unhealthy lifestyles. Anal sex is the highest cause of HIV. Are you going to argue that?

So, you know all gay people and what they do sexually? You do understand that a lot of women like anal sex too? Next you will be saying that hiv is caused by gay people lololololololol

Hiv does mot give a crap if you are straight, gay, whatever! So stop acting like it does care!

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Jay-morris

Your personal links to homosexuality have made you become defensive and take this personally.

Agreed, your anecdotal evidence and the majority of our experiences show homosexuals are 'normal' 'good' people as you say. But that is not what the studies are about.

This isn't an attack. It's an opportunity to learn.

I am sorry but the poster I was replying too said , and I quote "There is nothing healthy about the homosexual lifestyle.

Which is rubbish because he is putting all gay people in the same basket.

As for your reply, I am not being defensive! I am not saying there are no gay child abusers, because if course there is! What annoys me, are the idiots who somehow believe thst means all gay people are abusers, or have a terrible lifestyle, which is completely wrong!

There is no such thing as gay.

Yes everyone who is gender confused is not normal and in the same basket.

Just because you choose to live with someone of the same gender or be intimate with them does not in any way alter your gender.....there is no such thing as gay....just people who want to force other people to accept and normalise their abnormal choices and behaviours.

Society on a Global scale will never recognise with equality and will never validate and engender this weird oddball choice.Children and procreation of our species is dependant upon that .

Small special interest groups when empowered fiscally politiclly and legally can wreak havoc on society which is what these groups of people have been USED TO DO.

No one cares what you do in your personal life....marriage is a societal safeguard for global humanity not a game for queers to play.

No you cannot get married and reap the rewards society chooses to provide to those supporting our future.Those laws have to be repealed fact ALL LAWS SURROUNDING THE ARTIFICIALLY PROPOGAYTED GENDER ARGUEMENT must be repealed.

The world is actively hunting baby killing cannibalistic people who have used the homosexual lesbian and child abusing groups as a weapon against global society....if you or your group is in any ways connected to anti-humanitarian activities you will be held accountable.

These gay and other oddball small special interest groups are deeply embedded in our EDUCATION SYSTEM AS TEACHERS and in our CIVIC POLITICS AREANA AS POLITICIANS....and in our Teenage Group Home support System...and in other tactically chosen areas of generic society.

The party is over.

What a complete idiot you are! I am guessing you are a religous freak?

So what are you saying? All gay peoe are child molesting cannibals?

You insulted threw religion upon label me a intentionally misrepresent my words.

There is no such thing as gay people...there are only people.

No special names no special groups and best of all no more special privileges.

Welcome to the real world where we love children more than delusional selfish adults.

You are not making any bloody sense! You say I insulted you, but it's ok for you to insult millions of people you do not even know!

Give it a rest! You will lose this debate!

He already won it.

How? By speaking in riddles? You are anti gay, so of cause you will agree with him, no matter what he says!

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

The government bears it out. Gay and bisexual men in the US still have the highest rates of infection across all groups. They're followed by IV drug users which is also a highly risky activity.

So, yes, people in all categories and groups can and do get HIV, but the fact remains that some behaviors are riskier than others when it comes to getting infected.

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Jay-morris

The government bears it out. Gay and bisexual men in the US still have the highest rates of infection across all groups. They're followed by IV drug users which is also a highly risky activity.

So, yes, people in all categories and groups can and do get HIV, but the fact remains that some behaviors are riskier than others when it comes to getting infected.

Yes we know that some things are more riskier when it comes to hiv. Different lifestyles and habits can give you more chance of getting cancer too!

But clearly the people I am debating on here are anti gay. Are you one of them?

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

If you mean someone who cares how you live your life? No. I'm not anti-gay. If you mean someone who is going to openly call you nasty things in public or treat you differently? No. I'm not anti-gay.

If you mean someone who thinks it's a normal, natural way to be? Sorry. I don't think it is.

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Jay-morris

If you mean someone who cares how you live your life? No. I'm not anti-gay. If you mean someone who is going to openly call you nasty things in public or treat you differently? No. I'm not anti-gay.

If you mean someone who thinks it's a normal, natural way to be? Sorry. I don't think it is.

So, why are people gay? Do you think they choose to be attracted to the same sex?

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:52 AM
Scary,, lots of mental health issues going on....

