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Could Magnetic Bacteria Hold The Key To Experiancers?

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posted on Apr, 9 2019 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: pigsy2400

There is also the magnetic tape principal. Magnetic tapes are a memory. Tape heads on the drives are used to record and playback information.

Cooking cells with microwave radiation is a very primitive and violent thing that destroys.

To read, erase and record has much more finesse. Simply the next step.


Some food for thought Gizmodo - Storing more data on a magnetic tape.
edit on 9-4-2019 by AlanHenderson because: Added afterthought

posted on Apr, 10 2019 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: AlanHenderson

In one of the OP in this thread I did highlight that there has been significant work to utilise these bacteria for the creation of Biological Hard drives;

Hard drives store data on discs coated with a metallic film divided into tiny magnetic regions, each of which stores a single bit – the more regions you can squeeze on to a disc, the bigger the capacity. Now, a team at the University of Leeds, UK, have borrowed a trick from nature to build a new kind of hard drive.

Certain strains of bacteria absorb iron to make magnetic nano-particles that let them navigate using the Earth’s magnetic field. The team have extracted the protein behind this process and used it to create magnetic patterns that can store data. “We’re using and abusing nature because it’s had billions of years to do all of its experiments through evolution, so there is almost no point in us starting from scratch,” says Sarah Staniland, who led the research (Small, vol 8, p 204).

Biological Wires;

Biological wires Besides using microorganisms to produce magnets, the researchers also managed to create tiny electrical wires from living organisms. They created nano-scale tubes made from the membrane of cells, grown in a lab-controlled environment with the help of a protein present in human lipid molecules. A membrane is a biological film-like "wall" that separates a cell's interior from the outside environment.

Such tubes could in future be used as microscopic bio-engineered wires, capable of transferring information - just like cells do in our bodies - inside a computer, Dr Masayoshi Tanaka from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology told the BBC. "These biological wires can have electrical resistance and can transfer information from one set of cells inside a bio-computer to all the other cells," he said.

Besides computers, such biological wires could even be used in future for human surgery because they are highly biocompatible, Dr Tanaka added. "Various tiny wires have been already developed all over the world, but the biocompatibility is still problematic," he said. "The fabricated nano-wires in this study were covered with components of cell membrane, so theoretically they are highly biocompatible."

posted on Apr, 10 2019 @ 07:40 AM
of interest regarding magnetism... when you see some of the real craft, if you use a compass it will perceive the craft as magnetic north and will override the normal function. When people get called out to see a craft it is because the human brain responds to the magnetic frequency communication between the craft and individual. a reply to: pigsy2400

posted on Apr, 10 2019 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

Yeah you did too pigsy : )

Funny how things bubble about inside your head an re-emerge later.

What it connected to was the idea of magnetic memory storage within organic organisms such as a human being. Also mentioned previously here.

Not a stretch of the imagination to conceive a contraption that acts as a tape head to read the body's memory.

Trauma has been a long time interest for me and I am comming to the conclusion that trauma is located/stored in that memory like tree rings.

Though traumas pass over into the (physical body-less) afterlife so not limited to the magnetic.

To erase traumas from the body while alive might be a good thing. Radionics might do that erasure. Children would be easiest.

One may also meet The Dweller On The Threshold of occult lore. The "magnetic body" seems to exist with it's own "negative" consciousness and is very much like the "Dweller" description of Rudolph Steiner.

I know what I say here is not science, but following this line of research seems to be bringing "spiritual concepts" closer to earth one might say.

That the Dweller can be located and prior to death is very interesting. If it indeed resides as a temporary consciousness in the "magnetic body" and can be spoken with, many things can be learned.

I met "someone" today that appears to be the Dweller. That would have to be verified independantly of course. But interesting for me.

a reply to: tilopahogan

edit on 10-4-2019 by AlanHenderson because: Added second reply

posted on Apr, 10 2019 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: AlanHenderson

This is what I find interesting about subjects such as this. There are certain words, terms or meanings that "sometimes" allude to the same thing, the actual word is just what the person who is looking at it translates it to based on their belief system.

A Scientist, a philosopher, a shaman, a cult member, a priest all walk into a bar
....all of these and more are very likely in my opinion to look at the same thing and give it a different name or term. I think this becomes even more obvious when you look at the core group of people that have been involved in "paranormal / parapsychology" over the last 50 odd years. They simply see things through the pair of glasses that they wear.

