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Michigan will no longer fund adoption agencies that reject LGBT parents

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posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 01:08 PM
Good move Michigan. More opportunities for orphaned kids to get loving homes:

Michigan will no longer fund adoption agencies that turn away parents who are LGBT because of religious objections, a move that was part of the terms of a legal settlement announced Friday.

Michigan’s settlement was between the state’s attorney general, Dana Nessel, and the American Civil Liberties Union, which sued in 2017 on behalf of two lesbian couples. In the lawsuit, one of the couples — Kristy and Dana Dumont of Dimondale — alleged that they were turned away from Catholic Charities and Bethany Christian Services because they are gay. Those two agencies, according to the Associated Press, were on average doing 25 to 30 percent of the state’s foster-care adoptions as of 2015.


I really don't get the religious right in this country. You oppose abortion, insist on bringing babies in this world yet your voting base supports:

cuts to family welfare programs
education cuts
Birth control restrictions
and same sexed family adoptions.

ALL of the above help limit the abortion rate?

I mean studies are clear on the matter of gay family adoptions. Kids fair the same from those family adoptions so what's the issue I wonder?

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 01:18 PM
As a conservative I happen to agree with this move. As long as the parents can be deemed acceptable from a financial, emotional, lifestyle (meaning not partying every night), and supportive nature, who the heck cares what gender they love. The needs of the child should be first and foremost in these situations.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 01:20 PM
Good for them
Gives the kids more chance of a healthy happy upbringing.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: Krakatoa
As a conservative I happen to agree with this move. As long as the parents can be deemed acceptable from a financial, emotional, lifestyle (meaning not partying every night), and supportive nature, who the heck cares what gender they love. The needs of the child should be first and foremost in these situations.

That's very positive to hear. I know of a lot of conservatives that actually support same sex adoptions. I feel there's a major change going on in view of this and it's positive. There are 1000's of kids out there in need of loving homes. Many of these kids are here in place of the abortion option by their mothers, which i think is positive. We shouldn't be restricting their opportunities to gaining loving family homes.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 01:34 PM
I will go ahead and say it. Historically speaking, sexual deviants have been or will be pedophiles when given the opportunity. Statistics are played with on both sides of the issue. For me every homosexual (lesbian or gay man) I have ever known personally (on an actual friendship level) was definitely molested by an adult they trusted when they were children.

This was when I was in my early 20's so maybe things have changed, but I doubt it. Also I noticed (especially with the lesbians I knew) that they loved getting with younger under 18 girls. Absolutely loved it and were proud of it. I suppose because no one really cared in a moral sense or something. I have no idea.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: Fools
I will go ahead and say it. Historically speaking, sexual deviants have been or will be pedophiles when given the opportunity. Statistics are played with on both sides of the issue. For me every homosexual (lesbian or gay man) I have ever known personally (on an actual friendship level) was definitely molested by an adult they trusted when they were children.

This was when I was in my early 20's so maybe things have changed, but I doubt it. Also I noticed (especially with the lesbians I knew) that they loved getting with younger under 18 girls. Absolutely loved it and were proud of it. I suppose because no one really cared in a moral sense or something. I have no idea.

Then you seem to hang out with the wrong kind of friends. Perhaps you need to reassess your social circle. I have LGBT+ people in my family and social circle too, and not one of them behave in that manner. In fact, I would guess that type of behavior would come out as part of the normal interview process regardless of sexual preferences.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Fools
I will go ahead and say it. Historically speaking, sexual deviants have been or will be pedophiles when given the opportunity. Statistics are played with on both sides of the issue. For me every homosexual (lesbian or gay man) I have ever known personally (on an actual friendship level) was definitely molested by an adult they trusted when they were children.

This was when I was in my early 20's so maybe things have changed, but I doubt it. Also I noticed (especially with the lesbians I knew) that they loved getting with younger under 18 girls. Absolutely loved it and were proud of it. I suppose because no one really cared in a moral sense or something. I have no idea.