Sad part is the gay community can never reproduce so if a family has 1 son who is gay, their family name will never be continued to be passed on in the future.

And because of this increased acceptance, lots and lots of old school traditional American named will be forever gone

Zero progression,

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 05:05 AM

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Scary,, lots of mental health issues going on....

Sad part is the gay community can never reproduce so if a family has 1 son who is gay, their family name will never be continued to be passed on in the future.

And because of this increased acceptance, lots and lots of old school traditional American named will be forever gone

Zero progression,

So bring gay is a mental health issue lololololol And also effecting the world population lololol This is just too funny!

So what if your child is gay! You should not be worried about your family line being cut short! You should be making sure your child has the best start in life. Give them all your love and all the help they need.

If you cannot do that, then don't have children!

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

So, why are people gay? Do you think they choose to be attracted to the same sex?

Why are they gay?

Why are some people into BDSM?
Why are some people polygamous?
Why do some people like being defecated on?
Was that a choice or were they born that way?

Do they choose it? Some do, some do not. Just like most things relating to humans.
I personally know more gay people who claim it was a choice for them than not, along with providing reasons for the choice.
One guy was "I am just sick of women's bull#". For him sex with men was more convenient and easier to access than the hoops he had to jump through with women.
Some people, both men and women just need something they can stick their bits into or have stuck in them.
Doesn't matter what or who it is, as long as they get what they want.

Are they wrong because they're not the same type of gay as your siblings?

I swear some labels and terms like "Born this way" are just excuses to justify their actions to themselves and others.
It's not my fault, I had no say in it....... *rolls eyes*

I've said it before on ATS and I'll say it again.

We may not have a choice in how we are born. But we always have a choice in what we do with it.
But many people, especially supporters of so many so called 'minority' 'special interest' or 'oppressed' groups don't seem to like acknowledging that.

I'm held accountable for my actions. Everyone else should be too.

When, where and how I was born does not decide where my penis goes. I do.
Thought it would be the same for any sane, reasonable adult regardless of who they are.

Apparently not.
edit on 18-4-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: typos and words. more in their, there, they're no doubt.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Jay-morris

Your personal links to homosexuality have made you become defensive and take this personally.

Agreed, your anecdotal evidence and the majority of our experiences show homosexuals are 'normal' 'good' people as you say. But that is not what the studies are about.

This isn't an attack. It's an opportunity to learn.

I am sorry but the poster I was replying too said , and I quote "There is nothing healthy about the homosexual lifestyle.

Which is rubbish because he is putting all gay people in the same basket.

As for your reply, I am not being defensive! I am not saying there are no gay child abusers, because if course there is! What annoys me, are the idiots who somehow believe thst means all gay people are abusers, or have a terrible lifestyle, which is completely wrong!

They do have unhealthy lifestyles. Anal sex is the highest cause of HIV. Are you going to argue that?

So, you know all gay people and what they do sexually? You do understand that a lot of women like anal sex too? Next you will be saying that hiv is caused by gay people lololololololol

Hiv does mot give a crap if you are straight, gay, whatever! So stop acting like it does care!

Any disease transmitted by blood, given enough time will spread to the general population. AIDS or HIV was commonly known as GRID in America in the early stages of that disease. Through needles, bisexuals and militant infected homosexuals purposely donating blood changed the conversation from this being gay cancer to the more politically correct term, AIDS. I still call it GRID as homosexuals infected with HIV still outnumber other infection types by a huge percentage.

Homosexuals still lead the cause of GRID infections. Bug chasing, Gift giving, and other high risk activities by the homosexual community put us all in grave danger of some type of superbug being unleashed.

"HIV" doesn't care if you are straight or gay, you are correct. It seems Homosexuals knowing the dangers could care less as well. Both seem to be pure evil in their agendas..
edit on 18-4-2019 by Scifi2424 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 11:44 AM
Who said anything about world population?
Nothing wrong with supporting and loving your children.

I said I just find it sad when there is only 1 gay son and that family name is forever gone.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: AtomicKangaroo

originally posted by: Jay-morris

So, why are people gay? Do you think they choose to be attracted to the same sex?

Why are they gay?

Why are some people into BDSM?
Why are some people polygamous?
Why do some people like being defecated on?
Was that a choice or were they born that way?

