a reply to:
Bull#. Cops in other countries that don't carry guns deal with just as many dog owners everyday without issue or dead dogs.
The thread and the issue is cops shooting dogs in the US
so how are dogs going to be shot by cops with no guns in other countries and what comparisons are you trying to make?
Why is it our cops can't do the same? We don't have any different dogs here than they do in these places.
Isn't it obvious seeing as you said in other countries where cops don't carry guns dogs don't get shot.
Its quite simple isn't it
No guns, no dogs shot.
Why are you defending this?
maybe try reading what I said
here let me quote my exact words
In no way am I trying to defend the police force or the shooting they do of dogs, Just trying to point out the complexities involved.
We have factual evidence that this rampant pet slaughter isn't necessary as it's pretty much nonexistant most other places.
and there is too much evidence and explanations of why it happens so often in the US and is ignored.
The issues don't wont to be looked at and thought about, just posters want to scream cowards.
Numerous threads about many issues we face as humans are threads where posters can just release their hate for Muslims or cops that shoot dogs or
Democrats or Republicans, Trump, Hillary or Obama, etc etc.
Too many posts in this thread give me the impression its just one of those threads.
The only thing different between here and over seas is the cops so clearly the cops are the issue.
Its one of the main points of focus but the whole issue has many factors.
Population size, ratio of dogs to homes that are raided or attended by police on police business play a big role.
The amount of swat raids done in the US as pointed out in this thread are phenomenal.
The biggest joke is if someone where to kill a cop dog they'd be tried and convicted for killing an officer, but they kill our dogs it was just
So any old innocent citizen just one day will buy a gun to shoot a police dog for no apparent reason or are police dogs shots in the line of duty by
persons who would shot anyone who got in their way?
Why do cops go to a persons property which could lead to a pet being shot?
Too many questions can be asked, most don't want to and just point at cops.
Like i said persons like yourself don't want to look at the complexities involved and point your finger at one part, given its big part but still just
one part of the problem.
Politicians do this, its a great way to divide and not resolve anything but gain followers and people to pat you on the back because you share the
simplistic views of complex issues.
One poster makes mention in this thread about dog owners on the 1st page and is basically attacked and told to start another thread because this just
about cops shooting dogs,
That is idiotic if you really care about the issue, I am a hypocrite and have done the same numerous times as I have said, allowed emotion to take
over and be blinded to other things which play a part.
But not being able to change your perspective to try and gain knowledge of the bigger picture at play and doing the same crap and just screaming the
same thing over and over wont solve anything.
edit on 9-4-2019 by InhaleExhale because: spelling