First of all, homosexuality isn't sexual deviancy. It is their nature. And the reason in the past that there may have appeared to be a significant number of pedophiles among the homosexual community (even though those numbers are themselves exaggerated) is because of the way our society categorized homosexuality itself as a deviancy and something wrong that needed to be cured. When you don't allow a sexually maturing young person to be what their nature is then their sexual maturity will be stunted at that young age and those will be the same aged partners they will identify with and seek out when they physically, but not mentally, mature into adulthood. The pedophilia spectrum is vast, but this scenario is a major reason why a lot of pedophiles are they way they are.

The more homosexuality is accepted in society the less we will see the phenomena of homosexual pedophiles.

As for the O.P. I couldn't applaud this news enough. It is far past due to get these children out of hands of the state and into the homes of two loving parents. This is a win for the children, homosexuals and society at large.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 02:15 PM
I don't necessarily have an issue with gay adoption (in general). I actually live in a very liberal community and it is fairly normal to see gay couples and even those that have children. We also have a lot of interracial marriages along with interracial adoption (white parents with black kids, etc).

Wife and I applied and were approved to adopt, but didn't go through with it because we lucked out with a successful pregnancy after thinking it would never happen.

Anyway, the point is adoption is different because there are legal and liability issues. Also, the child is being placed in the best home for the child. The parents wants and needs are really secondary.

I think where some conservative minded people have an issue is that the spectrum of homosexuality is very diverse. Many of my gay neighbors appear to be pretty normal. In fact, most don't "look gay" or have overtly gay mannerisms. I mean living in a big city, my gaydar is pretty accurate, but the vast majority from the lesbians to the gay guys appear to live relatively normal and boring lives.

On the other hand, you also get the homosexuals who take it to another level - drag queens, the bear and twiggy effeminate guys, the sashaying flamboyant types, etc. I think this is where a lot of people start kind of raising their eyebrows when they hear about "gay adoption".

I think the jury is still out if gay parents actually affect the children. I don't know that we have enough data and time to really know accurately beyond anecdotal evidence arguing both for and against.

We know a loving two parent household is critical for child development. We also know that single parent homes are highly correlated with raising screw ups. It stands to reason that there has to be some affect when both parents are the same sex. We just don't know how much yet.

Time will tell. All things considered, I am generally supportive as I think two dads is better than no dads from the data I've seen both empirically and with my own eyes. The question for me is if two dads is equivalent to mom and dad. I'm inclined to think not, but can't say for sure.
edit on 23-3-2019 by Edumakated because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 02:23 PM
Basically pedophilia is ok when it is homosexual pedophilia.

The more homosexuality is accepted in society the less we will see the phenomena of homosexual pedophiles.

That must be why a transgender activist MUST be allowed to read books to small children in a classroom setting about "sexuality". And then of course when he is found to be a person that has an actual history of child abuse we MUST ignore it because a certain political class says so. Because well, it's just mean to make fun of the tranny and whatever.

Seems to me these days that some people want any sort of sexual perversion accepted as normal behavior. Well except straight marriage. That is abnormal.

The road to total collapse is often foretold by a complete femenization of the rulling class (and those under it trying to mimic it for whatever reason.) The United States and pretty much all of the "western" civ type nations are doomed and this weird attitude about pedophilia and whom will do the largest amount of it are really just OK and NORMAL people is the big fat black swan that everyone wants to pretend is actually some sort of tiny peaceful dove.

I give the west 100 years tops - unless attitudes dramatically change.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Krakatoa

originally posted by: Fools
I will go ahead and say it. Historically speaking, sexual deviants have been or will be pedophiles when given the opportunity. Statistics are played with on both sides of the issue. For me every homosexual (lesbian or gay man) I have ever known personally (on an actual friendship level) was definitely molested by an adult they trusted when they were children.

This was when I was in my early 20's so maybe things have changed, but I doubt it. Also I noticed (especially with the lesbians I knew) that they loved getting with younger under 18 girls. Absolutely loved it and were proud of it. I suppose because no one really cared in a moral sense or something. I have no idea.

Then you seem to hang out with the wrong kind of friends. Perhaps you need to reassess your social circle. I have LGBT+ people in my family and social circle too, and not one of them behave in that manner. In fact, I would guess that type of behavior would come out as part of the normal interview process regardless of sexual preferences.