Do they choose it? Some do, some do not. Just like most things relating to humans.
I personally know more gay people who claim it was a choice for them than not, along with providing reasons for the choice.
One guy was "I am just sick of women's bull#". For him sex with men was more convenient and easier to access than the hoops he had to jump through with women.
Some people, both men and women just need something they can stick their bits into or have stuck in them.
Doesn't matter what or who it is, as long as they get what they want.

Are they wrong because they're not the same type of gay as your siblings?

I swear some labels and terms like "Born this way" are just excuses to justify their actions to themselves and others.
It's not my fault, I had no say in it....... *rolls eyes*

I've said it before on ATS and I'll say it again.

We may not have a choice in how we are born. But we always have a choice in what we do with it.
But many people, especially supporters of so many so called 'minority' 'special interest' or 'oppressed' groups don't seem to like acknowledging that.

I'm held accountable for my actions. Everyone else should be too.

When, where and how I was born does not decide where my penis goes. I do.
Thought it would be the same for any sane, reasonable adult regardless of who they are.

Apparently not.

Even though your reasons for people you know choosing to be gay is quite rediculas, and stupid, you are completly missing the point. You think being gay is all about the sex, and just sick of women's parts? Seriously?

Are you saying gay men do not have normal relationships and fall in love, and have long term partners?

I know a lot of gay people, and not once have a met a gay person that chose to be gay. Do all these gay people in countries where it is forbidden choose to be gay for the fun of it? Sorry, but cannot take you seriously after that post!

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: Scifi2424

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Jay-morris

Your personal links to homosexuality have made you become defensive and take this personally.

Agreed, your anecdotal evidence and the majority of our experiences show homosexuals are 'normal' 'good' people as you say. But that is not what the studies are about.

This isn't an attack. It's an opportunity to learn.

I am sorry but the poster I was replying too said , and I quote "There is nothing healthy about the homosexual lifestyle.

Which is rubbish because he is putting all gay people in the same basket.

As for your reply, I am not being defensive! I am not saying there are no gay child abusers, because if course there is! What annoys me, are the idiots who somehow believe thst means all gay people are abusers, or have a terrible lifestyle, which is completely wrong!

They do have unhealthy lifestyles. Anal sex is the highest cause of HIV. Are you going to argue that?

So, you know all gay people and what they do sexually? You do understand that a lot of women like anal sex too? Next you will be saying that hiv is caused by gay people lololololololol

Hiv does mot give a crap if you are straight, gay, whatever! So stop acting like it does care!

Any disease transmitted by blood, given enough time will spread to the general population. AIDS or HIV was commonly known as GRID in America in the early stages of that disease. Through needles, bisexuals and militant infected homosexuals purposely donating blood changed the conversation from this being gay cancer to the more politically correct term, AIDS. I still call it GRID as homosexuals infected with HIV still outnumber other infection types by a huge percentage.

Homosexuals still lead the cause of GRID infections. Bug chasing, Gift giving, and other high risk activities by the homosexual community put us all in grave danger of some type of superbug being unleashed.

"HIV" doesn't care if you are straight or gay, you are correct. It seems Homosexuals knowing the dangers could care less as well. Both seem to be pure evil in their agendas..

So you do think hiv will get to us all, and it's all the fault of gay people! The millions of people around the world with hiv who are not gay, nor had male to male sex, it's still gay people's fault. What a stupid thing to say!

Why should it bother you anyway if gay people are getting hiv? You obviously hate gay people, so why should it bother you do much.

People lime you tend to be one of two things!

Closet gay, or religous nut! Which one are you?

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Who said anything about world population?
Nothing wrong with supporting and loving your children.

I said I just find it sad when there is only 1 gay son and that family name is forever gone.

Well, if that's the case, nothing can be done. If you have a kid that turns out to be gay, then they are gay. At least you still have a child. What about parents who lose their only child to a disease like cancer?

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 05:42 PM
Look at MIlo Yiannopoulos and George Takei. Vastly different ideologies, same experience at a young age.

Nature vs nurture plays a bigger role for some than many would like to believe.

posted on Apr, 18 2019 @ 11:30 PM
In Australia there is a school program.

It was promoted as an anti bullying program.

Safe Schools. It's creators are a homosexual pedophile and a lesbian from La trobe University.
The lesbians admitted it was a program to make children homosexual and transgender.

It's been very effective. The number of children turning trans has gone from about 8 per year, nation wide, to about 1000.

