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Should we have reparations to black folk?

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posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: blueman12

If we can identify the descendants of those that orchestrated the slave trade and take back the money they made from this human suffering then invest it in projects aimed at helping the people whom are the descendants' of the victims' of this vile trade AND also in the nations which were robbed of there people since those are also descendants of the family's whose loved one's, son's, daughter's, father's, mother's, bread winners and children were robbed of.

But whom is guilty, what if the descendants of the slave masters were also now the descendants of the slaves they kept.
Whom is white and whom is black.
Are we so shallow that we judge by the shade of a person's skin, racism goes both way's as does hatred and lack of understanding.

Were would we stop?.
Strip the wealth away from the nobility of Europe and compensate the descendants of the serf's whom there ancestors conquered, the slav's (whose name mean's slaves), the Serf's of Britain and Eira, the disinherited people's of the highland clans of Scotland, the many people whom were robbed by the countless invasion's enslavement's and thefts of human history.

There is actually only one person that can and will one day put this right - God - we just have to have faith.

The best we can do today is to try to make a better world for everyone's kid's, plant good seed's instead of evil one's and let those that sow evil reap it upon themselves.

edit on 2-4-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 07:30 PM
This whole concept is absurd on multiple levels.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: blueman12


Right after we finish paying reparations to the families of all of those who fought for their freedom.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK
a reply to: blueman12


Right after we finish paying reparations to the families of all of those who fought for their freedom.

Many of which were also black, so im not sure how they are gonna figure all that out.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Ummm...reparations for what...? mean that thing that didn’t happen to any of those seeking it...and happened hundreds of years ago...?

Perhaps everyone of every color and nationality should receive reparations...cause at some point in history everybody’s ancestors were enslaved by someone...

Holds out hand...

Give me some...cause...feels...


posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 08:01 PM
Does it come with repatriation? How many would take "reparations" (with provable ancestry) and move back to Africa? I'm not saying that's what I'm suggesting, but asking for reparations an then staying seems a little questionable in motives.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Considering the abject failure of Liberia, I'm going to guess not many would take that offer.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 08:18 PM
As a black man, I say we don't need reparations. Reparations won't fix the cultural rot that ails the black community today. If reparations ever happened, I'd open a luxury car and jewelry dealer. 90% of people would piss the money away and be right back to begging and complaining.

Yes, black folks have been denied opportunities, but even in spite of that, we were actually doing quite well as a community during segregation. We prospered because we were forced to compete, own businesses, and value education.

It wasn't until the 70s and the push for integration and government programs that you start to see the rot that has become characteristic of the black lower class.

Our 40 acres and a mule was never paid and unfortunately, I don't expect it to be paid. I just focus on taking care of myself and family. The problem is too many in the black community don't know the rules to the game for success in America now, so they flounder.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Money does not fix the damage already done. Generations have suffered the follow on effects of broken families, broken homes, broken education, PTSD, abuse, addictions etc etc
Giving money to those not directly affected will not change things. What will help is instead investing in things like infrastructure in the affected communities, education and support networks. Give a hand up, not a hand out - as we should to anyone who is down.

To any who think a hand up or welfare is not needed: We live in an age where AI will soon be replacing 99% of jobs. This is the final frontier, unlike in the past where there was another level after machines replaced factory workers, then computers replaced operators and accountants, the AI will replace everything. It is just a matter of time. So get used to a society where people, in general, don't do much but sit on their a$$ and code what little the AI can't initially do for itself. If you don't know how to code I recommend changing your views on welfare soon because this isn't possibly going to happen, it is already happening. I will be enjoying a chair at the table till the end thanks to my passion for computers and code, but I know even this chair will be gone soon.
edit on 2-4-2019 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-4-2019 by byteshertz because: typo

edit on 2-4-2019 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Let's start simple.

What reparations do you think would be fair, and why.

Very simple. Please respond.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 08:56 PM
My grandfather came to this country to work in the copper mines, after that, he bought some land with the money he saved and started a farm and produced food for the people of the towns around him. He never got rich, he barely survived. He was a Finn, not a black person. My father worked hard to make a living, so did my mother, so did I. My father was a POW and had a disability from serious injuries he had fighting in world war 2. He got little reimbursement for the lifelong pain he had from the shrapnal they could not take out of his body. None of us got rich. If a black person worked as hard as my father, two jobs plus the farm, they would have made just as much in our area. Why should we give a bonus for black people? If we did not export all the jobs overseas, we would have plenty of jobs for everyone working in factories. But no, Clinton and some other high ranking government officials decided to make this a consumer based society and they screwed up. Not everyone is a rocket scientist, Factories have lots of job openings for people not so smart. Now what do they do? They get disability checks or subsidized jobs and they cannot have a meaninful life, stuck on assistance.