By your standard then - as soon as we accept that many Catholic priests are just pedophiles, they will stop being pedophiles. Absolutely brilliant.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 02:40 PM
I know two different lesbian couples that got a kid, then they broke up and argued over the kid a lot. Now that they can legally marry, I suppose that will be easier to deal with in court. That is only two instances though, You cannot use that to judge couples, but in the case of a guy and girl, it is easier for the judge to say the kid goes with the woman. It used to be that usually the kid was better off with the mother, but not these days, I see lots of kids being taken away from the mother these days, drugs are a major problem now.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: Fools
Basically pedophilia is ok when it is homosexual pedophilia.

The more homosexuality is accepted in society the less we will see the phenomena of homosexual pedophiles.

That must be why a transgender activist MUST be allowed to read books to small children in a classroom setting about "sexuality". And then of course when he is found to be a person that has an actual history of child abuse we MUST ignore it because a certain political class says so. Because well, it's just mean to make fun of the tranny and whatever.

Seems to me these days that some people want any sort of sexual perversion accepted as normal behavior. Well except straight marriage. That is abnormal.

The road to total collapse is often foretold by a complete femenization of the rulling class (and those under it trying to mimic it for whatever reason.) The United States and pretty much all of the "western" civ type nations are doomed and this weird attitude about pedophilia and whom will do the largest amount of it are really just OK and NORMAL people is the big fat black swan that everyone wants to pretend is actually some sort of tiny peaceful dove.

I give the west 100 years tops - unless attitudes dramatically change.

How in the heck did you manage to twist this good news into hating on the drag community?

I hope some attitudes change dramatically right away, starting with yours.

You are taking one bad case and applying it to the entire drag community, as usual. Drag queens are not all homosexual, many are heterosexual with children of their own. The books they were reading were not sexual they were about diversity, so stop twisting facts. If you see a big fat black swan, that is because you want to see a big fat black swan.

To OP:

Anyway, good news and small baby steps forward for LGBTQ people's rights. Also, those religious folk need to learn the difference from perverted behaviour in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah) and the behaviour of a loving homosexual couple - totally two different behaviours.
edit on 13CDT02America/Chicago05720231 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 03:07 PM
When I read this, my first thought was, "Why was Catholic Charities receiving state funding anyway?" (And the other religious charity too; I just happened to already be slightly familiar with Catholic Charities.) I guess I'm ignorant of how these things work, but I wasn't aware that religious charities like this got state funds.

I'm a big fan of religious freedom, and I think they absolutely should be free to deny adoptions to same-sex couples if that violates their religious beliefs (and some branches of Christianity are accepting of homosexuality, the stance varies from denomination to denomination.)

However, they certainly shouldn't be receiving state funding if that's the case. (I'd argue that religious organizations shouldn't be receiving state funding at all, but that's another topic of conversation.)

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: Fools
Basically pedophilia is ok when it is homosexual pedophilia.

The more homosexuality is accepted in society the less we will see the phenomena of homosexual pedophiles.

That must be why a transgender activist MUST be allowed to read books to small children in a classroom setting about "sexuality". And then of course when he is found to be a person that has an actual history of child abuse we MUST ignore it because a certain political class says so. Because well, it's just mean to make fun of the tranny and whatever.

Seems to me these days that some people want any sort of sexual perversion accepted as normal behavior. Well except straight marriage. That is abnormal.

The road to total collapse is often foretold by a complete femenization of the rulling class (and those under it trying to mimic it for whatever reason.) The United States and pretty much all of the "western" civ type nations are doomed and this weird attitude about pedophilia and whom will do the largest amount of it are really just OK and NORMAL people is the big fat black swan that everyone wants to pretend is actually some sort of tiny peaceful dove.

I give the west 100 years tops - unless attitudes dramatically change.

How in the heck did you manage to twist this good news into hating on the drag community?

I hope some attitudes change dramatically right away, starting with yours.

You are taking one bad case and applying it to the entire drag community, as usual. Drag queens are not all homosexual, many are heterosexual with children of their own. The books they were reading were not sexual they were about diversity, so stop twisting facts. If you see a big fat black swan, that is because you want to see a big fat black swan.