The program was linked to an online recourse.
One of those was ACON. An aids service.
It promoted finding homosexual hookups, sodomy and spoke of the excitement for men, of boys in school uniform.

Let's stop pretending that children are not groomed for homosexuality, it's the only way that homosexuals can increase their community get young meat. This has been admitted in one of their forums.
Child grooming takes place in many ways, it's something you have to look into to really understand it.

Girls often become lesbians or trans as a result of Child rape.

I've been watching a heap of trans videos, detransitioners, they all speak of trauma being a big factor in becoming trans. Also YouTube brand cult like attention from the trans community.

They are also ignored by the trans community if they detransition.

Let's not forget that trans really means a mental illness called gender identity disorder.

And people are treated like crap because they recover and return to mental health.

With the statistics for violence in the homosexual, I don't know how anyone can pretend that it's a lifestyle that should be promoted.

I read an article were a guy's says something like..... the act of sodomy is essentially violent, because it hurts and the anus isn't designed for that activity. So by their very nature, they are more violent in relationships.

That makes sense.

They also have a higher drug use, more involved in sadomasochistic activities and the highest rates o STDs.

Not very healthy at all.

Seriously they damage their anus's and become incontinent.

And poo is very germy. Hello?

And if you search 'sodomy mind control mkultra '
and have a good read, you quickly understand that sodomy is being promoted as a form of mass mind damage and control.

Sodomy is also practiced in Freemasonry and other occult groups, supposedly for enlightenment, but it's really for mind control.

And it's quite disgusting that homosexuals choose the life style, then demand to adopt other people's children. They demand heterosexuals cater to their inability to breed.

I'm pretty over it, as an agenda and I feel sorry for those that are caught up with it.

Our nation's are run by homosexual pedophiles.
The Lucifaran sick mongrels.

Pretty depressing. One of my FB friends has depression. Her therapist has convinced her she is trans. WTF?

The Lucifaran agenda

posted on Apr, 19 2019 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

I never said it was just about the sex, sorry if you got that impression, I only gave ONE reason for someone choosing to become homosexual out of many.

Although most 'relationships' are about sex at the end of the day, because sex is what elevates people from just friends or room mates to 'lovers'.
To deny there is a sexual aspect to it is naive imho.

Any way the main point was we all have a say in what we do with our lives and bodies. That has nothing to do with how we were born.
Be it the clothes we wear to the food we eat to the people we choose to get romantic with.

Every action I do is a choice. From who I have sexual (or intimate) relations with, to whether or not I buy or steal something.

I am not attracted to men, because I choose not to be. Yet I could right now choose to make out with a guy.

Everything we do once we're old enough to be self sufficient is a choice.

I'm at core poly-amorous. That does not mean I have to go and try to engage in multiple relationships at once.
I have a bit of self control and take responsibility for my actions, and I consider how they affect others.
I don't go out and act on every thought I have because I can excuse it with "I was born this way".

The only person that justifies anything to is myself.

If I have absolutely no control over my behavior, acted on every thought I had I would consider that I was mentally ill. Same for anyone else who lacked that control also regardless of what they identify as.

Maybe try harder to understand what people are trying to say to you. It seems you're just knee jerking because you know some gay people so you must automatically be offended if for no other reason than that.

Fact is anyone can be a pedophile. Even gay people.
Being gay does not magically make someone exempt from being human and doing things some humans are known to do.

Maybe stop taking this thread as an attack on your siblings, which it is not, put your personal feelings aside and focus on the subject matter at hand and the associated facts and nothing else.

I mean I could understand your reactions here if someone pointed out and specifically named the gay people in your life as pedophiles, but nobody did. You're the one who brought them up actually.

The topic is about if pedophilia is scientifically proven to be more likely to occur in certain sub-groups of society.
Not does being a gay pedophile make all gays pedophiles?

If the topic was "Are straight people more likely to abuse children? Report says 30% of heteros sexually abuse kids!"
I know I wouldn't be going
(Not that I know what they get up to while I am not looking, I can only assume what I do see is reality.)

But I would be concerned as to why so many hetero's are doing it, what can those figures teach us in preventing or ending it. How can we use those facts to better protect children.

Because protecting kids is a # load more important than protecting my feels.

What's more important to you?
edit on 19-4-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: added a line.

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