Don't feel sorry for the Blacks, I do not think their ancestors got a good rap, but the blacks today could go out out and get a decent paying Factory job if they existed, working right along side white people. The Democrats were more towards getting China to build our stuff, but some Republicans also were too, congressmen who got rewarded for backing imports.

They talk about combatting global warming, if we made stuff here in America that lasted longer, it might be a little more expensive but our emissions are better than China's and if stuff was a little more expensive we would not buy all the crappy junk that plagues our landfills. But the global warming people say tax everything when we could cut consumption and create jobs for our people by making good stuff here.

More black people would have better jobs if we had more factories, so would more white people. We us workers are all in the same game. The rules do not apply to the elite, and the elite come up with some of the stupidest solutions sometimes. How is giving reparations going to help blacks, it will only stir up jealousy and hate from the white lower income people who with their ancestors in this country worked hard at their jobs for the good of the people and to make a living.

The only ones I feel need to be reimbursed, which they are, is the Native Americans because we stole their lands and shoved them onto reservations and continue to rip them off by digging under their reservations to get minerals or run over their land with pipelines. They deserve their money, the Blacks are just like us, brought over here to work and fight wars. Rich kids usually did not have to fight in wars, they got stationed in areas that usually got little action or got off because they had money for college. In this country all citizens are supposed to be equal, how is giving black people money going to make the common white worker feel, people who destroy their body every day trying to make a living. Not all the slaves were treated badly, and not all white people those days were treated good either, everyone had to work hard to make ends meet just as many of Americans these days do.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: YouSir

Yup.. generalization defeats all arguments... What.. Palestinians are being oppressed during peraceful demonstrations? Well, Hitler did much more damage against jews, so your argument is nill!

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: sine.nomine

I don't. I think reparations would be hard to calculate, pass in law, and further more, be able to justify in the public domain.

Sorry you didn't read my OP.....

I would argue that it is too late to enact reparations and that the only thing we can do is to enforce non-discrimination. Reparations should have happened long ago, and it's pretty damn hard to enact them now. Maybe something could be done, but it's way too hard in this lifetime. Only a utopian society could do something about it IMO.
edit on 2-4-2019 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: blueman12

I did read your OP, and your deflections are exhausting.
edit on 2-4-2019 by sine.nomine because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine
a reply to: blueman12

I did read your OP, and your deflections are exhausting.

Then don't respond to me... And don't pretend im for reparations... honestly.. what are you trying to achieve other than provoking me to play devil's advocate?

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: byteshertz

Yes.. invest in poor communites, which in some cases are heavily black communities. Look at Chicago. Nothing is being invested in the south side (mostly black) communities. Where gangs and criminal activity are heavy. Hospitals are many miles away.

The best thing we could do for reparations would be to invest in black communities. Just my opinion though..

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Shouldn't the muslims make reparations to whites, blacks and east/south asians for the 650 million they murdered? Every race, religion and culture has enslaved other people. We're all in the same boat, because now, we're all enentured slaves to the banking cartels, shouldn't the banking cartels pay all of us reparations?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 09:13 PM
I'm not in the least bit rascist, But NO our generations are not responsible and as a matter of fact If you look at it from a non bias stand point it actually helped their race as horrible as it sounds look at the African Americans from America compared to other countries .

Excuse any mistakes I'm on a phone .

Again not Rascist I've got many colors of friends .
edit on 4/2/2019 by Gargoyle91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: JinMI

So in fairness to equality, does this extend to any other race?


Race? Adam got screwed over by Eve first. Men deserve reparations for every year since we were cast out of Eden. Pay up ladies.

posted on Apr, 2 2019 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: sine.nomine
a reply to: blueman12

I did read your OP, and your deflections are exhausting.

Then don't respond to me... And don't pretend im for reparations... honestly.. what are you trying to achieve other than provoking me to play devil's advocate?

It's your thread...

And did I come off as provoking? I thought I was being quite polite and reasonable.

Anything to add to the actual point of your thread? Tell me, please: what do I owe? If there's no answer, then there is no debate on reparations. Period.

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