To OP:

Anyway, good news and small baby steps forward for LGBTQ people's rights. Also, those religious folk need to learn the difference from perverted behaviour in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah) and the behaviour of a loving homosexual couple - totally two different behaviours.

Time will tell and if I were alive to see it, I would bet highly in favor of my precognition. Mainly because it has happened many times before. Ever wonder why French royalty dressed as "poofs" before the French Revolution? Same with the unbelievable amount of "buggery" among the British elites before they lost their empire? How about Rome and it's elites outright flaunting of pederasty and pedophilia. In all cases when those things become the "norm" in elite circles - complete and abject failure is just around the corner.

I see no reason why the United States is any different, and to be honest it seems to already be happening.
edit on 23-3-2019 by Fools because: sentence correction

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: Fools

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: Fools
Basically pedophilia is ok when it is homosexual pedophilia.

The more homosexuality is accepted in society the less we will see the phenomena of homosexual pedophiles.

That must be why a transgender activist MUST be allowed to read books to small children in a classroom setting about "sexuality". And then of course when he is found to be a person that has an actual history of child abuse we MUST ignore it because a certain political class says so. Because well, it's just mean to make fun of the tranny and whatever.

Seems to me these days that some people want any sort of sexual perversion accepted as normal behavior. Well except straight marriage. That is abnormal.

The road to total collapse is often foretold by a complete femenization of the rulling class (and those under it trying to mimic it for whatever reason.) The United States and pretty much all of the "western" civ type nations are doomed and this weird attitude about pedophilia and whom will do the largest amount of it are really just OK and NORMAL people is the big fat black swan that everyone wants to pretend is actually some sort of tiny peaceful dove.

I give the west 100 years tops - unless attitudes dramatically change.

How in the heck did you manage to twist this good news into hating on the drag community?

I hope some attitudes change dramatically right away, starting with yours.

You are taking one bad case and applying it to the entire drag community, as usual. Drag queens are not all homosexual, many are heterosexual with children of their own. The books they were reading were not sexual they were about diversity, so stop twisting facts. If you see a big fat black swan, that is because you want to see a big fat black swan.

To OP:

Anyway, good news and small baby steps forward for LGBTQ people's rights. Also, those religious folk need to learn the difference from perverted behaviour in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah) and the behaviour of a loving homosexual couple - totally two different behaviours.

Time will tell and if I were alive to see it, I would bet highly in favor of my precognition. Mainly because it has happened many times before. Ever wonder why French royalty dressed as "poofs" before the French Revolution? Same with the unbelievable amount of "buggery" among the British elites before they lost their empire? How about Rome and it's elites outright flaunting of pederasty and pedophilia. In all cases when those things become the "norm" in elite circles - complete and abject failure is just around the corner.

I see no reason why the United States is any different, and to be honest it seems to already be happening.

The same within the Bible, the perverted were those who had #1 Power #2 Money.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 03:38 PM
What happens to the orphan kids when these agancies deside not to take the funding?

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: Fools

originally posted by: Krakatoa

originally posted by: Fools
I will go ahead and say it. Historically speaking, sexual deviants have been or will be pedophiles when given the opportunity. Statistics are played with on both sides of the issue. For me every homosexual (lesbian or gay man) I have ever known personally (on an actual friendship level) was definitely molested by an adult they trusted when they were children.

This was when I was in my early 20's so maybe things have changed, but I doubt it. Also I noticed (especially with the lesbians I knew) that they loved getting with younger under 18 girls. Absolutely loved it and were proud of it. I suppose because no one really cared in a moral sense or something. I have no idea.

Then you seem to hang out with the wrong kind of friends. Perhaps you need to reassess your social circle. I have LGBT+ people in my family and social circle too, and not one of them behave in that manner. In fact, I would guess that type of behavior would come out as part of the normal interview process regardless of sexual preferences.

By your standard then - as soon as we accept that many Catholic priests are just pedophiles, they will stop being pedophiles. Absolutely brilliant.