Djinns, Aliens, Demons, Spectras, Ghosts......all most and likely the same thing.

The only thing that differs and I might add; differs greatly is what the core foundation of belief that dictates how they translate what they see.

Magnetic particles in the brain? To a neuro-scientist it could be the link to how the brain interprets EMF and used as a carrier of drugs to beat cancer, to a defense contractor; how it can be utilized to gain a military advantage, to a new age follower; it could be the key to consciousnesses, to a psychiatrist it could be the signs of madness....

All depends on the pair of glasses you wear, I like to try them all on, looking at things from all manner of perspectives really helps to gain a greater understanding.

As for being "enlightened" - so what? if you did achieve "enlightenment" and knew all there was to know...what would you do with it? I think it would be kind of boring

edit on p59954192400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2019 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: pigsy2400

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet?

his is what I find interesting about subjects such as this. There are certain words, terms or meanings that "sometimes" allude to the same thing, the actual word is just what the person who is looking at it translates it to based on their belief system. 

A Scientist, a philosopher, a shaman, a cult member, a priest all walk into a bar 

....all of these and more are very likely in my opinion to look at the same thing and give it a different name or term. I think this becomes even more obvious when you look at the core group of people that have been involved in "paranormal / parapsychology" over the last 50 odd years. They simply see things through the pair of glasses that they wear.

They do . . . .

It is frustrating trying to translate one philosophy into another, they have so much baggage and put everything on exalted pedestals on planes of existance high above, or deep below.

The bar . . . They would all try to kill each other and perhaps end up as friends. The men would become friends, the women would perhaps go a step further. Alcohol is a wonderful civilising thing ; )

Djinns, Aliens, Demons, Spectras, Ghosts......all most and likely the same thing. 

The are a lot of people who would agree there, me too to a degree.

The word "phenomenon" as is used in UFO circles and ATS (investigating skinwalker for example) is a catchall applied to a lot of things. Perhaps out of not having a clear idea of what it is and is not.

The "phenomenon" expresses itself in various ways and seems to have a mind of it's own.

It may not be physical like we are, yet is very close to us. If we can develop the tools and language to understand it free of religeon . . . .

The only thing that differs and I might add; differs greatly is what the core foundation of belief that dictates how they translate what they see.

Magnetic particles in the brain? To a neuro-scientist it could be the link to how the brain interprets EMF and used as a carrier of drugs to beat cancer, to a defense contractor; how it can be utilized to gain a military advantage, to a new age follower; it could be the key to consciousnesses, to a psychiatrist it could be the signs of madness.... 

All depends on the pair of glasses you wear, I like to try them all on, looking at things from all manner of perspectives really helps to gain a greater understanding.

Exactly : )

posted on Apr, 12 2019 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: pigsy2400
...there are some areas that do seem to come full circle in some respects.

That however, maybe me connecting dots where none exist, but if the cap fits....

If you are connecting dots where none exist, you would by no means be the first, and in actuality, in excellent and esteemed company. These debates have been going on for a couple of millenia at least and it has created numerous pathways of technological discovery, as well as a good many deviations that have led to dead-ends and fantastical but ultimately unproveable claims. Leaps of faith can go either way. Sometimes those that fail, pretend to have succeeded to save face or they may delude themselves into thinking they have succeeded, or find that the belief of others is retained despite the failure of "proof". We can all stand on the shoulders of giants to improve our view but in doing so we have to accept the that the giant's perspective may have been flawed due to the context under which they were looking.

The circle has been going around for centuries, in the course of these rotations though we have been consistently improving our ability to make visible those activities of the system which are usually invisible to us for whatever reason. It appears to me that sometimes such discoveries are an unintended consequence of other technological developments or simply the act of observation highlighting the presence of other observables.

This seems to be very much what we do. We look, then we look further.

Attracting military funding for outlandish hypothese with little chance of success of being of utilitarian or implementable value I should imagine has more to do with fooling some of the people some of the time. It's a gamble that may pay off for both sides. The drive to streamline and improve the conflict experience of service people attracts funding and is considered a priority because PTSD is expensive, as are field injuries. A great deal of money is invested in creating a soldier, traumatic injuries both physical and psychological can not only cut short the service time, and hence the return on that investment, but also create costs in terms of treatment and restorative care. DARPA seem to be, from all angles perhaps, interested in exploiting that need for streamlining of conflict situations, from crowd control to narrative disruption to brain implants for instantaneous communication. In doing so, I suspect, they have recognised a number of correlations in terms of human behaviour which has further dictated the proposals that they are producing for further research. Fortunately they are not the only ones, and thankfully not everyone is motivated by what motivates the US DoD.

posted on Apr, 12 2019 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

thankfully not everyone is motivated by what motivates the US DoD.

amen to that!

sometimes such discoveries are an unintended consequence of other technological developments

Other people that lurk in well known forests have speculated this KG, mostly that some aspects of understanding of the phenomena simply cannot be disclosed due the medium/technology that was used that is classified at the highest levels that exposed / or interfered with the phenomena.

In terms of if I am on the right track,I am certain that electromagnetism and EMF can have dramatic effects on human biology and behavior from some of the things I have experienced personally and from my time looking into some of these projects that DARPA is doing, along with nearly all encounters of high strangeness and the patterns that emerge from those encounters. Patterns including static in the air, local to experimental/classified radar systems and perhaps other sources of magnetic fields; natural or artificial.

EMF and EM are parts of the puzzle, which idea, but that's part of the fun in trying to figure it out

posted on Apr, 12 2019 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: pigsy2400
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

thankfully not everyone is motivated by what motivates the US DoD.

amen to that!

sometimes such discoveries are an unintended consequence of other technological developments

Other people that lurk in well known forests have speculated this KG, mostly that some aspects of understanding of the phenomena simply cannot be disclosed due the medium/technology that was used that is classified at the highest levels that exposed / or interfered with the phenomena.

In terms of if I am on the right track,I am certain that electromagnetism and EMF can have dramatic effects on human biology and behavior from some of the things I have experienced personally and from my time looking into some of these projects that DARPA is doing, along with nearly all encounters of high strangeness and the patterns that emerge from those encounters. Patterns including static in the air, local to experimental/classified radar systems and perhaps other sources of magnetic fields; natural or artificial.

EMF and EM are parts of the puzzle, which idea, but that's part of the fun in trying to figure it out

Perhaps to just summarise;

Mankind --- EM & EMF --- The Phenomenon

EM & EMF as the common ground in a technological age.

Then it follows that, speculatively speaking;

EM & EMF as a type of interface between human and "phenomenon". Temples in the ancient times as a different type of interface with the "phenomenon".

If so, then it follows that family lines who have a well developed symbiotic relationship with their bacteria may be the Oracles of ancient times.

EM & EMF might just also the same as poking the sleeping dragon as a potential outcome . . .

The secrecy may just be curcumstantial with the children playing in a certain forrest. Children do, on occassion, throw a rock at the wrong tree which happens to be home to something unexpected.

edit on 12-4-2019 by AlanHenderson because: Neatness

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: AlanHenderson

To summarise your summary; theres more than one way to skin a cat / skin a Skinwalker

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

Gawd pigsy, that is appalling.

More than one way?

Maybe, even dowsing has been described as a "magnetic sense".

"Horses for courses?"

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: AlanHenderson

Apologies, it's an English saying, I do not condone the skinning of cats 😁

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

: ) no probs. It is used in Oz too.

I just have to be careful of who's watching the pictures in my head. ; )

Some "folks" can watch TV with you that way (seriously). It takes getting used to.

But this is besides the point, which is working out how it works. Which is why I am so interested in what you guys are digging up about the magneto-bacteria. The principals seem to work and it does make it easier to intellegently understand my own "oddities" and work with "them".

edit on 13-4-2019 by AlanHenderson because: Enlarged

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 08:04 AM
DARPA program; RadioBio;

What role does electromagnetic signaling have in biological systems?

New program to explore whether electromagnetic waves are purposefully transmitted and received within or between cells and, if so, to leverage those insights not just for biosystems but also for communicating in cluttered electromagnetic environments

For decades scientists have wondered whether electromagnetic waves might play a role in intra- and inter-cell signaling. Researchers have suggested since the 1960s, for example, that terahertz frequencies emanate from cell membranes, but they’ve lacked the technology and tools to conduct reproducible experiments that could prove whether electromagnetic waves constitute purposeful signals for biological function—or if they’re merely background noise. With recent advances in technology and modeling, experiments may now be possible to test signaling hypotheses.