Please, explain to me where I even hinted at the acceptance of pedophilia from anyone....please, show it to me. See, you can't because it is NOT there. Being LGBT+ does NOT, repeat NOT mean pedophilia. That illegal perversion is not solely in the LGBT+ society, is it? It has nothing to do with that other than an overlapping demographic with "straight" people.

I reiterate, you need to reassess your choice of friends. You seem to be a magnet for the dregs of humanity. That speaks more about you and your lifestyle than any LGBT+ couple that is suitable for adopting a child.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: Fools

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: Fools
Basically pedophilia is ok when it is homosexual pedophilia.

The more homosexuality is accepted in society the less we will see the phenomena of homosexual pedophiles.

That must be why a transgender activist MUST be allowed to read books to small children in a classroom setting about "sexuality". And then of course when he is found to be a person that has an actual history of child abuse we MUST ignore it because a certain political class says so. Because well, it's just mean to make fun of the tranny and whatever.

Seems to me these days that some people want any sort of sexual perversion accepted as normal behavior. Well except straight marriage. That is abnormal.

The road to total collapse is often foretold by a complete femenization of the rulling class (and those under it trying to mimic it for whatever reason.) The United States and pretty much all of the "western" civ type nations are doomed and this weird attitude about pedophilia and whom will do the largest amount of it are really just OK and NORMAL people is the big fat black swan that everyone wants to pretend is actually some sort of tiny peaceful dove.

I give the west 100 years tops - unless attitudes dramatically change.

How in the heck did you manage to twist this good news into hating on the drag community?

I hope some attitudes change dramatically right away, starting with yours.

You are taking one bad case and applying it to the entire drag community, as usual. Drag queens are not all homosexual, many are heterosexual with children of their own. The books they were reading were not sexual they were about diversity, so stop twisting facts. If you see a big fat black swan, that is because you want to see a big fat black swan.

To OP:

Anyway, good news and small baby steps forward for LGBTQ people's rights. Also, those religious folk need to learn the difference from perverted behaviour in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah) and the behaviour of a loving homosexual couple - totally two different behaviours.

Time will tell and if I were alive to see it, I would bet highly in favor of my precognition. Mainly because it has happened many times before. Ever wonder why French royalty dressed as "poofs" before the French Revolution? Same with the unbelievable amount of "buggery" among the British elites before they lost their empire? How about Rome and it's elites outright flaunting of pederasty and pedophilia. In all cases when those things become the "norm" in elite circles - complete and abject failure is just around the corner.

I see no reason why the United States is any different, and to be honest it seems to already be happening.

The same within the Bible, the perverted were those who had #1 Power #2 Money.

It is when they flaunt it and demand that the rest of society accept it that you start having problems. They are very openly doing so now. And it is what it is. I will never follow that lead.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 04:35 PM
I disagree. I believe the odds of it happening in such a household are increased quite a bit. I am not saying that there is not ever the same thing happening in "straight" households because that would be a lie as well. I am saying that historically and statistically the rate of child abuse (sexual) is several times more likely in LGBT household.

There is no need for me to explain myself. If you disagree, then there will be no proof or statistic or personal report or anything at all really that will change your mind. You will never understand why I raise concern. You need to be "progressive".

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: Krakatoa
As a conservative I happen to agree with this move. As long as the parents can be deemed acceptable from a financial, emotional, lifestyle (meaning not partying every night), and supportive nature, who the heck cares what gender they love. The needs of the child should be first and foremost in these situations.

So basically, instead of being open to all adoption agencies, we're shutting down a bunch or shutting them out and thus, limiting the range of available places that will place children with available parents?

It's not that I want to limit the range of families open to children so long as they are stable, but if you shut out some in favor of those who will cater to a minority range of families, how many fewer families overall will end up served, how many fewer children end up placed?

If the end goal is to place children in stable families then we should be open to all agencies who end up doing that, even if not all agencies are available to every type of family.

Or look at the numbers this way ---

Before, you have say ... 50 agencies that were actively working with 50 families to place 50 children, but let's say 15 of those agencies did not believe in placing children in LGBT homes. So let's say now that you lose 15 of those agencies now you only have 35 agencies working to place 35 children. Was it worth the loss in service? Are those 15 children left out or left waiting worth making your political point?
edit on 23-3-2019 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

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