DARPA’s RadioBio program, announced today, seeks to establish if purposeful electromagnetic wave signaling between biological cells exists—and if evidence supports that it does, to determine what information is being transferred. The validity of existing and new electromagnetic biosignaling claims requires an understanding of how the structure and function of microscopic, natural antennas are capable of generating and receiving information in a noisy spectral environment.

“There are many complex interactions within and between cells, so determining if electromagnetic waves, which could be low or high frequencies, somehow play a role in transmitting and receiving meaningful signals through what might be an ion-rich, aqueous solution is a significant challenge,” said Mike Fiddy, DARPA program manager. “If we can prove that purposeful signaling is happening, the next step would be to discover how the process works. This insight could eventually lead to a broad range of technologies important in biology as well as new small antenna designs, and other innovative concepts for communication systems in ever increasing cluttered electromagnetic environments.”

Looks like it is rolling out in phases;

The program envisions two, 24-month phases. During Phase 1, performers will be asked to theoretically model and simulate hypothesized electromagnetic signaling pathways and then experimentally test those theoretical predictions. In Phase 2, the goal would be to independently develop test beds to replicate, confirm and demonstrate the pathways modeled in Phase 1 and reveal design principles potentially relevant to biological or other applications.

“One of the greatest challenges of the program will be to develop theoretical and numerical models that can describe the properties of near-field, time-varying, sub-wavelength-size biological structures that function as antennas,” Fiddy said. “To overcome such difficulties, RadioBio seeks expertise in antenna design, theoretical and structural biology, biochemistry and other related disciplines.”

Signalling between cells, our old friend Thz and antennas(though not possibly how we translate that term)
edit on p06852192400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2019 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: AlanHenderson
If so, then it follows that family lines who have a well developed symbiotic relationship with their bacteria may be the Oracles of ancient times.

I realise you've popped off for the time being but you're making a common misconception that is worth clarifying for the sake of the discussion, an oracle wasn't usually a person. It could in fact be many things but was usually associated with a place, and sometimes that place had an intermediary that was human, but at others it did not and even then the human was not the oracle just the translator of the oracle or deliverer of the message. Oracles were seldom prophets, but prophets and seers did consult oracular devices at times, depends on the when and where.

I don't know of any evidence that prophecy was considered an inherited trait in the Ancient world, but priesthoods most definately were.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

An old yet interesting thread. I might be able to suggest something on 'oracles'.

usually associated with a place, and sometimes that place had an intermediary that was human, but at others it did not and even then the human was not the oracle just the translator of the oracle or deliverer of the message. Oracles were seldom prophets, but prophets and seers did consult oracular devices at times, depends on the when and where.

Yeah, the person as the intermediary, and the genius loci or possessing spirit as the true Oracle.

I spose it depends on how you use the word and how far back in history you go.

In recent times, occultists used young girls as "trance oracles" according to Dark Journalist's Alice in CERN report. I know the Rosicrucians still have the young ladies in their temples - a very honoured position.

Go back to the old Kingdom in Ancient Egypt, and it was different. Back then jobs like "oracle" and "ferrying the dead" were just jobs. If you knew how to 'ferry the dead' for instance, the spirits cast a glamour and gave you an Anubis head so the dead would recognise what you did.

That is all in the memories of the Egyptian Fae, and probably not in the human history.

Back then before the new kingdom, the Fae lived within (some? most?) people's internal organs (those within the mesentery) and the Fae was the "oracle in residence".

My educated guess is that this principle applied across all the gods of the old kingdom depicted as a human wearing a 'head' of something else. Not one Anubis, but lots. Like the work of Baker, Shoemaker, Anubis, Nurse, etc..

To become the god; do the work of the god. That was the principal as I understand it

This all changed when the new kingdom was ushered in.

My history of Ancient Egypt is not scholarly, but I can talk to the Fae sometimes.

edit on 5-2-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
a reply to: pigsy2400

Could this explain the injuries sustained by John Burroughs from the Rendelsham Forest Incident? 

The question is what would Dr Green and company say about it?

A better question would be how magnetic bactetia broke the branches off of the trees or creates the triangular indents in the ground.

Landing traces automatically debunk mind trips as a cause of some encounters.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: pigsy2400
a reply to: AlanHenderson

Apologies, it's an English saying, I do not condone the skinning of cats 😁

Though it is an empirical fact that there are indeed many ways to do it.

posted on Feb, 5 2021 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

That's mean . . .

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Hmmmm. Calling Pigs.....

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